
Human Goodness Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"99% of people in the world are good and the way you can improve the world is with technology."
"These people are so angry about everything and they are so locked in this bubble of Rage about the world around them that they cannot even step outside of themselves and realize that this is a good human doing something good for other humans, which is objectively good."
"Jack believed in the inherent goodness of humanity and felt a deep social responsibility to protect that."
"You need to treat yourself better than you treat a houseplant or your dog."
"Most people in the world are good... even when put in tough spots the vast majority of the world."
"Most people are pretty normal and good regardless of when they were born."
"I think it's the good people in abilities that save us."
"There are always good people in every really bad situation."
"Love you despite the differences. You prove that good people are the same throughout the world."
"There are more good people in the world than there are bad."
"Just those little gestures, those little signs that show that there is good here."
"He was one of the better human beings that you would ever meet."
"I think there's good in everybody, maybe sometimes it's deep, deep, deep. But I do think that at their core everybody's a good person."
"They've been nothing but 110 loyal to me, and if there's anything in the world that I have hope in, it's you know they give me that hope that there is still good people out there."
"We are beautiful people. We are doing good to the world."
"I think if you love yourself then everything else is easier because now I know fundamentally I'm a good person I also know fundamentally people are good."
"Even in a cruel world, there are still good people who share our sentiments."
"A married woman needs to make sure she is first fulfilling her god-appointed role as helper and homemaker."
"And to just know that there's good people everywhere."
"Life is full of really good hard-working people."
"You know what you are, a very nice human being."
"Even from those in the Taliban, there is still some good in humanity to be found."
"This good Samaritan just trying to return someone's lost bird, my faith in humanity is restored."
"Spider-Man's stories are supposed to be about how even though life is hard and things can get bad, people are still good."
"I generally do believe people are good. I generally do believe that. I generally do believe people want to do the right thing."
"Most people are good, yeah. And so if I'd rather camp with me and five other people that I don't know and feel safe because I know the percentage of large, most people are good."
"Good people make it easy to be nice."
"People are good, people are so good."
"Moral beauty when we see these little moments of human goodness, of reconciling or two adversaries hugging."
"People are inherently good, and that doesn't matter what country you're from."
"People are good, not all of them, but most people are good."
"Most of us know what the right thing to do is most of the time, most people are good."
"I always believe in my heart that people can be good."
"People want to be good, I think they do, I think they genuinely do."
"He's a good man, he's a good human being."
"...it's amazing when you actually look for good in other people, you'll find it."
"The fundamental goodness of their humanity... if there are moments of love and moments of connection, that is being experienced as a very tender important meaningful experience."
"People are almost always better than you think."
"Why can't people just be good? I ask myself that all the time. It costs me nothing; that's super easy. It takes actually more energy for me to be angry and be hateful and do something hurtful."
"Good people usually end up delivering good outcomes."
"There might be bad people in the world, but you know what? There's a lot more good people in it."
"Generally, people are good, you just want to get to where you're going and be safe."
"I believe that most people in the world are good people."
"Feelings of betrayal may have dampened her desire to marry again, but her renewed commitment to recognizing the good in humanity will hopefully dissolve any negative emotions."
"It never hurts to see the goodness in that human being; they often act the better because of it."
"Good men exist, good women also exist."
"They're really good people. They genuinely care about people."
"Let democracy thrive, let us be Nigerians, let us see each other first and foremost as human beings capable of doing good things."
"But June would counter that trust is faith, that to trust someone is to believe in the goodness of people and in the world that shapes them."
"I try to look at people and give people the best. I want to believe that people are good."
"Look for the good in other people."
"Perhaps the idea that there are good people in good places, places where truth and love and kindness can find light enough to grow tall and strong, is a fantasy."
"I believe in the goodness of humans too."
"If we look at them as human beings trying to do good in the world, which they are, rather than any sense of enemy, that's just true and it's also going to be tactically a lot smarter."
"They're all good people anyway, so they deserve to have some fun in their lives."
"I wanted to show you that people can be good and forgive each other."