
Public Exposure Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"After this, I'm never gonna make any of my relationships public again."
"She went viral for exposing a famous professional soccer player in Brazil. She told reporters verbatim, 'If something happens to me, it was him. He did it.'"
"If you have a significant following, the double-edged sword of public exposure is always there."
"Creating something is hard, and creating something for people to see is even harder."
"You have no secrets, you have no privacy, you might not even have any friends because every day of your life is recorded, monitored, and posted to a massive family vlogging channel for millions to watch."
"Way worse than huge festivals... it's just you, on everyone's video, on a very very special day."
"It was a royal exposure without precedent, and the press had a field day."
"Once the public knows about it, the narcissist loses."
"Goya was not one to shy from painting horrors, or hide his most twisted work from the public."
"Your true nature has been exposed to everyone. Everyone knows you that go-getter, you that hustler."
"Our investigations into Onision, continue to anticipate some developments in the next week or two. Exposure will continue for Onision."
"Being on stage in front of so many people, being so intimately exposed caused her to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol."
"It's just gonna mess up to people's mental health... it's just constantly being brought online."
"Here I am, with a hit game, with our own booth at Tokyo Game Show."
"I don't want to be famous. I want this to be exposed. I want no more women to be abused. I want no more children to be abused. I don't want this to exist."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly if not daily, thousands since this trial has started. People mocking, mocking my testimony about being assaulted, making fun of my objection."
"Acknowledging the fear that you have of putting yourself out there in the world."
"I think my life is my life and I never want it to be the show."
"Exposing this to public view to millions of viewers, what's this kid's life gonna be like?"
"Social media can go a long way, shares on social media can expose the story to a new audience."
"Every time you hit share or post something, it exposes the story to a new audience."
"People were able to see the truth of certain situations."
"Sometimes it is a little nerve-wracking when you know that it's about to go out to the public and that people that you've never met before are able to judge you and your life."
"It's about putting it out in court and showing the evidence, and then dragging them out in the light with Discovery."
"It wasn't just about the restraining order; John went further in airing out the dirty laundry."
"Anyone that's willing to go on that stage is incredibly brave and has opened themselves up to public scrutiny."
"It ruins what we got and I think that sucks but um you know that it happened so it's out and everyone knows."
"Not everything needs to be posted. Sometimes it doesn't benefit you to go viral."
"Debates are critical opportunities to introduce yourself to a lot of people who may not have seen you, to mix it up, to show you have the stuff that it takes to beat the Republican in the fall."
"All hands have to be on deck. We have to put these people on the summer jam screen. Their name has to be synonymous with their racist deeds."
"I don't want you to be public though, like right when you're public, it's over."
"All these fans, all these cameras, just go really bad for me, man."
"We're gonna have to start putting these folks names out there and when you put folks names out there in film that stays out there forever."
"Finally getting it on a big stage and getting all these eyes on it, it got an enormous response."
"That's not exposing, that's holding people accountable."
"By filing this lawsuit, Mr. Vyas becomes the first person to finally expose Wells Fargo's fraud victim account closure scandal to the public."
"Everybody can perform under the bright lights."
"Treat me like dirt for years, I'll expose you at your wedding and let your breakdown do the rest."
"I'm just exposing myself here, I have a problem you guys, all know this, she's seen this too which is equally embarrassing."
"If you took their private conversations and put them in the public square, not only would they be ashamed of it, but our entire community would probably be somewhat ashamed of it."
"The important thing that's now new here is that Fusion GPS is basically having to make itself known because of this testimony to Congress by the founder of Fusion GPS."
"Never say something out loud that you wouldn't want published in The Wall Street Journal."
"London: The world's first great capitalist economy."
"You can't put it back in the box when everyone saw it online. The person he killed was a terrorist."
"It's actually revealing of someone who's cognitive slippage is getting worse by the day and showing it more flagrantly every single day."
"Finding the balance of public versus private on social media."
"It's important you guys know this exists. This witness says multiple people heard her, it wasn't even just like this one person's coming forward to be a hey I'm Gonna Be My Five Minutes of Fame."
"The world is gonna see it, the world is gonna watch it."
"People will hold on to the most emotionally compromising information just because there's a book coming out."
"Think about how long Trump has been in front of the cameras and on stage, we're talking 40 years."
"Public judgement 24/7 when you put your lives out there."
"What we are witnessing is a political Scandal of potentially Epic Proportions."
"Prisoners of war must be protected from public curiosity under the Geneva Convention."
"Prisoners of war must be protected at all times, particularly from public curiosity."
"We need a guest that will come and pour it all out on the floor. You need to be flawed, you need to be flawed on camera."
"I hope you read this out in one of your videos so that more people know what a rotten scumbag Che Beau Skill is."
"It's interesting that uh Roger Stone has released the video of himself being arrested and yet Trump hasn't released the uh video from Mar-A-Lago."
"It takes courage to put yourself out there and fail."
"As much as we don't want them to, words hurt, and getting millions of words every day, I'm sure, hurts a lot."
"We're going to expose the hell out of you. Maybe it will help. Maybe the hell will come out of him. Maybe he'll have a come-to-Jesus moment in his life. One can hope."
"If Janet Jackson got banned for a wardrobe malfunction that exposed one nipple, he should be for purposely exposing both of his."
"She got fired on Twitter. The entire world on Twitter had witnessed her demise while she's sitting in an airplane 30,000 feet above the ground eating peanuts."
"Sam Cedar crashed Ethan Klein's debate, exposing Crowder's cowardice."
"Be yourself. Just remember that anything you put on the internet anyone can see."
"This fight is going to show the world everything."
"The prevailing unchanging idea is exposing putting people to graphic sexual imagery and acts is not okay."
"It's genuinely incredible to me that this bloke has managed to be exposed for so many awful things by so many people and yet he still has the lack of Shame."
"You know that thread that I wrote has got yet almost four million views. Elon Musk commented on it. I know they've all seen it and not a single candidate, not a single politician has said one single word on it. None of them. It's wild, actually."
"We're holding a mirror up for all the world to see who these people are."
"The worst monsters are no longer hiding in the dark, but out here in the light of the technology in front of our faces."
"Some of the rich and powerful are quaking in their Jeffrey Epstein, the little black book might end up going public."
"An in-depth exposé about Chris struggling with addiction and anger. A lot of his friends piped up without gas in the loire magazine with allegations saying that he's dancing with death."
"Rudy Giuliani is blowing the lid off of the fast-growing Hunter Biden scandal, telling Newsmax on Tuesday night that he met with Delaware State Police this week over shocking materials found on the alleged hard drive of Hunter Biden."
"It looks like the truth is finally coming out, and y'all, it looks like Taylor is about to lose his whole entire career."
"Chris Hansen exposing famous YouTubers as potential predators."
"Sammy shot himself in the foot with his girlfriend putting her with him on camera on television."
"Privacy really wasn't as much of a concern like, you know when someone won the lottery they would just post their address in the papers."
"This should have never went public, I didn't put it on live, he did."
"You didn't see the cameras? You're on live TV."
"Children should be kept out of the public eye as much as possible."
"Finally, the world will have the names of various prominent people exposed."
"Sharing that public data on Twitter is equivalent to posting 'basically assassination coordinates'..."
"Even if your stuff isn't great, just put it out there for people to see."
"These companies should be held accountable. This is part of that exposure."
"Their most vulnerable state of grief and then showing it to the public... a real invasion of privacy."
"It was a risque decision for the dom triplets to de-robe for Playboy and one that they didn't take lightly."
"He's a man who owns his faults... he took accountability of texts that were never intended to be seen by the world."
"The world's gonna see his mental weakness in abundance."
"If you have a bad night, if you have a great night, everyone hears it. For better or for worse, everything comes through."
"I think making [a relationship] public is a mistake. Putting a public aspect on a relationship, I just think it's unhealthy between two people."
"You put it out there in the public, and now you're allowing them to hold you accountable."
"It's like learning a musical instrument except you do all your practice in public"
"I've been an executive at record labels for decades, but I never really exercised that muscle to the public."
"...the problem that you were concerned about was his threat or the threat of his financiers to make this public."
"Nothing's gonna protect you from YouTube comments. This is gonna be wrong no matter whatever if we do this on our own channel as Brits."
"Victor Cruz from Paterson New Jersey was allegedly put on blast by his fiancee Elena"
"Clayton went public... which incited a tremendous amount of harassment towards me."
"There are advantages to taking a story public and watch your phone. It'll start ringing with calls from witnesses who've read the articles or saw the broadcast."
"The criticism isn't even just, 'oh he used his marriage as a dunk,' the criticism is, okay, he's used his marriage as a dunk and now is crying for privacy despite the fact he has put his marriage front and center of his content multiple times."
"What would you tell yourself if you could go back in time to the first night you made a YouTube video? I would tell myself be careful what you say because a lot of people are going to see these one day."
"Amber's playing had that effect on people. Nerves swirled in her stomach. Would he hear her and decide she needed to be out in the world? Would he tell her she shouldn't be hiding a talent like that?"
"The fact that silver and gold are kind of going mainstream being offered through an outlet like Costco means that there are lots of people that are encountering these bullion items for the first time."
"What happens in Vegas goes on YouTube."
"For better or worse now it's done, there's nothing I can do about it, it's out there now, it's out in the world."
"I made a lot of money from exposing my grief."
"Every artist wants their work to be seen... there's a lot of passion in it."
"It's time to step into the spotlight and take a risk."
"I hope no one took a photo and put it on Reddit."
"Giving your art to the world to see."
"Let's not normalize putting kids on YouTube just because you think it should be normal."
"It's easy to sit back and have judgment and opinions of them, but it takes a lot to get on here and show yourself, your thoughts, and your work."
"Not everything has to be done on camera."
"Put together your best work and just put it out there."