
Coming Out Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"I came out at 17, starting a management company."
"The queer rite of passage known as coming out has been a narrative driving force of a significant amount of queer cinema, reflecting its importance to many of us in our own lives."
"These moments of coming out aren't always met with a simple happily ever after. Scenes of rejection, ignorance, and estrangement are just as common, reflecting the real-life experiences of many people in the queer community."
"Coming out inherently challenges structures of power on an individual and mass scale."
"Coming out can be a wonderful and joyous process, but it isn't a moral imperative. No one owes you that information about themselves, not even actors in the public eye."
"Making sure you're in a safe and supportive environment when you do come out is more important than when you come out."
"I always would say to people as a joke, 'Well, I'll come out when my parents die,' but I realized in Corona like I don't want my parents to die and not know the real me."
"I got a lot of questions about why I came out when I did. It was for the simple reason that I was finally ready."
"Congratulations to his daughter for having the courage to come out, considering the stance that his father has about black gay men."
"If coming out is going to jeopardize your health or security or job or any of that stuff you're better off lying, but it ain't gonna be easy."
"I never thought of coming out of a closet because I never was in a closet."
"Don't feel like you have to come out and thereby put yourself in a position where you could be in danger."
"If you're not safe to come out, don't come out, protect yourself at all costs."
"Your main priority needs to be your safety. If you're in a situation where coming out would actually put you in danger emotionally, physically, mentally, however, I don't think that it's so important that you come out."
"Happy Demi Lovato coming out as non-binary day!"
"In less than one year, he will come out as gay."
"Coming out is not something just gay people do; people in your life need to come out and be open about it."
"For many gay people, the hardest stuff is coming out to those who are closest to them."
"Ellen Page came out to the public as gay during a 2014 Human Rights Campaign conference in Las Vegas." - Ellen Page
"Smithers finally came out of the closet to mr. burns."
"When I came out of the closet, that showed me that feeling of openness, freedom."
"Be patient with your parents when you come out."
"I was devastated and scared, and of course, I had struggled with being gay, having these feelings since I was very young. And they usually wait until their — yeah, it's never easy to come out and especially to have it forced out at that age."
"Congratulations to Dame Kelly for coming out after 32 years."
"Colin came out to his students because he wanted to fully embrace himself."
"But I'm hoping this video can shed some light on why Siwa's coming out is so significant right now."
"The fact that it didn't require any kind of fall from grace or major change of image for Siwa to feel comfortable coming out at the height of fame, feels pretty unique."
"There's no right or wrong way to come out and it was just finding out what worked for me."
"I remember when I came out to dad I was like dad I like girls and he was like no way me too."
"We've hit a point where we need to come out consciously."
"I ran out of reasons to believe myself and so I just applaud you for coming out. I think it's the best thing in the long run."
"Coming out doesn't change who you are," obviously. "I've heard lots of stories of queer people coming out and having to reiterate to their crying families, 'I'm still me. I'm still your kid or sibling or whatever. This doesn't change who I am.'"
"The conversation of coming out is so important."
"It’s important when you’re coming out to have a friend who’s understanding and will stick with you no matter what, and that’s exactly what Jake is to Rosa."
"When you're ready to come out about it, I'll be there to support you."
"So when I came out you know I definitely recognized myself in high school the full extent of my you know homosexuality."
"Coming out is about revealing our authentic selves."
"You can't really just pretend that you're not, you gotta come out."
"I'm proud of you for coming out. That's a big step."
"It's amazing how far I've come since coming out. It inspires me to move forward."
"Coming out can be stressful, liberating, and taxing, all at once."
"You don't owe anyone coming out if you don't want to."
"The real reason that I ghosted you is because... I'm gay."
"Now that I'm out to my parents, I am looking forward to living the most authentic life."
"Convinced from encouraging Sim to come out: finally, the Sim feels comfortable enough to come out to their loved ones."
"Feeling proud. I'm so glad I came out to the Sim, knowing that they accept me for who I am is the best feeling."
"I was pretty much forced out of the closet in like seventh or eighth grade."
"I honestly wasn't planning on coming out to her anytime soon, but I am so glad that I did."
"As important people are able to come out when they're ready."
"Coming out should not be about realizing who you are. Coming out just should be the expression."
"If you're struggling, wrestling with your sexuality, if you're wrestling with coming out, you are more than welcome to reach out to me."
"I think only come out when it's the right time for you and that you have a safety net around you."
"May all of your coming out experiences be wonderful be be at least calm right and just kind of accept yourself."
"I definitely think that you need to come out to yourself first before you come out."
"Lil Nas X came out publicly as gay via Twitter, revealing that he had come out to his family earlier that month."
"He didn't even do an official coming out, right? There was no video, there was no announcement."
"You're coming out as a spiritual warrior, someone who is divinely protected."
"Hey Mom I'm gay and I'm dating someone older than you."
"It's obviously not like coming out as gay, but it's hard to tell your family."
"...coming out to my dad was really, really hard for me but with the help of my loving and supportive mother, it was a lot easier."
"I am F2M and I haven't been very open about it until I recently came out a couple months ago, and now I'm very open about the whole entire experience for the most part, I'd say."
"I could not talk about... I'm gay."
"I think that is a cautionary tale that probably a lot of people have watched it and been like, 'Maybe I should come out the closet,' you know? Like, I don't want to live with the regret that the person I love you know passes away or something."
"Coming out means more than just telling people what you do in bed, it's a revelation of your real self."
"One of the things I'm proud of in my life is coming out to my parents and coming out to everyone like my friends and everything and just being this more confident person recently."
"I've known that I've been gay for ages, but now that I've come out, I feel as though I've really like sort of blossomed into my own human being if that makes sense because I'm being true to myself and I'm being honest to the rest of the world of who I am."
"I was told that if I ever came out it would kill my grandma."
"A lot of gay people first come out of the closet, their families and friends abandon them, and their whole life really shifts. And it's common that the only place that gay people can seek refuge is with other members of the community."
"I didn't realize how brave I actually am until I've come out."
"Coming out doesn't always need to be a big production or an accident."
"As soon as I come out in 2012 it just erupted with gangs."
"I think my coming out was impacted by my family and by the expectations they had of me."
"I was nervous to tell my family that I was dating because it happened really soon after I came out just like a few months and I wasn't planning on that at all."
"The bravery to come out in those circumstances."
"Someone could be coming out of the closet, becoming open with their sexuality or who they really are."
"My coming out story, I was 14. I met this girl who was a stud, of course. She had recently moved to Atlanta because of Hurricane Katrina. She was the first stud I had ever come across."
"I officially came out at 14, but I knew that I liked girls at 10. There's something about that number 10."
"The first person I came out to was myself, in my bathroom, in my mirror."
"The truth is every queer person has the right to come out on their own terms and on their own timeline."
"He just said that he's proud of me and the community is proud of me because I just recently came out to my dad."
"Coming out happens once, and you won't ever need to feel this pain again."
"It's not for you to tell them if they're lying. It's just not, and so this guy, this kid, should not have had to feel that pressure to come out just because freaking entitled [ __ ]."
"You look so beautiful, and this dress looks amazing on you. But lately I just realized that I'm bi. And I want to be by myself."
"People will almost talk about their sexuality because they think that I was in the closet for so long and had to hide so much."
"It wasn't until I booked a commercial that was about to go national that I was like, 'Oh, I have to, I have to tell them.' So I had to come out to them as an, as an actor."
"I think the cool thing about coming out when I was 14 is... it just bashes down any potential barriers."
"If you ever get the chance of coming out, do it. It's absolutely great."
"The dismissiveness of it all, you don't know. And so that's what's so beautiful is when people say, 'This is like my how-to guide about how to come out to family.'"
"Having a good time. I had more fun coming out to my parents."
"So I was like, 'I think I'm gay.' She goes, 'Okay, and what are we going to do about this?'"
"That's why when people are like, 'How do I come out to my parents?' How do I come out to people? I'm like, I'm not the person to ask because I didn't come out until I was 29."
"So, I came out to my mom when I was an undergrad. I mean, so even though I told her I was gay because even though sexuality is a spectrum, when you're Asian parents only take 100."
"It's an odd thing to consider... the friends that I've made since I-- however you want to call it, came out of the closet, have certainly made it more than worthwhile."
"I can't tell you how to come out. Every single situation is different, every single person is different. All I'm going to say is I think it's best that you come out when it is safe for you to come out."
"Don't let other people's opinions be why you don't come out."
"I’m… yeah. I’m gay. This is a great day for me!"
"I finally told my friends and family I was gay after being scared in the closet for 18 years and all they said was 'we know.'"
"People are are not always as uh as cool with stuff as they think they are you know, even people who describe themselves as Progressive did not necessarily take my coming out so well."
"If she does come out as something other than straight that's going to be a major moment in future queer history."
"Queer people understand how difficult it is to come out, and I feel like it's a bit strange that people don't really think that applies to celebrities just because they're in the public eye."
"I grew out of that. Like, I was young. I came out young when I came out to my mother. I came out very young."
"To come out is synonymous with taking the next step of self-love."
"Coming out is a very difficult thing, isn't it?"
"I think you should come out. This is great. We got sex, violence. Aren't you glad you don't have these people's problems?"
"I didn't come out of the closet I came out of the pantry because I'm a snack."
"Manvendra's coming out made headlines and garnered mixed reactions."
"If I could go back, I would try to come out sooner... but happier, healthier, a lot of my friends have just noticed like 'wow, you just seem to be doing so much better'."
"Alex's mom was so great with him coming out it seemed like they skipped the coming out part with the dad but he was happy to have Henry around as well and it's nice to have that moment for Alex."
"I'm gay, unlike most gay people though, I did not come out of the closet, I came out of a cookie."
"But yeah I all say now I'm just finishing off if anybody has struggled you know don't be scared to come out I was [__] petrified coming out saying thing is that it's not it's not so much the owner versus ticked a great young lady with us I can deal window exactly exactly."
"You rewrote history when you came out."
"I don't know if anyone wants to hear this story, but I came out to Ron, I think it was Tuesday, and that next weekend, for the first time, that Saturday night, I went to a gay bar."
"When I chose to come out, I did so entirely for my own well-being. Nobody forced me out, neither I nor anyone else to my knowledge has ever issued an injunction super or otherwise about my relationship with this colleague."
"There's nothing scary about coming out beforehand. It is absolutely terrifying."
"What if my happiest moment was when I came out to my mom? Oh, that was slick; I appreciate that transition."
"They'll come around. It's one of those things where we need to come out for ourselves sometimes."
"Go at your own pace no one else's story is the same as yours so while you can listen to other people's coming out stories and feel inspired and feel motivated remember your own story and act by Your Own Story."
"First, somebody has to come out the closet. Peek-a-boo!"
"It's very liberating I feel like in even when I was like younger like when I was in I feel like I came out and I think no I did I came out in Middle School."
"It's a subject which a lot of gay people have to come across at some point."
"Mr Beast was one of the first people she ever came out to... supportive from literally years and years and years ago."
"I was in the closet for so long and he shared with me a letter that had been sent to him, which really moved me."
"There is no set way that you should come out or have to come out or when you have to come out or when you should come out or whatever."
"Coming out is hard, and if you're not ready to do it, you don't have to."
"I love that it takes you through that process of opening up, coming out, starting with addressing your feelings—they're not going away."
"One of the hardest things I have ever done was coming out to my spouse. I wanted to save my relationship and knew that coming out was the only option but the fear of losing him was immense."
"I've had a few coming outs because you can change your mind and that's always okay. Yeah, dad [ __ ] yeah, dad. Daddy, sorry, sorry. Little did he know I was going to come out again and again and again. Yay!"
"It was my coming out moment on television."
"I came out to my family. I had a big day on Thanksgiving."
"I love that Nick with the help of Charlie by his side was able to come out on his own terms."
"And so finally I said yes, I would love to marry him and I would love to come out."
"Coming out in five words: terrifying, freeing, nauseating, thrilling, and loving."
"I didn't really have to come out because I got the stud sister."
"I love him. Since the day he came out, Judge. I love him."
"Coming out to them wasn't an easy process. I had to go through the 'are you sure? How do you know for sure?'"
"I'm absolutely in awe of this woman, I'm so proud of her to obviously come out."
"People shouldn't have to come out. That's the goal."
"I guess this is me coming out as bi."
"The only thing that changes coming out of the closet is how you love, and that's it."
"I still have people come up to me in airports and say, 'Oh, when I was 15, I was watching that show with my parents, and it made my coming out process so much easier.'"
"I was so proud of her at the time and how well she came out."
"Coming out is a personal decision and a life-changing experience."
"That fear of being outed is so incredibly real, and I think every queer person goes through it at some point."
"Coming out is a gradual process and, frankly, it's a lifelong process."
"Every person who has come out remembers that day, that night, every minute detail, and they remember their parents and friends' reactions; it is burned into us like a brand and it stays with us forever."
"When people come out who are not like me, it's a thing for safety because now they can live in their right."
"Coming out to my family was honestly the easiest thing of my life."
"We've been so obsessed with the idea of coming out, it's like we've forgotten why we wanted to do it in the first place."
"I'm quite excited that we're moving into a world where people won't have their coming out moment."
"At least when I think of my coming out, I know that I did it in my time and in my way, using my voice."
"I've gotten a lot of messages of people saying I inspired them to come out."
"You wanting to come out, that's probably a good sign that you are in a safe space."
"Mom, I'm gay, I like guys, and I hope you can still love me."
"When he made his grand announcement, he became the first Disney character to have a coming-out scene."
"It takes a lot of courage for a man to come out in his truth."
"Coming out to my mom was amazing."
"I had a fantastic coming out experience and I know now how fortunate I am."
"I remember coming out to these people when I was a young person and having the most robust, incredible, empathetic response from people that I never saw it coming from."
"After much attention, I have decided to come out and finally feel comfortable announcing my true authentic self."
"It's about his own coming out and coming of age and his quest to find himself and find his own family."
"When you come out, I think everything gets better."
"When you come out, you're a strong person for doing this, so just remember that."
"I came out to my family when I was 16, and from the very beginning, they were nothing but supportive."
"It's a slowly dawning realization of what you're attracted to. That's what it's like to come out to yourself."
"For me it was a liberating time, and so that's why I did a beautiful photograph of us, in a coming out card."
"Just live life, you know it's fun, you have no more stress about coming out."
"No matter what year it is, no matter how old you are, it's a challenge sometimes to come out."
"He still had the strange thrill of adrenaline in his blood; he'd come out to his brother, and it had gone well."
"I loved the fantasy of like a coming out where it all works out well."
"People want advice about coming out."
"The most important thing that I've gotten from Derby was probably the safe place that I had to come out of the closet."
"I think I might be gay... she was a huge help in my coming out."
"With my face literally inches from her... I say out loud I'm gay, I'm sorry, it's not you, I'm gay, really gay."
"Be true to you, it's about my coming out story and how I wasn't able to come out until later in life."
"I'm coming out, I want the world to know, got to let it show."
"It's a great idea to wait until you are older and you're with your friends or you have your own place or you're in college to come out to people who actually really are homophobic and transphobic."
"Tonight he has finally decided to stand tall and announce that he is a wonderful, happy, proud gay man."
"It's a part of the gay identity where it's like you have to come out, and it sucks because you don't know how people are going to react."
"Come out when you're ready. You don't have to force yourself."
"Be patient with yourself and come out at your own pace."
"I'm not upset because I'm glad that I was able to come out. I'm glad that I was able to be transparent."
"I came out in October of my ninth grade year, so freshman year, but I knew I was gay since third grade."
"I came out to her parents. They were incredibly supportive."
"Even once you come out to your family, you're still going to be coming out every time, every day."
"Coming out is your own personal call, and you should do it at your own pace."
"Coming out is not something you have to do, just simply something you want to do or don't want to do."
"Coming out is a big deal, and it just made it seem like, 'Hey, you can come out and be accepted by having your friend read your actions.'"
"I'm very proud of him, he came out."
"I mean, coming out is the most important thing you've ever done. I am glad you did it."
"That coming out still extremely scary and a huge transition in someone's life."
"He trusted me enough to come out to me."
"The very first person that's most important to come out to is yourself."
"Everybody just supporting people who are coming out is huge."
"When I came out as gay, my parents weren't as receptive as I hoped they would have been, so I ran away and I was homeless for a little while."
"I always was like a closeted gay and for some reason I came out telling people."
"Coming out really helped me grow as a person and gave me so much more confidence."
"Sometimes the hardest person to come out to is yourself."
"I came out of the closet because everyone's way more accepting in the modern age."
"I wish I had come out earlier only because I feel happier than I could have ever imagined."