
Economic Freedom Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Economic freedom positively correlates with things that we all want in society."
"Crypto is this secret hiding in plain sight that can create economic freedom for people all over the world."
"If we just all stuck together, we would all have $20 an hour... We ain't never going to be free."
"We have to give people the economic freedom to be able to improve their own situations and start businesses."
"Central banking is shackling the economic potential of humanity."
"Never at one point in any part of human history has the government having a monopoly on our currency and our economy ever been a good thing for humanity."
"More economic freedom lifts everybody out of poverty...the places around the world that are poverty-stricken is to bring them more economic freedom."
"Economic freedom, as in the government doesn't own what you've created. No one else does. That's the point."
"Is economic freedom more important than personal freedom?"
"The cost of your economic emancipation is going to be on the other side of your commitment."
"Milton Friedman...talked a lot about how he believed that economic freedom allowed, when people became richer, they started to demand political freedom."
"We are more capitalists than we are socialists right now, and everywhere the freedom index goes up, prosperity follows."
"When you limit government, you maximize freedom. When you maximize freedom, you maximize prosperity."
"It has absolutely gotten out of control we need to nullify property tax we need to let people get out of the system we need to allow the private sector to work"
"Gold was essential to both economic and general personal political freedom."
"I'm for like monopoly busting laws or anything like that... there's no good reason to tell two consenting individuals they can't exchange money for a service."
"America's treatment of Cuba... Let people travel, let people have economic relationships."
"What a free society does is gives up certain freedoms for the duration, for us, that includes right now economic freedom." - John Cochran
"Small businesses are very correlated with liberty and freedom."
"We need more freedom in America, lower taxes, less government regulation, and a lot less government spending."
"So to sum up, the billionaires are the problem. Until we free ourselves of their yoke, we will never really be free economically, geopolitically, or culturally. So let's get to work."
"History has proven beyond any doubt that the free enterprise that freedom produces provides more for anyone willing to work than any other system."
"The greatness of our country came from the freedom of exchange."
"I'm pro-constitution, pro-free markets, pro-liberty and freedoms."
"Bitcoin represents hope for a refugee fleeing a hostile regime, banking system, or environment."
"The most successful countries... allow people to experiment, prosper, and run their own lives."
"You cannot have political freedom if you don't have economic freedom."
"Economically liberated citizens tend to be more politically liberated citizens."
"Entrepreneurship is the pathway to economic freedom." - "Entrepreneurship is the way to wealth creation."
"I think if America were out of debt on a normal basis, we would have more economic freedom and economic security."
"We know what works: freedom works, limited government works, free enterprise works."
"Only in a capitalist country you can do that."
"Create a parallel economy that cannot be touched by government regulation. Do you want dangerous Freedom or do you want peaceful slavery?"
"People cannot really be free unless they have basic economic rights."
"Economic Liberty is essential to personal liberty."
"If we want a prosperous society that actually creates wealth and raises standards of living for the vast majority of people, what we need is economic freedom."
"Democratic socialism to me requires achieving political and economic freedom in every community."
"It's not 61p mate, it's Freedom that you're paying. It's costing you a lot more than money to have her on your money."
"I can take money I as a black man I can take money and go to Nigeria I could buy acres of land as much as I can afford you agree with me right"
"History teaches the dangers of government that overreaches, political control taking precedence over free economic growth."
"Work is coercive; the freedom to not work should be an option."
"A lot of us that value freedom, liberty, and free market capitalism believe that a central bank digital currency is going to be forced upon us."
"There's a considerable difference between people having the freedom to do whatever they want with their own money and basically the government's setting terms of assistance when people come to the government."
"Putting more financial liberty into the hands of the people will probably solve a lot of these incarceration issues."
"It's also a battle for not just physical freedom and liberty, but economic freedom and liberty too."
"Unless the monetary supply is unhooked from governments, there will not be any type of true freedom for people."
"The only way to significantly and consistently increase the total amount of real wealth in society is economic freedom."
"Gold is not simply an investment asset. It's a representation of our personal sovereignty and personal economic freedom. It's protection against tyranny."
"Expansion is free, abundance is meant to be free."
"Bitcoin is an asymmetrical asset, meant to hedge risk and provide more freedom."
"Money is now us, we now have fiscal freedom."
"Everybody on the planet has to agree with the idea that if you and I want to transact, I should have the right to be able to do that."
"The bigger the government, the more it can stifle freedom, crowd our private investments, and kill a thriving society."
"Income taxation is a form of forced labor. I was being a slave for nothing until May, just to pay taxes."
"We've paid off our other loan, now we have 80,000 in the bank and no debt at all."
"The goal of a socialist society would be to provide everybody the ability to pursue what they love without having to stress about if they're making enough money to do it."
"I want all digital assets to succeed if they can in a free market on a level playing field."
"The people of America under this constitution will no longer be debt slaves, you will be able to pay off your mortgage in 10 or 15 years instead of 30."
"It's critical that you own gold and silver outside of the system if you want to maintain any level of freedom."
"Maximum prosperity can only be achieved through free markets, free people, and sound money."
"Capitalism affords people the opportunity to pursue whatever dream or aspiration they have."
"I don't mind eating out because it's amazing food, and the amount it takes me to eat out in Dubai, I make more than that while I eat that food."
"The faster you can transfer funds, the more freedom you have, the more robust an economy is, the more freedom you have."
"Freedom matters economically. This is the Ramsay show."
"If you want less poverty, increase freedom, increase ease of transactions, increase ease of starting and release less regulation on a business."
"More economic liberty doesn't mean giving up democracy or civil liberties. Democracy and economic freedom basically go together. There's no great conflict between those two."
"There is no final victory, there is no final defeat, you have to fight for economic freedom."
"When you have more economic freedom, you will have time to contemplate, time to meditate, time to pray, time to travel."
"A black market is the free market made illegal."
"Everything could be free if you left your house."
"The freer the market the freer the people agree."
"Once you are in the economy, you're free to do whatever you want, and I think that is the most important thing."
"In free market economies, property rights maximize your decision-making power."
"Allowing people the freedom and the ownership of their own labor has led to the greatest prosperity humanity has ever known."
"To get to economical Freedom we have to be in control of our natural resources again."
"I'm believing in the power of bitcoin and the power of economic freedom."
"The beauty of the free market is you can decide."
"You're allowed to be capitalist, you're allowed to make money."
"We would have a freedom of choice Americans have."
"The ability to exchange goods and services without government regulation."
"Reaching critical mass where you no longer need an income to sustain your lifestyle."
"If you're not financially free, then you're actually in a prison."
"People have a right to spend their money where they want. It's a moral right, it's good politics."
"If taxes only ever go up and never down, you will become a 100% slave of the state."
"Money opens up opportunities if you are too broke to get out of the house, you're going to struggle."
"There is a currency, a new digital currency that is trying to free the people."
"In a society that does care for basic needs, UBI would be an effective way of just giving people freedom."
"Having money in the bank gives you greater freedom and the ability to take advantage of opportunities when they come along."
"Our goal is to help you find financial freedom through crypto assets."
"The freest Market in the world is the black market."
"The greater the freedom the greater the wealth the greater the government the greater the poverty."
"This actually might be the most important technology that could increase economic freedom around the world." - Brian Armstrong
"As always, economic freedom promotes human freedom."
"80% of people don't love work, but 100% want Total economic freedom."
"We're actively rolling out their digital Euro... and that means the end of economic freedom."
"He concluded that for most people, an emphasis on economic freedom would lead to both individual and political freedom."
"The game changes when you live below your means."
"Are people more economically free on the Internet than they used to be in an old world? And I think the answer is clearly yes."
"The key to our freedom from the tyranny of our economy is knowledge."
"It ceases to be a realm of imperatives and becomes one of opportunities."
"Let's look at our economy and what we need to be changing to once again be free and actually proclaim Liberty throughout the land."
"We're trying to all focus on building more economic freedom in the world."
"One of the reasons I like the idea of relative freedom is that that answers the question in free markets."
"Should we just keep on depending on the same people who held us back to invest in our future, or do we need our own economic freedom and justice?"
"If you're committed to financial freedom, you need to understand that's not about income, it's not about rich either, it's about creating wealth."
"We shouldn't throw out the free market system; it's still the best system we have at creating wealth and creating freedom."
"By getting the economic boot off of people's throats, we're then going to be able to galvanize energy in our society to actually solve the bigger, future-oriented problems."
"Capitalism will only end up this way if you believe that myth about the freedom of market being the gods to which we have bow down and to whom we have to pay obeisance."
"Nobody gets freer when they aren't guaranteed a minimum wage or working protections."
"Choose economic freedom, which has essential characteristics: the rule of law, predictable policy, emphasis on markets, incentives of individuals, and a limited role of government."
"The idea of it more so is that technology allows us to have much better economic liberation tools than we've ever had."
"...remaining together must be on the basis of fairness, must be on the basis of justice, must be on the basis of free economy, must be on the basis of entitlement for all Nigerians."
"If you are a poor person in a free country, you earn on average eight times more than a poor person in an unfree country."
"All you have to do to make an economy work is let ordinary people do what they need to do."
"The proper function of government is to protect people's lives, to be free in the economic sphere."
"Freedom will also be of trade, but even more, Parisians show that they no longer intend to submit without flinching to taxes considered unfair and, most importantly, unequal."
"Market-based supply-side policies are any policies that reduce the role of government in the economy and leave more freedom to the marketplace."
"Countries that embrace economic freedom tend to grow."
"Freedom of trade, investment, and fund flows consistently give it the number one ranking on the Index of Economic Freedom."
"You're also a consumer, and you can take your money wherever you want to take it."
"I wish anybody that's building systems to bring more economic freedom to the world good luck with their projects."
"I've been interested in the relationship between economic freedom and political freedom."
"Hong Kong was a refreshing example of the way in which economic freedom and political freedom work in harmony."
"This is about economic freedom and opportunity."
"Cryptocurrency helps enable that because it enables more economic freedom; more economic freedom leads to more economic growth; more economic growth leads to a faster advent of superhuman intelligences."
"More economic freedom lifts everybody out of poverty."
"Let's bring more economic freedom to the entire world by having peer-to-peer cash."
"The long-term goal must be achieving economic freedom."
"It feels like a pressure or a sense of pressure and a burden is lifted off your shoulders financially."