
Decentralization Quotes

There are 1988 quotes

"Decentralization, after all, is a hedge against the corrupting nature of centralized power."
"Now we can find yield in crypto terms, in crypto native assets, internet native assets that have no nation state dependencies."
"Decentralization is what this space is about."
"Blockchains have to actually be decentralized, blockchains have to actually be credibly neutral, and blockchains have to actually scale."
"The Internet of Things platform is designed to be distributed, not centralized. It works best when it's collaborative, open and transparent, rather than closed and proprietary."
"Democracies are great because they decentralize power across a wide range of interests."
"The single most important principle to me is decentralization."
"Trust is established not by centralized institutions but by protocols, cryptography, and computer code."
"My prescription for the problem of our overlords dictating what speech is allowable is decentralization and democratization."
"Decentralized economics or hey, free enterprise, is the way forward."
"Power should be as close to the people affected by it as possible."
"The real revolution here is decentralization."
"There is a shift from traditional financial markets over to decentralized finance (DeFi)."
"Cryptocurrency is not controlled by the government, it's not controlled by the Fed, it's controlled by nodes all over the world."
"The goal of cryptocurrency is to not be controlled by any one government; it's supposed to be controlled by the people."
"He doesn't just talk about decentralization, he really works really, really hard to make it happen and he puts it above making money."
"Wikipedia has demonstrated a surprising ability to fend off disinformation, what he calls 'socio-technical sludge,' especially given its decentralized structure."
"The more decentralized this transition is, the better it is from a more fair outcome standpoint."
"Decentralization means that each cell controls itself but is interconnected to the others without a central governing force."
"WikiLeaks was able to survive thanks mostly to a very new concept: decentralized money."
"Unlike most currencies in the world, which are created and regulated by central banks, decentralized currency such as Bitcoin is created by the people, and as such is almost impossible to control."
"Decentralized currencies like Bitcoin offer an alternative to the highly regulated and controlled national currencies of the world."
"Distributing power and responsibility down the hierarchy to the most local levels possible is the antidote to tyranny and to slavery."
"We believe that there's this very big shift in the world where... a lot of society was organized around these big institutions very hierarchically top-down and I think the internet gives people the ability to change that."
"Bitcoin is the only asset that is provably achieved decentralization."
"If Bitcoin succeeds... it is the ultimate Enemy of the State."
"Bitcoin's identity is taking that authority away from the government into this decentralized system."
"People need to make mistakes so that we can move forward. If the system is decentralized and someone makes a mistake, only a small portion of the system gets damaged. So, we need freedom."
"Bitcoin is the great equalizer of society, taking away power from the bureaucrats and the government."
"Bitcoin is kind of in a league of its own. It is this decentralized thing; it's the most secure and also I think that there's like the least amount of [__] which I think is a really key piece to this."
"The most important thing... is to keep smart contracts, validators, payments decentralized."
"Bitcoin can't really be co-opted. The fact that it's decentralized means no one can control it, no matter who they are or how much money they have."
"Bitcoin has the only thing that actually matters in this entire game. In order to have a non-state currency, you need full decentralization. If you do not have decentralization, you will fail."
"The incentives of an open, decentralized system are superior to every other system in the world."
"The age of Aquarius signifies a movement towards independence and decentralization, challenging centralized control."
"The decentralized sense making is something that we want to experiment with...to make architectures that really incent higher quality sense making and conversation."
"The price mechanism dissolving, the link between work and wages dissolving, and then organizations and hierarchies being decentralized, falling apart, and the ownership of things not being clear."
"Governments go to extreme lengths to protect their monopoly on currency and they will not tolerate a global decentralized currency."
"You are all part of a movement, a movement that embraces decentralization, freedom, and the harnessing of our god-given creative talents."
"A DApp is decentralized in every way: the network is peer-to-peer, the data is decentralized because it's shared across devices in the network, and the code is decentralized because it's also shared and executed across devices in the network."
"People can bypass central systems like banks and governments, some would call it revolutionary."
"This is one of those key technologies that is actually decentralizing and democratizing innovation itself."
"This is why Bitcoin was born. It was the first form of money that removes the need for a central authority."
"The biggest story in blockchain right now has to be DeFi or decentralized finance."
"Blockchain technology meant it could be the tool to decentralize other parts of society."
"The decentralized nature of blockchain allows companies to reduce their risks of data loss, corruption, data fraud."
"We're building decentralized free software which will be AGPL where you can run your own network and have your own server and interact with other people using the software."
"The most meaningful use of decentralization because it will actually allow for people to own pieces of the most valuable internet networks which are gaming networks."
"Decentralization is fetishized by people that live in gated communities and safe suburbs."
"Bitcoin decentralizes money from government while Ethereum decentralizes authority from intermediaries."
"Buterin stressed the need for decentralization to eliminate the risk of a network having a single point of failure and the protections that a widely distributed network enjoys against coordinated attacks."
"The only two most widely public, credibly neutral, massively decentralized blockchains are Bitcoin and Ethereum."
"I think long term, the value of decentralization will help Ethereum maintain its lead as the number one smart contract platform."
"Decentralization, censorship resistance, trustlessness, and being permissionless are some of the reasons why you would want to use Ethereum."
"Bitcoin is free market money that runs on the internet and isn't controlled by a political entity or central bank."
"The Zuckerverse is basically like the walled garden version of the Metaverse and it may interconnect with the Metaverse, but it's not the Metaverse."
"The key litmus test for decentralization is, is there an off switch? Can a rogue third party force it to shut off?"
"Decentralization is a good thing because it removes power from the central elite and big banks. It's permissionless."
"Decentralization of information and money is crucial for maintaining freedom."
"Decentralization makes everything more secure, makes it easier, makes it faster, and provides more of a fair system to everyone involved."
"Decentralization... becomes censorship resistant, it becomes seizure resistant."
"I think decentralization will win out in the end, it's inevitable."
"Bitcoin has no head, there's no call center, there's no CEO, nobody controlling it."
"Decentralize control of the robots will be critical."
"Bitcoin is the first system of money that is not controlled by any [single] entity, that is completely decentralized."
"The future of progressive advocacy in the Democrats is like decentralized, where you would have leaders to rally around but not like a title to go by."
"Everything is open source; that's the point of it. It's open, free, permissionless, decentralized. It's like power to the people."
"It's a decentralized network, so that means no one's in charge."
"This is only going to work if it's decentralized. I cannot be the bottleneck for anything because if I become the bottleneck, then I will be the bottleneck."
"In a decentralized network like this, there has to be consensus."
"One of the reasons why I like decentralization is just because there's this thing about power where power attracts people with egos."
"It's the beauty of decentralization; it's not like the Silicon Valley brofest where you have to know somebody to get a job at some new hot app. All you have to do is be active, be excited, and be engaged."
"Not one person or one small group of people should control all the information."
"Having a lot of small banks, a decentralized banking system is much better for democracy."
"It's to unite us, it's to elevate us, it's to create the possibility of genuine opposition, decentralized but unified against the establishment."
"I think the whole system and this whole establishment needs radical alteration, decentralization, and that power should be close to you."
"Most people, I guarantee you, if you sat 10 average crypto investors down in a room and asked them, 'Do you care if your service is centralized or decentralized?' probably more than half of them at this point in time in 2021 will say, 'I don't care.'"
"The entire internet will be decentralized. Web 3 is coming. You can't fight it."
"The opportunity to be heard is greater than it was not to get results as a result of being heard but just, you know, to channel your anger, to speak. Communication's been massively decentralized."
"It wasn't the top-down approach that worked in COVID-19... what worked was not central control but subsidiarity."
"Taking power away from those centralized authorities and giving it back to everyday people."
"I think blockchain is going to change this, decentralizing the web and implementing blockchain technology to decentralize the web."
"We often talked about the need for decentralizing social media."
"Don't take shortcuts. Let's build this thing right, let's build this thing from first principles, decentralized all of the way."
"The conservative case for Bitcoin is the freedom aspect of it. It is decentralized; no government controls it."
"I believe in massive institutional change and decentralization of power."
"Social organizations are generally better off when organized loosely and decentrally, depending on the circumstances."
"There will be less harm when things are more decentralized."
"Decentralization is the idea that I think we should be promoting."
"If we want to create a society that is based on the self-determination of all the people, we cannot use means that concentrate power in the hands of a few people and disempower the many."
"The beauty of the Bitcoin system is not only that nobody owns it, nobody controls it, but also that anyone in the world can go and see every single transaction."
"We need alternatives and decentralization intact in social media space."
"The main value I think from Bitcoin comes from... not controlled by government is huge."
"Bitcoin removes huge power from governments and their leaders." - Unknown speaker
"So bitcoin is said to have been created by the people for the people."
"One of the specific things I like to read a lot... we're going more toward limited government and toward giving power to the people."
"Code can't be stopped, trading can't be stopped."
"There won't be one blockchain and one cryptocurrency to rule them all."
"Bitcoin challenges the idea that money should only be controlled by central banks and governments."
"I look for a gradual decentralization of how global payment networks work."
"Decentralization: the counterparty risk should be lessened."
"The best government is the government that is near the people."
"Bitcoin also allows for sending payments around the world in a decentralized fashion."
"The whole point of blockchain and crypto was to get out of the central control."
"Valid authority rests in the people. Truly valid structures of authority are local, not centralized, for reasons of efficiency and emergency."
"Bitcoin is the most decentralized digital property, owned by everyone and no one."
"Web 3.0 is definitely the future and and what three is really uh, and by you know decentralized distributed networks that are effectively owned and incentivized by the people that are operating within them."
"The local level is key because everything is now at the local level."
"I just found out you can run the centrifuge node from your Avado."
"Anything that we can cut out the middleman and just have a smart contract do it."
"I really do believe that the crypto decentralized version is ultimately going to take over as the apex predator of the financial system."
"Crypto is truth technology to replace the need for centralized trust."
"Bitcoin is the world's first completely decentralized digital currency."
"If I look 10 years out with all the platforms we already have and imagining those which are yet to be introduced, I just can't see a world of a dominant major label system."
"Bitcoin inherently is not something you can really control. It's decentralized."
"We will not have to rely on those central institutions nearly as much going forward."
"Decentralized cryptocurrencies: once it's out, it's out."
"We need to head towards decentralization and maintain high growth."
"Bitcoin is the separation of money and state, crypto is the separation of money and banks, defy is the separation of finance and Wall Street."
"The power of Bitcoin is it's decentralized and there's no federal Bitcoin Reserve."
"Bitcoin introduced decentralized security through computation, and this has not yet sunk in."
"The most beautiful thing about it is there's no one person setting the direction, and there's no one person on the other side that can stop it."
"You can't stamp it out, that's one of the beauties of the true decentralized players."
"In order to actually have a properly decentralized finance...you have to own your private keys."
"The only possible ultimate solution to the things that are happening right now is radical widespread decentralization."
"Decentralization is our best bet, less centralized power at the federal level."
"Localism and decentralization is the antidote."
"The most powerful thing that bitcoin has done and the most dangerous thing that bitcoin has done it is has helped people understand that they have a choice."
"I've been saying the same things. Centralization doesn't work. What's required is real democracy and decentralization."
"Together equal strong. The decentralization of this community, letting the expert step onto the soapbox keeps us strong."
"You're putting your faith not in a central bank, but in the integrity of the computer code itself."
"There's not going to be one chain that will rule them all, it's not going to happen."
"Blockchain is a new network and it's going to help us decentralize trade, allowing us to do a lot of our transactions much more peer-to-peer directly and lower our use of intermediaries like companies or banks."
"Blockchain may sound complicated but at its core it's just another tool for humans and eventually robots and other kinds of identities to trade at scale and make that trade more decentralized."
"Filecoin focuses on storing files for the decentralized web instead of just decentralized finance."
"Blockchain technology will address the doldrums of centralization in security and sclerosis afflicting the current information economy."
"Decentralize power wherever possible to see real change."
"It's ultimately about storage of information, transmission of information, and power, and that being decentralized."
"Web 3.0 is read, write, and own, and the 'own' bit is coming from this concept of decentralization."
"I do believe a lot of these projects will end up being the big decentralized powerhouses of the future."
"As long as people have got access to this decentralized world then people can build things."
"Decentralized digital assets provide that opportunity."
"D5 gives you access to certain financial products and services without having to go to a bank."
"It's decentralized it's leaderless it doesn't rely on any one person or country."
"Centralized government is not the answer here."
"Being decentralized, you want everything to be decentralized."
"Respect to J.K. Rowling for creating a universe."
"When you don't have consistent policy coherence on how we fight this coming from the federal level, you leave it to each governor and each locality to be making their own decisions."
"Crypto is designed to stand up against centralized power."
"We're entering the world where everything is regulated by smart contracts, where we don't need intermediaries."
"The power back to the people... networks that also are communicating."
"Together we can unify and create a movement that is decentralized, no one's in control but unified against the kind of crazy propagandist system."
"We should become more autonomous, more decentralized, and not accept the WEF's dire plans to have us live in a gigantic superstructure in the middle of the desert."
"So, bitcoin is the blueprint for how to decentralize anything."
"You can't beat the platform. It's not controlled by a company, a government, or any person."
"Bitcoin is all about empowerment of the individual and giving people an alternative system to centralized finance."
"Web3 is for decentralization, not for Mark Zuckerberg."
"The decentralized metaverse requires decentralized money, file storage, and computing power."
"But if dot does work and we do get hundreds of parachains or 100 para chains all bridged together by this amazing bridge called polkadot, then it's an unbelievable unbelievable play."
"We want to decentralize governments, disintermediate governments, take away the power from people who are nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-five years old."
"Decentralization is a faster and better and safer path."
"You know what's really funny? Economic Forum. Yeah, we should just abolish States and go County only."
"There is a huge opportunity to build the distributed energy utility."
"What users desperately will need is ownership, privacy, decentralization. These are the things that change the course of human history."
"The decentralization of the internet... making the internet more decentralized."
"I think the decentralized finance side... has a place."
"Fundamentally, I believe in the concept of decentralized currency. I don't understand why I need someone's permission to send my in-laws 10 bucks."
"Bitcoin is decentralized, transferable almost instantly, and with low transaction fees."
"The real problem is concentrated in those areas where decentralization is broken down."
"Decentralization is key... but that doesn't mean it's eliminated from investing."
"Our viewpoints on a decentralized world do not line up with the world that the people in control want."
"I run two companies to decentralize social networks and be an alternative to big tech like Facebook and LinkedIn."
"The DC you should always look at trying to create an open-source volunteerist alternative to whatever the thing is that you know is centralizing all the power."
"The goal of this is to basically decentralize what is now giant privately owned platforms that were financed by venture capitalists."
"Decentralization is our Saving Grace... it's always good to have some executive position."
"Decentralization is federalism in action on behalf of the people."
"When you have enough self-esteem to think for yourself, that's decentralized."
"Web 3.0 is the notion that we do not have a single point of failure anywhere on the infrastructure."
"I think we're going to see decentralized options emerge that competes with Amazon, Google."
"Decentralization of the sourcing of our food."
"I happen to believe that decentralization is the most secure path for humanity to succeed."
"Regular people are rising up with their combined power through a decentralized network on the internet."
"A decentralized online currency not controlled by any banks."
"We need to decentralize the RNC out of DC so we can actually hire Americans who want to do jobs. Pry the party out of the hands of these Consultants."
"Bitcoin is a decentralized currency and payment network."
"If that is the way that the world is going I do think it's even more important that the West embraces decentralized cryptocurrencies."
"The supposedly decentralized nature of it is in fact highly centralized."
"Decentralized movements that properly harness the knowledge they're super intelligences that are resilient and self-evolving."
"The problem is how do you reconcile that blockchain land because they're saying you're going to take all the centralized institutions all the centralized applications all of these things and you're gonna put them on a blockchain."
"Stay with crypto, stay with decentralization, stay with changing things."
"We're going into a decentralized banking system."
"What Bitcoin ultimately is trying to do is separate that money away from the state's control."
"Decentralization ethos: 'Not your keys, not your coins.'"
"Brexit was a step in the right direction because it was a move away from centralization to decentralization."
"Decentralization and protection of innocent investors."
"Decentralization, decentralized structure, and current offers and sales of ether are not securities transactions."
"X5 enables actual decentralization by allowing small and mid-cap tokens to finally have a seat at the table."
"Bitcoin needed no middleman; there was no fraud to detect, no permission to give, no transaction to reverse, no fees to collect."
"A great step towards moving away from Silicon Valley's stranglehold."
"Decentralized finance is the answer to the question that most people never asked: How can we take control of money?"