
Democratization Quotes

There are 280 quotes

"This is next generation investing. It's very transparent, it's open source, it's democratizing the opportunities."
"A lot of online content creators have rags to riches stories because there's something very democratizing about success online."
"My prescription for the problem of our overlords dictating what speech is allowable is decentralization and democratization."
"NVIDIA AI democratizes AI so that every industry and company can apply AI to reinvent themselves."
"Adobe's mission to democratize creativity is about enabling anyone, anywhere to tell their story."
"We're democratizing visualization in design and manufacturing, making it more widely available."
"Democratize access and research to the general public."
"Financial information should be democratized so individuals can have all the knowledge and resources they need to succeed financially."
"A society that's controlling itself in a democratized way."
"Ultimately, the content creation's going to democratize."
"Unreal Engine 5 basically democratizes game development across the world."
"There are great success stories that come out of the ability to democratize game development."
"Only a wave of democratization of the most under de Democratic sphere of policymaking in Washington can trigger the kind of reassessment and accountability the American people should expect from their elected leaders."
"The fourth industrial revolution gives an opportunity to democratize more technology for more people."
"The ability to democratize something is that people can make a choice. You give them the info, they make a choice."
"Robinhood stands for democratizing access to stocks."
"I love the mission of democratizing trading."
"Crypto is real democratization of finance and resources."
"A Democratized creative economy is a better creative economy."
"In the long run, China itself will eventually become a democracy."
"Cryptocurrencies could democratize World Finance."
"The democratization of the economic sphere is workers controlling their pursuits in their work, controlling their workplaces."
"That is a way to democratize software contributions."
"How do we really democratize space in a wider way?"
"The one answer is to take what we've got, stabilize it, make what we're doing sustainable, and democratize it so everyone has access."
"There's also been democratization of creativity where Gatekeepers... everyone can make things."
"Chamath's worldview is to democratize aspects of society that are not well-versed in the everyday person."
"Something profoundly democratizing and liberating and joyful."
"Let us make economic changes that help the process of democratization and decentralization."
"It makes it a lot more democratic in some ways."
"Robinhood's mission is to democratize finance for all."
"Robinhood stands for lowering the barrier to entry and democratizing finance for all."
"Access to an audience has been democratized."
"Our goal is to democratize financial advice."
"There's no Gatekeepers, you can get your info out to the people."
"I'd love to see all games being available...a proper democratization of football content in the UK."
"Wikipedia has democratized information, a miraculous development."
"Democratizing production: the future of the creative industry." - Envisioning a more accessible and diverse creative landscape.
"We want to democratize the availability of the information that allows people to maximize future opportunities."
"It's all about empowering people, democratizing healthcare, democratizing medicine."
"The Constitution DAO is pulling together money to win the auction. They intend to put the constitution in the hands of the people."
"We're just trying to democratize the flow of information around these issues."
"Democratizing access to investing... interest in stocks is surging, especially with free trading apps like Robinhood."
"The democratization of sports media is the best thing to happen to sports media ever."
"Robinhood showed they don't care about the democratization of finance."
"Crypto is about democratizing that opportunity."
"It's not enough just to decarbonize sort of existing capitalism with all its inequalities and failures and inefficiencies, actually it's about building both a decarbonized but also a democratized economy."
"We're in the best time we've ever been in because there's technologies and access that's available. But we're building towards a world where medicines in some form or another can be democratized."
"Widespread verification will democratize journalism."
"The best of the available alternatives is that of the democratization of AI technology."
"The fact that we have democratized the ability for people to take control of their own lives."
"Participation is power; democratization is important to us."
"We believe in democratization and we believe that everyone should have access to the highest quality tools, even those tools that have previously been reserved just for the wealthy."
"When we talk about nationalization, we're talking about democratization."
"I think what sets us apart is that we support the democratization of this information."
"It's been really frankly just like democratizing really when it comes to compute power."
"Crypto allows everyday people to be venture capitalists."
"This is the first time in history that we actually have an opportunity for the democratization of law."
"The Internet in general has democratized and given everyone a chance to thrive."
"I love the democratization of financial information trading."
"Staking with Rocket Pool is likely to democratize staking."
"He definitely democratized fandom and pop culture in his own way."
"Meme coins represent a democratic and open way that anyone could potentially truly get rich."
"My angle is to try to democratize spirituality through psychedelics."
"We're democratizing things. We're transforming things."
"It needs to be universal, it needs to be digital, it needs to have those public values embedded in what it does, and it needs to be politically independent."
"That's what changed the world, not from a trickle-down perspective but when every person got to lay their hands on it and use it to shape their own life."
"You no longer have to be an engineer or a software developer or coder to be able to have access to something like this."
"We have hopefully connected the world in a way that it wasn't necessarily possible before in terms of democratizing access to key decision makers."
"The launch marks the beginning of the age of commercial crew flights, a great democratization of the space game."
"This collaborative effort aims to democratize access to HGI's latest innovation, cryptocurrency spot ETFs, for investors not only in Singapore but across global markets."
"The C-Class has always led in democratizing luxury and it still does."
"They would pitch themselves as democratizing investing, but really what they were doing was promoting trading which is very different from investing. Those are two different beasts."
"...we do have abundance defined as access to all the food, water, energy, healthcare, education that you want, everybody has access to it, it's completely democratized and demonetized."
"Algorand is committed to democratize finance, making very sophisticated financial tools available to the common man."
"There's something slightly reassuring about the fact that something so integral to everyone's lives is surprisingly democratized across society."
"I think the real thing to understand about what's happening is the great democratization of access to computation."
"Democratization of access with AI."
"The whole point of Power platform is to democratize the ability to interact with data."
"So what I wanted to try and do is to bring back to you all trusted, high-grade information. I call this a democratization of knowledge project."
"It will democratize power instead of leaving it in the hands of countries that control fossil fuel resources."
"Many times things start out and only governments can do it, only the military can do it, only the very rich can do it. But now we're seeing regular folk are having the opportunity."
"I think digital technology in particular is a real democratizing force."
"What's so exciting about TikTok is that anybody's videos can go viral, anyone's videos can get picked up."
"Democratization of intelligence is much more fundamental and a massive cultural change in how you understand your business and how you reduce the friction between understanding a decision and outcome, whatever that might be."
"The democratization of art is the most exciting thing right now."
"Nowadays the person could literally sit in a mother's living room with a computer mic, you know, put some reverb on a [ __ ] throw it out and get 50,000 viewers on Soundcloud. And actually change a life."
"The democratization of Finance means the extension of financial risk management principles to a broader population."
"Ralph Lauren democratized the whole idea of what was stylish."
"The good thing about the democratization of the recording game is that now everybody gets to record everybody gets to make a record everybody gets to put their on youtube that's great."
"I think it's a democratizing force and that has its problems but it has an upside as well."
"It's technology taking a subjectivity that was previously held by a relatively small percentage of the population and universalizing it."
"Elizabeth founded the company to democratize health care."
"Wow, are we actually at the point where we might really truly be able to democratize data access and have that unified experience we've all been after?"
"At the same time, you're getting a democratization of power. Individuals like you and I can place an order online, get a DNA printer at home, and print tomorrow."
"The use of AI will be highly democratized, meaning the number of people that have access to its power to make improvements in terms of efficiency and so on will be fairly universal."
"We believe at Toco is really around challenging the status quo. We're looking to leverage this technology to tokenize real world assets to democratize finance and to create greater participation and value creation."
"He didn't really want it to be optional. He wanted to everybody do it, and that gets rid of the feeling that some people are elite."
"We democratize sport and specifically give players or anyone in the world even yourself the chance to get access to opportunities to trial for professional sports teams scholarships etc."
"Our ambition really as a company is to help democratize this fourth Industrial Revolution by providing organizations the building blocks to actually empower them to build, innovate, and ultimately transform."
"If you educate yourself I didn't learn about most of these things till I was 48 years old and like you said it's hard to get into some of these pieces to make happen now this is this is the democratization of alternative Investments."
"Releasing religion from spiritual aristocracy into the hands of the people."
"Make them more open and when we're licensed our technology, a bunch of people to build their own products, and you know I think that's, that's part of the democratization I'd say of AI and software in general which I'm a fan of."
"Our mission is to democratize entrepreneurship."
"Technology basically ends up being a democratizing force."
"YouTube's thing from the get-go was to sort of democratize success, promoting this idea that any person from any corner of the world can have their very own channel like TV with their very own show."
"Democratize data analytics with Power BI."
"The majority of the eyes are no longer on those editorial magazines which only feature the pros. Now it's on YouTube and anyone can be there."
"AI, which was previously reasonably inaccessible, is now accessible to most people."
"Faith believes God, not for what God has done, but for who God is."
"He almost democratized the game in the sense that first it was more open in public with public courses but it also made the courses themselves more accessible."
"As a way to make education much more accessible to not democratize as it were education."
"The democratization of finance is about bringing it to the people."
"A lot of our problems can be solved by extending the trend toward democratization of finance."
"This technology has been democratized."
"How do we make sure that the masses are impacted in a way that whether you are less well off within the United States or are financially more capable you have access to this the only way to do that is democratization of Technology."
"Anybody who has internet and a phone camera can be a content creator."
"The worst thing is that it's going to be the death of a lot of small creators because the blessing Tik Tok was was like democratized attention."
"We have to democratize the creators of AI in the first place." - Unidentified speaker
"When you democratize savings, you create a middle class."
"All a union really is, is in a sense it's somewhat democratizing a workplace."
"Spread it out. Democratize it. Entrepreneurialize it."
"What if we democratize the vision of who gets to write and who gets to tell their story?"
"Now we can do it through democratization, which essentially means lowering the barrier to entry for people like you and me to be able to analyze data."
"Let's build models that are more democratized, let's build models that have the ability to impact a broader set of people and you get same levels of performance if you sweat the details in the data up front."
"One of my biggest goals is to democratize self-healing and democratize brain retraining...to share as much value as I can with you."
"I think TikTok for the first time democratized editing and made everyone a content creator."
"I think artificial intelligence is the most powerful force that has come along. And one of its benefits is going to be to democratize computer science."
"Democratize the opportunity for developers."
"Microsoft is going to democratize the opportunity for developers."
"Lost Net Yaroze demos put the power to create games into the people's hands for the first time on such a big scale."
"The 707 truly democratized global mobility by slashing worldwide journey times."
"I want to learn how to shape the democratization of technology to improve healthcare, education, and more."
"It democratized in a way that's amazing."
"The new technologies flattened the information hierarchy."
"Decentralized storage seeks to put the control of data back into the hands of users, democratizing the digital landscape."
"Do you see AI ends up being democratized?"
"The truth about YouTube is that you don't need to be a special person in order to obtain any level of success on this platform."
"We are approaching a true democratization of art where it is motivated purely by the artist and the market."
"The motivation for starting the Tony Elumelu Foundation is to help democratize luck, create access to people."
"How amazing is that data science is now democratized."
"Hip-hop's revolution was democratizing creation."
"The democratization of filmmaking through things like the mobile phone allows us to frame our place in some spaces and our emotions."
"The whole history of land has been a history of power, and that power being increasingly democratized in society."
"The machine that truly democratized motorcycling and indeed transport."
"Knowledge was no longer the private property of the priest or the prince or the scholar."
"We live in a time where anyone has access to the tools and resources that used to only be available to people with massive budgets playing massive stadiums."
"The internet democratized not only the consumption but the publishing of information."
"My goal would be, hopefully yours too, is to democratize this and get it out to everybody as fast as we can and as cheaply as we can."
"Filmmaking is now the most accessible and free and fair for everyone."
"We should democratize the whole system so that everybody can use it."
"The Freedom of Information Act was intended to democratize information that was held inside libraries and government agencies."
"Content, the barrier of entry is so low now, and it's becoming democratized to a degree."
"I'm on a mission to democratize ballet and to share the things that I wish I'd known sooner."
"When Ordinary People can turn a personal story or cat video into mass media, that democratizes mass media, meaning it's more accessible to everyone."
"It's the beginning of a true democratization of art."
"Our job is the democratization of knowledge."
"Blockchain promises democratization of technology."
"Democratizing the data drives value."
"The arts just explode, democratized in a sense that they are now accessible to the masses."
"The Weimar Republic is seen as a first decent effort towards democratization despite the problems that it faced."
"My ambition has always been to democratize knowledge."
"We're democratizing funding. That's why I'm really interested in this."
"The internet democratizes the flow of information by giving open access to everybody."
"It allows anyone to get their music heard without there being some sort of gatekeeper for the industry."
"I believe that the music world gets better when we hear from musicians and there's a democratization of music."
"There's so much that I feel like we're living in an era where voices are, I think, at least the digital era has democratized some ways of getting your story out."
"The future is democratized media, not old media."
"Project management has been democratized; everybody works on projects, everybody wants to have a role."
"The equilibrium is going to come when we have democratization of AI."
"The democratization of internet shopping means anyone can have their own brand."
"The democratizing power of the internet... has allowed far more voices to be heard."
"There's a certain inevitability as we democratize media or we have basically democratized media that this is gonna happen."
"Using the internet to democratize finance."
"New Media social media has made it accessible to everybody now."
"Democratizing health, finding ways that it's accessible to everybody."
"Whenever you digitize something, in the beginning, it's deceptive, then it becomes disruptive, and it dematerializes, demonetizes, and democratizes."
"Now there was a democratization of style; people no longer got all their cultural information from the famous few who ran the show."
"The social media has democratized how you can find an audience."
"PayPal represented a big step in democratizing the financial system."
"I want to democratize the knowledge the same way we were able to democratize the music."
"It's our goal to democratize AI to empower every person and every organization to achieve more."
"When everyone has a camera, everyone is a filmmaker."
"My goal is to really democratize 3D content creation."
"With the democratization of the tools of production, all of us can be producers in various forms today."
"We're democratizing the access also to this asset class."
"...this is a technology that for the first time since the internet, is probably the greatest tool that democratizes accessibility to knowledge and wealth for all people."
"This had to happen for the democratization of culture."
"AppSheet is trying to democratize machine learning as well."
"Kino is working to democratize film, ensuring that people are actually involved in the magic of movie making."
"The democratization of all of this stuff is what I'm most excited about."
"To make something more accessible, to democratize design."
"We build tools to enable research and democratize artificial intelligence and machine learning."
"I love the democratization of information transfer especially when we can leverage it for the gospel."
"Disruptive innovations enable a larger population of less skilled, less wealthy people to do things in a more convenient, lower-cost setting, which historically could only be done by specialists."
"Its very essence is a form of liberation, a kind of democratization of knowledge."
"It's the way that all these people concentrated in an urban environment with a high degree of connectivity have actually democratized military technology on the ground."
"Our goal is to democratize the finance world through open source software."
"The democratization of art creation of art, like the tools and the distribution of it."
"Software is being democratized in a way. AI is making it so anyone and their cousin can make a software company."