
Long-term Focus Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Keep your focus on the long term. Keep your eye on the prize."
"If you want to truly have success in your life, the only way to do it is by focusing on the long term."
"Ignore short-term volatility, focus on long-term prosperity."
"I tend to look at things like annual growth instead of quarterly growth... I like to compare years to each other."
"We try to calm people down, we educate, make them focus on the long term."
"Operation Mobilize will be the army's primary focus over the coming years."
"Don't get FOMO over short-term moves, focus on long-term positioning."
"I think it's incredibly important. I'm really focused on these long-term fixes."
"We're building a stage for creators to showcase their talents, focusing on long-term success over short-term trends."
"The power of long-term investing: not getting caught up in the day-to-day."
"Stay the course, focus on long term. Focus on crypto as investment, not a get quick rich scheme."
"We have to put our eyes on the prize, and the prize is like seven generations down the road."
"Investors only care about two emotions: fear and greed. The key to being a good investor is staying focused on the long term."
"The reality of the underlying business does not change that much. Fundamentals is a good way to invest."
"Vanguard really is for buy-and-hold investors."
"Prioritize what you care about... focus on the problems that matter long term."
"If you're able to survive whatever we may approach, holding long term, you are still going to be very, very profitable."
"Don't focus on coming up quick. Focus on coming up, period."
"Long-term investors are looking beyond the short-term volatility for long-term returns."
"Focus on doing those things because... it's also the most fun, it just is, it's the most fulfilling."
"That's the game, stay focused on the long term."
"Try and focus on the bigger picture pick good companies that are here for the long term or of course just invest in ETFs like Vo."
"In the long term, [productivity] is almost everything."
"I care about long-term relationship and reputation more than I do a sales transaction."
"Just because something is a first doesn't mean it's bad, don't fear yourself out, stay the course, focus long term, focus on investing not trading and you'll be okay."
"Talking about the opportunity that's in front of this company over the next several years... it's about keeping that long-term focus."
"Ignore the short-term fluctuations, pay attention to the long-term growth."
"Productivity, when it comes to the things that matter, is always a long-term marathon."
"Focus on the habit, not the results. What's more important is being consistent than seeing results."
"Arc Invest continues to focus over the long term and the finance media continue to look no further than tomorrow."
"Enter and just keep your eyes on the long term."
"Focus more on the long term than short term immediate gratification."
"Never forget the long-term trend. You will be in trouble if you do. It's that simple."
"If you relinquish yourself from this pressure to have perfect skin... and really focus on just taking care of your skin long term consistently over time and listening to what it's telling you you will be so happy."
"80 percent of your investment should be long-term Investments."
"Long-term health is actually more important than really fast weight loss."
"I am far more interested in the long-term weighing machine of the stock market than the short-term noise that everyone plays up and down."
"Successful investors make a plan, have confidence in the plan, and then they stick to the plan."
"Long-term investing then is just holding your stocks for years."
"You're about to step into something pretty badass."
"The other silver lining for me and why I'm here long term is because of genuine adoption. It's very different to short-term movements."
"These quarterly results are overemphasized; the long term is what's more important."
"Valuation plays no role in our sell decisions and neither do price targets."
"Make sure to keep your emotions in check and focus on the long term."
"Stay focused on the long term." - Warren Buffett
"Focus on long-term wealth, not short-term volatility."
"Build the habit momentum to keep building long-term."
"Investing in high-quality, high-conviction long-term investments."
"Adjust your wealth-building strategy, think long-term."
"Good temperament: patient, unemotional, and long-term focused."
"Stay disciplined and keep to your long-term investment discipline."
"For me, long-term investing is absolutely vital."
"Stay focused on the long term, especially with a stock like Tesla."
"Just use this experience as a lesson... focus on long term, that is the way to go."
"In the long run, it's all about what's greater: the time in is greater than the timing in this market."
"Getting people focused on the long term has a lot of different benefits."
"Long term they're focusing on the game being healthy and I think that is just fantastic."
"I think the NFT space should evolve in a sustainable way... focusing on the long term."
"Ignore short-term noise, focus on exponential long-term trend."
"For a moment it makes sense to just zoom out and just ignore all the short-term data and noise."
"Passion fades, foundation matters in the long term."
"Time in the market is greater than timing the market."
"Overall, you just want to focus long term. You want to focus on Bitcoin and crypto as a long-term investment."
"If you care about your long-term health and happiness, this is an area where you should focus."
"Do not confuse volatility with risk. I maintain a long-term focus."
"As a leader, always focus on the long term. Do not focus on the short term and also regard to educate your team, communicate with its team, the mission of the company is extremely important."
"Focus on the long term. Don't get caught up in the day-to-day noise."
"Since there are many advantages and disadvantages of instituting a merit pay system, districts must always focus on what's best for our students in the long run."
"There is a need for healthcare workers to focus on the long game."
"Committing to long-term goals, even if it means sacrificing something enjoyable, can lead to discipline and focus."
"Being a value investor is most likely to outperform the market; that's where I've been focusing over the next one year, five years, ten years."
"Time in the market is more important than timing since we're long-term focused."
"Your ability to remain focused on the long-term data and realities of the market is what carried me through the lows of 2022."
"Your core is what doesn't really change and the core is focused on long term."
"If you focus on stuff in the long term, then your short term will naturally get better."
"You're focused on the long term, and in being focused on the long term, subconsciously, you begin to develop habits."
"Focus over the long term and buying into great companies that you truly believe are locked in."
"Our focus is really on long-term partnerships with our clients."