
Spiritual Awareness Quotes

There are 344 quotes

"Truth is one of the vehicles for deepening spiritual awareness through another human being."
"Through our acts of kindness, we actually awaken people's awareness to what is written in their heart by God Himself."
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
"The world... recalls and reminds us of its divine origin. However, the same world can also veil and obscure it."
"You are very intelligent, very spiritually aware, and very powerful."
"The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments."
"Deception is the number one characteristic of the last days."
"Our consciousness of the spiritual realm gives us access to its resources."
"Lord, open up my eyes. Don't ask Him to give you eyes, ask Him to open up your spiritual eyes."
"Revival is not an event on a special effort of the church. It is an awareness of God that grips the whole community."
"We have to wake up and realize that there's spiritual things going on."
"God will often give us time to repent before he chooses to discipline us. The key is for you and I to pay attention to those signs."
"You know when you become a Christian it's like your eyes are open and it's like you can't close them."
"Your guardian angels are always trying to warn you."
"Those people who fear Allah... when they're touched by the whispering of the Shaitaan, they remember Allah."
"Your spirit can feel if you haven't learned how your spirit behaves down here you can feel really lonely down here it means your Oneness Dimension is low."
"It needs to be more than a bumper sticker it needs to be something that you live every day with every breath the awareness that we are all connected and that we are all one with source."
"The real danger is acting like the devil doesn't exist."
"I think you have to remain open to [the idea] that there is this spiritual world that exists."
"I'm in awe of the magnificent guidance that is available to me."
"God sets us up for a miracle by orchestrating perfect timing. It's up to us to open our eyes and believe."
"You are a beautiful light being, and it's time to realize that."
"For those unaware of any higher sphere, it is a deadly poison."
"It's not the difficulty of the thing that you do, it's how you beat yourself down mentally."
"We're standing in the middle of a miracle, and many times we're in the middle of a miracle and we sometimes don't see it."
"Let us carry with us the deep understanding and recognition of the signs of spiritual attack, armored with the knowledge that our Victory lies in the power of Jesus Christ."
"We recognize a spiritual dimension of it. We will not make the same mistake that our whole civilization has made for the last century of underestimating the power of evil."
"Don't let your dreams fail you and don't let the archons feed off your energy. Rise up, take action, and never back down."
"Demons have a greater awareness of who Jesus is than we do."
"Everything is already in place for you... but when you don't know the spiritual rules and laws, this is why you become dorant in your ignorance."
"See beyond the physical, there's more to this life than what you see physically."
"The more your third eye is functioning, the more you can see beyond the form of something to sense what is that sacred principle within."
"Melatonin, produced by your pineal gland, enhances your spiritual consciousness and connects you with your ancestors."
"We all have access to our psychic mediumship abilities."
"The Bible's telling us this is going to repeat here are the players that are involved in this repeat and here's how we can tell that it's occurring and that we need to get ready."
"When you know that the power that is life is inside you, you are in awe of your own divinity."
"The sounds from the sky challenge us to expand our spiritual perception, to listen not just with our ears but with our hearts."
"In Turiya condition, one goes and achieves this delta state and one is fully aware."
"Your heart is smarter than your head, trust your intuition, say often I am opening my first eye yes I am."
"You're spiritually aware to recognize that happiness comes from within you."
"It's time for us to repent, get right with the Most High because over 50 of the earth have already entered the dark side without even knowing it."
"The Awakening of God within you is not about acquiring something new; it's about recognizing what has always been there."
"The hope is that there are enough people in the world who wake up to their divinity."
"Notice the parallels, notice the duplication, notice the miracles."
"When you can see God everywhere, of course, you'll see that God first of all within yourself and then you'll see out there what you've graciously discovered within yourself."
"Some of you are going to realize tonight there's been gifts that you've had for 30 years in church and no one's ever spoken to them."
"Act with Grace, act with higher Consciousness where you can."
"We're living in the days of deception and if you and I do not know the truth, you're going to fall prone, fall victim to it."
"You can become more detached during this time, the drama can fall off gradually over the year and a half you can detect to."
"Every act before you done it, that's right, every act you plan to do, that's right, every act you will do, that's right, He already know it."
"Your angels notice the changes you're making."
"No matter what happens, we are conscious spirits and we can affect the universe."
"Awareness of the reality of that source is what contemplation is."
"They consciously realize that spirit is watching over your connection."
"Only the true master works in his devices or her devices to help you discover that and come closer and closer to that experience until you suddenly you are aware that you are also a Buddha you are also Christ conscious."
"The trick is if you do keep in high frequency you start to see it. The universe gives you signs and signals."
"You're feeling aware and wise and like you have an understanding of your spirituality and your place in the world."
"Once we reach unity consciousness, mine and yours does not exist."
"Lord, I want to go into 2021 with eyes to see and ears to hear in the spirit."
"The fifth dimension is not a place, it's a state of consciousness."
"A chosen one is any being who realizes they are a spiritual being having a human experience."
"Be still and know, embrace the present moment."
"Time is short and we are out of time spiritually speaking in Bible prophecy."
"It's very easy to spiritually bypass. It's also very easy to truth or bypass."
"You are part of an illusion and learning experience that allows you to become aware of the love and light of the creator in your illusion."
"All meditation is the receiving of that awareness of what you are."
"Recognize miracles working behind the scenes."
"When you acknowledge or recognize why around you was created, why you were created, what your purpose was, that's the beauty."
"Even in trouble, you can sense in your spirit."
"God shares with you information to help you to prepare for what is coming."
"There's heaven in every moment if you're interested."
"Pride robs God of his glory and hurts those around us. It's destructive because it shifts our focus from the Lord to ourselves."
"The first sign that you have a spiritual gift: desire."
"The more in tune with your spirit you are, the more you can see through the BS."
"The church is clearly warned... Satan's attack will come from within." - Angela Greenig
"You are living, breathing, and walking in the midst of spirits, and that should be something that you should always remember in your Christian walk."
"If you're not spiritually sharp, demons will build a camp around your life."
"There's been a massive change... in consciousness of the planet."
"A man without faith does not know his right and privileges in Christ Jesus."
"Fasting expels toxins in the body but also exposes transgressions in the soul."
"Recognize the Brahman behind the appearance, don't stay at the level of the appearance." - Swami
"You can live in that awareness of the Holy Spirit's presence and power."
"The cosmic battle most of us are unaware is going on around us."
"The greatest discovery which even western science has not made - the discovery of the spiritual element in us. Absolutely."
"Human Unity... the sense of there being one heart coming online inside of us."
"Understand that you are an evolved being living in a world full of unconscious people. Preserve yourself, preserve your spirit, preserve your energy."
"Blessings are coming to the collective. Pay attention to the signs in July."
"Brand new beginnings, a portal into your higher self."
"God wants to open up your eyes to the spiritual reality of heaven."
"The 22nd year of the 21st century represents light and revelation."
"Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. I can't see how you can't see it with everything that is going on in the world."
"Exposing Satan's playbook gives insight that may stun you."
"Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein so realize that Allah is near Allah is not just there he's near but we're gonna be chic and sometimes"
"There was a reset after the pandemic, it was a reset with these folks in society, elites, it's also been a reset even spiritually with people."
"The third eye is our spiritual antenna and psychic center that provides perception beyond ordinary life."
"One who realizes his own real spiritual identity... can never really fail."
"If we ignore negative news thinking that it's going to affect us, there is the possibility that we're ignoring something that we need to address on our spiritual path."
"The only right thing to do is to be in tune with the existence and the creation."
"I'm just believing that people have ears that hear and eyes I see."
"If believing that doesn't put the fear of God in us, nothing will."
"Step into an energy alignment, and watch for signs."
"Essentially, it's a woman who has healed from her past and she knows God and she knows who she is."
"You're not just seeing with your physical eyes on the physical plane, you're trusting your intuition."
"Spirit waits no longer, it's really crucial for our survival as a species right now."
"It's respecting and acknowledging that there is definitely another world that we're living side by side with."
"It's easy to get caught up in what Satan is doing."
"Life is simple and easy. All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me."
"The renewed mind lives with the awareness that our internal reality affects the external reality."
"Salvation means simply the realization of the spiritual being that you are."
"Realize the forces around you, connect with your divine purpose."
"We have to come out of this idolatry because idolatry is dangerous."
"Being a child of God means being more informed than the world."
"Even the demons believe that there is one God they fear even they fear in trouble."
"Are we aware or do we understand that Jesus Christ is coming soon?"
"The universe absolutely knows how far you've come, knows your Dark Knights of the Soul."
"At this very moment, your parents' souls in heaven are completely conscious and aware of what's going on in the room right now."
"You must have the blood of the Sun in the consciousness of the cosmos."
"It is up to us to have eyes to see and ears to hear."
"Eclipses can feel like the veil between the worlds is especially thin, allowing us to recognize our spiritual lessons more easily."
"All children are born with spiritual consciousness."
"Reincarnation to me is not a belief, it's a knowingness."
"We must not be ignorant concerning his devices."
"Many of you are realizing that you actually are very intuitive spiritually."
"Miracles are happening to get your attention"
"Something very sacred is about to happen, pay attention to the signs and what's on your mind."
"When you are truly helpful, you are moving toward the light. When you are truly helpful, you are recognizing the innocence of everyone."
"At the beginning of each time of prayer, remember who it is you're talking to."
"Sardis is all about Christ's call to every believer."
"A lot of people don't know that, but the reason why they don't know that is because they don't believe in God until God shows himself in one's life."
"We of the Church believe that man is basically good, that he's seeking to survive, that a survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe."
"May awareness and understanding of life expand so that all may come to know the author of the universe."
"God is ready to bring your talents and your potential to your awareness."
"Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness."
"Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth."
"You're listening to your heart, you're very psychic at this time as well."
"It's a very passionate time as well, so pay close attention to any signs or any intuition that comes your way."
"Just really accept and love yourself, you know, currently where you are at right now, and this really helps you reach to a higher consciousness."
"Focus on forgiveness, becoming spiritually aware. Your soul is awakening."
"This energy is about your intuitive self, your spiritual self, everything else that composes you."
"We are light beams dreaming and going through this life experience."
"You have literally been given so much spiritual power that you're not even aware of."
"It was clear to me then just how much God actually loves us."
"Be the bridge, expand your Consciousness to behold Both Worlds."
"You have an incredible light body, an incredible very wise, very old soul."
"I just couldn't shake the feeling, my spirit rejects lies"
"Recognize the basic state that pervades them, that permeates them, that gives birth to them, that sustains them, and that will resolve them."
"As we become awareness in form, we no longer change things because we know that we are not what we are in."
"You can know you have a demon and not know that you have a demon."
"Knowing that we're heirs? That should change everything."
"Spirit has been watching the whole time. What have you done? What have you learned? Have you been working on yourself? Have you evolved enough to not go back into the same energies?"
"Walking in the spirit is to be fully conscious of your spiritual nature."
"What seemed far-fetched is now fact. The devil's influence is real, and we must call it out."
"Boxes do not limit God, they limit our awareness of God's activity."
"Grateful... soak up the energy... honor the energy."
"I mean, all of a sudden, when you start looking at it like that and realizing He's fully aware with what I'm doing in every moment of every day, when that starts becoming real, well, transformation starts happening quickly."
"You are a light worker, a much more evolved being than a lot of people walking around on the earth."
"If my spirit is telling me this is not right for me, I'm going to listen to my intuition every time."
"God sees everything, everything is naked and open to Him."
"There is a spiritual hunger out there among this generation."
"That's absolutely true thank you Johnny it shows that God is much bigger than people will expect much more holy that people will expect"
"You are divine being with unlimited creative potential."
"You are part of a global healing manifestation process. You are through your way of being in the world helping to birth a new awareness."
"It's possible to walk aware of the presence of God 24/7."
"There is this constant stable awareness and when I say stable I mean it did stabilize me."
"We are such spiritual infants and so spiritually dull."
"Tap into your spiritual self, set your house in order, and pay attention to the cues all around you."
"The devil really just revealed himself twice to me and I'm able to see that through the Holy Spirit."
"Be really careful that you don't miss Jesus by accident."
"Awareness of a higher intelligence also heightens one actually begins to feel the Oneness of the universe."
"We are in a prophetic moment here, these are not normal times."
"This person is destined to be successful, and the reason why they're destined to be successful is because they're spiritual, they understand it, they get it, they know it's never about their ego."
"Time has come to clear your energy clear your energy and pay attention to the red flags pay attention to the red flags the signs are cautioning you."
"That's why people have gone so insane because it has a reality to it, it has a spiritual reality to it, and they don't believe in the spirit."
"You are spirit, soul, and body... one third of you is a complete mystery to your physical senses."
"We are all loved, that's who we are, that is our reality, and once we start really truly getting it, that we love everybody, and that love is who, I mean, that's all we are."
"Some people are born with a spiritual immune system; they begin sensing something is amiss."
"Notice angel numbers and synchronistic events around this person."
"But the all that is, yes, that you can know and that you are, and therefore you can have an experience of being that."
"The demonic realm, family, I want you all to understand and realize that it is very, very real."
"Be wary of the Jezebel spirit influencing many without their realization."
"The Great Awakening is occurring and the more you stay in a conscious space of 'I'm a co-creator and everything is going according to the light plan,' these things always backfire for them."
"By growing in discernment, we can learn to recognize and expose demonic tactics."
"We need appropriate rest, but spiritually, we must not sleep."
"Your third eye is open, seek see the truth for what it is, follow your intuition."
"There's some tension, spiritual tension in the air."
"You don't need a greater advantage to face what life is bringing at you, what you need is a greater awareness of the advantage that God has already given you."
"The Kingdom of Heaven is right here, for those who have the eyes to see."
"The first step towards freedom and health is a conscious realization of the vast spiritual reservoir in which we live and move and have our being."
"Your soul wants you to awaken that intuition and follow that intuition, become more spiritual and really listen to your emotions and your gut instincts."
"The great awakening will be more and more evident."
"He's been made aware of the spiritual nature of this connection and he's ready to embrace it."
"Everyone receives extra sensory information in different ways: physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally."
"We're learning to see the unseen things of God."
"You are infinite consciousness experiencing itself in human form."
"The Condemned Soul knows about all the greatness, power, and beauty of God."
"Pay close attention to your surroundings because if you see an angel wing, it's often an indication from spirit that they are with you."
"You're a spiritual being in a physical body and when you realize that, there's nothing to be afraid of."
"That's the Paradox of this, but once you recognize that your Consciousness is God, that awareness is the active principle of God, whoa, that's when stuff starts to change."
"It's all about awakening the god within and finding that heaven that is only within."