
Personal Evaluation Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You have to have that morning routine and that evening routine of evaluating where you are and where you want to go."
"I'm not content with just doing a good job. I want to make a difference."
"Some people are doing better than they think, and others aren't doing nearly as good as they think."
"I generally consider the Stormlight Archive my best work."
"I do feel like someone's career and their experiences gives you a little bit of insight into who they might be as a person."
"He's the hardest working guy on everybody that he does."
"If you're ever bored, I recently had a conversation with a randy objectivist by the name of Yaron Brook. It was at least by my standard a fairly good conversation by which I mean I feel like I made him look like an idiot."
"It's not about what other people think. It's really about how you think about yourself."
"You're every bit in their league in my view."
"I can usually tell if someone will succeed or fail by the questions they ask me and how proactive they are."
"You just have to approach things with... okay, what's the problem? What exactly am I contributing to society... Is this something that can help me?"
"You know how valuable something is by what you're willing to pay for it."
"Understand everyone else's point of views and their beliefs but take a moment to step back for yourself and really just kind of like self-evaluation."
"I am based performance-wise, not outcome-wise."
"There's a message here of evaluating where you're going to grow, where you're going to get the reward."
"I mean, I should have won that game, which is clearly better."
"The impulse to outsource our critical thinking and our evaluation is a really bad instinct."
"Get to a point in God where there is no competition in your life."
"You have to make the decision if it's worth it to you. 500 is a lot of money."
"We're focused on funded accounts, phase one, phase two, passing the challenge, but measuring ourselves based on our learning."
"The first one's an L, the first one is shocking."
"If I love this game more than this game loved me, I don't deserve to be here."
"It all boils down to what am I doing in my life every single day."
"Check in with yourself often. Reflect on the day, the week, the month."
"It's really hard to rule him out as a terrible person."
"Goals for me are critical because I weigh everything against them."
"It's been a year of Joe Biden in office, has your life gotten better?"
"You're definitely better than a C student, Hana."
"He made a difference, I think he succeeded in many ways... I'm very grateful that he's be regardless to where you stand."
"Let me know how you feel about this whole series."
"How did I do basing on the original designs and which one is your favorite?"
"It's fun to be evaluating at all times what I want to do with my life."
"You just all in all turned out to be like an A+ person, like a 10 out of 10 person."
"There's definitely a lot of endings going on, a time of re-evaluating yourself and situations."
"Character, character, character, because really and truly, it's the only real way we can gauge the longevity of a relationship."
"How much game can I make in that time? Will I hit my target of five levels? What will Oliver think of my game?"
"Sorting it out, kind of reevaluating yourself in life and having a freeing and yet really transformative experience of self and the world."
"Our relationship works because our evaluation of ourselves and each other is independent of what society says it should be."
"It's on Russell Wilson and what that ceiling could really be."
"He's made many mistakes but has also been a valuable asset."
"He's an absolute star, I don't care if you like what he's doing or not because the bottom line is he's winning."
"For me, his positives far outweigh the negatives."
"Despite being called a prince so pampered that he would be destined to be food for the fire, he seemed to be meeting Henry's expectations."
"Betting on the person much more than the idea."
"Carefully examine the individual before passing judgment."
"You still want to, but at some point, it's not worth it."
"I guess you're just better than Panda, you just don't compete, but you are definitely on their level."
"Pound for pound, Victor Benjamin might be one of the strongest guys I've ever met."
"I really want to like properly see if I think it is worth it."
"To say that you know you were the one that was basically led along the entire way fraser you're not a dumb guy you're a smart individual."
"Clubs value these interviews so highly because that's when they get to understand the person that they hope to draft, not just the player."
"Global self-esteem is an overall evaluation of the self as a person of worth."
"You have to personally evaluate situations for what the right thing to do is."
"Being self-aware is about accurately evaluating ourselves, owning our strengths, and also acknowledging our weaknesses."