
Vibrancy Quotes

There are 3956 quotes

"So that the two-ness brings them into one and the Oneness dances as two, and that that's a kind of a vibrating relationship between the one and the two so that people are both separate and yet they are not separate."
"This is a month for you where you do feel very... it's kind of like a buzz, like a very ecstatic, very electric energy."
"Maximalist design style celebrates boldness and abundance, featuring vibrant colors, eclectic decor, and a layered approach to styling."
"Living a juicy fun life, vibrant life, alive, that is full of passion and purpose."
"The color in this is really strong, really saturated."
"What really stood out to me at first glance about this new line of contrast paints is how vibrant and saturated so many of the colors are."
"Every character on that screen just popped. They had so much energy, so much life."
"Vienna is dense, lively, vibrant, it's a huge hub of culture."
"It was a life well lived, a life lived in color."
"The range of emotions... are all vibrantly displayed."
"London is alive. London is a testament to just how real alive is."
"That's the color of the city. It's very vibrant. It's very colorful."
"You can live a rich life, richer and more vibrant than you ever imagined."
"No Man's Sky is one of the brightest, most colorful, most ultimately humanistic games on the market today."
"Robin Williams was a mirthful meteor, an actor who Shone brightly in the Cinematic firmament."
"The city does feel vibrant and alive, and it's nice to see things behaving as you'd expect them to."
"They add vibrancy and amazing depth of flavor."
"We desperately need the dry bones of the church to become alive again, vibrant again, potent again."
"They just embody everything that Forza Horizon represents and they add just that level of vibrancy back into the world."
"Miami is on fire. This place is unbelievable."
"These colors are my favorite. I love these paints so much because they're so vibrant and just flows through the actual airbrush."
"Everything looks more vibrant, colorful, and just bright."
"Comics is vibrating on its own frequency and its own level of crackle."
"The dynamic world just feels so much more alive."
"This world was vibrant. People come alive in color because you can see the color of their skin."
"We truly demonstrate the pride and the uniqueness and the vibrancy of who we are as people."
"Finding... a kind of very lively, curious, bright, vibrant story."
"This mountain is truly alive, cradling an army of the most amazing creatures that make up its living parts."
"It's bright it's versatile it's punchy it's percussive it's very responsive too."
"Absolutely gorgeous to look at it's so vibrant."
"It's a positively marvelous piece that comes towards the end of the first act."
"Indian food is vibrant, the literal meaning of the word tamaka means a blast."
"Creating a bustling, vibrant, and exciting place."
"The contemporary culture that is so vibrant in the city of Athens."
"The streets of Hamburg seemed to be filled with countless people, walking, cycling, in carts, everywhere."
"The world is snapping back into focus, bright primary colors have wooed him to his super heroic calling."
"Hong Kong is super dense, very lively and filled with detail."
"No country in the world is more colorful than India."
"Art is not something that ended a hundred years ago, but that is vital and alive today."
"Our planet is every bit as alive and so much more alive than any of us."
"It's bright, vibrant, and we managed to make it sexy."
"It's great to see a lively community right now."
"You give me so much color and life and vibrancy and happiness, comfort and comfort."
"It's such a vibrant style of music because it's there aren't a lot of rules about what they did."
"Newcastle is a vibrant city, a lot of energy."
"I'm lit like a candle, kinda like a dog breaking off the fennel."
"The Stormlight Archive is proving to be the most luscious and vibrant fantasy world I think is currently being written."
"I love how bright and fun and vibrant everything is."
"There's definitely loads of energy round here, there is."
"Just add a plant or two or three. Bring life into the space with color, pattern, and always something fresh."
"A lot of spark and energy... drawing in attention."
"Maximizing land use: Challenges of retrofitting urban spaces."
"Creating a vibrant downtown: Planning for a bustling city center."
"When you grow in grace, admitting your mistakes, reflecting, reforming, you can be as vibrant as in your youth if not more."
"Her energetic soul and compassionate heart deserve our attention."
"Life is about being lively, like a city bustling with energy."
"So sad to hear that the singular, brilliant and vibrant, Sir Ian Holm has passed. Farewell, uncle." - Elijah Wood
"This just screams spring to me, it breathes life into my body."
"It's almost to me the most exciting thing is... that all the lots in this are so detailed and so full of life."
"I'm finally in Manila... this place is bustling the capital the heart of the country Metroplex of activity."
"It's a small community that's just bursting at the seams with incredible art."
"A charming city with beautiful architecture and vibrant people."
"The world of Vice City seems absolutely vibrant."
"It's just nice how vibrant everything is now."
"We can live out our dreams in living color, honey."
"It really gives the overall appearance a lot more life and vibrancy."
"The bird who is just, she is just stunningly bright right now inside and out."
"If you thought the Tokyo nightlife was crazy, spend an entire weekend in Osaka."
"We are so lucky to be able to express ourselves in such a colorful way."
"He was a vibrant little rascal who was always full of life and never failed to bring smiles to those around him."
"London was described by her dad as being vibrant, kind, and well-liked."
"This place is really coming alive though, I love it."
"To make a sketch and to keep it fresh and vibrant, it's not so difficult. But to do a painting that you have worked on for a dozen sessions and keep it fresh and vibrant, that is an incredible challenge."
"It's vibrant, it's very, very healthy, and more importantly, it's so straightforward."
"Let your feelings, your emotions, let the rocketing energy shine."
"You're gonna feel like just like in this card, you see how much energy this card has, that's how you're going to feel."
"I don't want a dull colorless and emotionless life, and I'm willing to sacrifice everything to become vibrant like a rainbow."
"The artist's phenomenal, incredibly vibrant."
"Limited animation doesn't matter when your world is this happening, you dig?"
"It stood out just how colorful it was in contrast to the darkness."
"It was filled with color; it just felt lively."
"Life is a canvas, and every color we choose brings light to our days."
"Described as fun, outgoing, loving, and full of life."
"New York is the city that never sleeps."
"It's just bright magenta purple goodness."
"It's like being in Times Square in New York City; it's so bright and so effervescent."
"It's such a lovely color and certainly wakes up the neighborhood."
"The spirit of the Southwest comes alive."
"You are someone who, regardless of your zodiac sign, is coming off as this very vivid, lively person."
"In healthy hair, the color shines brightly right through the outside layer of your hair and looks amazing."
"It's just a perfect vibrant green."
"It's a really nice mix of super bright creams."
"I think Nicki Minaj's brand has always been pretty animated, pretty vibrant, and pretty pretty."
"You're a beautiful, strong, vibrant young woman who wants to be a chef."
"It's crazy, everything's just getting green, green, green, growing like super fast."
"It's just a really indulgent, comforting, but still, like, kind of bright little dish."
"Your energy to them is iridescent."
"It's amazing, I wasn't expecting it to be like such a colorful city."
"Diana will be remembered by her loved ones as a bright and vivacious young woman."
"The animation is vibrant and always interesting to observe."
"The essence of feeling youthful and vibrant transcends mere physical appearance."
"It just felt like an easy, warm, FUN program; something that perfectly encapsulated the desires and ambitions of a young person at the time."
"The artwork of the cards themselves is full of life and color."
"Life has become more colorful since Yuki entered her world, now filled with novelty and vigor."
"She was a beautiful, vibrant girl; everybody in the community knew who she was."
"I think it's beautiful and vibrant, I love this green."
"Rainbow chard is one of my favorite things to grow in the garden, especially during autumn and winter; it brightens up a winter garden, it's so colorful."
"Life is colorful... there's so many colors to life, you don't just have to stick to two different colors."
"Can you describe your style in three words? Classy but also colorful, and kind of fun."
"Celebrate, this is more high vibrational energy coming in for you."
"What a day, first impressions of Beijing are only incredibly, incredibly positive."
"It used to be a place teeming with life."
"Life is a gift, and you know, just seeing everybody here and you guys are still vibrant."
"Shocking pink, a life-giving color, pure and undiluted."
"Tokyo is the capital, the most important city of Japan, and it is an amazing place."
"You're headed toward joy, your life going from black and white to color."
"It's so alive and I feel that sort of pulsating sense of a city and it's always awake so it has this energy."
"The colors of the season are often yellows, reds, golds, blues, greens, white, and pinks; they're often very vibrant colors."
"I love these super rich vibrant colors for spring; I also think that it's just a great transition into summer."
"That pop of red really screams holiday."
"I love rides like this where they're just like they look like neon lights, it's vibrant, it's beautiful."
"Everything she does, she says with zest."
"Yellow is one of the most eye-catching colors and it's also a very like generally positive color."
"You have an energy that's so light, it's so bright, it's so vibrant."
"the colors take here they're way more vibrant"
"Ghent seamlessly merges medieval charm with contemporary vibrancy."
"Vincent's last paintings were vibrant depictions of country life."
"The result is a very vibrant and extremely unique culture."
"New York is incredible. It's chaotic and intense and it's so much but it's unbeatable."
"New York has been amazing, so vibrant and so much to do."
"You're like a splash of color in a very dull world."
"The local markets in Australia seem to be a lot more fun and exciting, and it's more of a social event."
"Love really enhances vibrancy in our lives."
"It's crazy how it feels like there's always something going on."
"I think it still looks quite colorful and quite fresh and like quite young."
"I love it here, it's always so vibrant, such action."
"A brightened denim blue infused with an easy vitality."
"Sugarcoated lemon drop is filled with zest."
"What things do you see people doing that keep them from looking their most fresh and vibrant and current?"
"Youthfulness and vibrancy come from using bright colors."
"...in lria people have a chance to shine and that's why people are so Lively."
"Every shop is filled to capacity; this event lasts for a whole week and it livens up the city like no other."
"So what I also love about the tapestry is the colors that remain vibrant and fresh as the day they were woven."
"This could add some color and life"
"Everything is very vibrant and bright."
"Neon green is always going to be a winner for me because it's just so eye-catching."
"One of the most high vibration creatures I've ever met in my entire life."
"They wake up in a goddamn different vibration... in love, devotion, free spirit."
"Lisbon is regarded as one of the most vibrant and charismatic cities in Europe."
"Lisbon pulsates with life inviting you to immerse yourself in its vibrant nightlife."
"James was definitely the pop of bright red in a season of mostly gray."
"Never a dull moment. Absolutely potentially gathering momentum. If you're looking for passion, vibrancy, aliveness, creativity, then look no further."
"I felt like I had so much energy, everything just felt like everything was kind of just vibrating around."
"The more colorful your food, the more healthy it is."
"Naples is vibrant, it's historic, it's a little bit dirty, it's busy. I love it."
"Step into Mexico, a realm where the past intertwines with a vibrant present, creating a tapestry of culture and color."
"It's not closed up, it's a relish, okay, because it's with it, because you always add pickles, always add a little bit of vibrancy, a little bit of pecans to a little bit of heat, it's like a chutney."
"Nothing is merely the absence of everything."
"Even in its most desolate voids, the universe is vibrant."
"History is full of sexiness and color. We just need to bring it out."
"It just makes everything come alive."
"I just love the aesthetic of these Pokémon maps. The Colors the vibrancy."
"The fans formed a vibrant and tightly knit community."
"Your energy feels abundantly Rich."
"It's spring so everything should be bright and vibrant right now."
"The city would have been extremely vibrant."
"Imagination gives the color to life; it has given us the most beautiful of our arts."
"It's just such a vibrant shift between the two colors so it's super noticeable on the nail which I love."
"Orange gives the wearer feelings of zest, adventure, and sociability."
"Let's live in Technicolor once or twice. I mean, what's it hurt now?"
"It's never too late to begin exploring the spaces in which I feel the most vibrant and free."
"The streets bustled with revelers, jazz music filled the air, and the vivid colors of costumes and floats were a feast for the eyes."
"A little different, so this is a little softer, but they have a lot of color and a lot of life and a lot of energy to them."
"These colors here just create a really vibrant and creative mood."
"He really is a very vibrant figure."
"Bangers Ville is a place where everything just bangs."
"We were young and vibrant, it's just different days."
"These colors are just so vibrant and Rich. I like how we have the warm pinky corals on the top, the greens into the turquoisey Shades in the middle, and then the bluey purples on the bottom."
"He's like a burst of color. And his stories, remember the one about the lion? How could I forget?"
"These colors are definitely the brightest and most vibrant of all of them."
"I feel brilliant. I've got more energy. I'm more vibrant."
"We were in our third season, and you know, there were one or two scripts here and there that sort of bounced out. But this one, you could tell, was like, 'This was written with passion and a new vibrancy.'"
"It makes life more enjoyable, it makes the bright colors brighter and it makes the dull colors even brighter."
"But we're going to be making it really vibrant."
"It's just big enough that there's really great stuff happening and it's vibrant and it's kind of emerging but it's also small enough that everyone is interacting with each other."
"The effervescent activity of Hanoi City Center doesn't stop at nightfall."
"...they were vibrant self-contained communities."
"America is big and it is boisterous and it is more diverse than ever."
"It's a wonderfully creepy and vibrant atmosphere."
"Feeling like you wake up in the morning with just a sense of vitality and vibrancy, like you love the work that you're doing, that you're animated by it, that depends on metabolism."
"Oh my god, this is so good. You can taste the lime in the chicken, it is so vibrant."
"...it was great to see such vibrancy of ideas on the center right of our politics."
"...seriously i can't get over how much color there is this time around..."
"And every time I come here there are always bumblebees going in and out. And this kind of splash of color I think makes it really special."
"Olaf from Barcelona: their everyday feels like a fiesta from colour-popping architecture to finger-licking Tapas."
"The Kyoto fish market is like a kaleidoscope of colors, of bright fish, of fresh fish."
"Guppies offer color and movement to almost every level of a freshwater tank."
"The Caminito in the La Boca neighborhood is a display of colors."
"It's amazing how bright and vibrant they are."
"The colors are just really vibrant. They pop out at you."