
True Self Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"Money doesn't change somebody; it reveals who they really are."
"It's really essential for us to actually reconnect to ourselves and reconnect to who we truly are, our core selves, and our true selves."
"Money is just a tool to amplify who you really are."
"If we would really know ourselves as we truly are, all our problems would actually be solved."
"So much of what we consider to be a personality is actually an overlay upon our true selves."
"Becoming more of yourself does not require you to become less of who you used to be."
"The only parts of you that truly die when we ascend and evolve are the parts of yourself that were never aligned with your true self anyway."
"Your real spiritual essence resides where you've always been."
"When people are given a choice, when they're put in a corner that they feel like they can't get out of, they will show you who they really are."
"Just allow the love to come in... and when you see your true self, it's the greatest love of all."
"A person's true nature is what really matters."
"When you're operating at the level of the true self, you're not operating in fear."
"When everyone can live as their true selves... a day we'll know we've reached when there are no more closets."
"Real love sets you free, reflecting the truth of your true self-state."
"Her private self, her real self - that was more fascinating and more lovely than anything she showed the public."
"When a person reveals their shadow, you're actually seeing their real self."
"When you get mad, you show your true colors."
"They want to make sure that they know and understand the real you to your depths."
"If you're a monster from the inside, it will come out eventually."
"That's like the most important thing we do for each other while we're here remind each other this is who we really are and there's nothing to fear and love."
"Allow yourself to space to step back and feel just for a moment underneath the story, who are you?"
"He's not accepted for who we are. He can't go out in nature and just be himself. He can't drop a video like this and just be himself, you get what I'm saying?"
"You can only be your true selves with each other, such a familiarity where you can be vulnerable."
"But you see, the downside to that, the very dangerous part of that, it's very easy for the true identity, for the trueness of your partner to be concealed in all of that."
"The true character is revealed... you can't hide behind who you are."
"True spirituality is being yourself, it's being authentic."
"Technology is not changing us. Technology is exposing who we actually are."
"Grow in your authenticity, but stay authentic to yourself."
"You saw me for who I really am and instead of judgment or expectations you gave me humor compassion and kindness."
"When you get all of that out... what you've become filled up with is what your natural self is."
"It's when [ __ ] hits the fan that you see who people really are."
"It comes from the courage to remain fearlessly aligned with your true soul self."
"Who you are in private is who you truly are. The integrity of a person is known by how you behave when no one is looking."
"The more authentic you are, probably the safer it's going to be."
"You are here to express all that you are, all that you know yourself to be, and all that you discover and rediscover as you open fully to the real you."
"At least they are authentically what they claim to be."
"Anybody who loves and cares about you will accept you for who and what you naturally are."
"They feel lucky to know the authentic you, not the you that you project to everyone."
"Go where you are honored and loved and seen for who you truly are."
"Your true self, like your ego-less self, meaning you're just your pure awareness, can't be offended."
"They're not going to feel like it's necessary to actually wear any type of mask when it comes to actually getting to know you."
"Who they are when they're with you is their true self."
"The four main traits that embody Vegeta's true self are pride, arrogance, callousness, and his thirst for battle."
"Our journey here in life is all about discovering ourselves, discovering our true self."
"But the deepest truest part of you is actually the immaterial invisible soul."
"Stay true to yourself and stay on the path that feels most authentic to you."
"Or do you want to take a step back into your true being, the one who's in there, you? You're in there. You know what I'm talking about?"
"I saw the true you and you know he was putting his hands on me while I was pregnant there was just he cared more about drugs and it just and I believed I went to the program he went to jail while I was pregnant it wasn't meant to be."
"Character is who you are in the private when no one sees you."
"The person who you think is not the real them is the real them. And the person they got you with was a character they created."
"With you, I was actually able to open up and really just be myself."
"If you're people around you, your friends, your family, your loved ones, your wife, your girlfriend, your husband, whatever, can't accept who you are truly who you are, they are not meant to be in your life."
"A Feruchemist who can use Aluminum is called a Trueself, because they can store their Identity, and then, I guess, get it back later."
"Love is not the property of the saints; it's free, it can't be bought or sold or won or lost; it's who you are."
"Beyond this body and personality, there's a luminous field of loving, the truth really of who she was."
"Your true self was never born and is not subject to death."
"Awakening is Awakening to your true nature or the true nature of reality then it has to be completely immediate and completely unconditional."
"You already are your true nature."
"As this Consciousness, you are already liberated."
"Your intuition is the real you crying out to the ego to get to do something."
"I'm pretty sure that Alex is not the person he's been acting all this while."
"He was genuine. He did what he did because he was a true identity and he did things from a different place."
"Who you are in the spirit is who you truly are."
"You could live for years not knowing somebody, but a second, 160 words could show somebody for who they really are."
"The true self, the God's self within you, can only make your energy expand."
"You see the true character of a person when they get that success."
"I finally had a chance to get to know the real you, the boy I fell in love with."
"You're into them for who they actually are."
"Awareness itself, this is your true home, your true nature."
"It is by transferring the human will to the Divine will that the real person is born."
"The imperishable nature of our true being can be proved with certainty."
"The whole point of trauma healing isn't just to feel better but to be liberated to be your real self."
"Money doesn't change people, it just brings out who you really are."
"True happiness is not conditional; you are happiness, as in your true self is happiness."
"What remains is a presence, a sensation, the beingness. This is what you really are."
"Listen, I am you, the real self of you, all that you really are, that which you think you are, you are not, that is only an illusion, a shadow of the real you which is I, your Immortal Divine self."
"The best place to look for a true picture of Catherine is to look at Catherine's diary entry."
"The reality which is what you really are, so the problems drop away as you see the cessation."
"They always say when things don't go the way you want them to, that's when you see who a person really is."
"You hide behind this kind of mask of being a tough guy, but really and truly you are a caring and gentle person."
"Our own real nature, pure consciousness, that's freedom itself."
"This character arc transformation where at the end of the story they have started to show their true self."
"To claim another from the Upper Room is to claim them as they truly are."
"To become the true self is to unfold, pulling away the mask of one you are not."
"What you are in the dark shows us that this character might outwardly project an image of being totally in it for themselves, but in the dark, they're actually a good person."
"It's good to be misunderstood because people love to judge a book by its cover, but there's something inside of those pages, man."
"The goal of awakening is to unzip the human costume and let our true light shine."
"It was only in death did I realize that the greatest gift of life is to be who our soul intended us to be."
"It's not your true colors that show when you're at the top; it's when you're at rock bottom."
"Adversity often reveals one's true character."
"It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now. A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes."
"When people are in dangerous situations that they're not familiar with, that's when they show their true selves."
"You are not who you appear to be, you are divine."
"You never really know someone until you see how they treat the staff."
"It's what is underneath that really matters."
"The storm did not define you; the storm revealed who you really are."
"Your true nature is apparent here and now, timeless, deathless."
"The hard place does not define you; the hard place reveals who you really are."
"They want you to accept them exactly as they are."
"The mask he wears now is his true face."
"Oh, nobly born! Remember your radiant, true nature."
"You really get to know people for who they truly are."
"You sell hope because there is a truer self that is in all of us."
"It's going to be the type of love that helps you to take off your mask to let down your guard."
"This person's real personality, underneath the mask they're showing, is very family-oriented and serious, yet down to Earth."
"Being firmly established as our real self... is the true goal of all forms of spiritual practice."
"I love to live like a peaceful relaxed life of course I love Glam and entertaining but I think I'm a farm person at the heart."
"Once we are detached from body-mind, the true connectivity takes place."
"If the person is the mask, what's behind the mask?"
"Material personality is not realism; we're not a mixture of good and evil qualities, we're the very image and likeness of God."
"It's the gateway to the unconscious realm and the key to becoming your true self."
"If you judge people by their appearance, you're stereotyping them, and you'll never see the person inside."
"Your true colors show when death is staring you in the face."
"People show who they really are through love."
"Who you are is who you are when nobody's looking."
"The extent of your selflessness means that the genuine feeling of 'not I' in the actual act will only come to the extent you are established in the real self."
"With realization, your 'I am' vanishes, and what remains is your true self."
"What you are before saying 'I am' is your true self."
"It's what people do on a bad day, a bad day where there are no security cameras watching, that tells you what you really want to know."
"She knows who you really are, and she sees who you really are."
"God is going to somebody's heart and he's restoring you to who you truly are supposed to be."
"Our real self does not consist of three elements but of only one element, the fundamental and essential element that we call our spirit."
"You're very much more than meets the eye."
"They want to show up in this connection as their true self."
"To lose who we think we are is to awaken to what we actually are: pure consciousness."
"The consciousness in your body is the nectar of Krishna's feet, or is it the pure form of vision of Shri Krishna Paramatman? It is your own true form."
"What we really need is not healing, but an awakening to the fact that we are changeless being, having the substance of spirit."
"The arrival of the Christ is the realization of who we really are."
"When you give somebody the freedom to be themselves, you see who they really are."
"You are not the consciousness; you are not the knowledge. Satguru is your true nature."
"It is your higher self, your true self, that is calling the shots here."
"The truth of your being is being revealed; what you truly are, have always been, can truly only be, is being witnessed in expression."
"Friendship shows us who we really are."
"Underneath your tough exterior, you are a big softy."
"Your true nature is not limited to an individual but it includes all that is manifested."
"It destroys ignorance and makes you realize what you truly are."
"Let go of it, Lock, Stock, and Barrel, and what is left over is the infinite you."
"Using the power of their true selves in a fight to return Inaba back to its days of quiet peace."
"You are not a variable mortal, but you are a formless, deathless, infinite, and boundless principle."
"If you look closely at their eyes, you see revelation of their true inner self."
"In front of life and death, people's conscious and unconscious hypocrisy will all be revealed to show their truest side, or their ugliest side."
"The ego in the spiritual life is this false provisional adapted self that needs to go in order for that true self to emerge."
"This is the real self, inhering in which one is no longer deluded."
"Be in love with who they really are."
"When you release the ego, what remains is who you always have been and will forever be."
"Go on a trip with someone, that's how you see their true colors."
"The worst times brings out the real us."
"A person cannot fake who they are, as much as they try to put on the facade, their true colors are going to show."
"See your true colors shining through. I see your true colors, and that's why I love you."
"I see your true colors shining through. I see your true colors, and that's why I love you."
"The beautiful feeling that we're all looking for is actually who we are, our true selves."
"At the deepest level, if you experience your true self, you will experience nothing but unconditional love."
"When you be still and you let go of everything, the only thing that remains is the real you."
"People show their true colors when you're not around bro."
"She makes me want to be different, to lead you to your true self."
"The love that doesn't come and doesn't go, that you don't fall in or fall out of, the love that's always here, that's our true being, always here."
"The guru lives within you, as you, as your true being."
"A spiritual life is a life that is aimed towards realizing the true self or the Atman."
"You're not really letting go, you're just connecting back with your truest highest self."
"Our true nature is extremely well; all we have to do is rediscover who we have been all the time."
"Our true nature is also described as like waking up; the mind inwardly is liberated, it's free."
"The bliss of abiding in one's true nature is the only happiness that is real."
"You are a being of pure energy and spiritual light; that is your true nature."
"Especially when you see somebody in their lowest form, their most emotional form, you get to really know who they are."
"What we really are does not die and was never born."
"Good times do not reveal who you really are; struggle reveals who you really are."
"The person cannot do it... what remains is the true self."
"You are not your body, you're neither the mind, you are the subtle essence within all of this within the shell, that's infinite, that's who you are."
"Ignorance veils our real nature as the Atman."
"Money and fame or notoriety doesn't change you, it just exposes you."
"The way it is through Christ is my true identity."
"When ego isn't there, that's your real self."
"You are still the self, the still the self is totally here, but there's the mask of personal identity."
"The mind can only deceive the idea you have of yourself and not the self which is your true self."
"You'll always find out people's true colors when you're in a valley, when you're in a low place."
"A person's true nature is revealed in the face of danger."
"Thank you for being, um, staying true to who you are."
"We have been using the force mind, and there's really the true mind that we should be revealing."
"You just become your true self; it's so powerful."
"I've always seen the good in you, Chase, and I believe that's the person you really are deep down."
"I'm around people that like me for my personality more than people who just like me for my looks."
"We have three characters: the one we think we have, the one other people see, and the one we really have."
"You saw past their pessimistic gruff tough kind of exterior and saw the soft heart underneath."
"Money doesn't change anybody, it just reveals who you already are."
"Who you really are lives in the soul."
"Sometimes you don't find out who a person truly is until years later down the line."
"Whoever this person is, is who you truly want in your core, at your heart."
"People are seeing you for who you truly are, a gift from God."
"If you feel out of alignment, take a moment to realign and connect with your true self."
"To be in a resurrected state is to incarnate as the true self, to be the light for the world."
"Our true nature is love and joy and freedom, and so when we engage in something here that is of joy, we immediately and instantaneously are in a vibrational alignment with what we really are."
"You're coming into your own authority of being your true self."
"They know that this is the path that is massively helping them to transform and become more of their true soul identity."