
Emotional Power Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"The Power of Love. The Power of Love is so great."
"One of the most powerful currencies in the world, in my opinion, is having power over your emotions."
"Love has the power to wound but it also has the power to heal."
"There are no languages required in the musical world. That is the power of music, that is the power of the heart."
"To find that in other people is also so powerful."
"Hate is the reciprocal of love, it’s just as powerful and people can do evil acts in the name of love too."
"The truth is that women have the capacity to hold exceptional amounts of mental and emotional power over men."
"Love is more powerful than hate, hope is more powerful than fear, and light is more powerful than dark."
"What makes Robin's words SO powerful, is not the words themselves, but the chain of emotional sequences leading up to that moment."
"Saying 'I'm so sorry for letting you down, can you find it in your heart to forgive me' places the power back into the hands of the hurt party."
"When you lift that trophy, that feeling is the greatest feeling of power you've ever had."
"This moon is astoundingly powerful for your heart's truth."
"The bagpipes distill all of that into one emotion which is just immensely powerful."
"The power of laughter and love eats the power of fear."
"It was one of the best of the album, extremely powerful, it really hit."
"I'm a work in progress, I got a long way to go."
"Love is a force more formidable than any other."
"Gratitude directly from the heart chakra is where the power lies."
"Insanely impactful music that you might only hear every once in a while."
"Acceptance, love, and trust are truly so, so powerful, life changing."
"That's the power of music and every relationship."
"Be very careful when aligning yourself with the soulmate coming towards you, as they are extremely powerful."
"Everything will be okay, and that feels very powerful."
"The more vulnerable you are, the more power you have, 'cause love penetrates all."
"The right flute melody can bring the listener to tears."
"Forgiveness holds you... why would you let somebody who hurt you keep power over you?"
"Love is the greatest, most powerful force there is."
"This love is going to send a shockwave through the planet."
"There's nothing like nostalgia. I mean, there's nothing more powerful than those traditions."
"Honoring the fact that you're moving through something powerful."
"Gratitude is the world's most powerful drug."
"The power is in the emotion and in the thoughts. That's where your power is."
"I'm not good at emotion... but emotion is where your power and your control is."
"It's kind of about the power of song and how it connects our family."
"When I say somebody has been set free listening, when I say that, it is so freaking powerful."
"My super attractor power comes from how I feel: my faith, love, and joy."
"The power of story manifests in such a way that it gets through the armor of both of us emotionally."
"Desire is such an awesome, powerful controlling element of life."
"Fixed is about the power and danger of love, mutable is about the power and danger of gratification, cardinal is about the power and danger of protection."
"Do not underestimate the power of hatred, it unlocks super saiyan."
"Nationalism is a feeling, nationalism is emotion, and nationalism is as powerful as love."
"Art is art, and you can create something powerful and impactful and impressive like this artist did."
"You just love these words that were so powerful in that story but are powerful in ours."
"We all have music inside of us. And the ability to be able to express that is an incredibly emotional and powerful experience."
"There's something about being seen and heard that is extremely powerful."
"Everything about this ending is so powerful. What an ending!"
"Sleep No More. The American people are awakening."
"Unconditional love is the ultimate trump card for everything because it is source..."
"Happiness is the feeling that power increases, that resistance is being overcome."
"Love exists in so many forms, and that's the real powerful thing about it."
"Love is the most powerful thing on the planet."
"Your heart is the seat of your power. Focus on feeling love in your heart to stop negative spirals."
"Your anger is not a bad thing, your anger can make things happen."
"Love is way more powerful than fear, that is our natural state. We are going back to the love frequency."
"This song not my forte but this is very powerful emotionally, good Lord."
"Music has such power in our lives."
"Romance is so powerful, there's probably not a more powerful feeling that humans have than romance."
"It reminds us of the miraculous power that you feel and the goodness that you feel just simply by feeling together and feeling connected together."
"It's emotionally tremendously powerful."
"Love's got the world in motion and I know what it can do."
"Nostalgia is a really powerful thing."
"The words are the same, but they make you feel totally different."
"It's strange how we give the people we love so much power over us."
"Nothing can really stop the power of love."
"It's such a powerful song, such a powerful video."
"Music has power to control you, it can take you places."
"Maybe a similar sort of power can be gained from positive emotion instead, and maybe that'll be like a big breakthrough, I think that would be cool."
"Movies when you're a kid are so powerful."
"Vulnerability is as powerful, yes it is."
"Men are emotional, men are powerful, don't joke."
"The power of music in a film is so strong and so beautiful."
"The greater issue is that your crush typically doesn't know the power they have over you."
"This book was just so powerful, it was so well written, and it was so beautiful."
"Emotions have more power than we realize."
"It's about the power of love and forgiveness."
"He realizes the power of love, and how powerful that can be."
"That's the power of music for sure."
"She's a powerful empath that can feel the emotions of others and also influence the emotions of those around her."