
Purchasing Power Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"If you know what to buy, money absolutely can buy happiness."
"High inflation imposes significant hardship as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"It's amazing what money can buy once you have a job."
"Gold preserves your purchasing power over time."
"When stuff and services get more expensive, your dollars can buy less of them. That's called inflation, and it's a problem because investors want to fund future consumption."
"Cash is not safe. If you have inflation at seven percent... it's losing 7, 10, 15, 20% of its purchasing power every year."
"When inflation is high, you have to spend more money to get less stuff."
"For every one percent rise in interest rates, buyer purchasing power goes down by about 10 percent."
"A reminder that the federal minimum wage has actually decreased in value over the past several decades. We're paying people less in purchasing power than we did in 1970."
"Every time they print money, they are taking the purchasing power of your dollar away."
"It's about capital preservation; it's about making sure your purchasing power remains as close as possible to where it was before the storm started."
"Easing inflation doesn't mean a return of purchasing power; it's just destroying it more slowly."
"Americans paying more and more for everything with each passing month. No, this is more than transitory inflation."
"Money can't buy everything, but it can help you acquire everything."
"Credit is the number one thing. Cash is cool but credit is how you get what you really want."
"Smart Saver is essentially offering you protection of the buying power of your money."
"Inflation is a hidden tax that makes you have less buying power."
"Whether you have inflation or deflation that purchasing power was already used because of the leverage."
"Australians have more purchasing power than those in almost any other country."
"Gold perfectly did its job preserving purchasing power."
"Purchasing power go up like crazy in the United States."
"Prices of everything go up and the quantities of things available go down but what you can afford is always always always lagging to the actual price increases."
"If I cannot buy it three times over I cannot afford it."
"If you have money, you can get whatever [__] you want."
"Inflation is robbing you every single second of the day."
"What will a million dollars be worth the year 2030 again assuming the inflation rate? Inflation is the erosion of purchasing power... at three percent a million dollars real purchasing power in the future is 7.66."
"The more purchasing power your friend and family member Fred has, regardless of whether it's real or artificial, that means more demand, supply demand, that means price goes up."
"Historically, gold has survived through currency collapses and it maintains its purchasing power."
"With $15, you're not getting as much as you could be with things like ethical standards."
"That same person that could afford the $2,000 a month mortgage payment can only afford a $275,000 home instead of a $400,000 home - that is a massive decrease in their purchasing power."
"You can only afford what you can buy in cash."
"Inflation is the idea that money loses its purchasing power. It requires more money to buy the same number of goods as before."
"As consumers, our only solution is to stop buying their product."
"What counts is what you can buy with your money not how much of it you're earning."
"So what you get to keep is the difference, your purchasing power even in an inflationary time increased by about eight percent which is remarkable."
"The dollar loses 7% of its purchasing power every year."
"China today has an economy which in purchasing power parity terms is actually bigger than the United States."
"Voting with our wallet is the only way to make you listen."
"There can't be many people around with a wallet fat enough to be purchasing a car in that category."
"This is kind of the king right now in terms of anything in human being price range."
"You can't print purchasing power... you have to produce the stuff first."
"Your savings have less and less buying power each and every day."
"If you had one dollar back in 1998 and you had that same dollar back in 2018 that one dollar would have more buying power back in 1998 than it did in 2018."
"It becomes irrelevant saying he's not the best if you can't buy them."
"You can't buy happiness, you can buy pleasure though."
"The value of the dollar is dropping, so it takes more dollars to buy the same things."
"It's all about purchasing power, right? That's what you gotta ask yourself."
"367 dollars is going to buy a lot of bullets."
"If you don't like the material, don't buy it."
"The purchasing power of the dollar has been declining since the installation of the Federal Reserve."
"Money can't buy you everything but damn you can buy some OVO's."
"Money can buy everything, accumulate a lot of happiness for sure."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hair can buy a lot of peace."
"Workers across the United States on average got a pay cut this past year in terms of their ability to buy things."
"I fully acknowledge the privilege and the blessing that we have in this situation of even being able to buy extra."
"The value of money is weakened by the day due to inflation, eroding buying power over time."
"By investing in government bonds, you actually lose buying power over a decade."
"As inflation pushes prices higher... the poorest Americans have less cash to spend than before."
"He who has cash in a recession is king because you can do things that other people can't."
"Brands to me are like a way to vote with your dollars."
"If you can afford a $1500 card but that's it and you have a $300 card that's all you could afford, the problem is just as big to the $300 guy as the $1500 guy."
"Money can buy happiness, happiness is a temporary emotional state."
"If you don't like the game, please don't buy it. They'll stop making it if you don't buy it."
"Inflation just robs you of your buying power."
"Money can't buy happiness, but I can buy you a Club Penguin membership, which I'd argue is pretty much the same thing."
"It feels good to have the ability to just write a check for everything on the spot."
"Decent versus indecent, not conservative versus liberal."
"You are getting less for your dollar, your dollar purchasing power is going down."
"I'm a firm believer in that if you have to ask for a price you can't afford it."
"Bitcoin solves the problem of losing purchasing power, that simple."
"Gold's purchasing power goes up when the markets are down."
"It's like you use what you got but for sure you bought it, you had enough to buy a 2080."
"Preserve your wealth and then when the crash happens, the purchasing power that you're going to have over all of your friends and family or neighbors are going to be immense."
"PayPal has announced it has increased the amount of cryptocurrency U.S customers can buy via its platform to $100,000 per week."
"The root cause of the problem here is not rates, it's the currency which is evaporating and losing its purchasing power."
"What we buy is actually the biggest way we communicate in the world."
"True value is not found in the individual dollar; it's found in the goods and services that dollar can buy."
"You just have to understand that the dollar has lost more than 85 percent of its purchasing power in my lifetime."
"You want your currency to be deflationary because that means that you can buy more things."
"When we think about inflation, we tend to think about the number of goods that, for instance, a single unit of currency can buy today, versus what it might have bought in the past or even can buy in the future."
"The Fed is pursuing a policy whose objective is to have investments in cash lose money in real terms for the foreseeable future."
"Nominal confusion: what you could buy with $20 twenty years ago is vastly different from what it buys you today."
"It's better to let the dollar sink, their own currencies rise, and now their own people can afford to buy the products."
"The Dollar's value only has one way to go and that's down and when I say value I mean it's real value it's purchasing power."
"Thirty-five thousand dollars in March of 2016 has the buying power today of about forty-four thousand five hundred dollars."
"Inflation is basically an erosion of purchasing power."
"The government takes your purchasing power instead of your money so instead of having less money my money just buys less."
"Customers ultimately vote with their wallet in this day and age."
"I've got so much money that I'm about to buy whatever that is."
"Bitcoin against stuff that you need like food energy is buying more of it."
"The money is all about purchasing power... gold and silver will have massively more purchasing power."
"Money is freedom, money will buy you freedom."
"Turns out 5,000 US dollars is a lot of money."
"Central banks create erosion in purchasing power."
"You know what else you can buy when you turn 18? Alcohol."
"People call this inflation. It's not inflation. It's the lowering of the purchasing power of hard money of sound money because there's more of it."
"Bitcoin is the greatest protector of purchasing power."
"If you held an ounce of gold in 1922, it would buy more or less the same basket of goods and services as you could buy with an ounce of gold in 2022."
"It's easy to understand and analyze because over time, gold has maintained its purchasing power for several thousand years."
"The definition of inflation is how much your dollar can purchase."
"Beautiful, the most unbelievable thing is how much they can purchase with $120,000."
"The purchasing power of money is going down massively."
"If you're saving dollars, you're losing money. Absolutely, you're losing purchasing power every day with the inflation that we've experienced."
"When you buy 10 cars, you probably have some bargaining power. When you buy 20,000 cars, you're not going to the Tesla dealer, you're speaking directly to Tesla corporate."
"Women have the most purchasing power of anybody in our own country."
"Debt relief is good for the economy. It gives people more purchasing power, feeds back into the economy immediately."
"What distinguishes money from all other goods is that the quantity of money does not matter; what matters is its purchasing power."
"The actual purchasing power of average median Americans has been completely destroyed in the last several decades."
"Gold's performed really well, but it's just increased your purchasing power."
"Let's talk about what you can buy and actually get out the door for approximately $25,000."
"High inflation, of course, was going to lead to a decrease in purchasing power."
"The actual buying power is always being eroded."
"Combine your purchasing power everything you buy with millions of other Americans into one big purchasing family to give us all some clout when it when they're getting a better price."
"If I had no gold and silver, what would I buy today?"
"If you have a budget, it does help. It just buys you things."
"The gold is going to buy you a lot more oil and a lot more gas in China than it does in the West."
"Manufacturers typically have better buying power so they can offer a better value for money package."
"There are moments in history where the safe haven asset becomes the asset with the single potential greatest gains in purchasing power."
"There is no limit. The government can always afford to buy anything for sale."
"...certainly it's not going to be a one for one but we talked about hey, spending decreases in retirement so yes you have some risk of losing purchasing power from those annuity payments..."
"Money is generalized purchasing power."
"It is unbelievable how far your dollar will go."
"Inflation is a decline in the purchasing power of money."
"The price of money is the purchasing power of money."
"The real value of money is its purchasing power, set by supply and demand."
"The problem that we face is that a lot of people lose their ability to buy things; that's why they have to go into the markets because their assets depreciate."
"Investing in the market... is how you can protect the purchasing power of your dollars."
"We're selling to people that actually have discretionary funds."
"Money and determination will buy anything."
"But the problem with compensatory consumerism was, first off, it required that the consumers had enough effective demand, had enough money, had enough in terms of wages that they could actually go into the stores and buy all of the stuff."
"There's no artist, there's no company thriving without the purchasing power of women."
"Buying power used to be power, now it doesn't matter how much money you've got, you can't get it."
"It's about purchasing power. It's so easy to be blinded by nominal numbers."
"Money, however, buys whatever services you want."
"The typical job can no longer provide a worker with enough purchasing power to make ends meet."
"Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, makes enough money to buy a new Tesla Model S every 50 seconds."
"In this world, what can one million dollars buy you? The answer is obviously quite a lot."
"There's simply no denying that money had more value, more purchasing power 40 years ago than it does today."
"The median worker in the United States can buy the same typical basket of goods as in 2019 and have $1,400 left over to spend or save."
"Bitcoin is a financial life-saving technology; it is preserving your financial health by protecting your purchasing power."
"Inflation is theft, inflation is a hidden tax, and inflation is destroying your purchasing power."
"Your salary doesn't stretch as far, your savings don't buy you as much, and you're effectively becoming poorer each and every day."
"There's a difference between being able to afford something and being able to buy something."
"You can't buy happiness, but you can buy candy."
"When so much is going to the top, the middle class inevitably lacks the purchasing power it needs to keep the economy going."
"We are not growing because the American Middle class and the poor do not have the purchasing power to keep the economy going."
"Money is simply a tool. It helps buy certain things that you would otherwise not be able to afford."
"My 150,000 dollars that I made last year is equivalent in buying power just here in Colombia of 600,000."
"Purchasing power parity means how much your dollar goes in your country."
"If we're to be successful in preserving our wealth, we must have an investment approach that guards our portfolio against a permanent loss of principal and an erosion of its purchasing power."
"Lower income families and retirees on fixed incomes will especially feel their buying power erode, not just in the short term but for many years to come."
"Inflation is one thing and one thing alone: it is the theft of your purchasing power."
"Poland's purchasing power is ranked 19th in the world."
"One of the biggest costs is a loss of purchasing power for households, for workers in the economy."
"If the world really goes to hell in a handcart, our bigger problem is not what can we spend, but I think what can we buy."
"A penny saved is a penny earned, but a penny can't buy you anything."
"Whoever is stepping up to buy this thing probably has some connections."
"Bitcoin provides an alternative where the literally the money that you're using increases in purchasing power dramatically over time."
"The minimum wage in 1938 was 25 cents an hour, however, you could buy many of the good things in life on easy credit."
"As long as I'm liquid, I could buy anything that I want. I have access to anything that I want."
"Consumers have the power to choose which products they will buy, which businesses they will support."
"We have a huge amount of buying power."
"What can $10 do for you if you're in Africa? $10 can do a lot."
"Inflation unfortunately erodes the purchasing power."
"Inflation erodes the purchasing power, that's why a dollar today buys more than a dollar tomorrow."
"After inflation, what is my real rate of return? In other words, I want to know what is my purchasing power in the future."
"We have 500,000 bells, we can literally buy everything."
"Money gives you the ability to buy the things that will then satisfy you."
"If we really want to change the food system, we have got to change the way we buy."
"As inflation goes up, the value of your money goes down."
"Effective demand is when a consumer backs his or her desire with purchasing power."
"Ten dollars in ten years' time won't buy the same amount of stuff that it does today."
"When we talk about our ability to purchase and decisions that we make, if we have lower levels of income or we see prices rising at a higher rate than our income is rising, then we might see that our ability to purchase might drop."
"Australia is one of the most expensive countries to live in, its residents enjoy some of the highest purchasing power in the world."
"Citizens in Switzerland enjoy purchasing power 26 percent higher than people in New York."
"This increases the standard of living by increasing the population's purchasing power, and that is absolutely awesome."
"I can literally buy anything I want."
"As prices go up, you realize that a dollar cannot satisfy as it used to."
"An increase in price will decrease the purchasing power of somebody's income."
"Stability is very key; people do have to know that the dollar will actually purchase a similar amount of goods and services over time."
"We care about money only in relation to prices, in relation to what people can buy with that money."
"As income increases, the consumer buys more of both goods."
"We're looking at the GDP of a country, the purchasing power of the country."
"The purchasing power of households and workers will increase as real wages catch up."
"Workers care about the real wage, how much purchasing power they have with their earnings."
"Purchasing power parity is an economic theory that allows the comparison of the purchasing power of various world currencies to one another."
"Whoever says money can't buy happiness clearly doesn't have my credit limit."
"I'm amazed at what we can buy for two hundred dollars."
"The Fisher effect is the percentage change in buying power."
"The exchange rate is determined according to the purchasing power of two currencies."
"Exchange rate determination as per economic theory should be based on purchasing power parity."
"Protecting your real purchasing power at the end of the day, especially in these environments."
"Our future dollars are going to buy less stuff."
"The price that you buy determines your return."
"Inflation's good for us? On what planet is a policy that steals half your purchasing power over 30 years good for me?"
"Now that wages have gone up, that gives people more spending power to continue to afford higher prices."
"Real wages are up since pre-pandemic, and people can buy as much as they could pre-pandemic and they've got $1,700 extra to spend."
"Your £1 you had yesterday doesn't buy you £1 worth of goods today."
"If you have jobs and savings, you're going to be able to have some spending power."