
Character Revelation Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Money doesn't change somebody; it reveals who they really are."
"We are defined in battle. The Greeks had a saying, a captain only shows during a storm."
"Samus as a woman was the big reveal in Metroid."
"The best fights in storytelling are not just physical clashes but battles of ideals, revealing the true nature of the characters involved."
"We are now just finding out their names after they've been in the series for about two decades."
"When somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
"Being president doesn't change who you are; it reveals who you are."
"The big turn in Interloper is obviously the reveal of these the Vortigaunts are not an inherently angry evil species."
"Small talk is not really about revealing your knowledge in a given subject; it's really about showing who you are as a person. It reveals a lot about your character and your humanity."
"She then marveled at this hidden power which adaru had just demonstrated to her."
"Petscop 8: Encounter with the Shadow Man, revelations about the windmill girl."
"Jung-moon is the one who killed Gu-tak's daughter."
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them."
"I have been many things Bran now I am as you see me and now you will understand why I could not come to you except in dreams."
"Even if you don't have enough proof to prove Pausanias as the culprit, he just admits it to Alexios."
"I want to build depth, evoke emotion, and reveal character."
"So all of a sudden it's like you know she came out with a statement that Dumbledore's gay now."
"It's how people react to problems that shows the truth."
"Another Iron Man cut takes place before Tony reveals to the world that he is actually Iron Man."
"Saskia is actually the dragon... she was put under a spell by Philippa Eilhardt."
"Let me tell you something: adversity don't build character, it reveals it. And a lot of y'all got some funky-ass characters, honey, okay?"
"Is a classic plot twist, one where a previously upstanding and exceptional officer turns out to be a malicious psychopath."
"Actually being Pink Diamond forces characters to rethink who they thought she was as well as question their entire relationship with her. I think that's a really, really bold move."
"Knowing what you know about those two characters being brother and sister boys, it's quite hellacious."
"I can't believe Grace told Malcolm Fade about Annabelle. I cannot believe that."
"Who's been saving her own nanny? It's been Kamala all along."
"Stan Lee is confirmed as one of the Watchers."
"That bothered about a big reveal but was I the only one who thought there was too damn obvious that she was a young African-American woman?"
"The reveal of Darth Vader as Luke's father is a powerful moment and a great twist to the story."
"It's enough to chill any player to the bone: she's not Lamb's messiah anymore; she's a very naughty girl."
"Ah, that's funny. Oh man, oh man, he looks so shit. Oh dude, so I'm spoiler alert, Viserys isn't dead, he's just Emperor Palpatine. Can you persist forever?"
"Vanessa Ives is The Reincarnation of Amunet."
"The ending of Camp Lazlo finds out that Scoutmaster Lumpus was actually an imposter who locked the real Scoutmaster in a closet."
"Competition and adversity doesn't create character, but it will reveal it."
"This guy right here, that's not Bruce Wayne, it's Jack Napier, it's the Joker."
"Nearly everything does, Arden discovers that Peter isn't exactly who she thought he was."
"Power doesn't always corrupt. Power always reveals."
"Peter Pettigrew killed your parents. And he's right there." - Sirius Black
"Shimamura will see a flash of color and it will illuminate him."
"The reveal of Jon Snow's true lineage was emotionally and dramatically done."
"Freya tells Kratos that this is no ordinary illness because of his son's true nature lying within."
"In the end, it was not a god, 'twas a mortal named Jane."
"Levi and Mikasa have the same last name...they're [__] related."
"I'm a firm believer that people show their true colors at the end of the day and the ulterior motives and the nasty intentions are going to surface at some point."
"Kubo did virtually everything right with this reveal, showcasing the Bankai in all its glory, showing its strengths, its weaknesses, and all within the space of a few pages essentially."
"This scene, without dialogue, and in just a few seconds, reveals the core of Jesse's character."
"Adversity reveals character, and this is just the beginning of what I think is going to be a rough patch for them."
"Mary tells the detectives that she is actually a PhD chemist."
"It's almost like the more power you have and the less fear you have, that's when alignment really shows."
"Vader chased after them, following a ship that carried Princess Leia Organa, his long lost daughter."
"And lurking in the background of this moment and many others in Season 2 is Dijkstra's spy owl, who is finally revealed as Philippa at the very end."
"Circumstances don't make us what we are; they reveal what we are."
"The true character of a man is revealed through tough times and adversity."
"You can also hear Kenny unmuffled by his parka at the end of the South Park movie, 'South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.'"
"When someone tells you who they are, listen."
"I liked the way the secret identity here made a lot of sense. I liked the way it was unveiled."
"What does it add to the story? Like we find out, oh yeah, Usopp has been hiding his name and he's actually a Montblanc."
"He yells at the host that the old man who fell proved he wasn't a loser because in his last dying moments he was thinking of someone else."
"All he knows is that I am an Inquisitor, and that he is in danger. He is not wrong in this assertion."
"Character is what is revealed when you make a choice when you could hit it and nobody will know what happened."
"He meets Know, the god of the symbiotes, which is insane."
"People can really see who she is, what Valkyrie truly is."
"Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it."
"There's a quick quote... adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it."
"So the twist in which he actually turns out to be a good guy is that much more surprising."
"The true character is revealed... you can't hide behind who you are."
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
"The important thing at this moment is to see who changes course and who doesn't. Crisis reveals true character."
"Calling it now, 1:59 is where that figure will reveal Ray's origins."
"Resurrection and role of Zanza: a mind-blowing revelation."
"Beth realizes that all this time Rick has been an impediment to her self-actualization."
"I'm kid danger. I know, I figured that out. Just promise me you'll never tell anyone."
"I guess he was aware self-aware enough to just be like, 'No, no, not me. I'm actually a bad guy.'"
"The most important thing that I learned about money is that money doesn't make who you are. Money brings out either the best or worst in what's already in you."
"It's the version of Harley Quinn that's the doctor, and I went, oh my god, spoiler."
"Before the prequels, it was not known in Star Wars lore that a woman by the name of Padme Amidala was actually their mother."
"He's just gonna have to take the mask off and get to watch him eat with his weird face."
"For a second, I thought they were gonna just reveal that Fred was actually gay."
"Pitou reveals the truth to Gon: 'Kite is... already... dead.'"
"It is the perfect way of exposing who these people are, what they're all about, and using a little bit of humor to do it."
"You can only fake for so long, your true character is going to show." - Sabrina Parr
"Bryce realizes he's falling in love with Juli and her eccentricities at the very same moment Juli realizes that Bryce is actually a lying, scheming coward, not her knight in shining armor."
"True character shows when the lights turn off."
"It's confirmed, I know a lot of you were like no, no, she's just Enchantress, no, she's a female version of Loki."
"Ellie learned about the death of Sarah through Tommy's wife."
"Money didn't make him that way, money exposed the fact that he is that way."
"Hodor saves Bran while simultaneously allowing him to understand an important part of his powers."
"The point of the twist is that Michael Myers can be anyone."
"In times of crisis, that's when you see the true leaders."
"And as Jon kills Dany, his last words to her -- 'You are my queen, now and always.' -- are a tribute to the underlying beautiful and good person that she really is, beneath this monster the throne has made."
"We have this reveal which is Joyboy as a liberator."
"You didn't think a person could find new ways to be human garbage, but it was I, Dio!"
"Vega Punk saying he wished there were five more of him gives more credibility to the theory that Shaka isn't actually a satellite."
"This is not pussy man, this is Ironman. Under pressure reveals true character. What are you gonna do?"
"Lyle was completely shocked when iruma explained that kaid was a killer spider."
"It turns out Itachi wasn't such a bad guy after all."
"You've got to be kidding me! So that's Byakuya's true identity!"
"Buffy finally gets a glimpse of Angel's dark side after they first lock lips."
"Cassidy: It's me, the one you shouldn't have killed. Cassidy was also mentioned by name in the final FNAF novel, 'The Fourth Closet.'"
"Vision's body was gone, but Hayward had it all along."
"Blazing sword makes everything as clear as day as I witness first out just how cruel and trivial he really is."
"All of this is why Drive Knight has been the mad cyborg hiding in plain sight this whole time."
"I knew when they didn't show who he was that it had to be him."
"It's always the choices made under pressure that reveal character the most."
"He's the one that started the fire. The twist. What a [ __ ]. Sociopath."
"By defeating Li, Kite can not only increase his rank but also make it clear that his brother is a fraud."
"That's not quicksilver. They're not bringing in quicksilver at this point, it's not him. I thought it was a brilliant move by Kevin Feige."
"They're just showing their true selves at this point, really awful."
"Ofglen reveals that she is a part of the resistance..."
"Charmcaster's Real Name - ...in Ultimate Alien, it's revealed that Charmcaster's real name is Hope."
"Sometimes subversion is good, for example, [SPOILERS] in Watchmen, Adrian Veidt has been pretty much outed as the main villain of the story and is confronted by Rorschach and Nite Owl."
"Circumstances don't make a man, they reveal him."
"You can't hide who you are, it's gonna pop out that regalness."
"The reveal that ichigo's mother musaki kurasaki is in actuality a quincy all along not just a regular human."
"And the reveal that the kindly medical healer captain retsu unohana was in fact the first ever ken pachi the bloodthirsty yachiru unohana."
"Time reveals everything about a person's character, especially if honestly especially if they don't get what they want."
"I felt the same way. I was like, 'Oh my god, he's actually evil.'"
"True character is revealed in challenging situations."
"True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure."
"He's still alive and apparently a lot stronger."
"You will find out who people really are when you tell them no."
"People show their true colors under pressure, Eren, don't forget that. The fact that he just called everybody idiots, yeah, he doesn't care about them. It was all a show. Why? What is their goal? Why they kill everything? Yeah, that's not a good reason. That's just a statement."
"Conflict always reveals the state of the relationship."
"Especially when he revealed that he was as old or older than God."
"But what Stan's insistence reveals about him is the danger of living in the past."
"It was such a beautiful scene when after everything that's happened and after Dumbledore knows what Malfoy he's done."
"You know him well? Of course, I know him. He's me. And I haven't gone by the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi since... oh, before you were born."
"It is then revealed that Bernard D. Block is not only a movie producer but also a vampire."
"You know when somebody show you who you are believe them."
"His name was Jay Gatsby, and I didn't lay eyes on him again for over four years."
"Money is an amplifier. It exposes people and amplifies people."
"Show, who is actually the son of the Claw's boss, receiving the news that the boss will be in Japan soon."
"When someone tells you who they are, believe it."
"'Who are you?' 'That is not important. You are Lieutenant Sulu. You were born on the planet Earth, your helmsman for the Enterprise.'"
"In sport, see the mens. It reveals their character."
"Blast has a son and his name is blue."
"Kurt Russell has been cast as Ego The Living Planet, and also Star-Lord's Dad."
"The hero in Breaking Bad's pilot reveals new aspects of himself."
"Kushina Uzumaki, she was my mother," said Naruto.
"Money doesn't change people; it reveals them."
"A person who troubles themselves to help another tells you a lot about their character."
"That's why when someone shows you who they are, believe them."
"Alucard spelled backwards as Dracula, that means it's kind of obvious."
"Your mother was Lyanna Stark, and your father, your real father, was Rhaegar Targaryen."
"Whatever scene you choose should say something about your character and your world."
"Not only does this twist give us a new perspective on this moment, but it shows us Eren's true intentions."
"Money won't change you, but it will reveal you."
"This man showed you immediately who he was."
"Adversity often reveals one's true character."
"Only one Star Touch Elf has ever been revealed to us, and his name is Aaravos."
"You never understand Luke better as a character than when you find out Darth Vader is his dark daddy."
"Character is 100% revealed through action."
"The revelation that Billy is actually being abused by his bigoted, hyper-masculine, and aggressive dad... is a masterful example of how one single scene can completely alter the meaning of a story."
"That showed me his real character."
"It's in this moment that Palpatine is his true self, enveloped in darkness."
"Douglas gradually shows his true colors to Kate."
"Vegeta would never show this side of his character ever if he wasn't in this position."
"That's the reveal that Rand is a sword master."
"Money reveals the person that you just couldn't afford to be."
"That spy was your older brother, Itachi Uchiha."
"The architecture takes the familiar and changes it into something revealing of the character's twisted nature."
"When I look at a piece of driftwood... it tells me something of what the tree encountered growing, that shows its character and tells the story."
"Every single sentence in your short story should do one of two things: it should either advance the plot or reveal character."
"You let the woman talk long enough, she will tell you some [stuff] about who she really is."
"It's what you do in the face of adversity that truly tells the tale of who you are."
"This is a great chance to give them the do news they deserve and show us their holy forms."
"Funny, it's Vegeta that was the Super Saiyan God."
"Money doesn't change people, it exposes who they really are."
"One plot twist towards the end that I did not see coming is that the hissing lady was actually the good one."
"When Ichigo is sent into his inner world, he is introduced to his supposed Zanpakuto spirit, Zangetsu."
"Allow them to talk, because the more that they talk, the more that their true character will surface."
"A bad circumstance will reveal the true character of an individual every time."
"A crisis, a situation of stress, always brings a man's dominant trait to the fore."
"Soon the truth of your heart and your character will come through."
"Spider-Man has informed that what he thought was a new costume is actually an alien symbiote."
"This arc was the clearest showcase of Big Mom's character possible."