
Submission Quotes

There are 1649 quotes

"Islam means submission...not to yourself, not to your desires, but submission to the one who created you."
"Holiness is someone who simply says yes to God doing God's will over their own will."
"Submission is power. If a man can't submit, he can never lead himself."
"Every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."
"At first, I thought, 'Ah, Smurf blood,' but then he bent a knee to me, submitting to my power."
"If you stripped away the patriarchy, misogyny, sexism, and White supremacy, truly what are the incentives for a woman to give up her agency and submit to a man?"
"To be humble means submitting to divine authority."
"Every knee will bow, declaring that Jesus Christ is Lord, in the end."
"You don't submit to a person; you submit to an idea. You submit to a union."
"How does the soul find liberty? The only way to escape from this slavery is to become a slave of Allah Subhanho Wa Ta'ala."
"Enslaving yourself to Allah is the true freedom."
"You ought to say, if the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that."
"The journey of obedience... started when I had to give the big yes that God, not my will but Yours be done."
"Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done."
"Submit to the Lord and ask Him to order your steps."
"Submission is not the enemy, a key factor to a healthy relationship."
"The key to freedom and breaking the demonic aspect of a stronghold is submission to God."
"Islam is peace acquired by submission to the will of the creator and not the creation."
"Prayer is about submission to God. Prayer is about aligning with His will."
"Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not my will, but thy will be done."
"Islam simply means surrender and submission to the creator of the heavens and the earth."
"Lord Jesus, may Your will be done. You are mighty and sovereign; You control all things."
"True discipleship involves a personal relationship with God and a willingness to submit to his authority."
"I have submitted to the most high, walking in the spirit of righteousness."
"Islam purely simply means submission and surrender to God."
"The Christian life is living submissive to the Holy Spirit who indwells you, allowing Jesus to live His life in and through you."
"A gladiator could submit—they would raise their finger in submission."
"Surrender to Allah's will, it's better for you."
"The most important thing is to understand the truth and that is first who we are created by and who we must submit to."
"It's time, this morning, to say yes to the Holy Spirit."
"I come humbly to you and I come, Lord Jesus, to submit to your government."
"He despises it but he's going to take it and drink that cup."
"Jesus models for us incredible genuine submission to God."
"The most important decisions a Christian needs to make is where they're going to submit their life to."
"You gotta submit and repair. It's this honor that first lady see for whatever reason only church girls do this."
"Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess."
"The universe itself is working with us, it ain't nothing you can do but submit."
"She wants to to be led she wants to submit she wants to open she wants to be done to in in Blissful kinds of ways well that's my job right."
"You've got to submit to it, you can't add your idea, you can't add your opinion."
"Every single knee of every single person on this planet will bow their knee before God."
"Control movement, dominate your opponent, then force them to submit. This is how the art was intended."
"Authority comes when we yield. The more yielded we are, the more authority we walk in."
"It's not a husband's responsibility to make his wife submit; it is a wife's calling to submit to her husband."
"Submission is not about someone controlling what you do, it's someone disciplining what you do."
"Your future success and prosperity are attached to the protocol of submission."
"Remember, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord."
"Submission is one of the biggest forms of strength."
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word."
"The most appropriate relationship we can have with that creator is to submit to them."
"What the word Muslim actually means is someone who submits their will to God."
"Allah has given you enough reason to submit for you to submit even when you don't know the specific reason for something that's happening in your life."
"It is no small thing to submit yourself to the flesh sculptor's knife."
"Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done."
"Submission is actually one of the most powerful things a woman can do."
"You must lose control as an act of worship, as an act of submission, as an act of the will."
"Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women."
"By definition, we say that person is a Muslim... anyone who submits to the Creator."
"We are believers and we must walk in a mindset of 'not my will, but yours be done.'"
"Be faithful in what God is calling you to do."
"Submission is powerful, this is why Sarah was so beautiful."
"O my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt."
"Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done."
"Lord your will nothing more nothing less nothing else."
"If we believe that God is the authority over all of it, then we have no other choice but to submit to him, submit to his definitions, and to submit to his standards."
"As long as he's a God-fearing man and God wills the union, I will happily submit to my husband and serve my husband."
"Humbling yourself to God is the greatest thing that you can do."
"Once you submit your will to God, there is no real suffering anymore."
"Does the clay say to the potter, 'Why did you make me like this?' The potter has power over the clay."
"The only person I'm going to bow my head to is my creator."
"Muslim just means a person who submits to god."
"Have your house in order, who are you submitted to, who's your accountability?"
"I for one welcome our new CGI overlords and I submit to them fully."
"Some women submit even though they don't want to."
"Submission is not the enemy it is indeed a key factor to a healthy relationship."
"It's our duty to submit ourselves to God in all the events of life, happy or unhappy."
"Pray for God's perfect will to be done in your life, not your own."
"The only one worthy of our subordination and submission is the creator of the heavens and the Earth."
"Are people really just going to be that open about wanting to be trampled on?"
"I'm only submissive in a safe, loving relationship."
"Submission is also about grace. Giving grace. And if it comes out good, I will stand by you. And if it doesn't come out the way that you are projecting, I will stand by you."
"You have to do what you don't want to do, you gotta submit to what you don't want to submit to."
"And then they submit a will for submission and this is master meaning that it is a surety again that they submit a submission that is without any hesitation."
"Let that be a lesson to all of us: when it's time to bow down, just bow down."
"If Sterling gets your back, you're either going to tap, get put out, or the clock is going to save you."
"The idea of submission is that by giving up her independence autonomy and power, a woman will be taken care of by a good and godly man."
"Blind obedience and submission are not the same thing."
"Acquire peace by submitting to the owner of peace - the one God."
"This is Islam: doing God's will, not your desires."
"You do not defy the state. The state controls you. You belong to the state."
"Once you recognize that this is the word of Allah Most High, you have to submit to it."
"Turn back to your Master, surrender before Him."
"Roman Reigns has tapped out with the BDSM lock applied."
"They want you dead but will settle for submission."
"There's only one power that we all should submit to, and that's the power of God Himself."
"I desire for you to have the final say in my life. I submit to you, you're my number one, you are my everything."
"Submission is not about being weak; maybe softer is better."
"Submit yourself to Allah, even when you can't see the way out."
"Henry was in complete subjection to his father."
"May your will be placed above mine. I choose to live a life that glorifies you."
"Islam means submission. It doesn't mean saying no to God. It means submitting to God."
"God demands total surrender. It is submission to His lordship."
"Continue to submit to a higher power, things will fall into place."
"My way of life is Islam, is submission to Allah."
"All prophets throughout history invited mankind to willingly submit to God and follow his guidance."
"God is Sovereign... we his people need to submit to what God has said in his word."
"The only hope for peace is to teach people... to enjoy being bound and enjoy submission to kind authority." - William Moulton Marston
"I'm imagining the tying up and the being out of control."
"In salah, we're not just praying, we're at the mercy of the Creator, with our forehead on the ground."
"Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt."
"To tap from half guard tells me that the pressure was insanely tight."
"By submitting to His sovereign will, we find true freedom, not the freedom to do whatever we please, but the freedom to live within the secure boundaries of His perfect will for us."
"Authoritarianism happens when followers submit too much to the authorities in their life."
"Islam is the true religion that one creator sent to all the prophets. Aslam means when you submit your will to your creator."
"Real men don't want to argue with no woman. We want a woman who's obedient, submissive. It's very attractive."
"A Muslim means one who submits their will to do the will of God."
"I know what it's like to truly submit to Allah, to seek knowledge, to live in an Islamic environment."
"The Lord is going to put there who he has deemed fit and worthy, willing to submit to the yoke and the mantle of leadership."
"Lord, take my will for I cannot even give it to you."
"Don't you realize that you're struggling? Submission is the key."
"I want to submit until hell is afraid of me."
"You wanna be an apostle, prophet, author? But do you want to be submitted?"
"When a human being delights himself in the Lord and becomes submissive to the Lord, he yields to power greater than himself."
"I do submit to truth. I do submit to what I believe is God's will."
"Believe that God will deliver you from things but always have the submission aspect of putting it in God's will."
"God, would you help us submit to the potter's hand?"
"Submission is the voluntary surrender of your will to the role of another."
"The only appropriate relationship you can have with that entity is one of submission."
"Naturally, you don't say no to the fuhrer of Germany."
"The will of God is to flow through the life of the yielded believer."
"Yieldedness and submission can be really, um, legitimately painful words for women."
"Submission is power under control; powerful people are under submission."
"Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word."
"True humility is the submission of the heart."
"God be it done to me according to your word."
"Many times in the Bible, we see demons actively submitting to Jesus' authority."
"When you worship, you submit; when you worship, you say you're in charge."
"Submission is all about yielding, in my opinion."
"Submission takes strength, it takes wisdom, it takes courage."
"He locks down his right arm, throws his legs up, bang, he's trapped, nowhere to go, got a tap."
"Cast yourselves down before the Lord, and He will lift you up."
"At the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven, things in Earth, things under the Earth."
"Help me to be more submissive, more meek, more humble, more patient, more full of love."
"Submission only has meaning in the context of boundaries, for boundaries promote self-control and freedom."
"Lord, you are our God, and we submit and surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ."
"In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."
"Submission is not a position of weakness; submission is a position of strength."
"If you want your stories to appear in an episode of Darkness Prevails, share them with us."
"God, I don't understand or even agree with what you're doing, but I'm going to submit in obedience out of faith."
"Islam, peace acquired by submitting your will to the will of Allah."
"We indeed belong to Allah, and we indeed shall all be returning to Allah."
"There's power in submission, and submission does not equal weakness."
"I'm not resisting, I'm not resisting."
"Lord, I want to do it your way, not my way; thy will be done, not mine."
"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
"Lord, forgive me for being self-willed; forgive me for living my life the way that I wanted to live it. I want to submit and to surrender to Your will."
"Every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in Earth, and things under the earth."
"Nevertheless, not my will, Lord, but Your will be done."
"In the act of worship, we are submitting the intellect and we are elevating the heart."
"The importance is the act of submission."
"Men value your femininity, your youth, your fertility, the cooperativeness, and your submission."
"Whatever happened, she would remain faithful, work hard, carry out the orders that were given to her, and accept the leadership of Napoleon."
"We submit ourselves to God and submit ourselves to the authority of God."
"When you allow God to put His foot down in your life, then you can put your foot down."
"Submission to God and resistance to the enemy, they go hand in hand."
"God is not supposed to be your side man; He's supposed to be your Lord and Master."
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
"True freedom comes in submission to God."
"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."
"He voluntarily submitted himself to the will of the father."
"People's charisma will be lost when they're too submissive to romantic relationships."
"Every male character ends up being a huge sub in bed, especially when paired with a tall female character. Every single female character ends up being the dominant one in bed."
"Shall I not be a grateful servant? And he uses 'shakur', one who is constantly in the process of thanking Allah in any state, right? This is important, and that we carry. If we complain, we complain to Allah."
"The call to love her as Christ loved the church is higher than the call for you to submit to me and honor me."
"I want my heart to be submitted to him even in those moments."
"It takes maturity to submit, it actually takes two equals to submit."
"Submission is actually a place of strength because you have to be mature to be able to Bow the knee."
"There's the truth and we can do one of two things: we can submit to it or we can rebel against it."
"When you're making Dua, you are better off submitting yourself because at the end of the day, you don't even know what the next moment has in store for you."
"The believer goes to Allah and says, 'Allah, I want this thing, and I'm happy if you give it to me, and I'm happy if you don't give it to me.'"
"Y'all gotta tighten up. We the head. You can't complain about women not submitting if you're not leading."
"The name of Jesus, every knee has to bow, every tongue confess that He is Lord."
"God does what He wants, when He wants, the way He wants, and He asks no one’s permission."
"They almost worship your body, and that allows you to let them be in control a little bit more."
"Our God is able. If we will submit to Him."
"Remember any case you end up using, you need to have its full citation because you're actually going to refer to that in your submission."
"When a man has that, it can be a dangerous thing if he does not submit that Earthly power to God. It could be a dangerous thing."
"Submission can mean inferiority or submission can also mean silence."
"Humble yourselves under God's Mighty hand."
"Submission is key, pray for your husband."
"To be God-fearing means to submit to the ways of God, submit to the word of God as the final authority in all matters. Write this one down: to submit to the word of God as the final authority in all matters. Not some matters."
"Submission doesn't always mean mandatorily for this person that you're called to submit to unless they have also modeled what they're asking."
"Praying in the name of Jesus means that we pray with his mind, that we're praying in submission to him, that we're trusting in the merits of his power, his righteous life, his blood."
"Real love is about being ride or die, and if she truly loves you, she'll want to give you control."
"None can stay his hand or say unto him, 'What doest thou?'"
"Patchy Mix looking for another submission finish."
"I choose to surrender to you today. I just want to do your will, God."
"the dirtiest nastiest submission in Jiu Jitsu and when you get it and you know you've got it in the guy caps you let go and if you don't I will cut you"
"Pronin sits there with his legs out for Gazali to grab one because early grabs one Pronin is free his knee line is free he can turn there's nothing actually putting pressure on his knee joint but he taps to the heel hook anyway."
"The single most high percentage method of submitting people in grappling is a rear naked strangle."
"It's not about trying, it's about yielding."