
Monotheism Quotes

There are 1472 quotes

"Worship the one unseen Creator and don't worship His creation."
"The purpose of life is clear. It's made crystal clear. The Quran is so clear who God is, the pure absolute monotheism of God Almighty."
"True contentment, true happiness, and true purpose is in worshiping one God alone."
"God is one. He has no partners, no rivals, and certainly doesn't have equals. He is God alone, all-knowing, no boundaries to Him."
"The very fact that the creation is in such harmony is an indication there is one all-powerful god."
"Don't even put up delusional gods; don't even put up illusional idols; turn to Allah directly."
"The Islamic concept of God: a pure indivisible oneness, a cause and initiator for all things, a divine unity behind the multitude of created things."
"I do think there is one God. I'm not an Islamic scholar... but I think that in Islam we have a lot of respect for Christians."
"I had a deep and abiding belief in God and only one God."
"If you were asking me whether I believe there is only one God, my answer is yes. And if you were asking me whether I believe that Muhammad, peace be upon him, was one of the prophets of God, my answer is yes."
"He has no competition whatsoever, seeing that he is the only wise God."
"You're not worshipping a saint, an idol, a stick of stone, a man, a woman, you know, your ideas, but you worship the one who gave you life and will give you death, and you call upon that creator alone."
"Every single prophet came with this message: worship one God alone."
"There's one true Living God. He has no rivals, no partners, no associates, and he has no equals."
"Holiness believes God is one. Holiness believes there is no flesh and blood in heaven. Holiness believes in the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ."
"We believe in one God. No son, no daughter, no roommates, no sharing power."
"Worship the Creator, not the creation. The one God."
"The only truly Abrahamic faith is Islam because we're the only faith that follows what Abraham peace be upon him has been spreading and was about - pure monotheism, worship of God."
"There is no God better than Him. There is no God besides Him. He is God alone, maker of heaven and earth."
"We bear witness there is no god but one. There is no God with him, there is no God besides him, glory to God, there is no God equal to him, there is no God greater than him, there is no God better than him."
"We worship the same God that Jesus worshiped."
"Verily, Allah is my Lord and your Lord; worship Him alone. That is the straight path."
"We need to make sure that what was the faith of every prophet, every messenger: monotheistic faith, doing good deeds, and sharing God's blessings to all of humanity."
"I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible."
"Say, He, Allah, is One. Self-sufficient, He does not beget nor is He begotten, and there is nothing like unto Him."
"We believe that the message that was sent to Moses and Abraham and Jesus... was always believe in one God, the one creator. Don't worship idols, don't worship people. There's only one God."
"Allah is witness of greatness to Himself that there is no God worthy of worship but Him."
"In Islam, we believe there's only one Creator, one God. We don't worship people, we don't worship saints, we don't worship any prophet; we just worship that one good Creator."
"The establishment of the true religion on earth is the Prophet Muhammad refining and restoring the true law of Moses and true Abrahamic monotheism."
"He created the heavens and earth all by Himself, didn't have no help, and He's not looking for no help now."
"There's only one word: Allah. Muhammad is His messenger."
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."
"What makes sense is that there's only one God...that is not begotten, does not beget, does not have children, he himself is not a child of anybody."
"We begin in the name of the one God and we pray for peace and blessings on all whose noble messengers."
"Every prophet and messenger came to show us God so that we worship God and not anything of the creation."
"Monotheism is not the property of any particular group but is the property of the whole of humanity."
"The Quran restores the original monotheistic message of Jesus, who is not part of a trinity but rather a human messenger and the Messiah."
"The key is the fundamental thing; when you have that firm belief of monotheism, everything else if this is strong... this is your salvation."
"During his reign, the Pharaoh Akhenaten was able to abolish the complex pantheon of the ancient Egyptian religion and replace it with a single God, Aten, who had no image or form."
"Akhenaten became a focus of interest for Egyptologists who saw him as a visionary humanitarian as well as the first monotheist."
"Following the death of Akhenaten, the idea of him as the pioneer of a monotheistic religion that later became Judaism has been considered by various scholars."
"Akhenaten declared himself the son of the one Heavenly Father."
"Islam teaches that the greatest injustice is polytheism, or shirk, and the greatest virtue is strict monotheism, or tawhid."
"Monotheism produces this beautiful psychology grounded in love, gratitude, humility, and certainty."
"Islam stands alone, and it’s all because of one belief: There is no god except Allah."
"There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah."
"Nobody was declaring that there are two persons in the one God."
"Throughout the Old Testament, there is an insistence on one God."
"Jesus is the eternal God, there are no gods before God, you will never become one one day."
"For there is one Elohim and one mediator between Elohim and men, the Messiah Yahshua." 1 Timothy 2:5
"Stay committed to the one true God because there's only one true God who deserves that commitment."
"Monotheism birthed great faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam."
"There is only one seeker and his name is God."
"Elohim is the word for God or gods, so it's not a name, it's a... that's just what it means, God or gods."
"We believe there's only one God and only that great God is worthy of worship."
"If you can communicate the perfection of tawheed, the oneness of God, and say, 'This is my salvation.'"
"We believe God is absolutely one and he cannot be divided into parts."
"Trinity equals blasphemy because it is the essence of shirk, which is polytheism, which is equating deities with God Almighty."
"We have almost polytheism instead of monotheism."
"God have one wife, that one wife is one people."
"All prophets came with the same message: to believe in and worship one God."
"It's not a separate being, it's literally the power of Yahweh."
"There is only one God and He is a jealous God who will not share His glory with another."
"Pharaoh Amenhotep is commonly credited with having created the first truly monotheistic religion."
"We bear witness, as always, to the one true Living God, God Almighty."
"His message was to call humanity to the worshipping of the Creator and to destroy all kinds of injustice in the earth."
"It was to call humanity to the recognition of the one creator and to turn people away from all kinds of idolatry."
"As Christ fills their heart, their minds do not go wandering after other gods. Their hearts are not divided."
"God is one person, the Father. However, each of them are divine. They're God in another sense."
"Scripture is consistent from Genesis to Revelation about the one and only true and living God."
"For there is one God, and there is none other but he."
"This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God."
"There definitely is a Creator, and who is one and only."
"Anybody who turns to other than Allah for dua has not understood the meaning of La ilaha illa Allah."
"There's no god but God. That's it. That's the message."
"There is only one true living god. He has no partners, no associates, no rivals."
"God is of one essence and has two additional attributes."
"Numerosity of divine attributes does not entail polytheism."
"This is Allah because this is the only god that's referred to in the Bible."
"The Hebrew Bible and a belief in one God are woven into the very fabric of world culture."
"Monotheism triumphs. The archaeological evidence proves it."
"There is absolutely positively no god but one."
"Worship the Lord your God only and serve Him only."
"God alone is worthy of all of my praise and thanksgiving, and he is the only God there is."
"God guarantees eternal paradise for those who worship only one God."
"There's only one supreme, and Jehovah is that."
"We're called to live according to the ways of the one true eternal God."
"We will not bow our knee to Baal, we will only bow our knee to one God."
"In the history of Islam, there has never been a controversy surrounding the fact that God is one."
"The true God separates himself from all others by saying he is alive, living."
"You only worship God. This is not just a mere prophet, but the Lord God."
"There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is indeed the final messenger of Allah."
"We believe in the God of Abraham and Moses and Jesus, peace upon them all."
"It was just like realizing that it was just one God."
"We worship none but Allah and we ask from none but Allah."
"The Father was called God and the Son is called God."
"Believing in one god literally is the difference between atheism and monotheism."
"Do not take any other god besides me." - Exodus 20:3
"The purpose of our life is to recognize that Creator and worship Him."
"Worship none but one Creator, don't worship idols or people."
"Jesus tells a Jewish man that 'the Lord our God is one God,' confirming the belief in a unique personal God, the Father."
"Islam gives you that simple, pure, natural belief: one creator."
"One God and a bunch of angels that are creators."
"Alhamdulillah for Islam, one Allah, a great creator."
"All prophets came with the same message of believing in one God and worshipping one God."
"Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess... and we will declare there is one God and he is holy and he is true and he is creator. But not yet. It's already been done."
"Allah is sufficient for me, there is no deity in truth except Him."
"Jesus acknowledged the Father as the only true God."
"Muhammad is a monotheist. Even though everyone around him was a pagan or a polytheist."
"There's only one true God, and his name is Jesus Christ."
"If someone believed in Jesus... as long as he was a monotheist... that does not affect his salvation."
"Islam is a religion of what we call tawheed, which means the oneness."
"Allah, which is the name for one creator, the one worthy of worship."
"There is no god but one. He is God alone, with no error, no flaws."
"Even the demons believe that there is one God they fear even they fear in trouble."
"If someone's truly worshiping God Almighty alone, that's the monotheism."
"Your faith, your trust, your belief must be in God."
"God first, nobody else. God ain't first with your husband, God ain't first with your wife. No. God is first alone."
"I'm glad he is just God alone. It is wonderful because he have no rivals, no partners, and you can't give no one credit but him."
"Acquire peace by submitting to the owner of peace - the one God."
"I came to the conclusion that Allah is the only god and Muhammad is the role model."
"Humans often think we are gods, but we are just the creation. There's only one God, and he is all-knowing, all-powerful, and worthy to be praised."
"This was the real beginning of monotheism, the belief in one God alone."
"Monotheism, the need for piety, and fear of the Last Judgment."
"There is only one God, one Messiah, one Redeemer who deserves to be worshiped and adored."
"There is one God, one Messiah, one Redeemer who deserves to be worshiped and adored."
"The message of Islam is one God and His messenger."
"We serve the one true God, the Jesus of the Bible."
"Monotheism is the single most Innovative idea in human history."
"He did not tolerate Israel mingling with other gods."
"I bear witness there is nothing worthy of worship except Almighty God."
"When I preach there's one God. I don't care who challenges it. I take my one God and knock over everything on the design. That's right."
"My one can handle creation. I don't need a bunch of gods to fight for me. No, my one can handle creation. Amen."
"Pure monotheism means to believe that God is the sole creator and sustainer of the universe."
"Islam does have a morally sound and instinctively acceptable concept of the true monotheistic faith."
"God is first and alone. Always remember, He has no rivals, He has no partners."
"It's not three Yahwehs because they're all being described as Yahweh, the God of God."
"To us, there is but one God, one Lord, amen."
"One Lord of all, Father of all, through all, one God, one God and Father of all."
"Worshipping only the Creator, the one God who created you, created me, this whole universe, and everything in it."
"The Jews are a Semitic people of law and dogma, of the monotheism of the desert and of unrepresented art."
"We believe in the same God that inspired Jesus, that Moses, that Abraham, and Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them."
"The only true meaning of is that nothing is deserving of worship except Allah."
"The world is unifying Islam, Christianity, and Judaism under one God."
"Monotheism produces a beautiful psychology grounded in love, gratitude, humility, and certainty."
"We don't concede to God being a complex... and number two, when we say God has many attributes it's different to saying God has many parts."
"The essence of the biblical message is that there is one God, one ethic for all human beings."
"There is no God outside of Jesus Christ; there is only one."
"Apply that rule to Allah: Don't worship money, worship Allah."
"Yahweh is in fact the sole god of the universe."
"There is only one truth and that truth is one God."
"The number one theme that kept coming up in my interviews was, of course, Islamic monotheism, the Oneness of Allah."
"No man can serve two masters. Who's your master? The God of Israel, Ahaya is His name. Only Him should we serve."
"God is only one without a second." - Chando yo panishad
"Worship him alone, one God, praise him alone." - Rigveda
"God is one, independent, all-powerful, and all-knowing."
"Islam doesn't teach any of these things, Islam is calling people to worship the One God and noble behavior."
"Bear witness there is no one worthy... worship except Allah, Muhammad the messenger of Allah."
"Embracing a religion that is monotheistic allows you to reconnect with cultural sources at a deeper level."
"He's not a man, he's not a woman, not a dog, he's not a monkey to be worshipped and all that, no idol, that one great creator above all of us right."
"There's one God and there's one person that revealed the highest qualities of God and it was Jesus."
"Do not make any other gods beside me. For I, the Lord your God, am jealous."
"Jesus said, 'The greatest commandment is: Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord.'"
"That is a false God. There's only one God, period."
"Human life Finds Its unity in the Adoration of the one God."
"Jesus Christ is God. We only got one Creator, that's it. And we only got one Savior, that's right."
"There's only one God and only Almighty God is worthy of worship."
"The Israelites knew about the one true God from the start."
"The Scriptures clearly teach that God is one."
"The most important principle of Islamic theology is toheed, monotheism."
"There's only one God for the universe, and if there's one God for the universe, there is no reason to have all these variety of religions."
"Akhenaten, rather than being an aberration, was something of a prophet of the future shift from polytheism to monotheism."
"Allah is the only one who speaks."
"There's only one God and His word does not lie."
"There is only Jesus Christ in the world, there is only God in the world."
"Monotheism in ancient Judaism and earliest Christianity is a completely inappropriate term to use."
"Before they were born, God was one."
"Such is Allah, your Lord; to Him belong all dominion. There is no God but He."
"Monotheism comes from the initiative of God, not because we've needed to invent it."
"there's one true God who's a personal God whom we must worship"
"If you are in a religion and have a pastor, minister, or whatever you call him, and if he teaches there's more than one god, he's a heathen."
"There is one God and there is none other but He."
"But to us, there is but one God, the Father."
"There is only one true divine God, and that God is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, period."
"The message of God is one message from the time of Adam till the time of Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon all of them, is that if you want to be saved, you need to believe in one God, not worship idols."
"I believe that Jesus was claiming to be God Almighty and there's only one God this is the reason why Isaiah 43:10 says before me there was no God formed neither there shall be Gods after me I am the first and the last besides me there is no God."
"There is but one God, the father from whom all things came and for whom we live and there is but one Lord Jesus Christ through whom all things came and through whom we live."
"Monolatry means the worship of only one god and that better describes the biblical religion because they're very clear there are multiple Elohim, but there's only one Yahweh."
"The Lord is one, the first and most important commandment."
"In case you claim on the day of Judgment that you were ignorant of this, know well that no one other than me deserves to be worshiped and no one other than me is your lord, so do not ascribe any partner to me."
"The worship of one all-powerful and invisible God imparting ten commandments as the basis for a moral life is a unique event in history."
"Monotheism is really coined in the 16th century."
"To attempt to found a religion with a single God was not only a founder of a religion, he was the first founder of any religion who is known to history."
"There's one God... because there's only room for one heaven and earth can't contain him how can any other god fit in?"
"The scriptures teach from beginning to end there is only one true and living God."
"The Shema, Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4, says, 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one, there is only one God.'"
"It says in Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verses 35 and 39 that he is God alone in the heavens above and on the earth below, there is no other."
"Allah does not have appendages, he does not need limbs, he has no limbs."
"I am the Lord, and there is no other. Besides me, there is no God."
"I am God, and there is none else."