
Relationship Standards Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"It's not about settling at all; it's actually about having higher standards about the things that actually matter."
"Walking power is an internal state where you feel and believe that you will walk away from this relationship if it is not what you want."
"I just say no to struggle love and yes to reciprocity."
"You should not be hooking up with dudes unless they are agreeing to exclusivity with you."
"I went from settling in relationships not getting the treatment I deserve... to now receiving princess treatment every single day."
"I think it's beneficial that the standards are higher and women aren't willing to settle."
"I think it's okay, I actually agree with that phrase, I want a guy on my level, but that doesn't come down to a monetary value alone."
"Okay, I mean seriously, you have a son, right? Yes. Would you want him to bring home a woman making the kind of excuses and reasons you're making?"
"Real men stand up for their partners because it's the right thing to do."
"Character and integrity are the prime primary things right now for me. I cannot deal with the person who does not have those things."
"I think God is more concerned about his children not suffering mentally emotionally and physically at the hand of a man that cannot love her the way she's supposed to be loved."
"You can't find a man because your study should you drop it until you get right into a relationship."
"If you really are making it a big deal to make a man's plate first, that man ain't doing what he needs to do."
"If you have a man that is not doing enough, then you need to get rid of him."
"If you're not going to be there at my worst, you do not deserve me at my best."
"You should stay single until you find somebody who's worth the investment."
"Setting standards and asking for small favors can get him to invest."
"There has to be consequences and repercussions for a woman doing things. If she ain't giving me $7,500, man, I ain't gonna talk to her no more."
"Queens are clear on who fits into her life. Queens are not around here trying to force something that's just not working." - RC Blakes
"Our standard needs to be: Do they love Jesus? Do they have a job?"
"Screaming and throwing should be deal breakers."
"If you can't handle me at the worst, then you don't deserve me at my best."
"Why would you even want a person that would not respect your values or is too shallow to accommodate your values?"
"I'd rather have no relationship than a BS one."
"Don't settle for texting or hanging out, expect real communication and effort from each other."
"Desiring a partner who can be there for you when you need them is the barest of the bare minimum."
"How can she feel safer from a man who walks away from his purpose?"
"If she don't like you as a man, your character, and what you bring to the table, what the hell is the point of having a relationship with her?"
"Women have higher standards for men than they have ever had before for relationships."
"Usually women like to date or marry guys that are making a little bit more money have a little bit higher education or from a social standpoint are perceived with higher value."
"You can't pay me to ever miss. What are you gonna do? Get a man again? Because older men always give more. The quarantine is proving this daily."
"I'm the prize, right? Do you want to be a part of this? Well, show me you're worthy."
"The male figure is very much needed, but it has to be the right one."
"You're saying I know what my worth is and I can't see my worth with this person. I am my own worth."
"Having this list of your relationship standards of your requirements of what matters to you is a wonderful way to navigate your own relationship values."
"If you're a 30 plus year old woman and you don't have a relationship... the only thing that stands between you and the relationship you actually want is your standards."
"The only way the next relationship partner will be worse is if you settle. If you have high standards, then you understand the universal truth that it is simply a matter of time before the next great love of your life comes along."
"Don't settle for less than a relationship that makes you drop to your knees and worship the Lord."
"Why are you telling me I'm gonna die alone too if you are holding out for a high value man?"
"Once you start feeling that confidence and you know you're that [ __ ], a guy would be a [ __ ] fool to [ __ ] around on me."
"If she won't let you do it, find somebody else."
"You're comparing good men to the men that you've experienced previously who were not ready to be husbands."
"Men are simple creatures but your standards are standardizing you right out of the game."
"Attraction is crucial; don't settle for someone you're not attracted to."
"If somebody wants to run, let them go respectfully. If I gotta put a leash on you, I don't want you."
"Good on the man for kicking her straight out of the house. That's fantastic to see."
"The man who is serious about you, the high quality man, he is going to respect that."
"I should be with someone that treats me like a star."
"If he's not good in bed, it ain't happening."
"Find a wife who has done the work, just like you're doing for yourself."
"You should prove a man before you approve a man."
"A wise woman says, 'Let's see... I don't plan on sleeping with nobody but my husband,' and then you see how he moves."
"When a man is worthy of you, he will prove to be a servant to you."
"Ambition is one of the most important things that a guy's got to have."
"Have high standards... a relationship is the pursuit of two people who are committed to doing life together."
"Your standard is: I'm not putting up with this crap. You're not chasing them because you've set your standard. They can come to you."
"Thinking that you're going to be able to find a quality man... they come with standards, they come with requirements, and they're not going to deviate."
"I think everyone deserves someone who gets physically sick at the thought of hurting people."
"I don't think anyone wants to sleep with a woman or get settled down with a woman who has 80 bodies that's disgusting."
"I won't date people who drunkenly cheat on me and continue drinking or whatever is a boundary."
"A man for you will jump through hoops for you."
"There's a big difference between wanting to date a guy who is wealthy and describing someone you did as a loser."
"Don't worry too much about it because if this person isn't able to rise up and meet you at your level, if they don't break these chains, then there's always someone else who can come in and match you at your level."
"You are worth fighting for, so if this person's not willing to make an effort for you, then they're not worthy of you."
"A man that is deep enough to accommodate you is a man that improves your life. You should never settle with a man that cannot make your life better."
"You're like a fine line Scorpio, it's like you're not just gonna settle for anything less than what you want."
"It would be nice if I was in a relationship, but only if it's pure love and it is actual love and not abusive love."
"If a girl doesn't even want to like try, oh yeah, then that's a red flag to me."
"If they really loved you, they wouldn't let you wait."
"Let me speak for myself, I need to see that you're worth that side to me, then I can be your baby girl."
"Men are not going to date you because a lot of the girls out here are not worth dating."
"It's simple not hard, us men need to have high standards and low tolerance when it comes to these modern women."
"Recognize that you deserve someone who's ready for you."
"Realize eventually I deserve better, I deserve to be loved."
"I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life than be with the wrong person."
"I'm not the type of girl who doesn't like to waste time. It's either we click from the get-go and everything is set, or I'm gone."
"Don't settle for less, let's have a couple that are non-negotiable things."
"When you have that confidence... you're not going to tolerate [expletive] from girls."
"Communication and honesty - if it's not there, I'm not going to try to save that because that's a house of cards."
"There's no man today, well, anomaly, who's saying, 'I'm physically fit, in shape, healthy, emotionally healthy, spiritually grounded, financially stable, and he can't find one?'"
"Commitment and fidelity are here, so the problem is not their commitment, it's just that they didn't act to your standards when you were dating them."
"Deal breakers are like physical abuse, drug or alcohol abuse...if they have some of those things that are just non-negotiable, don't get in to start with."
"It should take more than a 15-second video for a man to show you that you are valuable."
"If he’s really into you.. he will step up and meet your standards."
"You're done with people who aren't serious, you're done with people who can't make up their minds, who are flaky. It's in the past."
"I either want to be single and at peace or this needs to happen to allow for the potential for it to work."
"Love yourself first to attract that ultimate love."
"When you love yourself, you won't settle for anything less."
"Having a list and having a standard of how you want to feel, how you want other people to make you feel, how you want to be treated."
"Your soulmate loves, accepts, and respects you. If you're in a relationship right now and they don't love, accept, and respect you, they are not your soulmate."
"You guys deserve nothing but the best in relationships."
"Do not compromise the quality of women you spend time with."
"High standards are extremely important when it comes to ending up with the right person."
"Settling, I mean by accepting someone that I know that's not for me... I'd rather have my peace and be by myself than to have someone that I know that's not for me." - Pat
"You're worth more than just a body to sit beside."
"First of all, I'm a king, I'm a queen. I need somebody that's gonna match my fly."
"You deserve much more. The right people don't need Second Chances."
"A potential partner's education level is usually the first thing any woman specifies."
"If a man don't take you serious, you don't have to play no tricks and games, keep on going back to business."
"It is okay to demand a respectable, honorable black man or black woman."
"You gotta get good at walking away from women who aren't your ideal."
"You're never going to be happy with a mediocre girl like that... keep searching, keep looking."
"I couldn't be with a woman who don't want to hold my hand and kiss me."
"No Queen conscious woman submits herself to a man that does not have answers."
"Don't give the cookie until you've really vetted the guy."
"Men, they are human beings too. They have standards too, they have things that they are looking for women to do for them as well. Just like we have our standards and things that we look for men to do. They have those too."
"Consider yourself lucky if she meets you halfway, respects you, and allows you to possess her emotionally."
"A lioness is a lot of woman, she's rather a luxury item, not available in a Bargain Basement."
"Let him work for it, don't give privileges too early."
"Level up or leave them. I would replace him with somebody ten times better."
"You deserve a chick who wants and desires you, not a hoe who plays mind games."
"Being picky isn't about setting unrealistic standards or expecting perfection."
"Any man who doesn't value you because you flirted with him or expressed your interest directly in him is not worth your time."
"There is no point in constantly going back and forth with this man and battling about your desire for a relationship once he knows it's time to step up or not."
"Defining what a healthy relationship looks like."
"It's having its peace. So if you deal with somebody romantically and if they don't bring you more peace than what you have in your own solitude, you don't want to deal with them."
"You're not gonna settle for someone that's unbalanced or emotionally immature."
"If they can't handle me at my worst they don't deserve me at my best."
"If a man isn't putting in the time and the effort, he is most certainly not entitled to access you on whatever level he wants."
"I'm looking for somebody who's intelligent, common sense because it's hard to find, definitely got to have some money to take care of yourself, not just me but yourself."
"People can't be too nice to me for me to Value them."
"If this is the bar for communication, no, it's not."
"When you're vetting and only high value men are met it's a treat."
"You deserve somebody who knows what they have when they have you, who doesn't have to lose you in order to see your worth."
"If he wants to keep you a secret on social media, it's goodbye."
"If you have to beg for someone to treat you right, no, you just shouldn't do that."
"Love yourself. Don't expect anybody to love you because when you love you right, you're not going to tolerate disrespect from anybody."
"Settling is choosing someone out of desperation... I'm looking for fantabulous."
"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself."
"Communicate what you're looking for and walk away from what doesn't serve you."
"It's better to be alone than to be with someone who doesn't make you want to strive to be the best version of you."
"Instead of trying to get a man with money, let's date any type of man who treats us well."
"Do not take anything less than your worth... it's not okay to be in a bad relationship."
"You become high value so that you don't have to tolerate BS."
"Women do not date down or if they date down they will not marry down."
"If they don't love my kids as much as that, I don't want it."
"Live the life, continue to be the successful woman you are. Stop dating down, stop marrying average, stop going low, aim high."
"Until their intentions become pure, they're not going to get access to you."
"Especially in regards to being picky about who you're in relationship with, you deserve that."
"I don't want to be known as that woman that stayed with someone that weren't treating them the way they should be treated."
"But if he shows himself to just be a guy who's not serious then of course, you walk away, don't look back, keep your head up because there will be a man who wants to pour everything into you that you need and desire."
"You're always supporting the guy like, no that this is how a proper best friend treats his friend."
"You almost want the great things from the previous partner in addition to the next partner."
"You're doing good by yourself right now, they're really going to have to prove themselves."
"If they don't treat you right, they know you'll cut them out."
"When I'm single, I'm single like if I'm in a relationship with you and I'm your girlfriend I wouldn't cheat on you."
"He has not earned that right, truly loves you, he'll wait."
"Cheat on me once, and you're out. No room to change at all."
"Girls if a guy expects you to watch a movie on a laptop in bed he is garbage yeah no that's a fact."
"Once you know your worth, once you know your value, you will only let a certain woman into your life who has the same worth and value."
"Write down a list of non-negotiable traits in a partner."
"You're not respecting yourself enough, but someone else will."
"Women definitely should have some kind of standard of you know you know what they're looking for and things like that but they do have to be flexible."
"I'm not gonna settle for something less than what I am."
"You should have standards in your relationships, friendships, and businessships."
"When you love yourself you don't accept crumbs."
"You've got to make sure you are bringing your best self to the table if you're going to demand their best self."
"You're worth more than this, I deserve more than this."
"Honesty is sexy, and if the other person can’t take it, well then you dodged a bullet and you deserve better than someone who can't like you for you."
"I'm not having anybody's kid without a ring, and that's just point-being period."
"Come from the frame of 'he has to prove himself to me first, and then we can build something together.'"
"Stay committed to yourself, make a commitment to yourself to only let in relationships that truly add to your life."
"You shouldn't have to sacrifice your identity and who you are just to enter into a relationship."
"I'm hoping to find my king, but not into fake liars or cheats."
"You have the self-respect to not settle for someone who would make your life a mess."
"Real love is totally worth waiting for. You don't need to bide your time with mediocre bozos."
"If you keep rejecting guys who are good enough, you're just gonna have this constant turnover."
"You're the person you want to really spend all these years with, and really want to be with, they shouldn't make you feel like this."
"If you think like that, chances are that your standards for fit are just too low."
"Only an ideal man will be able to enter into an alliance with an ideal woman."
"If you don't have the level of chemistry they have, like thank you next."
"If you settle down with a low-quality woman, it doesn't really matter how amazing you are."
"My time is valuable, my energy is valuable. I'm not going to accommodate to someone I don't see a future with."
"Don't accept any less than feeling completely safe with this person."
"You want a stable committed relationship and you are not going to negotiate your boundaries or your desires."
"Don't settle for a little love when you can get much more."
"Grown women do not play games if you are playing games with a grown woman she will leave you alone."
"Requiring someone to take you into consideration, no matter what, is a standard you should hold."
"For somebody to come into my life and for me to want to make space for that I'm going to have good standards around that."
"Love yourself, address patterns, think long term, and don't settle."
"So essentially we become pickier in the sense that we really hold out for strong soul-based connections those who are capable and willing of growing and evolving with us."
"Love is safe. It has to be safe. Because if it's not, as far as I'm concerned, it ain't love."
"You need to be with someone who has a high perception of your value and worth."
"If the pool of marriageable men falls short of what women want, women might rather be single than settle."
"I'm choosing me for this day because there is no way that the person that I am supposed to be with would make me breakfast and not serve it to me hot."
"I got my own money, you better have your bag."
"You must be a high quality man to be in a relationship with a high quality woman."
"Who needs love that ain't never changed? And I don't got time for a [expletive] that's going to slow me down." - Trippy Red
"Wait for the next one who actually gives you the world instead."
"I require reciprocated energy, good communication, meaningful conversation."
"That just creates that space for the right man to step up and all the wrong men will fade away."
"God, I looked everywhere. I found something that you could work on, but I decided that I don't want to bring you someone to work on. I want you to bring someone to me."
"If someone is not going to love you unconditionally and support you, then they don't deserve to be in your life."
"You deserve someone who can't wait to talk to you and spend time with you, get to know you, fall in love with you. Please stop settling for half-hearted lukewarm."
"So if you are not getting those things, it's a relationship you can't be in."
"You shouldn't have to make somebody be invested in you and in your relationship. Either he wants to be with you or he doesn't."
"Women today are saying, 'I'm just not gonna settle. I'm just not gonna settle.'"
"You're raising your standard in relationships."
"Relax your checklist for acceptable suitors."
"You deserve unconditional love, don't limit yourself and accept something less than what you deserve."