
Non-judgment Quotes

There are 1485 quotes

"No one should ever ever shame anyone else for anything, especially not if you're part of this positive movement about loving each other."
"I don't judge nobody. I have gay friends; I have trans friends."
"Mindfulness is bringing that non-judgmental attention to bear on something with intention."
"It's a choice for each of us to make our own decisions within the context of whatever our version of integrity looks like. All we can do is be the best we can be, for wherever we're at, and judge not ourselves or others."
"We are all the intelligence that there is, we are all the beauty that there is, we are pure love without any judgment whatsoever."
"Meditation is about just being totally still and just watching these clouds kind of move through the atmosphere without moving, without judging them, without thinking about them."
"It helps you to understand others without demonizing or judging them."
"How can you criticise others? How much do you know about them, why they did that? Give them the benefit of the doubt. And you have a happy life."
"Despite their past, despite the fact that they might do sex work...this person has a heart of gold, and you're gonna sense that about them."
"We're not here to hate on people; we're here to love people and to preach truth."
"Yellow becomes really interested in how the other side thinks rather than just criticizing and judging."
"One of the most important things you can do is to just release judgment."
"The only thing that you can really do is stop judging yourself and by that I mean don't judge yourself but also don't judge other people."
"A woman loving every part of herself without judgment is where her freedom starts."
"Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can’t see."
"There will be no conversation off limits with us...we will curate a safe space that affords the other the comfort to share their feelings, fear, and frustrations without judgment."
"Be patient with yourself and those who fail to realize how they damage themselves using judgmental patterns."
"Coping in the best way that they know how is not shameful; it's not wrong."
"Is there someone in your life who knows you intimately and doesn't judge you? It's exactly right."
"Don't judge the moment. Don't judge what's happening."
"Non-judgment is such a beautiful practice. This will invite so much more love into your life."
"Focus on positivity, focus on giving value, focus on non-judgment."
"A true friend is someone who you can tell all your things to and they won't judge you for it."
"At the end of the day, you know, look, I'm not here to judge nobody, as long as they don't judge me."
"I think I am way more calm, peace-loving, non-judgmental."
"What you do in your bathroom is your business. Who are we to judge?"
"Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may never suspect or judge from appearances but look for what is beautiful in my neighbor's souls and come to their rescue."
"I'm not here to judge. The human experience is not easy."
"I will never judge anything by the way that it looks, try and judge it by the quality of its character and not the [Laughter]."
"It's not because you're a bad person, there's all sorts of reasons that you might be overweight."
"I have found a way to allow people the space to be who they are and love them as they are. I'm Not Jesus, I'm not God to be judging people."
"I promise you're never going to have to feel alone again or worry about being judged or abandoned."
"Judge not lest you be judged. There's more to that."
"So to chill a light beam whose ago sommelier series man - just tell people you know it's okay like it's okay so people have no life and they should be allowed to be who they want to be without being scared Mehta."
"We're going to start speaking it from a very pure place, from a place of non-judgment."
"I try to understand him, not even cast judgment on him but just understand him."
"Nobody should be embarrassed for anything in their life at all."
"Every actor says, 'You never judge the characters you play.'"
"If you really believe in black people having freedom, then stop shaming people."
"It's about getting help for you guys right and not judging you."
"You should not be judging people for their circumstances."
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged, and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Pardon, and you will be pardoned."
"Honestly, don't be embarrassed by that shit okay? Embrace the kinky shit that you like because I guarantee you I have read and enjoyed so much worse."
"I think instead of blaming this young girl or questioning her story at this point, people should first of all be thankful that she survived."
"I want to live my life the way I think I should live my life without judgment from other people."
"Choosing to listen to others in their pain instead of judging them."
"Reserve judgment. Nobody needs judgment. Judgment is super harmful."
"Please never shame someone for taking a social media break."
"We're gonna step away from the judgment just so things don't get to that point."
"I think the most important thing is you have to create an environment where a person feels like they can say anything without being super judged."
"Neither do I condemn you, go your way and sin no more."
"My ideal world in 2064 is for me not to be judged by other people because I'm different."
"If everyone started doing this more than doing this judgmental, we will see a lot of change."
"Let go of the past, forgive yourself for your money mistakes. No shame, no judgment."
"Nobody's gonna call it, nobody's gonna make fun of a dude wearing a dress."
"I totally get it and I definitely don't look down on anyone in this camp."
"Love yourself, accept yourself, and not judge yourself for anything in this lifetime."
"I have calmed it down, no judgment, this is just my journey."
"Look upon others without condemnation... just seeing the unfolding of God in them."
"Send them love rather than a judgmental thought... try sending them love rather than judgment."
"When you meet someone, don't judge them. You never know what's going on in their mind."
"Don't judge people on where they come from." - "I don't judge people where they come from"
"Let's call today non-judgment day, the dawning of a brave new era of accepting that not everyone feels the same way you do about stuff."
"Love is God and love is not condemning people to hell."
"No one knows when they can falter; don't judge based on appearances."
"Don't judge others for their beliefs or what they think is right, and don't let others judge you or steer you from what you think is right for you."
"The Holy Spirit doesn't care how it looks, because it doesn't judge."
"Try not to judge anybody because you don't know their life."
"The feminist movement needs to stop judging women for their choices."
"Beyond judgment lies the playground of humanity."
"You are enough. No judgment at all. Just radiate love."
"No one is going to be criticizing how long it took you to finish a quilt."
"Accept those do not judge it and simply learn from it."
"Without judgment are all things equally acceptable."
"Non-judgment, discretion, and making it normal are key."
"It's important for you to speak your truth and come from a loving space, release judgments of yourself and others."
"All I received from him was pure unconditional love... there was no judgment."
"Don't judge people, or in this case, fish, on appearance alone."
"Try this for a week guys, instead of saying, 'Oh, she's fat,' looking at someone on TV, be like, 'Oh, what happened to her face?' Instead of that, just turn around and look at all the good things that person is doing and try to find them out."
"Let them love their lives and not bash them."
"The moment you stop casting judgment and you can actually see it for what it is, that is where you can show up for that person and say, 'I love you. I am here for you. I do not judge you.'"
"Don't hate other people, don't judge them too much."
"You shouldn't be shamed for who you are or something that you like."
"Pride means being yourself without fear of being judged."
"I love giving that gift of 'be who you are, when I am not going to judge you.'"
"Nobody else is listening to us... so if somebody is a listening ear, non-judgmental..."
"Love is stillness and space. It's come as you are. I come as I am, and it is a space that we create where in this space like I said you are you I am me and there isn't judgment here."
"Be the model of that person who's not condemning because frankly, when you're dead and gone and your soul goes somewhere else, that thing that's not condemning you maybe it would want to be more friends with you."
"Miners should be able to draw explicit and non-explicit not safer work material and that they should be able to do so without judgment or insult from other people."
"You shouldn't be shaming people for their skepticism. That shouldn't be a part of our culture."
"Maybe you got a bunch of gift cards piling up. We don't judge."
"It's time that we all stop being so judgmental of people's appearances and choices."
"Let's celebrate diversity and not judge people based on their physical attributes."
"Don't let people judge you for who you love or what you want to do in your life."
"It's not my place to judge people like the things they like."
"You're allowed to be different, we're not going to judge you for that."
"Stop judging yourself and others and let love heal some situations."
"Whatever you want it to be and nobody should judge you for it, you know."
"People should not be defined by the lowest moment in their lives."
"Don't demonize people for what they're interested in."
"We're not here to judge each other; we're supposed to be helping each other."
"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
"I think humans can be very evil yeah but at the same time I feel like I'm so not judgmental to people like I want people to come on and share their story I think it's interesting and I think it's cool."
"I try not to categorize people. I just try to protect energy."
"I don't care, I don't judge you. Woke up tired? Ate ass for breakfast? Does it matter to me?"
"If you understand everyone's reason for doing anything, then you're not judging them."
"Never judge a book by its cover, never just assume, give everyone a chance."
"Understanding those reasons helps us to both not demonize people and also help find solutions."
"Decide right now to become curious instead of judgmental."
"We can never tell somebody that their inner self is wrong in any way."
"There is no judgment... no one is judging you for the mistakes you made."
"You shouldn't judge people for doing what they need to do in their self-confidence journey."
"Never say never, right? We don't really know Nevaeh and Deshawn's situation right now."
"If you really don't think that you can give that child everything that they need, I'm not gonna judge you."
"Remember, the goal is not perfection when it comes to health, it can't be, and that's why it makes no sense for us to judge what anyone else is doing."
"I'm not mad at Wayne. I don't judge people for what they do when they're just trying to survive."
"I'm not here to judge you for doing whatever you feel is right for you, your family, and your community."
"Everybody's got a right to be happy. Who are we to judge? They look happy, and I think that's cool."
"We offer no judgments here. Not everyone gets off on being tortured. But you want to know who does? Please don't kink shame."
"You do not have to dislike anybody. It's just not required. You can just break free."
"Love, understanding, no judgment is ideally where we want to go."
"That's why we like to bring people on the show because it gives them a chance to speak, you know? I mean, we're not trying to judge anybody."
"It's not my place to judge what anybody else does. They're full-grown adults, they can make a decision for themselves."
"You shouldn't vilify somebody simply because of what they put in their bodies."
"You can't judge my blackness just like I can't judge yours."
"Don't freaking shame people. You do you and let everybody else do them."
"The real thing we should try to do is not to judge people by their appearance."
"Don't judge a person on appearance, go through the whole story."
"You have the freedom to do whatever you want with your body and you should not be shamed."
"We need as a community to support victims not judge them."
"However you feed your baby is awesome. You're doing a great job. No mom shaming here, breastfeeding or bottle feeding."
"Who are we to judge survivors? Don't have a rule book or a manual to follow after doing time."
"Try not to judge others; try to have a human interaction to try to see the other as a fellow brother or sister in our human family."
"You don't have to hate on a player; you don't have to call them a problem."
"I think every woman's dream is to be with someone that doesn't judge her."
"Don't you frown upon nobody that has an addiction."
"We are a no judgment movement based on love."
"Who you choose to have sex with has no regard to my life."
"Your soul will not regard you as a failure no matter what you do in a lifetime there is absolutely no judgment of you by your soul or by your guides or by angels or masters or God."
"Be yourself, we're not judging you on those things."
"We will see the best of humanity when we stop judging and guilting ourselves and others."
"You are not judged from your past, it does not exist."
"How we view homeless people, I pray it's with compassion and kindness without judgment."
"By accepting others as they are, you're not endorsing their actions, you're giving yourself permission to remain at peace internally."
"Nobody should care. It is not my body, it is not my right to dictate."
"The only purpose of miracles is to prepare your mind, showing you the way to non-judgment."
"If you just don't judge people, there's always like a common ground."
"They're so shocked that I don't care that they're prostituting, and I'm not judging them. That I'm willing just to pick them up and move them along, that there's a path that they can follow."
"Don't be negative and be judgmental over someone's beliefs, someone's practice, someone's religion, someone's anything."
"Release judgments about yourself and others and focus on the love and light that is within everyone."
"I bring the state of perfect harmony into my world and I do so without judgment."
"When there is no condemnation, the transformation can take off."
"I believed it was wrong to judge someone solely based on appearance or profession."
"Our job is to love people. It's not our place to judge someone's Christian status."
"Just do what you want without worrying about judgment from others."
"judging other people for what makes them happy so I say whether you're a Disney adult a Star Wars nerd a Harry Potter dork who cares I am and I had a pretty awesome day"
"Live with integrity, speak your truth without judgment."
"In order to join with people, you can't see them in a past role."
"I'm not gonna judge you, you have every right to make your own decisions."
"Why hate on Sage? Sage is following their divine path."
"Take not another's pathway as your own neither should you judge it."
"To everybody out there... just peace and love, don't judge anybody, let's learn communication and come together and just never give up."
"You're one of the rare people who can look at those in darkness with curiosity instead of judgment."
"Different don't mean diabolical, different don't mean devil."
"Closure... that she wasn't judged and wasn't unloved."
"Everyone's really been struggling and I think what's just really important is to try to not judge each other."
"Release judgments about yourself and others, focus on love and light."
"Own your not knowing, encourage others to own theirs, don't shame them for it."
"Nobody is judged and everybody is welcome here."
"Practicing kind and loving thoughts here towards oneself, leaving the judgment behind."
"If you ever want to make any real money in tips, you should never judge a book by its cover."
"Refuse to criticize yourself and accept yourself exactly as you are. Remember, everybody changes."
"You are not your thoughts, you don't have to wash yourself to be clean in any fashion."
"Your job is not to judge, your job is to love and understand."
"Greatness is seeing others without judgment and helping them rise higher than they thought possible."
"There's no reason to talk [__] about people trying to be better."
"View everyone like animals reacting to their environment. It's non-judgmental and your reaction is going to be the exact same thing."
"Try not to judge people based on their race or their religion, their gender, sex, their age, their looks, okay? Try not to do that."
"Don't judge a person by the caliber they shoot, okay? And don't judge me because I'm gonna shoot some more .44 Specials, they're a lot more fun."
"Here's a news flash: try not to judge people. I came up with it on my own, I've never heard this from anybody else in my life."
"Be curious about the world without being judgmental."
"He's a beast... you can't hate on that." - Marlon Wayans
"You never criticize somebody's beginning because you never know who God has chosen."
"I'm not going to be judgmental, and quite frankly, they're not going to show me their mechanic."
"A true master is someone who is able to see all the viewpoints without judging them."
"If we can just observe it not judge it then we will accelerate this path of Ascension."
"There's no reason to judge other people because they are creating and through their free will they get to create what they want to create."
"It's all about the transcendence of judgment... realizing the things that we judge negatively are the things that we attract in our lives."
"I try my best day in and day out not to pass judgment on others."
"It's extremely important for us to go through different parts of ourselves without judgment."
"Feel free to cheat, this is a judge free part."
"The overnight rule: when you're making, you don't judge. You go to sleep."
"Should your life be over? He was a scumbag, I don't judge people man."
"Forget about the past, release judgment on yourself and others."
"I don't judge people who do sex work... we all have our own journeys."
"I'm not here to judge, I'm just saying welcome back."
"Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment without judging or getting distracted."
"I don't care who you are, if you don't hurt anyone, you're stunning."
"We offer each other an environment, not demands or judgments."
"Never judge anyone. Judgment is absurd."