
Coronavirus Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"We simply want to equip particularly young people with the knowledge of the part that they can play in stemming the passing title of new cases, not because the coronavirus represents a significant threat to them, but because no younger American would ever want to spread the coronavirus to someone who would have a serious outcome."
"No one should be afraid to seek care as the coronavirus spreads, placing our communities at risk."
"We will continue to bring the full resources of the federal government in coordination with our state and local partners to see to the health and well-being and to the effective response to the coronavirus here in the United States of America."
"This represents the first case of novel coronavirus in Canada."
"Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have tested positive for coronavirus, which is always good news and by good news, I mean just ridiculous and horrifying."
"There's never been a better time to pursue health both because it is the gift that keeps on giving over time but also because it confers an immediate best defense against severe coronavirus infection."
"Coronavirus is not like the flu; it's vicious."
"When you send a friend to the hospital and you call up to find out how is he doing... and he's in a coma. This is not the flu."
"Everyone wants to say love, in the time of coronavirus 'cause 'Love in the Time of Cholera' a book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, but ugh. I don't feel love."
"This coronavirus thing, this ain't no joke. I hope you're taking it seriously now."
"The corona virus is very, very infectious. So every person passes it to three."
"Coronavirus crisis changed the world dramatically and permanently."
"President Donald Trump declared that the coronavirus pandemic was a national emergency and his administration invoked the heroes act to pause student loan repayment requirements and to suspend the accrual of Interest."
"The genetic data was drawn from swabs taken in and around the Huanan seafood wholesale market starting in January of 2020."
"This pandemic did not start in December/January; it actually started probably somewhere between August and September."
"Stocks fell sharply on Monday as the number of coronavirus cases outside China surged, stoking fears of a prolonged global economic slowdown."
"Any treatments that we use for coronavirus should be scientifically demonstrated to be effective."
"The stock market is disconnected from the reality that the majority of workers are experiencing."
"Desperate measures to try and contain the deadly coronavirus outbreak."
"The coronavirus shows the importance of bringing manufacturing back to America."
"Lucia de Klerk, the oldest resident... just beat the coronavirus... after testing positive on her 105th birthday."
"The bill provides for free coronavirus testing for all Americans who should be tested."
"New Zealand recorded no new coronavirus cases for a second day in a row."
"Try a glory hole for safer sex during coronavirus."
"Do not be afraid. Be vigilant. Experts say the risk of serious illness for Americans from the coronavirus is low."
"Considerable evidence that the coronavirus has spread much more quickly."
"The CDC has published guidelines on the coronavirus that enable every American to respond."
"It actually would be a coronavirus test the results of which come back in 45 minutes."
"Nobody needs the coronavirus more than conscious black people."
"Immunity to coronavirus could last for a year, maybe even decades."
"It's vital we learn to work together to stem the speed of coronavirus."
"There's much that's not known, but I do think that with coronavirus to date, it does look like if you've been naturally infected or vaccinated, you appear to be protected against severe disease."
"Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread."
"It would be very surprising if the coronavirus were an exception, almost certainly true."
"Should the coronavirus re-emerge at any point next fall or next winter, we will be prepared to deal with it."
"Everything right now about the coronavirus is political."
"3D printing is starting to take off, it solved problems during the coronavirus."
"It was such a festive atmosphere... everyone was so happy even coronavirus was like, man you guys have fun I'm taking the day off."
"There's no human on Earth who fully understands the coronavirus."
"Hydroxychloroquine was shown by doctors worldwide to be the most efficient treatment for the coronavirus."
"The goal of course is to protect those that are at risk of severe illness and turn this coronavirus into an illness that's very similar to the other four common cold coronaviruses."
"He was under the care of medical professionals and currently receiving treatment after testing positive for Coronavirus."
"Immunity to SARS coronavirus 2 is going to be long lasting immunity."
"The cure for coronavirus is not authoritarianism."
"I'm not gonna hide from the [ __ ] coronavirus, man."
"Green tea seems to stop viral replication of coronavirus in the gut."
"Zinc appears to prevent coronavirus entry into cells."
"Elderberry inhibits replication and viral attachment of human coronavirus."
"These experts tell me that we can significantly reduce the number of Americans that would be exposed to the coronavirus as every American continues to put these guidelines into practice."
"I think the coronavirus is not as serious as they're making it out to be."
"I hope you guys get better if you have coronavirus because that could be really hard."
"We have to think about this in a way that, yes, we have the new norm living with coronavirus."
"The world has passed a staggering coronavirus landmark: 200 million documented cases."
"We have to take every possible precaution. Four out of five people who have the coronavirus don't have symptoms."
"The infection fatality rate for this new coronavirus is likely to be in the same ballpark as seasonal influenza."
"For someone who's less than 65 and has no underlying diseases, the risk is completely negligible."
"The effects of coronavirus are very much felt differently depending on what class background you are."
"If you want to make sure you're worried about the community spread of coronavirus work on the community."
"Is the coronavirus a punishment from God? How can we know? What should be our response?"
"Australia is a great example... every single human on the planet has a date with Coronavirus."
"I'm heartbroken for the people who've died from coronavirus alone on a ventilator, you know, their families not even... They're on an iPad at best."
"If you focus on this point, I think you actually have a chance of getting some sort of policy that may contain the spread of coronavirus a little better."
"Covid-19 is the third major coronavirus pandemic of the 21st century. A fourth one is brewing."
"Coronavirus is just the pin that is popping these massive bubbles."
"The problem here is not the economy, it's the coronavirus."
"Imagine having a vaccine that protected you from all coronaviruses I literally cannot think of a better bang for the buck but that's where they're going to chop because of course this is what it looks like when you get down to the details."
"The new normal will always have some impact from these coronavirus variants."
"These coronaviruses latch on to proteins studding the outside of lung cells."
"Infection with beta coronaviruses induces multi-specific and long-lasting T-cell immunity against these proteins, offering hope for long-lasting immunity."
"When you look at the coronavirus, it's a glycoprotein."
"These cytotoxic T cells exist and apparently they exist in people that have never been exposed to SARS coronavirus 2. Quite profound stuff, really."
"Vaccines can be efficacious against SARS coronavirus too."
"Coronavirus is actually not one virus but rather a family of at least 23 related viruses that are subdivided into four groups."
"There may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus."
"Hopefully you guys have a good day. Make sure guys, you drink lots of water and get some sunlight because with the coronavirus around, you want to build up your immunity."
"Not only has the coronavirus inflicted an unprecedented shock on the global economy."
"Drones have proven to be helpful in this coronavirus response from applications like package delivery to assisting with social distancing notifications."
"We must all continue to focus on the tasks at hand but at the same time lending our resources and commitment to help those people affected by the coronavirus."
"This is like the thing you tell your kids. This will be what happens. They'll ask you, like, 'What was coronavirus?'"
"This whole coronavirus situation is so bizarre, it feels like we're living in a movie or something."
"So, I tell everybody coronavirus is not an illness."
"Follow recommended coronavirus measures or risk the worst fall in U.S public health history." - CDC Director Robert Redfield
"These double membrane vesicles are really filling the cytoplasm of these coronavirus infected cells. They're pretty much everywhere."
"I almost broke up you and your girlfriend at the beginning of the coronavirus."
"... please help spread the word about these as you guys know all money I make from these videos for these live videos 100% of the proceeds will go to charity to help those affected by the coronavirus."
"You ever think you're gonna get the coronavirus from the back like you're following somebody?"
"Eventually a cold will just be the coronavirus, will be a cold."
"Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that get their name from the halo of spike proteins on their outer surface, which resemble a crown under a microscope."
"The new coronavirus is called SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus II."
"While the world has already learned what happens when a coronavirus is let loose amongst the population, things could be significantly worse according to scientists who study Glacier Ice."
"Coronavirus gonna have to see me after this, this is too much!"
"Use this time to your advantage so once this coronavirus is over, you can go outside and you can be the best at what you want to do."
"We're on track to have the world's first safe effective coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year."
"Staying 2 meters away from other people remained the best way of reducing coronavirus transmission."
"We all want to protect ourselves and our loved ones against coronavirus."
"Coronavirus 2019, shortened to COVID-19, is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2."
"America's public health experts are working to map out a plan to combat the coronavirus in America."
"Hand washing is so effective against coronavirus because soap destroys the lipid membrane."
"The biggest impact [of coronavirus] was obviously on older people."
"Quarantine and the coronavirus hasn't been the most fun thing, but if there's one silver lining it's that in our city, the golf courses have been open the entire time."
"Locally we still only have one case in our local region or county of coronavirus, so we're doing our part."
"Hunkering down for the coronavirus has given me time to do a lot of things that I've wanted to do for several years."
"This simple yet groundbreaking concept could be the way to stop coronavirus in its tracks."
"Coronaviruses are called coronaviruses because they have a little crown of their spike proteins."
"I thought that with the whole coronavirus thing, things would slow down a little bit, and that is not the case."
"From a public health perspective, this makes the continued surveillance of SARS-like coronaviruses in bats critical to future emerging coronavirus outbreak prediction and prevention."
"We're shooting this video live here while we're on lockdown from the coronavirus, so we are trying to entertain some people and give you guys some live free videos."
"Sending all the health and love to your mum who's got the coronavirus."
"I'm a little worried about this coronavirus, not gonna lie."
"Staying back at home and preventing the spread of coronavirus."
"The good news is that all the steps we've been taking to stop the original coronavirus work against all the different variants."