
Gaming History Quotes

There are 919 quotes

"We're going to hopefully sometime soon work on a video that covers the year one of Nintendo 64... what it was like to live through the era of N64 in that first year."
"Suffice to say, the Dreamcast was ahead of its time."
"Nintendo's content into a unique report that ultimately intends to educate people on a piece of gaming history."
"Did you know what you would do? It all began here, patient zero of the state of gaming is that horse."
"Sonic 06 is one of the most infamous games of all time with poor reviews across the board."
"It's hard to believe this is from over 40 years ago, a time where there was no Nintendo Wii, there was no Xbox, there was no PlayStation."
"On August 19, 2016, Darbian successfully hit the flagpole glitch in 1-1 for the first time ever."
"Cod was the game back in the day, but I feel like for a lot of you guys, your first like game that was really your game was Halo."
"All in all, through this list of high quality games, I hope it illustrates to you why the once world's most powerful game console is still a platform worth owning today."
"Interesting story about Mulligan... on the first ever Magic tournament, one man got such a bad hand that he dropped his cards accidentally and showed them to his opponent."
"You know what else released in 2001? Halo, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy X, Grand Theft Auto 3."
"Puerto Rico provides both a good experience and a unique look at a game that literally was a pretty big linchpin of the modern euro game movement."
"The first game, XCOM: UFO Defense, garnered overwhelmingly positive reception when it launched all the way back in 1994."
"In order to understand how The Sims became what it is today, we'll have to travel back in time to the very early beginnings, 1984."
"Dark Forces was really one of the earliest FPS games to actually have a detailed story and plot."
"Atari shock in Japan: releasing a shitty Pac-Man port and their infamous take on E.T. did not help."
"Turn-based combat is an ancient cornerstone of gaming - born from the tabletop scene and made famous with games like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Phantasy Star."
"Games were surprising and delightful and as someone who lived through the 90s as a small kid, I can tell you that it was an incredible, weird, and fun time to be alive in the video game industry."
"Sure, it would have been more cool to see a build from an even earlier point in development, but I'm certainly not complaining. This truly is an amazing find."
"Super Mario Bros hit shelves in 1985... a game that you could actually finish."
"This was where it all started, and there's something really special about being part of a revolution, an inception, in the moment."
"Super Mario 64 will always continue to inspire our imaginations as people attempt to find the Metal Cap for the first time, talk to Yoshi for the first time, find new strats and re-route the speedrun, and we relive our childhood innocence and wonder through art."
"The original Rainbow Six on PC back in 1998 is widely considered to be one of the games that really helped to popularize the tactical shooter genre."
"Bikini Bottom has one of the most interesting speedrun histories of any game ever."
"Did you know that Devil May Cry was originally supposed to be Resident Evil 4?"
"For a decade and a half, Mario Kart Double Dash was known as one of the most polished games in the Mario Kart franchise."
"Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration is one of the greatest video game compilations ever crafted."
"Altair, Ezio, and other members of the Brotherhood of Assassins have left their mark on the Assassin's Creed franchise, but where did this organization begin?"
"2008 was indeed a beautiful rolling plain, populated by some of the most wonderful games ever made."
"1988 saw a pair of major titles from Interplay that are worth taking note of."
"Without a doubt, the most prolific game of that launch was Super Mario Brothers, which would change the course of gaming history."
"I don't want to live in a world where the next generation isn't able to play games like Earthbound, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Bloodborne, the original GTA 4, the original Vice City with Billie Jean not this weird Definitive Edition clay model mix with all the soundtrack neutered."
"Xband may not have been the commercial success that, in my opinion, it deserved to be, but if you've ever gone online to play a game...you owe a debt of gratitude to Xband."
"Without Fantasy Star Online or PSO for short, there wouldn't be Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy XI, or even Final Fantasy XIV, or perhaps many more titles spawned from its wake and influence."
"Okawa deserves to be up there on Mount Rushmore for online RPGs as the father of console online RPGs."
"SimCity is a franchise that has been around since the late '80s and is widely hailed for popularizing the simulation genre."
"The Game Boy was the top dog for most of the '90s despite competition from a slew of technically more advanced rivals."
"Now you can buy a PlayStation, but of all the console wars, none has been more memorable, iconic, or important as the seventh-generation skirmishes."
"The release of Doom in 1993 changed the industry forever. It was not the only FPS in town, mind you, but it was arguably the most important one."
"This game single-handedly ushered in the Golden Age of arcade games and is often considered one of the most influential video games of all time."
"Mystical Space Typhoon was incredibly valuable back in the day, which could be shown by the fact that it still sees competitive play even to this day despite the fact that it's been power crept like crazy."
"The series of Legend of Zelda may have started in '86, but it wasn't truly established until '93. There's a reason why many people expect so much out of Zelda today, and this game is it."
"Quake has earned its spot as one of the most important games ever made."
"Just hearing the intro chime of the PS1 gives me goosebumps every single time."
"This project has done a remarkable job of preventing huge swathes of Flash game history from being destroyed."
"Allow me to take you on a journey through Half-Life's impacted legacy."
"It's the history of jank though. If there was a place for this to happen, it was in this series."
"Was the success of Dark Souls the culmination of two and a half decades of honing their craft or was it mere fluke?"
"Colossal Cave Adventure stripped out combat and focused on D&D's storytelling, and ended up influencing the entire adventure game genre."
"This is the story of the gamers who've conquered this record, this is the history of Contra world records."
"The PlayStation 2 is by many measures the most successful console in the history of video games."
"Modern is a relative term. 06, Unleashed, and Colors were part of that era in Generations, and those games are all over 10 years old now."
"When did you start playing Fortnite, Creek? Like, when did you start watching, when did you start playing?"
"Back when I started playing Roblox, everything was very basic."
"The 4th February in the year 2000 will write The Sims was released into the world within two years it sold more than 6.3 million copies worldwide and become the best-selling game in history."
"Pikachu's my original main, going back to Smash Brothers 64."
"The summer of 2010 was one of the most chaotic times in super mario 64 history."
"This is an absolute golden peek into gaming in the 1990s."
"Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are actually the same game."
"The last character added to the game was Mephiles the Dark, on March 1st, 2016."
"Sega replaced altered beast with Sonic as the Genesis pack in game. There was no going back."
"Six-sided blocks: a historic feature deserving of a return."
"Star Fox 2: 20 years after it got cancelled, the game was finally released."
"In the early-00s, Zhi loaned his cartridge to an NES ROM dumping group."
"Drac’s Night Out, a holy grail of the NES, was saved by the neighbor of the person who created it."
"Its founder, Frank Cifaldi, had a hand in releasing most of the unreleased NES games we have today."
"154 million units worldwide, ONLY BARELY bested by the Playstation 2."
"The greatest Underdog Story in the history of League of Legends."
"Nintendo's decision to set this game in the sewers, basically completely changed the trajectory of the Mario franchise."
"Phantasy Star II is regularly hailed as one of the greatest games of all time."
"But with its removal went the last piece of the Marvel vs games: At the beginning of 2015, not a single game in the Marvel vs Capcom franchise was available for digital purchase."
"In 1983 Dragon's Lair was the biggest, most important, best-selling, most influential arcade game in existence."
"The game was a huge success when it released in Japan in 1991."
"This is the story all about how the 3do got flipped and turned upside down."
"I was so fascinated by this when I first saw it as a kid—the Super Nintendo was outputting this kind of sound, how was that possible? I thought it was so cool, and today I still got a kick out of it."
"A was jump, B was shoot. Every platformer ever made on that system."
"System Shock came out in 1994, guess what came out in 1993?"
"Whatever Sega may have become, it’s impossible to deny the importance and brilliance of their arcade years."
"EVO 2013 was arguably the most influential year in Melee's history."
"The original Onimusha trilogy reached some mesmerizing heights."
"Best left alone and stuck in the past as a piece of gaming nostalgia."
"Crash was one of the biggest reasons that PlayStation would come to rule."
"Dreamcast actually being the most successful launch of any home console ever at that point in time."
"This was an unreleased game for an unreleased piece of hardware, which was recreated without even touching it - a feat that couldn’t have happened without Kenneth Hurley generously donating his old work to researchers."
"Preserving video game history is very important."
"In 1980, Atari licensed Taito's Space Invaders, which massively increased the unit's popularity."
"But if it weren’t for that first game getting judged so harshly, Monster Hunter would have been Capcom’s highest-rated franchise overall."
"So what could future Elder Scrolls games learn from their past? Let’s take a look."
"The story of this game is undoubtedly one of the best tales in speedrunning history."
"Preservation is really something I take key and important because one day I would like to show if I have kids one day, hey this is what PlayStation Home looked like."
"This was your first portable handheld system, paved the way for Game Boy, Game Gear, the Lynx."
"When you actually go back and look at Killer Instinct, it is one of the greatest technical feats amongst the Super Nintendo's entire library."
"Windows Millennium Edition had the first iteration of 3D Pinball Space Cadet."
"Love the ColecoVision, it's my favorite pre-Nintendo system by far."
"You are looking at the very first handheld console, at least as far as we’re defining them."
"If it wasn't for Melee I definitely wouldn't be this into Nintendo's history or gaming history as a whole."
"Compared to the rest of the series, the first game is so straightforward that it's almost anachronistic."
"Diablo 2 has started it all by introducing the Diablo universe like no other game for its time."
"As if those 89 features weren't enough here are all the features from older football games that weren't Madden such as NFL 2K5 NFL Game Day and more that are also absent from Madden 21."
"Blizzard released their first hit Warcraft Orcs and Humans."
"The game was at its peak of competitive play right before Blackbeard was added. It was just so much better."
"Resident Evil 7 is seen by many as a return to the franchise roots, a game that harkens back to the slow-building atmospheric survival horror that made these games such a hit."
"I lament what gaming used to be, there was a golden age and we're now heading for the Dark Age of gaming."
"Looking at the evolution of Star Wars games is like looking at the evolution of gaming as a whole."
"I want to play for a team that has the opportunity to win a Super Bowl. I want that [ __ ] number 77."
"Ragnarok Online is probably the og anime MMORPG everyone either knows or has played."
"While Kirby was always intended to be pink, on the American box art for Kirby's Dreamland, the first game in the series, he was actually white."
"Donkey Kong was the first game in the platforming video game genre."
"Throughout the history of console gaming, there are precious few games which genuinely feel like a shift in the state of the art... Gran Turismo 3 is the type of leap they might be thinking of."
"Perhaps the greatest variety and quality the hobby has ever seen... an unforgettable time to be in gaming."
"Marvel vs Capcom 1 represented a turning point in my entire perception of arcade games."
"There is something really novel about seeing an evolution of every rainbow road track."
"No one would even believe the Last of Us was possible on the ps3 in 2006 but it was sure as hell possible in 2013."
"He's pretty much the original of what Sonic Fox has now become, the multi-game specialist."
"Trying to summarize the timeline of the Dream SMP is like trying to summarize the 20th century."
"The future of gaming was in 3D, not 2D, and the hunger to bring home titles like Virtual Fighter and Daytona USA was profound."
"This experimental time, a time when anything was possible, truly helped change the gaming landscape forever."
"If you didn't live through the rise of playstation, you may not fully appreciate its accomplishments."
"It's one of those games that has learned something from almost every notable platforming game in the last 30 years."
"The first three halo games will always be remembered for years as one of the best series in gaming history."
"Resident Evil 7 stripped away everything that had overcomplicated the series and presented us with a simple story about surviving in a scary house full of monsters… sort of what made everyone fall in love with Resident Evil in the first place."
"Sonic is more than just this game, he is more than a cool character design, he is more than green eyes, wear hogs, scarves, he was an icon of the 90s and the 2000s."
"Similarly, playing each of the games allows you to see how this medium has changed and evolved over the years."
"I think the burning of Teldrassil is one of the most pivotal moments in WoW's history."
"Did you know during the lifespan of the Super Famicom Satellaview add-on, Nintendo experimented with publishing digital magazines?"
"Boss fights have never been better. Boss fights a result as time immemorial and they extend back as far as the earliest video games but it took them a while to get really good."
"Super Mario Kart was a surprise hit." - Narrator
"Star Fox 64 firmly cemented the characters and story beats that would directly influence the next three entries in the franchise."
"Super Mario Kart brought people together and set a new standard for multiplayer console games."
"In this way, Super Mario World presaged the general Super NES experience."
"Super Mario World had to be more than just a great game, it had to be a statement."
"It's a great launch title for PlayStation and along with the other 2D games still holds up today."
"Classic games should be preserved for the future."
"Another iconic easter egg quest in all of zombies history has to be on the map nine there are so many elements to this easter egg which I believe put this in one of the 20 greatest."
"Before Call of Duty, before Battlefield, before even Medal of Honor... there was Delta Force."
"This is a game that I grew up with, it was my first Final Fantasy and I think it's pretty much still my favorite Final Fantasy."
"The Atari was the first truly revolutionary step in home gaming from a sheer numbers standpoint as the most popular in the world."
"Halo was essentially what set the standard for future console FPS games."
"It's surprising that it wasn't until the Nintendo DS that dual-screen gaming had been all that prevalent."
"Silent Hill 2 is one of those games with a fabled reputation, a title that's been dissected and picked apart for 20 years."
"Flash games were more than just distractions; they were the foundation of the modern indie game scene."
"Finally, some 30 years later the Sega CD would get another chance to show off some of the titles that made it such a fun part of my Sega experience."
"This was a giant moment for FNAF and I'd say one of the biggest in FNAF's history."
"It was one of the first games to implement iron sights as a gameplay mechanic."
"Joseph, congratulations on the first ever three-peat in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, because we have six cards and they're all dead. It's impossible."
"When you think about the graveyard of platformer mascots that were around in the late 90s or the mid-2000s, unless you were made by Nintendo or your name is Clank, odds are you didn’t make it out."
"Even when these cards are worth some money, Alpha wasn't worth as much because nobody wanted to play with them."
"These protagonists have all been super cool over the past decades."
"Mario 64 squirted onto store shelves and it changed everything, revolutionizing 3D gaming."
"I would love to help some people who want to process their spiritually transformative experiences."
"It's iconic, legendary, and one of the most famous items in gaming history."
"Without Electronic Arts we wouldn't have titles like Desert Strike and Road Rash, Mass Effect and Dead Space."
"I tip my hat to you and all of the fan translators out there preserving game history."
"This moment is an extremely important landmark in Final Fantasy history."
"What if we went to the old 3D Realms archives and we found this secret game they worked on in the mid-90s?"
"Adventure games such as dizzy represent the pinnacle of 8-bit graphic adventures."
"Seeing Final Fantasy on the PlayStation was such a mind-blowing experience 20 years ago."
"In this alternate timeline, Nintendo chooses Sony, creating a world where the two don't become rivals but partners."
"Diablo: from the depths of hell to the pinnacle of gaming."
"Sword and shield OU was, for the longest time, so I value that very high."
"Construct's legacy: a journey through gaming history, worth every moment."
"Half-Life's release drastically altered the course of first-person shooters for the better."
"A technical marvel when it released, and it still looks very good to this day."
"It's still a lot of fun to play and ultimately it stands out as the grandfather of the modern console racing sim."
"The story accompanying the Half-Life 2 Beta is honestly one of the craziest and most memorable tales in PC gaming history."
"Civilization 3 stepped toward what we know and love today."
"It's hard to believe this game has been around for 20 years now."
"A summarized history of Roblox's notable game genres."
"The console that single-handedly changed the perception of video games in the US, reignited the market, and made a lot of money all while introducing the world to New Brand characters like Mario and Luigi."
"1998 and 1999 what a year for first-person shooters."
"Every time I'm here, I get a wave of nostalgia, brings me right back to the GBA and GameCube days."
"Overall, Politoed is possibly the best zero to hero story in Pokemon history."
"You've got to come in beside us if you don't declare a war Declare War I say without waiting for them to strike the first blow they'll strike it after we've gone under."
"These blocky characters made of thousands of triangles might look clunky and primitive to us now, but at the time, they were revolutionary."
"People who are about sharing the history roms and ROM sites will never be fully eliminated but pushing them deeper into the shadows has far-reaching ramifications."
"The fact is, if it were totally left up to game companies, a lot of game history would already be lost."
"A lot of games from the early days are just like poof gone."
"Old games are bad, and the developers of old games are ill-equipped to standardize smart gameplay pacing."
"Street Fighter 2 was the biggest thing in the world as it essentially birthed the modern fighting game."
"This is the PC Engine, an absolute classic console, something that's small 8-bit and it really takes it up to a lot of the 16 bits of time."
"The Genesis Virtual Console had a truly spectacular lineup, with most of Sega's own hits represented."
"I'm mostly about I love imports and I'm just a fan of like the the 8-bit 16-bit era for sure." - John Riggs
"The roster that started it all. Okay yeah, they technically didn't have reveals at this point but it wouldn't feel right not to cover everybody."
"Sonic proved that with great games and great marketing, even an underdog can come out on top."
"It wasn't just a victory for Sega, it was a victory for the entire gaming industry."
"Sony had never delisted a triple-A video game from its online platform. This was historical."
"These older GTA titles are difficult to find in reasonable form."
"These are some of the most critically acclaimed highest selling games of all time and deserve better than the set of flaw remix."
"Sonic Mania may be the greatest Sonic game of all time."
"Arcade treasures vol 1: eight to twelve games that I think you need to absolutely play at some point in your life."
"The series was a laughingstock thanks to the likes of Sonic '06 or Shadow the Hedgehog. It was just totally acceptable to make trashy rushed reviews of Sonic Unleashed in Black Knight because hey, it's Sonic, who really cares?"
"The PBSH is remembered as one of the greatest Call of Duty guns of all time."
"This is apparently the only official sequel Star Fox has ever had, and I kind of love that we're finally getting that."
"Harvest Moon became a hit despite initial skepticism."
"Limitations breed creativity, and the simplicity of the NES controller is still one of the most appealing things about the system to me."
"Fallout was effectively a spiritual successor to Wasteland."
"The Secret of Mana: helped define a golden era for sprite-based action-RPGs."
"Dreamcast: truly ahead of its time with a high-quality VGA capable output."
"Larian have sort of done what BioWare did with Baldur's Gate in 1998."