
Design Challenges Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's both hardware and design related that we don't see it as often as we might like because it does take a certain level of care to implement that into your game in a way that's actually meaningful and interesting."
"We're capable of world peace, it's a design problem."
"I genuinely have sympathy because it's hard to design."
"Any problems that the game really has outside of that are more genre inherent."
"Perfect balance in a game is always an elusive desire."
"Challenge yourselves, think creatively. What is the gaming experience you always wanted to build?"
"Maybe we have these fundamental design challenges that we have not overcome."
"I knew from the beginning we had to go to 3D because with 2D animation, it makes it very difficult, switching out things like equipments and weapons, and that was the number one thing we wanted to get into this game."
"Design is not about supporting the funnel strategy but the problem is Kobe is it's very difficult to find an elegant solution to this problem without having collateral damage to the support position."
"Not only does Battlefield have myriad crippling technical issues across all platforms, but it also has some very intractable design issues that will each themselves require some level of overhaul and rework."
"The glue gun ultimately became one of the coolest things in Prey... even if we all pulled out a lot of our hair trying to get it there."
"Our intent was similar to Classic WoW... But in practice, it ended up just being something that players chafed against."
"I know that this design is definitely going to be a challenge, but I am quite confident that I can kind of pull through and you know come out with a really strong design in the end."
"Avoid the nightmare of constantly modifying UI in multiple levels."
"There are going to be trade-offs often you'll have conflicting requirements and you're going to have to try to optimize the design."
"Intense is kind of, it'll cost even more but then any future iterations of this design."
"We have had all of those things that he mentioned except for one thing... rivers."
"It's not always about getting the best effect, but the best given constraints."
"The hinge on foldable phones is both one of the biggest opportunities and potential vulnerabilities."
"Horror is, in my opinion, probably one of the hardest game genres to get right."
"We took a lot of iterations actually to get to the point where we kind of cracked what we wanted out of the game."
"Velcro is a super classy material. Don't get me wrong, but it was a little bit difficult on one side to pull the flap out and push it back in."
"Your nose is very large, we are gonna have to move her mouth, her nose is literally covering her mouth, can't have that."
"We need to make an exceedingly difficult decision to move away from the primary and secondary color system."
"A practical solar car would really need to be designed from the ground up with reduced weight and low aerodynamic drag."
"The pursuit of even a tiny fraction of today's almost disposable computing power was seen as the solution to an immense spectrum of design challenges."
"A floatplane torpedo bomber would be quite big, hefty, and heavily compromised in performance."
"The struggle, slightly less, to open; we've got four characters available."
"That's where the engineering gets interesting."
"It's like reacting to feedback because you know sometimes when you're doing this stuff you think like okay this will make perfect sense for them to look here and do this and do that but like in actuality it's just not the case."
"VTOL design is pretty much an exercise in compromise."
"Disneyland is a really good exercise in problem-solving."
"Knowing that it can look better is the easy part, actually making it look better, that's another story."
"Drawing a rough sketch of a machine that can work in theory and then turning it into a mechanism that runs continuously and smoothly is a whole other challenge."
"These design challenges... teach you how to function and how to collaborate with other people to solve problems."
"It shows how difficult it is to really design successfully in this very complicated world."
"The more we reduce a product's physical volume, the more difficult it becomes to increase its power and maintain its battery life. But if we can overcome these challenges, we can make something without compromising."
"What if our player textures are 2k or 1000 pixels by a thousand pixels? You can't really have all of that in a sprite sheet."
"When building lightweight, it gets really complicated because you really are always thinking about exactly how thin can you make each part and exactly how strong it needs to be."
"It's been a lot of fun developing this and it's also very challenging from a design perspective."
"Many times the ideas may look very fascinating but from the manufacturing point of view, they may be complete disasters."
"The pool is going to be a big pinch point because that needs to be flat and it's obviously on a slope."
"It's not easy in Sketchup and it's not easy in Rhino either."
"Man, well you know this is what COVID has done, and when you can't get your designs where you want them, you play with what you can."
"You think you thought of everything until you realize when you get it into use that you didn't think of everything."
"As a garage guy, as an engineering enthusiast, I want to test limits of the things I design."
"Designing a tiny house takes a lot more forethought than designing a normal sized house."
"With dark theme, this can be harder to see, and as such, we're introducing the idea of elevation overlays."