
Pragmatism Quotes

There are 4315 quotes

"Diversity leads to better outcomes. It's not anti-diversity on a pragmatic level; it's anti-diversity on a principal level."
"Don't care about leftist solutions, care about the problems that you want to solve, and then find the solutions that work best for that."
"You operate with the ships you have, not the ships you wish you had."
"The world's a dung heap, but there's a lot of opportunities to be seized right now if you're not afraid to get your hands a bit dirty."
"Loyalty is nothing but a word in the dictionary between opportunity and convenience."
"It's a real challenge but we have to take the virus for what it is and what it isn't."
"We take it each game at a time because you never know what's coming."
"I'm very proud of the way that I vote. I've voted very consistently on both sides of the aisle because I make it practical, not emotional."
"Your kids can't eat integrity. - Steve Harvey"
"Why not have good relations with the Russians?"
"Once you think of it in terms of utility, a lot of the really hard questions become more obvious."
"To live a good life, you really need a synthesis of the pragmatic and the metaphysical."
"There is an old saying that you go to war with the army that you have, not the army you want."
"Ruthless excellence is what United need, not finding jobs for nice people."
"Despite being eager to begin active military service, was nonetheless pragmatic, knowing that only his own genetic stock would be used to rebuild his legion."
"Most people just want to improve their condition and I don't think people are as tied up on the philosophy of the government as they are about improving their condition."
"I go to war with the evidence I have, not the evidence I want."
"We shouldn't be moralizing the relationships that exist within an economic system; we should be looking at the outcomes that they produce."
"If we could bring anybody on board with anything at the end of the day, it is that we need to look at the outcomes that these systems produce."
"When you need to build the house, you're like, 'Who's around, bro?' You never care much about the credentials; it's all about availability."
"Not everybody who's prepping is prepping for the doomsday; they're prepping because sometimes it rains."
"You don't buy it because you think the world is ending, you buy it because sometimes it rains."
"David Hume said of the problem of induction... 'You close the book, you put it back on the shelf, you leave your study, and you just act as if you hadn't done any of that at all because of course you don't believe you're going to start flying.'"
"I don't want you to simply ignore risk and just live in this Disney Channel fairytale. I want you to minimize and mitigate the risk."
"Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Your goal should not be to do it perfect, your goal should be to do it good enough."
"Richard Feynman was very pragmatic... he was sure that nobody understood quantum mechanics."
"All models are wrong, but some models are useful."
"In applied engineering, there is one maxim above all others: good enough is perfect."
"Pragmatism by its definition will get us towards socialism faster than anything else."
"A complete devotion to the idea of pragmatism in the hands of a man who will do anything necessary to advance his own interests is the most terrifying thing imaginable."
"Recognize that you have to work within the whole system. Being anti-establishment is sexy when you're a teenager, but eventually, you have to grow up."
"In an ideal world, such tactics wouldn't be needed, but we don't live in an ideal world."
"We have truths that are true enough. They're true enough to be used as tools to achieve a certain end in a certain space over a certain time period."
"Real pragmatism is not just about winning; it's about winning in the best possible way."
"Keep your eyes on the stars but keep your feet on the ground."
"If someone gave you 200 dollars because you're ugly, would you take it? Absolutely. I'm ugly, not stupid."
"Don't try to save the world; help the people around you."
"Do what you gotta do to get through college."
"It's not a trend to have a backup plan. People have been doing this since the beginning of jobs."
"We need good people with good minds. You need somebody like a good physicist who's just very balanced, who understands how stuff works, who doesn't care about all the politics. Just let's make this thing work."
"Never forget that compromise is not a dirty word. Life depends on compromise."
"I don't choose things because I love them. I choose things because they make sense."
"In politics, the job is not to think that you're ever going to eliminate all the bad; it's can you empower the good."
"That's not perfect, but it's perfectly fine. We're not gonna let perfect be the enemy of good here."
"This may not be politically correct, but the organization's job is to win."
"The board are practical people, 47. A blank check is hard to turn down."
"Successful people are pragmatic. What does this mean? This means they're practical! They're more practical than they are ideological or idealistic."
"What if we did both because they aren't mutually exclusive, and it doesn't hurt us to do both?"
"The idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly."
"Metaphysically, no, there's no good defense for the fact that we have free will, but in terms of the pragmatic matter of how we make day-to-day decisions, we have to sort of pretend like we do."
"The theory is not about delivering freebies for everybody, just bring the money and do it; it's about managing resources and priorities effectively."
"If you have a hole in your boat, you've got to plug the hole first."
"I could lose this at any point so I'm good right now. I save my money accordingly, I live accordingly. This is a blessing, if it's here it's here, if it's gone it's gone."
"Ultimately, Stalin, for all his Bolshevik ideology, was a pragmatist with a keen eye for survival."
"I believe not only is it true, I also believe that it is the most practical and pragmatic way to add good to this world."
"And so often, the solutions that matter for us in the long term are slow and steady and fairly unsexy."
"Shut up and calculate doesn't get you anywhere if you care about what the world really is."
"From my perspective, to ignore how the system works is foolish. We accept it, and then we decide what the best way to use it is." - Mike Green
"We're not picking Democratic issues or Republican issues; we're picking issues that are important to hard-working Americans."
"Time is of the essence, yours is valuable, so let's just jump right to it, skip all the BS."
"You've got to play it smart if it's all about your coin, put your coin before your feelings."
"Science is real. Science isn't always right, it's not always perfect, but if you're not willing to make decisions based on what the best science says, I don't know how you can possibly go through life."
"It's more important to have code that ships than code that's perfect but never reaches the market."
"People can have visions, but they have to operate within the confines of geopolitical reality."
"Some level of pragmatism and restraint just attests to realpolitik."
"Charles II came to work with many people who'd worked with Cromwell as possible... He'd rather disappoint his friends than his enemies."
"You cannot choose the best option. You can only choose the least worst."
"I'm in a business school, so it's a sort of an island of pragmatism in a larger sea of politicization."
"It's lazy advice to just follow your dreams without considering practical implications."
"Backup plans aren't weak or silly or distracting; they're practical and they're necessary."
"No matter if it's a cat white or black, as long as it catches mice, it's a good cat."
"It doesn't matter. None of this [expletive] matters. You have to look at what the outcomes are."
"Science doesn't care what you think of it, so deal with it."
"It's always important to remain pragmatic and wait for more facts to emerge."
"Be realistic, have fallback options, and don't be afraid to anticipate failure or the idea that you could be wrong."
"Life just isn't a game of absolutes. Life is all about trying to do the greatest good with the hand that you've been dealt."
"Don't let the best be the enemy of the good."
"Let's take what we can get now and then let's build."
"I guess stash, you know, it's like twenty thousand dollars is twenty thousand dollars."
"Why fix it if it's broken but makes a shitload of money?"
"It's a stupid lamp, Oscar. Fix a stupid tire."
"What if we can remove the fluff, remove the ceremony?"
"If you want to make an omelette, you got to break a few eggs."
"A good plan today is better than a great plan tomorrow."
"One of the greatest human failings is to prefer to be right than to be effective."
"I am guardedly optimistic that sensible people can understand that having a fealty to showing that you are not a racist is different from actually helping people."
"You gotta put your feelings to the side. You gotta start creating policies that's what matters."
"This is the only language corporations speak, ladies and gentlemen: the bottom line."
"It's the pragmatic thing to do, it's now or never."
"Hope for the best but prepare for the worst."
"Stay angry, stay fighting, but also stay pragmatic."
"I'm not gonna let you stand there and waste everybody's time with a big emotional poetry recital."
"Sometimes we need to crack a few eggs to make an omelet."
"Everyone's gotta eat, everyone's got to do what's best for them."
"I think it's a good decision... it's generally a good call."
"Always have a backup plan, okay? Not many people actually have a backup plan, I do."
"I'd rather be roughly right than exactly wrong."
"Sometimes the most convincing thing is just doing what needs to be done."
"If survival itself is dependent on the utilization of a scheme of pragmatic projections, in what sense can we say that reality is something other than that?"
"I think people are becoming like this: I'm not on either crazy side. I'm just going to do what works best for me."
"These things aren't just things you do away with because they happen not to live up to your precise ideology today."
"You can accept what's right without having to accept the whole package."
"There's so many better ways to make that level of money, I think."
"I'm not here to play games, I wouldn't spend five minutes talking in circles about my damn feelings. We've got to talk business, it's business time."
"Should I fake it? Absolutely fake it, because what's the worst that could happen?"
"It's not about which answer is right, it's about which answer's more right."
"You have to adjust as new information comes in."
"You definitely shouldn't give up super easily but you should know when to give up."
"The short answer is you don't, you simply take advantage of it when it appears."
"Belief in Christianity is pragmatically justified."
"There's no Republican or Democratic way to fill a pothole, just fill the damn pothole."
"When you can't get down in the mud with people because the pig likes it and you just get all muddy."
"Instead of re-fighting the battles of the last two years, let's fix what needs fixing and let's move forward."
"Politics was the art of what was practical and possible."
"Reasonable solutions mean solving the problem."
"There's nothing wrong with recognizing that the world needs to be met as it is not as we wish it was."
"If your solution is worse than the problem, it's not a solution."
"Done is better than perfect, so keep it simple and get your thumbnails out."
"There are no extra marks for high-level ideas. Relevant ideas that answer the question are what matter."
"Starting small now is better than starting big later."
"The use of this paper, it's just a tool, a means to an end."
"Don't hate Fiat, just trade it. Use it as a tool."
"You gotta measure twice so you only gotta cut once." - The Breakfast Club
"I'm not a Democrat because I love the donkey logo or I'm specifically loyal to the party... I'm with them because they're adults in the room."
"This is not about right and left, it's about common sense."
"If it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense."
"Never get mad at anyone for making a business decision that best suits their business."
"It's hard not to get caught up in that... that sense of you are grabbing hold of the universe and you now are using its most powerful forces to shape reality."
"Right now, guilt is not useful; dehumanization is."
"My advice to anyone who does not have an absolute ballot in hand right now is to plan to vote in person."
"Focus on problems that exist today, not future uncertainties."
"I learned from Indiana Jones, if your enemy has a sword and you have a gun, you shoot him and go about your day."
"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." - Unknown
"Fortunately, we have a Chinese government that appears to be very pragmatic and um realistic and they don't want a war I mean if China was looking for a war the war would have already happened."
"Sometimes good enough is good enough totally."
"Ultimately, the SCP Foundation is on the side of mankind, but that doesn't mean it'll always act in our best interests."
"The obvious answer and the simple answer is the best answer."
"One driver said to me this morning, 'If you have a puncture, you might as well head straight to the pits and go home.'"
"So as I was saying it doesn't come from magic, the argument in the studies is it comes because people have an internal sense of purpose and meaning."
"Even if Christianity is false, it could still have pragmatic benefits."
"Who cares about love? Love? We're choosing Kyle, okay?"
"If the options are censorship and no access to Chinese markets or it's when it comes to like American media, I think that's worthwhile."
"Scientific beliefs are supported by evidence and get results."
"It's important to deliver. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't."
"That's cool pretty much reasonable for an electric vehicle."
"The cure can't be worse than the problem itself."
"Trump is not wrong when he says we have to reopen the economy."
"Many of the socialist writers we so envy were quite pragmatic in the advocacy of the positions they hold."
"There's no such thing called extra money. I'll take it all."
"If Trump gets results, good for him. He's gonna need results on this one."
"Use your head, don't take anything for what you can't make money off of."
"You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word." - Al Capone
"I don't think wealthy people become wealthy by being altruistic."
"Trust what you see in front of you and do what you can with what you have."
"We are actually delivering for people... no longer a theoretical discussion."
"If the result looks good, that's what matters."
"Nothing is going to be 100 percent, and this is one of those situations when you're dealing with a very difficult situation, Chris, that we often say you don't want the perfect to be the enemy of the good." - Dr. Anthony Fauci
"House Hlaalu: pragmatic, prosperous, flexible."
"I do not like to ever discuss anything that doesn't have a solution."
"People are going to hate, but I think it's just smart play."
"Ethical villains, they should have gotten some money at first though."
"Emotions do not belong here, we need to go back to basics and realize those emotions do not belong here."
"Money talks and nobody is going to willingly lose money."
"We can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
"At the end of the day, you can't be Progressive if you're not willing to make progress."
"Farmers tend to be very smart and pragmatic people."
"You absolutely don't have to go out there and buy the latest and greatest gaming laptop."
"If it ain't about tangibles we're just not talking about it."
"Violence is never the answer. I'm not saying you should hit people but if someone's robbing you and you 100 can beat them in a fight, you're probably gonna fight back."
"There's no room for sentimentality in football."
"If it's not working, be willing to toss it out."
"There is no different than having you vote for whoever is the least worst and then you push them in the directions you can."
"It would make a lot of sense to spread ourselves elsewhere."
"Yeah, I mean it's not good enough, so be it. I mean, it's a pawn though."
"Fundamentals don't change, just the uniform. I can tell you love it. Okay, I don't have to love it, I have to pay my student loans."
"I think eventually... people will figure it out."
"The perfect is the enemy of the good, and if you're going to have to make some compromises, you're not going to get the perfect world that you want."
"A neutral evil character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on allies of the moment."
"The motive is purely pragmatic. You do not see the individual that is eliminated as a person. You see them as a chess piece standing in the way of your win."
"The world isn't what we make it. Not sunshine and rainbows either. If you want to change it, sometimes you have to get your hands dirty."
"Put all the personal feelings aside. It's the right thing to do and also it's politically smart."
"My view is this: If it ain't broke, why fix it?"
"It's not about empathy; it's about solving the problem."
"God works not just in supernatural ways, God works in very practical ways."
"Everyone dies, so she's making the right call."
"Keeping it right is way more beneficial than keeping it real."
"I'm a big believer that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
"You can do this if you are practical about it."
"When the facts change, it's important for somebody like me to adapt to the new reality."
"Yeah, people gonna make use of them. I'm hoping for the best but prepared for the worst."
"Is it called being a man or is it called being dumb? I go to the doctor when I'm sick if I think I need to go to the doctor."
"Keep what is useful and discard what is useless."
"That is a perfect pragmatic example of incremental change based on an effort to create a consensus around an issue that is real and serious and based in racial prejudice hundreds of years old."
"See the good, see the bad, hope for the best, prepare for the worst." - Grant Sykes
"Perfect as the saying goes is, of course, the enemy of good enough."
"It's not an unrealistic goal; total bulletproof reliability is unrealistic."
"Donald Trump has exposed that the Republican Party is more about doing things that make sense."
"If you project for the worst and hope for the best, you can never be disappointed."
"I don't need 50, I don't need 80% of Congress to pass a dividend. I need 51%."
"It's just a reminder to the players: take the money, always take the money."