
Stock Market Quotes

There are 3576 quotes

"The next five to ten years are going to be magnificent and we believe that truth will win out in the stock market."
"The closest way for you to get actual exposure to the American economy is to invest in the broader stock market as a whole."
"The stock market is a place that transfers money from the impatient to the patient."
"Every dip in the history of the stock market has been a huge buying opportunity."
"The stock market is really good at trying to pre-price in what the Fed will do."
"The stock market is one of the most accessible wealth-building tools that we have."
"The fastest way to become a millionaire in the stock market is by starting off a billionaire."
"The stock market is a place where you can go and buy ownership in some of your favorite companies."
"I've been investing for years. I've been telling these fools about Apple stock for [expletive] years."
"If the consumer actually prevents us from falling into a recession, well maybe that means we've actually hit a bottom in the stock market."
"Learn how to invest in stocks from somebody who has six figures or seven figures in the market."
"The richest 1% of the country own over half the entire stock market."
"Millions of job losses in the United States and an absolutely robust, ever-climbing stock market. What does this mean? It means one of the greatest wealth transfers in history is underway."
"I don't want you chasing any hot stock. I want to teach you to learn to be self-sufficient."
"Sometimes history has a...it doesn't really repeat but it rhymes in the stock market."
"Nii Color lost 18% of their stock over the last 5 days."
"The stock market is not a reflection of the economy... it's disconnected from the economy."
"The stock market is literally rigged to go up consistently over time."
"Even at these levels, I still feel like the stocks that we're going to talk about in today's video are worth being on your watchlist because they have a ton of future potential, especially when looking at artificial intelligence."
"I am prioritizing Tesla stock...I am personally unaware of a better risk-adjusted opportunity in the stock market."
"The best strategy when it comes to investing in the stock market is buying low and selling high."
"Understand [the stock market system] so that you can capitalize on it and not get abused by it."
"The people who should be going to jail and getting fined and shut down for stock market manipulation are the damn bastards who caused all this crap to happen."
"A pump and a dumper is somebody who basically finds a generally small cap stock, pumps the price up with a lot of hype, and then when that hype gets to peak hype, the pumper sells the stock, takes profits at the top, and everybody else is left holding the bag."
"What we can learn from this SEC pamphlet here is that hyping a stock using social media is a classic characteristic of a pump and dump."
"Every bear market in the history of the United States has led to a bull market."
"The afternoon session...there's mechanisms that are built in that help this market really accelerate into the close."
"Volatility is the price you pay to get 10x the performance of the S&P. If it wasn't volatile, you wouldn't have the opportunity to make such significant gains."
"I've been able to take another step further and started to work in the stock market. It's not easy and definitely one of the greatest challenges I've put myself into."
"Historically, hiking periods were actually bullish for the stock market."
"For every pair of Jordans that you have, I want you to have at least 100 shares of Nike per pair."
"If you believe in a stock, hold it for five years minimum."
"This passive income that a company pays you is called a dividend."
"Most stocks appreciate like eight or ten percent per year; this expectation to triple your money in a month is insanity."
"The best way to build wealth in the stock market is to leave your money in the stock market for the long term because the people that make the most money in the stock market are the people that invest for the long term."
"Society tends to move forward; we will probably see, over a very long period of time, the stock market is likely to go up."
"Time in the market is way more important than timing the market."
"When you invest in stock, you are buying ownership in a company."
"The probability of this stock going down an individual stock going up or down on one trade isn't certain but the probability of many overall is a lot more easier to predict."
"Remember, there is not one future share price of a company, but rather a range of possible outcomes."
"A stock market crash is a golden opportunity, possibly once in a lifetime chance to buy investments on sale."
"The stock market is extremely volatile from month to month... but in the long run, the stock market follows an upward trajectory."
"Buy an S&P 500 low-cost Index Fund, keep buying it through thick and thin, and especially through thin."
"If you don't believe in the American economy, then you shouldn't be buying stocks."
"When you're investing in the stock market, you're not just investing in a ticker symbol; you're investing in a company."
"The economy and the stock market are not the same thing, but they are similar."
"Every single person I know who has invested by picking stocks has lost money, and every single person I know who has invested by just investing in an index fund has made money over time."
"Time in the markets beats timing the market."
"Gordon serves as the personification of everything wrong with the stock market and those who manipulate it, a glorified con man clawing his way to the top through manipulation, espionage, and deception."
"The Fed is only making wealthy people richer by propping up the stock market right now."
"The stock market is detached from what's going on in the actual economy."
"Your learning will compound... like your portfolio, your learning will just compound and compound and before you know it, you'll be super comfortable with the stock market."
"History is a powerful reference point when it comes to investing in the stock market, especially at times like this."
"I think the stock market will recover. The economy is very strong."
"If I could just make $300 a day in the stock market, then I could leave this job behind and actually go travel, which is what I really wanted to do in life."
"This is a very unusual announcement if we look at previously included companies."
"Tesla will become eligible for the S&P 500 if they report even a dollar of GAAP profit in the upcoming Q2 earnings report."
"For the S&P 500 specifically, there is over 11.2 trillion US dollars indexed or benchmarked to the index."
"The possibility of a stock split has been mentioned...Musk has said that he will consider it."
"We're already seeing a rise after hours as Alex Potter of Piper Sandler...has increased his price target on Tesla from 939 dollars per share to 2322, a new high for Wall Street."
"Over the long term, I still firmly believe that Tesla stock is headed to Mars."
"In the beginning of 2024, the most devastating disaster in Chinese history suddenly struck the stock market."
"The wealth of countless stockholders was brutally harvested, and cries of despair echoed among them."
"There's a huge disconnect. You got 30 million people out of work, and the stock market and the Nasdaq is at record highs."
"Investing is great because it's like the only real form of passive income. You don't have to do anything to make money from investing in the stock market besides put your money in smartly."
"It's the countdown to inauguration day, which is a great time to pull some of those earnings out of the stock market and solidify those savings through diversification."
"You got to be in it to win it. It's gambling. Stock market is gambling."
"When companies try to dilute their shareholders in a liquidity crisis... what happens is you end up getting selling pressure that is actually more impactful than it should be because there just aren't enough buyers available at discounted prices."
"Self-investment has led to bigger returns than any investment I've made in the stock market."
"The stock market is pretty crazy; it's at all-time highs and, in my opinion, it's starting to look a little bit like a bubble."
"Yahoo Finance is rating them as undervalued."
"We're at a price point that is offering one of the biggest opportunities in the history of the entire stock market."
"As an intelligent investor, you should not speculate but rather understand stock market's history and discover patterns to find out what is the best time to invest."
"When I think about stocks, I think about risk rewards. I'm not just thinking about what's the potential upside for the stock; I'm also thinking about what is the potential downside."
"You cannot judge the future of a stock just by looking at its past."
"Greed and fear, which is why that famous book, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, was a required reading for all analysts that I hired back in the day."
"Companies that have split their stock have done better over the following year."
"The economy and the stock market are two separate things and they measure different things."
"BYD's stock is up over 1,400% since Buffett first invested."
"As long as you don’t need that money tomorrow, you can afford to deal with the fluctuations of the stock market."
"When markets stop going up, these machines will stop buying dips and they'll start selling rallies."
"I really do think... if you look at the long term returns of the stock market, it really is the best thing to do with your savings."
"The stock market has been the better place for your money over the long term."
"The price where the market trades a stock shouldn't matter as much as the fundamental value of the business if you're willing to be a long-term holder."
"For a lot of people, selling stock is kind of a mystery game for them. It's almost like they're rolling the dice whether they should continue to hold, sell, buy more, buy something else."
"The stock market has gone up for the simple reason that the PE (Price to Earnings) has expanded."
"If you wanted to predict stock price, you would use features that attempt to predict the company's overall value."
"Each share, what was the profit allocated to that particular share?"
"The stock market is not the real kind of effect of economy. The stock market is artificially inflated."
"I don't have a price target. I don't care. There's one thing I care about, and that's that the stock gets above my break even. That is it."
"Meta has had an embarrassing year, their stock price has tanked since their rebranding to Meta."
"High volatility equals more risk for the stock investor."
"The energy sector in the S&P 500 is the only positive returning sector this year."
"Past performance does not indicate future returns in the stock market."
"Staying consistent with one pattern is how you become profitable in the stock market."
"Do not try to do a bunch of different patterns. Stick to one pattern, perfect it, get really good at it, then add a second one."
"Before you get to that point, do not trade. I've basically just been messing around for the past couple of months, trying to learn as much as I can."
"Stocks actually do well in inflationary times; they tend to actually have pricing power, and corporations do very well when inflation comes into the economy."
"The stock market is one of the best ways to advance your wealth, to multiply your wealth."
"New York Community Bank stock was upgraded because of its significant funding advantages and quote extremely safe dividend of 7.9%."
"The easiest way to get people to invest in a stock is to make people feel like there is an 'us versus them' happening."
"A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money in these stocks, a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money in cryptocurrencies."
"If you wake up one morning and you have a stock in your portfolio that you have learned has become a Reddit target, what would you do? I'd be very excited about it, actually."
"Do not underestimate the Wall Street Bets. Be with us."
"The options market is implying an average move for these stocks higher or lower of more than 45%."
"It's a mistake to bet against the American economy and the American Stock Market."
"They stopped the stock market from going down and they implemented easy money policies."
"The stock market and the economy just are not the same thing."
"Monetary policy liquidity drives the stock market; the two are very different."
"If you call the top in the S&P 500 and you manage to profit from this huge cratering, then by a chance, you manage to pick the bottom, are you going to make yourself wealthy? Yeah, potentially great, good for you."
"Luxury art has outperformed a lot of the stock market... it's kind of an interesting way to diversify."
"Buying stocks that you don't have a deep understanding of is arguably one of the easiest ways to lose a lot of money in the stock market."
"The typical investor doesn't need this skill... In aggregate, American business has done wonderfully over time and will continue to do so... The goal of the non-professional should not be to pick winners... but should rather be to own a cross-section of businesses that in aggregate are bound to do well. A low-cost S&P 500 index fund will achieve this goal."
"The stock market is not a place for faith. Do not have faith in the stock market. Do not have faith in strategies that haven't been proven."
"This stock is pure speculation. No part of this movement in the stock price is attached to fundamentals."
"The stock market is funny style right now. A lot of stuff is going on because of this coronavirus thing."
"The stock market is a place for you to invest your money into companies. It is not supposed to be a casino."
"With the unemployment money going away and the Federal Reserve Bank saying that they want to stop bailing out the stock market, some experts are saying this could lead to a stock market correction or even a crash."
"Yahoo Finance says that a Citibank strategist warns of a 10% September plunge in the stock market. CNBC says that the market action we're seeing now is the same as 1999 and it could lead to a 10 to 20 percent correction."
"You just buy stocks and they go up and you make all kinds of money. It's not true. I mean, it can be true, but you need to have a basic understanding of what you're doing."
"You can't be emotionally attached to your money because the truth is with stock market trading, you're going to win some and you're going to lose some."
"Stocks fell sharply on Monday as the number of coronavirus cases outside China surged, stoking fears of a prolonged global economic slowdown."
"Apes are holding. They're holding unless all of a sudden one day you go from 20 bucks to a thousand."
"The stock market is the cheat code to wealth."
"You can make 100k a year guaranteed with the stock market through dividends or bonds."
"If you have true conviction, you've done your due diligence on a stock, you really believe in where it's going, you believe in the company, then the price is psychological."
"The entire stock market is based on human perception."
"Buying individual stocks gives you a lot more control over where your money is going, and if you have a good pulse in the market, you could end up making a lot more money."
"Implied volatility always overstates the expected move of an underlying stock, ETF, or index."
"Options profits aren't linear. The higher the stock goes, the faster your potential profits can accumulate."
"Buying calls can deliver big profits without even owning the stock."
"Nvidia may be America's top performing stock after more than doubling this year alone."
"Mark is stepping forward to warn people to stay away from Nvidia...it just flashed buy on a totally different AI stock."
"No matter which way you slice it, you have to participate in the stock market."
"Buffett has been spending billions of dollars on new stock purchases."
"This was actually one of the very worst starts of a trading year in history."
"Bearish positioning... the more negative we feel about the economy and the stock market, ironically, the better stocks tend to perform."
"Geopolitical tensions will have an effect on the stock market."
"We're all Americans, we all want the same thing fundamentally."
"The stock market is disconnected from the reality that the majority of workers are experiencing."
"I called this a great transfer of wealth because between February and April 2020 the stock market has lost trillions of dollars worth of value and wealth essentially overnight."
"That's it, you can't buy GameStop anymore. Nope, nope, you could sell it all you want."
"If everybody just decides to buy some AMC stock, then the short sellers have no choice but to hire massive high prices."
"Tesla's year-to-date returns are 650 percent, mind blown."
"I'm here to help... those five stocks and I only knew two of them to tell you the truth."
"Time in the market beats timing the market in the majority of situations."
"Space tourism is a new thing, it's going to be a new thing. Virgin Galactic stock is on the rise."
"Trading options is like buying and selling stocks, but with a few key differences."
"So apes buy and hold, increasing the price and cost of staying short."
"AMC has strong fundamentals right even without the short squeeze I think it's a hundred dollar stock."
"Dips in a bull market like this are not only healthy but they are necessary for us to see sustained growth."
"The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."
"Stocks hands-down have traditionally been such good investments."
"You want to have a romance with price action."
"if the market is telling me it's going higher I'm going to put a portion of my portfolio to take advantage of that"
"The stock market is the greatest mechanism of transferring wealth from the inpatient to the patient."
"The economy will recover after the stock market bottoms."
"The dirty secret of the stock market is that it's not a casino."
"If NIO hits these targets, there's no reason NIO stock is not going to be an easy three to four banger."
"In times of economic boom, the stock market outperforms pretty much everything else."
"The stock market is a place where you and I can go and invest in companies..."
"The movement that even made Wall Street shift their pants for a few days: the GameStop short squeeze."
"Dividends have historically been responsible for a large portion of growth from the stock market for the last century."
"Unlike everyone else that was running from the stock market, Christina and I were running towards the stock market."
"If this hits 600 bucks, I am buying someone a Tesla."
"I like not knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow with the stock market."
"Stock price of tobacco companies is risk-adjusted due to evolving legislation and regulatory challenges." - Ron Gross
"I would recommend never using margin. I would never borrow money to buy stocks it can the slippery slope into getting yourself into lots of trouble."
"Markets are predictable cycles but with that being said we're 11 years into a bull market and typically we have pretty major setbacks every 7 years so we are well overdue."
"So what are some safe dividend stocks right now?"
"There's so many kids with this stock who own this way at a much cheaper price than Wall Street."
"The stock market is not the economy... we have a scheme that takes printed money and transfers it ultimately to the wealthiest people in America."
"The stock market will eventually always go up."
"Diamond hands, don't fall for this volatility."
"Over the long run we know that we will get the average return in the stock market and we're okay with being average."
"Buying the stock market today is essentially taking an incredible amount of risk, at least as much risk as investors have ever taken in the stock market in the past for the prospect of I see it as zero reward."
"Retail investing has sort of become a thing, and this is the Robinhood Wall Street Bets generation."
"You don't need to be a cash flow statement expert, but the three bold headings that hit you in the face in my cash flow statement are well worth a quick look."
"We're going above 42,000. This momentum has turned 100."
"Shorters watch out, there is another short squeeze coming."
"The market this week felt horrible, in fact, many are considering it the start of a potential market crash."
"I have bought so many dips because there were so many dips along the way."
"The stock market is just a big gambling machine in the short term. In the long run, it's the machine for compounding interest and returns."
"Look at that, the stock market was celebrating the benign inflation report. I think that's a good way to reference it, it was just a benign report."
"The continuing with the hawkish pace that they've got right now will literally drive the stock market to zero."
"It's all about finding the great opportunity, so whether we're in a market that stagnates, goes down, there's still going to be stocks that way outperform, and it's just about finding those stocks. That's a beautiful thing."
"Throughout the entire history of the stock market, a 20-year holding period has never once produced a negative result."
"We're done letting hedge fund billionaires treat the stock market like their personal playground."
"Overall, is the short volume trending up or trending down?"
"Support and resistances are basically the Bible of the stock market."
"Technical analysis is basically astrology for Traders."
"I think shorting is a healthy component of the market."
"You're basically paying 30 40 50 60 percent interest rate to borrow GameStop shares."
"It means that I hedge kind of the risk of stock market going down."
"As long as you're not panic selling you're good it's pretty obvious we had a little manipulation today."
"Thinking that Tesla's going to be a thousand percent stock again is kind of silly... but can it be a 20 30 40 gainer for the long term? For sure."
"When you start to understand though that what we see in crypto with the manipulation is what we've always seen on the traditional stock side, it starts to make sense to you."
"Shares of online furniture retailer Wayfair soared as much as 35 percent to a record high."
"President Trump created a lot of trade chaos and then when the trade cast is temporarily postponed the stock market jumped which is exactly what you're seeing today."
"Hold the line boys. Don't sell GameStop, whatever you do."