
Future Trends Quotes

There are 1388 quotes

"The next five to ten years are going to be magnificent and we believe that truth will win out in the stock market."
"We believe that the paper hands platform so DNA sequencing, robotics, energy storage, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies are going to be the big winners."
"These are not concepts; they are innovation platforms that are going to disrupt the traditional world order."
"Software is going to play more and more of a role in providing advisory tools and services."
"Starting a personal brand is the future. If you're not already on the train, I don't know where you've been."
"AI is going to be something you can't ignore; it's going to leak into every avenue on the internet, every platform."
"The pace of change is getting faster and faster."
"Medicine is going faster than probably any other thing on the planet... In the future, we will have avatars that tell us how we're doing and what we should eat."
"A big portion of the world has now started believing in the fact that sustainability will define profitability."
"The rise of new communication platforms, new social platforms, and new transportation systems signifies the next 12 months' innovation."
"In healthcare, the sensors of tomorrow are going to start disappearing and layering into our everyday lives."
"The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed."
"Blockchain is our future; fiat is dying, and it's just a matter of living through the shift between here and there."
"What they plan to do is make technology become part of you."
"Approximately out of 6.7 million black workers, 42 percent of the workers currently hold jobs that could be subject to disruption by 2030."
"NFTs are the new way of merchandising digitally so you guys better get used to this, they are not going away by any stretch of the imagination."
"Arcane was probably the most exciting cartoon of 2021 and the biggest indicator of what's to come for animation moving forward."
"Every person that's watching this right now will want to own many digital assets, no different than people want to own clothes, tchotchkes, sneakers, anything physical."
"We're on the brink of a completely new age of social connection and entertainment."
"The world has changed so fast that we can't even get our heads around it."
"What the fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identities."
"The main reason [to hire someone with cloud experience] is that's the future; that's where we're going."
"I truly believe meat substitutes are the future. It's much more sustainable, and there are so many benefits to meat substitutes."
"Every year we put out a Big Ideas presentation. It's kind of a compendium of some of the research insights we've both had over the course of the year and what we think is going to be important this year."
"Perhaps celebrating our so-called imperfections could be the future of beauty standards."
"The value of data is only going to increase over time."
"It just doesn't get any dumber than that. You know, they realize this is the future and where it's headed."
"I think decentralization will win out in the end, it's inevitable."
"Whether you like it or not, radical transparency and algorithmic decision-making is coming at you fast, and it's going to change your life."
"We're moving from this density, this materialism, this sense of permanent job for life, home for life, security, things remaining steady, into a much faster, a much faster world where everything is digitized and electrified."
"This essay will discuss why robots will eventually be able to perform any function and will therefore replace all human jobs."
"Sam Altman: 'I'm reminded every day about the magnitude of socioeconomic change that is coming sooner than most people believe.'"
"Watch this space, because it's just about to get real."
"One thing that's getting clearer every day is that electric vehicles are here to stay."
"I think it's the future, 100%. I just think it's a very creative way to create community."
"Innovations are going to come fast and this is a big one."
"Demand for these recycled batteries is predicted to increase by more than 500 percent in the next decade."
"AI will be a very big part of the future of video games."
"Ideologically driven politics is going to increasingly look stupid in a new world centered on post-globalist identity."
"Globalization is almost dead and free trade is almost dead and they are unlikely to come back."
"If you're in the game of being around in 10 years, you have to understand what's coming up the ranks. These are 15, 17, 19-year-olds that aren't lazy, that are not entitled, that are not soft; they have options."
"I think neural nets, data, valuable data right, and feeding neural nets to create value, just seems like that would be something that, in the next 10 or 20 years, whatever you establish now could be massive."
"I believe voice devices are the next iPhone and the apps built on top of the Google home, Amazon Alexa, and Apple pod are going to be the place where I come out of retirement and do early stage investing."
"The metaverse... it's an ecosystem in which most likely we will see a lot of not only businesses, gaming, financial, probably all walks of life moving into the metaverse in the very near future."
"The future of animation is ideally a future with a diversity of voices and talent and style that don't exist right now."
"The artificial intelligence Revolution is here. It is only going to grow more and more in both scope and breadth."
"I don't think the big story here is necessarily that these individual things happen, but that it's a preview of what's to come."
"The ways this will impact our economy and jobs is going to be crazy and interesting."
"Tech addiction is going to become one of the most important stories over the next 20 years."
"Thanks to years of engineering investment, we've laid the path for a future without passwords."
"The Internet is the future, and a lot of the lawmakers understand that, but they don't understand exactly what it is they're making laws about."
"Everything we do online today—connecting socially, entertainment, games, work—is going to be more natural and vivid."
"The metaverse is the next frontier just like social networking was when we got started."
"For me, artificial intelligence is the next big thing for automation in a production field."
"The future of brick and mortar is 'fidgetal' - stores need to be able to incorporate digital elements into their physical stores to thrive in today's world."
"There's going to be an option in the near future to especially in healthcare be seen by a real person and also be treated by AI."
"What direction are we headed towards due to this social media-driven era?"
"In five or ten years from now, you guys are going to find that almost all content is streaming because it's a way for audience to interact with people."
"Really and truly we're into an age of real innovation, real revolutionary kinds of things happening."
"The rise of internet and computer usage, the metaverse, autonomous driving, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and many other growth drivers."
"A lot of people look at this as like the future."
"Space tourism exists today... but as the price of space flight comes down, more and more people are going to be able to afford it."
"This is going to be the decade of robo taxis... a self-driving car with no driver in the car that you can hail on your phone."
"Personal humanoid robots... this decade... we're going to get autonomous humanoid robots."
"Our politicians of the future... they're going to be influencers who know nothing, but man, can they get those views."
"That's the politics of the future: the people versus the political class."
"What this means for the future of EVs... ICE cars are dead." - Matt Farrell
"It's time for us to take things forward. New Media will become the new mainstream media."
"Self-driving cars are happening, slowly but surely, filling the roads of the future."
"A world that will certainly have a much smaller animal agriculture industry."
"Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and XRP will be the coins to receive institutional money."
"Cryptocurrency will be adopted in the next 15 years, 100%, the only question is are you gonna get screwed out of getting into it?"
"I honestly think that there are going to be billions of devices on the net, more devices than there are people."
"This is the closest thing I've seen to the future of shoes. You see how the whole sole goes up? It's a two piece with an elastic band keeps it together. I mean what kind of engineering is incredible!"
"Imagine seeing gen Alpha in cor set tops paired with Blazers in the next 10 years."
"Alts are just starting. You haven't actually seen anything yet."
"For now, battery powered electric vehicles seem to be the sensible choice going forward in the quest for pollution free consumer transport."
"3D scanning is the future, I mean no guarantees I'm some idiot on YouTube but I highly think this is the future like this is innovation right here."
"AI is not going anywhere, it's only going to grow even more."
"We really want to look ahead... all these disruptive Technologies and opportunities."
"Encouraging you once again to take a look at Big Ideas 2024."
"Environmental concerns will drive the rise of electric cars in the next decade."
"Customizing the look and feel of your Ufn game is going to be a consistent theme in 2024 and beyond."
"Concept stores are the future of brick-and-mortar stores."
"Electric will undoubtedly be the dominant type of power."
"I look for a gradual decentralization of how global payment networks work."
"This ain't going anywhere, this is going to be the future."
"Crypto assets are going to rival and redefine traditional asset classes."
"The pace of technology is faster now than we have ever seen in human history, so the potential for disruption is deeper and broader than we've ever seen before."
"Virtual reality can pave the road to new ways of entertainment."
"I think the next five or ten years are going to be the first time transportation has ever had a disruption."
"One solution... is a merging of body and mind with machines."
"We are all going to have to make that step towards the next stage of human evolution sooner or later."
"NFTs will completely revolutionize the internet in the future. Most things we own in the digital world will be NFTs: game items, collectibles, cool pieces of art, and even our metaverse gear. All of these have the potential to become NFTs."
"In the future every sports organization music venue TV film all entertainment will have an NFT component."
"The future where the computer can just remake stuff for you... It might be in the future that movies aren't these big releases that are made by huge studios. It's like, you tell your computer, 'I'm in a sad mood, make me a romantic comedy please.'"
"Robots will be able to do everything better than us."
"Forty percent of all jobs could be replaced."
"Almost 80% of U.S jobs will be impacted by AI, according to an OpenAI study."
"I think the AI is the new internet like this is the newest biggest technology thing advancement."
"Critical mass adoption, man, that's when it's going to get really interesting fast."
"Centrism is the past, radicalism is the future."
"Technology won’t stay the same though so lets ask what the big shifts there will be."
"Gold and Bitcoin I think are the real store of value going forward."
"Authenticity, being spontaneous in your situations, is gonna be really important moving forward."
"It's not for everybody but if this is the future... it's a really smart time to be looking at alternative forms of banking."
"The setup for the new narrative will prosper in the coming future."
"People seem to agree that it's the way to go for now and for the foreseeable future."
"AI translations are the future. People don't want localizers changing meanings."
"The future of advertising is dead... the future is about entertainment and education."
"The future beyond the car is actually very significant."
"This integrated dominant model... will be indestructible in the future."
"Holographic computing will transform how we work, play, and collaborate."
"Cryptocurrency is definitely the future of banking, but if we're living into specifics, things like Bitcoin where the value is limited to that encryption, you're always gonna have a problem."
"In the 21st century it may be that no home will be complete without a computerized communications console."
"Crypto is not going away... It's here and it's here because people in the market want something other than just the traditional currencies that we've had."
"At the start of this video, I talked about the similarities these games share, which are substantial. Despite how similar these games are in a lot of ways, the biggest difference I found is how I felt after I finished playing them."
"Twitch is set to grow exponentially in the coming years."
"The movement today is often called 'h+', which certainly means humans plus."
"The future of medicine is personalized medicine."
"That's something that are going to be in play over the next few years."
"Advances in renewable energy may point the way to a brighter future."
"I think the future is gonna be probably in crowdfunding because that's the only way where developers are accountable."
"Liquid fuels and liquid fuel-powered vehicles are going to be part of the mix for at least the next two decades."
"AI is the future. You may not like that it's the future, you may not want that to be the future but it is, that's what's going to happen."
"Artificial intelligence will obviously be very significant in all fields."
"Bikes could replace cars as the main form of transport by 2030."
"There's a lot to be excited about in 2021 and 2022."
"We're headed towards a world where people are moving towards electric vehicles."
"The future of gaming is really good, and right now YouTube and Google are set to dominate it."
"Imagine a future where AI-based search replaces traditional web searches for the average person."
"It will be a young world. It will be a digital world."
"I don't see ray tracing necessarily getting left behind at all. I think developers are moving directly towards it, it is kind of like the future."
"Some of the best gains are in digital assets over the next five to ten years."
"We're going to become more intimate with our computers, ultimately merging with our technology."
"I think really shows that base is organic traction is there and looking at how deep the integration is from coinbase from their wallet from their smart wallet there's a lot to come for this year for the base chain."
"Remember that it's okay to not be okay and to reach out for support."
"The future of work can be more human and not less."
"This is what Breath of the Wild speedruns are gonna start looking like."
"Fully electric buses are going to be the future."
"I believe in a metaverse, I believe that we will move to this."
"Um, and that's the future that's the future for Marvel right. Um let me get out here, uh and obviously, oh yeah guys I know you asked him my other sign I have it over here but today's words of the day are pregnant Mickey and uh Chapek."
"Just because you have ideas doesn't mean they're the future."
"I think social gaming is the absolute future, playing with your friends is so important."
"In some sense in the future all transactions should be digital and they could very well it's just the all going through strife."
"As Xbox continues to grow, I think it's going to continue to shape the future of the gaming community."
"You won't be able to get a gas powered vehicle sooner or later I'm not saying that part is happening this year but they're trying to build up some excuses to prevent people from having or purchasing gas-powered Vehicles they want to eliminate that."
"AI copywriting is probably at the top of my list of futuristic stuff."
"We're moving into an era of robots, automation, and algorithms."
"The future of game development is here, and it's beyond exciting!"
"Everything that comes next will dwarf what we've seen already."
"Crypto is less about making money and more about the future of decentralized finance."
"We're rapidly approaching that point in history where global governance is going to have the upper hand."
"The future of the automotive industry will be extremely brutal with only a few car companies able to survive."
"The future is vegan. Get ready, get your kids ready."
"This is the world you can own, you can own digital real estate and it's the future, what you can own."
"I think that's an important part and this is what when Ray talks about the singularity, you know, it's the notion that we're... the ability to predict what's going to happen next has become impossible."
"I think the future of music is it's not uncommon to hear acoustic guitars on a rap song, to hear metal thrown together with pop, to hear all of this stuff kind of coming together."
"I think blockchain gaming is going to be to 2022 what NFTs were to 2021."
"Treat this cycle like it's the last. Gaming narrative is going to keep growing into one of the largest in crypto."
"Creator economy is hopefully going to be huge in the new world."
"Content credentials is the thing that is probably going to change the future of how we look at content."
"We're probably looking at the future of image reconstruction here with DLSS 2.0."
"Games as a service... is really where the industry is going in a meaningful way."
"Cryptocurrency is going to be at the center of that."
"Cash itself will become less usable in everyday transactions."
"Dogecoin, cryptocurrency is the wave of the future."
"Crypto is a revolution, internet 3.0. I mean, the internet really did change everything."
"I think all of that is going to be a big part of the future, yeah, right."
"Cryptocurrency gonna be the next thing. It's a report that just came out that said the entire world is planning to shift to cryptocurrency and get rid of cash in the next 10 years."
"Invest in the future. The future on the stock market side is what's going on with cryptocurrencies, electric cars, charging stations. Tesla is obviously the leader in electric cars."
"This is something that will define gaming relations over the next decade."
"I think you're going to see more change in the next 10 years than we saw in the last 50 years because of Technology."
"BMW is looking to bring gaming to their cars next year."
"VR is going to have a huge place in theatrical cinematic experience."
"I think eventually we're gonna get virtual reality movies."
"Cryptocurrency is definitely not going away."
"I really like Ethereum moving into the future."
"The future of healing involves working together as a group, each specializing in different aspects of healing."
"Crypto has arrived and is not going to go away."
"Path tracing is very likely to be the future of gaming just like Ray tracing was."
"Judging by the 300 million euros of investment in lab-grown meat companies in 2020 alone, there is hope if not an expectation for this kind of trajectory."
"The right to repair is the glitch to the property-less future before us."
"The currency of the future in economics is attention."
"Keep your eyes open guys, you will be seeing more electric vehicles not only in the next ten years, you're gonna be taking over both the small industry and the heavy industry."
"The biggest story in World football over the next few decades could well be the women's game."
"The number of video games will go up by 10x or 100x or a thousand X."
"I think one day having your own token will be like having your own website. You can't do business without it."
"People will spend an increasing percentage of their discretionary time in some kind of virtual space or experience."
"Voice biometrics is the future. Authenticating your voice unlocks a world of possibilities."
"I think electronic integrations and then other kind of peripheral ideas like folding locks are an area that we'll see a lot of continued experimentation."
"Artificial intelligence is going to be a part of that new human evolution whether we want it to be or not."
"There will be a tsunami of affordable reliable electric vehicles coming to the US and Europe."
"Diversity in leadership roles could become the norm."
"Expect a substantial impact from Generation Alpha."
"Alphas will be a force that brings us together in the workforce."
"I believe in the near future, video games are over half of our economy in the world."
"Access to energy... might actually be the de facto currency of the future."
"Does anybody believe bitcoin's not going to get 200,000 at some point?"
"Solid-state batteries are seen as more efficient and they're considered the next big thing."