
Invention Quotes

There are 2095 quotes

"Hedy Lamarr...invented the frequency hopping communication system, which now gives us Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth."
"The only component of mathematics that has been invented is the expression of it."
"It was designed by perhaps the most famous inventor of the ancient world himself, Archimedes."
"I'd like to thank the queer community for your love and for inventing the genre."
"Ali Razeqi claimed to have invented a time machine... it purportedly allowed users to peer into the future."
"Mirrors aren't a real thing in the world like they were man-made. Technically, we were never meant to look at ourselves."
"Invention is hard, that is ultimately rewarding."
"Breen Ridge wrote 'Happy Birthday Miss China' on the lunar surface, proving he's really the great inventor that he's always bragging about."
"The first job is to discover and invent principles and then make models of how those principles might be applied in some experimental situation."
"Successful invention is inventions that customers care about."
"For the first time, the current wave of technological inventions really endangers human agency."
"During the sixth century, modern Europe is invented and it's invented here, inside Britain."
"The key to being successful as an inventor was timing: the inventors whose names you recognize, like Thomas Edison or Larry Page, were in the right place with the right idea at the right time."
"We've had the telephone invented, the telegraph invented, cable lines have been stretched across the Atlantic Ocean."
"Your brain is meant to invent futuristic things and one day this uniqueness is going to manifest as very high success for you."
"My name is Stanislaus Braun. I'm a Vault-Tec scientist. I created the simulation for Vault-Tec but for myself as well. It was my own design, my own perfection, a better reality than any other."
"I think that's one of the things I love about America is the ability and that really is I think in the American DNA to create things and invent things."
"What would my flamethrower be called? It would be called the Flamethrower T2B. The TTB would mean 'time to burn'."
"But the history books have overlooked a magnificent period of invention when some of the greatest minds of antiquity would revolutionize scientific and technological knowledge."
"The crank is described by modern engineers as the most important single mechanical device after the wheel."
"I aspire to do far more than that and devise something of real power."
"His name was Frank Whittle. This is the story of how he invented the jet engine."
"The optimist builds the plane, but the pessimist builds the parachute."
"Human beings are going to be the most important thing here... commerce and invention are going to bring us the printing press, which is going to allow books and knowledge to be spread like they've never been before."
"The Sumerians are credited with being the first people to invent writing, libraries, cities, and schools in Mesopotamia."
"Tesla claimed the motors he built there appeared to him in visions, or as he imagined them. He would simply reproduce them without changing a thing."
"The creation of farming, the domestication of animals, the invention of the wheel, the harnessing of electricity, and the splitting of the atom... the 60-year development of computers, the internet, and this new technology will be looked upon as a single event, a turning point that will change the course of human history."
"Hermann Hollerith invented an electromechanical tabulating machine for punched cards... It was the first of its kind and revolutionized the sector."
"Invention is only the beginning; innovation at scale is everything."
"Television is undoubtedly the greatest invention of all because other inventions can change the world, television can change you."
"Everyone and their dog can thank George Washington Carver for the invention of peanut butter."
"I invented the sunblock buffer, the first automatic way to rub in sunscreen across your back completely on your own."
"It’s long been said that there have been many inventions that could have changed the world in a positive way. Yet, were denied from the public, or worse the inventor mysteriously died, making you wonder if someone didn't want their inventions getting out and impacting the way people live their lives."
"The human mind is extraordinary in many ways. We've been able to control fire, to invent the wheel."
"An inventor, Da Vinci accurately predicted hundreds of advancements in science, transportation, medicine, and warfare 500 years before they happened."
"Necessity is the mother of invention, and often times when our planet has faced an impending crisis, that necessity has required an incredibly vital solution."
"The Egyptians built the foundation of engineering. They were the people who invented engineering."
"The wheel has completely transformed how we travel."
"The machine would come to be known as the computer, and the idea behind it came from a quite remarkable and visionary scientist."
"The original creators sold the first patent for only a dollar, refusing to rake in massive profits for their invention in the hopes it would be universally accessible someday."
"Invention of archery: Man, I really want to stab this dude, but he way the F over there."
"While the old saying of necessity being the mother of invention certainly rings true, it seems that boredom is also a hot contender when it comes to motivation."
"He basically was an inventor, a scientist, a visionary."
"I want to create a Bee Eliezer, it's a pretty neat device."
"These once forgotten inventions now re-emerging from the Shadows attest to Tesla's enduring impact on the landscape of Science and Technology."
"The idea of the computer as we know it was born."
"When the names Orville and Wilbur Wright are mentioned, the beginning of Aviation is often the thought that follows."
"When first coming up with his invention, Tesla could already hear another person's voice on the other side. He would later go on to claim that the people transmitting him a signal were those of beings living on the surface of Mars."
"Did you know that Lincoln was the only president to have obtained a patent?"
"There's nothing in this room that was not invented, built, or maintained by a man."
"Dolivo-Dobrovolsky also patented two types of 3-phase transformer called delta and star or wye for the shapes they make."
"In conclusion, if you want to ask who invented the first 3-phase motor and generator, the answer is clearly pretty Nikola Tesla."
"You're going to invent something that's never been invented before."
"The best inventions are just improvements upon someone else's ideas."
"Velcro wasn't an immediate success, people didn't automatically gravitate toward this thing, not until NASA came along."
"The heart and soul of what the artificer is all about: turning mundane items into arcane wonders."
"There have been a lot of discoveries and many inventions that have become a thing purely due to a serendipitous moment when luck timing and fate come together."
"If you're one of the people who enjoy this cold treat then you might be surprised to learn that the food you enjoy was invented by an 11-year-old boy in the early 1900s."
"I invented the momentum conservor! Spinning, oh this is pretty, can I take this home with me?"
"Howard Stark... responsible for a lot of incredible inventions."
"Dan Harmon invented a widely used story structure tool called story circle."
"Vulcanization made the inflatable tire possible."
"Operation save people from their own inventions was a success."
"Ford reconciles with McGucket, encouraging him to reconnect with his family and submit his inventions to the government."
"The true first telephone ever created was made by an ancient culture in Peru."
"Charles Darrow is often credited with inventing Monopoly, but he actually stole the game from Elizabeth Magie, a turn-of-the-century feminist and left-wing activist."
"Inventing new things is a wonderful part of humanity."
"Very innovative, very interesting mechanism."
"I wasn't trying to invent something. I was just trying to solve a problem."
"Every great inventor, every great Discoverer, every great genius has felt the thrill of the divine inward force, that mysterious power backing the flesh but not of it, which has come to his aid."
"Can you imagine being the man who created a game that has affected millions of people?"
"I built this for Bruce," Tony explains, holding the crown designed to control emotions.
"In this alternate timeline, the cotton gin or anything like it simply isn't invented."
"The personal computer might not have been invented without LSD."
"He invented these underwear to keep your boys cool and comfortable and he is a hero."
"Holy crap he invented my freaking childhood."
"It's really delightful when you feel like something you invented actually made it on screen."
"With Eli Whitney's cotton gin invented in the 1790s, cotton production is going to increase."
"Coca-Cola was the original, it was invented by John Pemberton way back in 1886."
"Human beings are inventive, and there have been silver linings." - Professor Frank Snowden
"The most important invention of the 20th century: the transistor."
"According to the Old Woodworking Machine Wiki, the jointer was invented in 1866 when a patent was filed by John Riley and Henry Climer."
"Anything that saves time is generally an invention."
"The first creation in Kalos of the Pokéball in the form of Magearna."
"Pop Rocks were discovered by two chemists at the General Foods lab while they were trying to design an instant soft drink in the 60s."
"The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention; its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world." - Nikola Tesla, 1919
"Life will be so much easier... people will be inventing things left and right, don't you think so?"
"Necessity is the mother of invention, but first you have to have the necessity."
"I would say a few words on a thought which fills my mind and concerns the welfare of all. I mean the transmission of intelligence and even power without the use of wires."
"I prefer to be remembered as the inventor who abolished war."
"The cavity magnetron: the single most important invention in the history of radar."
"The first functioning ionic electrostatic engine was created in 1959 in the United States."
"Humor is human's greatest invention, separating us from other primates."
"The invention of maps and charts is a fascinating chapter in human history."
"A priest named Emilio arnetti sought to create a time traveling device behind the Vatican Gates between 1955 and 1965."
"It's a little strange to consider that someone like Otto Rohwedder had to invent sliced bread, but aren't we glad he did?"
"He never wanted to be a superhero, a defender, or an Avenger, but instead, he just wanted to discover things, invent things, and push the boundaries of what was possible."
"Babbage couldn't pay for the construction of the entire device."
"Why does grw need this hilariously complicated rub Goldberg Transportation device it's not because he's trying to keep it secret since the method of Entry is hitting one obvious button on the chair."
"To say that it's one of the great inventions of humankind does not mean that you think it's all good all the time."
"Shaq is an inventor...he created his most Brilliant Invention yet."
"Mr. Potato Head... invented by a guy from New York named George Lerner... in 1949 he invented the Mr. Potato Head kit and sold it to the Hasbros in 1951."
"The inventor with the most ever patents in history is Shunpi Yamazaki."
"It's a smart and convenient solution to protect your phone from accidental drops. What's even more exciting is that the brilliant developer of this invention has already applied for a patent."
"Hardly any one person invents any one thing."
"Edison didn't invent the light bulb but he did make one that worked well."
"We cannot survive with the answers we have now, where are the starling minds, the inventors, the innovators, the geniuses..."
"The inventors of super mega... living the dream."
"This person is an actual inventor, they may even invent something so amazing which is probably why this thing is here."
"Whoever invented Tipex, they're probably a millionaire retired living in the bloody Maldives."
"Paper is without a doubt one of the most important inventions in all of human history."
"The concept of a tea bag was born right there out of a mistake."
"Holy Ghost didn't make that oven, man invented that."
"To invent you need a good imagination in a pile of junk."
"Blackburn's first flying machine was no far-fetched flight of fancy."
"This is where they created the skibby toilets, but why? Why would they do this?"
"Oh, it's all the prizes from before. Before he died, he told me this is the cure machine. So if we can get all the ingredients to put in this dispenser, I think I can be turned back to normal. I know just what to do."
"If there's never been poofles, there is now."
"Challenge accepted. I'm going to get to work inventing something truly terrible."
"Alfred Nobel from Sweden has combined nitroglycerin with different absorbance and stabilizers even managed to create a dynamite a powerful and safe explosive."
"Deck of cards: 'How genius of an invention is a deck of cards!'"
"In all my inventions, the first step is an intuition."
"Garrett Morgan: A prolific inventor who created early versions of the traffic light and gas mask."
"Granville T Woods: Overlooked inventor whose most important invention was the induction telegraph, allowing voice communication over telegraph wires."
"Elijah McCoy: The inventor who revolutionized the railroad with 57 patents, including an automatic lubrication system for locomotive steam engines."
"Beyond stoked to have a badass lass in the shed!"
"Tesla's invention of the Tesla coil further demonstrates his unrivaled genius."
"Daydreams are not a waste of time; they're the precursor of every invention."
"You're gonna come up with an invention that will change the world forever."
"Genius invention and transformation are rarely comfortable and less likely to be accepted by the mainstream."
"The Roth Shields invented the banking industry."
"The wheel is by far the most important invention man has ever realized."
"Perfect timing boys, we've discovered the remainders of the Tophat clan building some kind of rocket."
"Red named this special field the refractal zone."
"Deleting the house. That is our first invention."
"Assuming that the Shroud were manufactured in the 14th century, it would mean that someone would have had to conceive the concept of photography approximately 650 years before it was invented. I don't think so."
"The Hotchkiss revolving cannon went on to earn a lot of money for the inventor."
"What we can all learn from James’ story is that contrary to popular belief, inventors do not come up with fully-formed billion-dollar ideas from 'eureka moments.'"
"I think Bitcoin is probably the most important invention in world history."
"Let's build something better, let's build a better mousetrap so to speak."
"I invented a new type of tire that doesn't spend but yet moves. I mean to be a billionaire."
"There was a job worse than the people who invented rubbish: the bloke who invented something brilliant and never got the credit for it."
"The bra is one of the most feminist inventions of all time."
"Men invent stuff, build stuff, and make stuff to protect women and their children."
"Man's first invention often called his greatest was the wheel."
"Well, I invented lightning, oh my God, are you okay, buddy?"
"Necessity has always been the mother of invention. There's no greater necessity right now than change."
"We live in today from technologies we use all the time to machines and inventions that change the world."
"Discoveries would lead to new inventions that changed the world and others that were more controversial."
"William B. Purvis invented the fountain pen, providing a more practical writing device."
"Tony Stark nearly destroyed the world by building Ultron."
"Sometimes Rick manages to create some truly amazing things, but even the most simple of his inventions can have unintended consequences."
"Pluto brings invention, but it also allows for incredible invention as well."
"An 11-year-old accidentally invented ice pops."
"You don't create, you don't invent those brilliant things, you don't go to completion."
"Despite his Fame as an inventor, in most cases he was merely drawing and conceptualizing these ideas rather than actually building working models on his own."
"Everything else has been invented; we are just people, humans on a freakin earth."
"What Dumbledore invented is a device that could take you to what your heart most desires."
"It's not so much inventing something as it was just waiting to be discovered."
"Vernon invented the modern notion of what I call think a card."
"I had finally stopped a real bullet using wood."
"Okonomiyaki, basically a pancake invented in Osaka."
"Well, that's what necessity is the mother of invention but LTT velcro tie is kind of shot huh"
"The necessity is the mother of all invention."
"Tesla is best known for his discovery and invention of alternating current which made today's modern electrical appliances possible."
"Did you know that cornflakes were invented to stop people masturbating?"
"I invented a learning device back in 2010. I was in the Apple Store."
"Albert Einstein co-invented the refrigerator."
"Iron Man's inventions fall into the wrong hands so he sets out to make things right."
"He agreed that it was a good invention."
"Chili crab is a signature Singaporean invention known all around the world."
"The first karaoke machine in the world was created in 1975 by Roberto del Rosario."
"Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson were avid spiritualists and believers in the paranormal."
"Before he invented the telephone, he was actually planning to invent a device to communicate with the dead."
"Imagine the first person that ever invented fire...that's a really good question."
"Bubble bath was invented so that the foam would sit on the surface of the water and insulate it, keeping the water warmer for longer."
"The necessity is the mother of invention."
"I wish there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like perfume, and it never faded, never got stale."
"When I was 15, I built this robot and it almost wiped out humanity."
"All it took was inventing a completely new way to sew."
"Leonardo da Vinci was busy imagining how such war machines might work."
"Michael madman Markham invented a time machine."
"When time travel is invented, it will be invented by a madman."
"Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?"
"He accidentally creates a machine that can send short text messages back in time."
"Flint is incredibly resourceful and adaptable, and is able to turn any sort of tech he can get his hands on into amazing inventions."
"They figured out how to make a big blanket that consistently makes you not immediately die when you fall from the sky."
"How do people who made the first clock know what time it was?"
"Anything that's ever been invented was done by taking something we're totally familiar with and adding it to an element of our question that we're trying to find answers to."
"It's not enough for humans to imagine; we have to invent and explore and push beyond what's been done."
"We got the hammock, it's a great invention."
"That was really the birth of the French Dip, a happy accident."
"The first car with a combustion engine was built by Karl Benz."
"These reusable cups were invented for one reason: to help reduce waste."
"I'm an inventor. This could be a game changer for me."
"To Alexander Graham Bell who has taught the deaf to speak and enabled the listening ear to hear speech from the Atlantic to the Rockies."
"Guys, I love this invention, a wearable blankie."
"The big invention of our species was language."
"Tesla claimed that his death beam would be able to destroy an attacking enemy air fleet."
"Tesla unveils his induction AC motor, further fueling the bitter conflict between Edison and Tesla."