
Technology History Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Hedy Lamarr...invented the frequency hopping communication system, which now gives us Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth."
"The complexity and precision of the mechanism wouldn't be seen again for over a thousand years."
"Pivot tables have been the most important end-user analysis tools in data since the early 90s."
"There's a lot of passion about the origins of the internet, and it's not just from CERN; it's about people who want to keep this stuff alive so newer generations can at least appreciate where everything began."
"The story of the original iPhone is one of great sacrifice, risk, and reward."
"He's the father of information theory, he wrote this absolutely seminal, super important paper about transmitting information and storing it and encoding it and things like that. It really gave birth to the information age and a lot of the foundations for computer science."
"The discovery of this 2,000 year old device suggests that the modern day battery was not invented in 1800 by Count Alessandro Volta, but was invented almost two centuries earlier."
"The Internet itself, which all of this technology comes from, was originally called DARPA Net because of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration."
"A pair of vintage Apple computer mice signed by the late Steve Jobs."
"The small broadcasting device we know as the radio has not been around for very long. In fact, its inventor Nikola Tesla did not first conceive of the idea until 1885."
"It's the last great age of the combustion engine so I think Now's the Time."
"But enough talk, how about you... back in the mid to late 2000s Konami flirted with the idea of bringing Castlevania onto HD consoles..."
"In the early-00s, Zhi loaned his cartridge to an NES ROM dumping group."
"I do believe it’s safe to say that radio was the iPhone of the 1920’s."
"Tesla also invented the remote control, demonstrated in front of shocked crowds more than a hundred years ago."
"It might sound like an obvious idea today, but in 1979, it was a big risk."
"Things weren’t exactly plug-and-play back then… more plug-and-pray."
"It's been years since the last Falcon Heavy. Let that sink in."
"Crisp's vision for a high-end video game and multimedia console was ahead of its time."
"A lot of the PC success in gaming over recent years can be traced back to Valve."
"Did you know during the lifespan of the Super Famicom Satellaview add-on, Nintendo experimented with publishing digital magazines?"
"Many people of the time built computers with an intent to play games."
"Google released the first version of Android in 2008."
"It's surprising that it wasn't until the Nintendo DS that dual-screen gaming had been all that prevalent."
"The true first telephone ever created was made by an ancient culture in Peru."
"Drop hacking was a method of hacking that was far more prevalent in the early days of League"
"The technology of the past isn't gone, it's there hidden in plain sight."
"This is how software was sold for the longest time... you'd buy a new computer and you'd get Microsoft Office and then you wouldn't worry about it until you bought your next PC."
"The tale of Elisha Otis at the 1854 World's Fair is really just a small part of the story elevators and the changes in the world that they helped to bring."
"Early innovations in elevator technology came thanks to royalty."
"The television was adopted more quickly into urban American Homes than any previous new communication technology before it."
"I invented email when I was the first to convert every feature of the physical paper-based interoffice mail system including inbox outbox memo carbon copy blind carbon copy attachments into its electronic equivalent."
"The walls of the universe are Universal all right so there have been errors in human history where these Technologies did exist."
"So as you can see, the Tam was important. Heck, you can see inklings of today's iMac in its design."
"That's the end of this video charting the story of VHD in the UK, the format that was so close to coming out that you can touch it."
"Atari hired Bill Gates to program BASIC onto one of Atari's computers."
"This console was initially produced by Panasonic in 1993 and was actually named Time magazine's product of the year."
"So in this video I thought I'd look at the revolutionary Bell Labs."
"If I can take you back to '99 before Facebook, MySpace, Tinder, Bumble..."
"Believe it or not, VR has been around for nearly a century, shaping our dreams of escaping reality for greener pastures."
"The battle between XCOM and eBay's Bill Point escalated into a 'battle royale' after eBay acquired a credit card processing company."
"These videos will be in a museum being shown to document the history of starship development."
"Semiconductors really started with Fairchild and then I don't know if you read the story about the traitorous eight left Fairchild and started Intel."
"Even radio itself was magical, absolutely magical."
"Running on HTML2 and made up of incredibly crude but yet effective techniques, this site is a testament to the early days of the internet..."
"The designers at Nintendo were clearly very forward-thinking about this and they knew that extending the capabilities of the NES would be vitally important to its success as a long-term device..."
"This car came out 32 years ago but this is a factory-installed touchscreen put in by Buick when this car was new."
"It was Photoshop 1.0 that proved to be the necessary technological breakthrough, and now Photoshop is the industry standard for graphics editing."
"Honestly dude, think about it this way: imagine like investing in apple when Steve Jobs is a [ __ ] nobody."
"Nintendo was entertaining several companies to help design and manufacture a CD-based add-on for the mighty Super Nintendo with Sony and Philips as the front runners."
"Technologies and techniques developed for the X-15 program would influence the space shuttle and other spacecraft."
"Incredibly ancient in video game launch terms."
"Beyond receiving little credit, because Engelbart and English were working for Stanford Research Institute when they developed the first mouse, the eventual patent that was granted for it in 1970 didn’t belong to them."
"Edison didn't invent the light bulb but he did make one that worked well."
"I cannot understate the importance of the Commodore 64."
"All good things must come to an end and in 1994, after 12 years on the market, the Commodore 64 finally stopped production."
"IBM's early inventions shaped the tech industry."
"The genesis of social media – how did any of us survive early internet?"
"What would the world be without Apple? Think about it. If 1976-77 wouldn't happen with the courage these people had."
"Xerox could have owned the entire computer industry today." - ColdFusion TV
"Siri actually released as a standalone app on Apple's App Store."
"The trademark for iPhone and iOS were actually not owned by Apple but instead by a networking company called Cisco."
"The Macintosh was one of the first computers to ship with a mouse."
"Every attempt to replace VHS pretty much failed."
"Come the mid-2000s there was a major rise in core counts... but the latter of which faded into obscurity."
"The controller design, game library, and visuals of the PlayStation helped make it a big success for its time."
"This technology might look like something that we've never seen before but at the core of it we've seen it for thousands of years."
"Google, for those not familiar, was founded and developed by DARPA."
"The IBM personal computer-- commonly known as the IBM PC-- was introduced on August 12, 1981."
"Like it was 97.98 quite a long time ago, you've got to bear in mind when Pro Tools was around then it was the only game in town for doing the kinds of things that I loved and I needed..."
"If the pioneers of Soviet cybernetics could confidently lay out blueprints for automated socialist planning half a century ago the possibilities today are exponentially greater."
"In this video, we look at one of Silicon Valley's now-forgotten pioneers: The master of ASICs, LSI Logic."
"The Game Boy Camera held the world record of being the smallest digital camera of its time."
"A new technology called the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels... really solved the problem for a long time."
"And by considering the question of why certain techniques were lost in the first place, we can see how different factors can affect technology."
"Windows was shipping somewhere in the vicinity of fifty thousand copies a month."
"This is the story of the metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor, or MOSFET, and how it changed the world."
"If Linux as it exists today existed in 1995, we wouldn't even be talking about Windows and OS X."
"Back in the 90s, there were so many Barbie digital cameras that were released, and I remember my sister and I both had one, and we took them everywhere."
"The Bandai Apple Pippin with just 48,000 sales."
"I remember back in the day when they had laser discs versus VHS. Laser discs were beyond a better product than VHS tapes, yet VHS won."
"It has been a while since AMD has held the top spot in the CPU world. The last time was during the Athlon 64 X2 era."
"A factory version was built the next year and a 50th-anniversary run was..."
"Micromouse is often referred to as one of the first examples of machine learning."
"Wire recording did limp on for a few more years..."
"Russia is in a really bad place with the way things are at the moment."
"In 1977, Apple, a young fledgling company on the west coast, invents the Apple II, the first personal computer as we know it today."
"So despite Compaq's offering, it was very much a success especially when you consider that the retail price for each was nearly six thousand dollars just over 11,000 in today's money."
"Computing in the late 90s marked a turning point for the industry."
"This is actually a company established by Tony Fadell who was the president of design for the iPod and iPhone from 2001 to 2009."
"Windows command prompt is based on ms-dos which is a language that very few people are actually using or running on."
"How many years did we spend suffering with ball mice only to find out that they were obsolete even before the first Macintosh came out?"
"The first sound recording technology was just visual representations of sound waves."
"Despite sluggish sales upon release, the Apple II would go on to be a success (particularly with schools and businesses), and would also launch the careers of some well-known programmers, including Ken Williams, Richard Garriott, and John Romero."
"You understand when you look at this why Ken Thompson is a legend."
"She was a pioneer of computer programming."
"We were doing a desktop motif. Guess what, Apple didn't invent a desktop motif, we were doing one too."
"That a weaver using a Jacquard Loom could out-perform a master weaver and an apprentice on a draw loom by over a magnitude in efficiency is just an amazing difference."
"The pioneering use of VLSI chips was a turning point for the music industry."
"The development of the integrated circuit was as much the achievement of a broad technical community as it was the result of remarkable individual achievements."
"The early days of computing was a wash with tech companies named after fruit."
"Welcome back to another installment in the foreign archive, a series in which we look at strange, weird, obscure, and unique phones from all around the globe for your entertainment."
"ERP came to be, it really traces its origins back decades ago when enterprise technology was first emerging."
"The history of Kubernetes is that it was originally developed by Google."
"Linux has had package managers forever."
"The stored program was effectively these sets of women taking the plug boards, plugging them in, and then that was the program itself."
"Charting the life of a computer hacker from the earliest days of high technology up to WikiLeaks."
"For three years, 1980 to 1983, it was the largest selling computer in the world."
"Floppy discs, these discs weren't actually floppy."
"The Clans just did it again, they just straight up copied the design and used Clan Tech a few hundred years later to make the things work."
"The TI-99/4A probably is the all-time best-selling home computer to date."
"Erlang was built in 1986, and then OTP was kind of like combined with it and it was released open source in 1998."
"We went to the [__] moon. NASA didn't lose the Apollo tech; they deleted the expensive tape they used after having all of it reproduced in high-quality film."
"The OG instant messenger, that an AIM, AOL Instant Messenger, like what's your AIM?"
"You're looking at the only VCR that was ever nationally recognized by a movie director, that movie director being Steven Spielberg."
"The first cassette TV system to be exhibited and marketed in the United States was the Columbia Broadcasting System's Electronic Video Recorder, or EVR."
"Years ago when AOL was still a big thing, Facebook and Twitter weren't even thought of yet."
"The 8051 series was originally designed by Intel all the way back in 1981. It's now made by many other manufacturers and is still in common use today."
"To me it is really very unusual and probably would be useful to study old Windows - if someone really becomes interested in how some old systems work."
"This was the keyboard to an IBM 5251 display station, a terminal computer from the late '70s."
"This is back when a computer was handcrafted."
"Having a graphical desktop environment, or a GUI, that was pretty remarkable for 1984."
"We were always free; we actually were ported from Drupal CCK."
"ZFS never went through an era where it was unsafe or didn't have integrity."
"I also think the iPhone 10 was an interesting chapter in Apple's history which is why it feels cool to talk about it in 2023 and use it in modern day."
"The early NLP systems were very much rule-based, written by experts."