
Current State Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Every single person has a different explanation of where body positivity started, but what matters now is where it is now."
"The universe keeps things as they are right now because intense healing is happening."
"We are capable of so much as a country and we are capable of so much than what we're doing right now."
"That's just the vibe around this place right now."
"Health is wealth and mainly to just tell myself that it is okay to be where I'm at right now."
"The best predictor of your future health is your current health."
"I think rap is just stale as [__] right now."
"To say that this is going fine right now would be dishonest."
"It's a great time to be a Warcraft player right now."
"Are they even happy in love right now, that's what matters."
"Things are looking pretty darn good right now."
"I think it looks unbelievable where you guys are at right now."
"What is the current state of the U.S. economy? Well, the data presents a complicated picture that seems to be where people think the economy is going rather than where it is because if you just look at where it is it's doing quite well."
"It's weird how quickly your luck can turn though. It's like things are actually looking up right now."
"There's a lot of happiness and abundance around you right now."
"This person loves you, they're in love with you right now."
"Things are not really that good right now... you'd have to be sniffing glue to think that things are anything but horrible right now."
"Overall, we're not in a terrible spot balance-wise right now."
"We have to understand that it's not going to get better than it is right now."
"Life has never looked so uncertain as it does right now."
"I'm very optimistic about where humanity is right now."
"There's kind of a nice optimism going on with where you're at."
"Baseball is in an interesting spot right now."
"There are plenty of signs that the U.S economy is genuinely strong right now."
"There's no hiding it really, so I think I'm happy at the moment."
"YouTube's a mess right now holy guacamole but that's good news."
"Brawl Stars is in a really good place right now."
"Unknowns, we simply don't know at the moment."
"It's a really nice, nice place to be for us right now."
"It looks like you guys are powerfully relying on your intuition right now."
"You're attracting a lot of abundance right now at this time because of the energy that you are in right now."
"I think this is about all of us right now, this is a pretty pretty good summary of my current state of mind."
"We've never been better than we are doing now."
"At this point, we are very happy."
"It's been different but where I'm at right now is good."
"The future will be bright even though right now it's been a little lackluster."
"I'm good with the 30s right now, you know what I'm saying."
"I'm kind of loving The Vibes right now."
"Motorsport is in an interesting place right now."
"He's just trying to live in peace at the moment."
"We'll play aggressive at the moment, we'll play aggressive."
"The world is flush right now with crude."
"I think boxing is in a really good place at the moment, a very, very good place it really is."
"We're in a really good spot right now."
"We're in a period where we desperately need hope."
"I'm into it. Okay, this is where we're at."
"Things are a little more solid right now than they have been before."
"She's a vibe right now. I feel that."
"We are in a very dark place right now."
"Skateboarding is in a really weird place at the moment."
"It's not perfect, but for now, it's much better than it was when we woke up this morning."
"Plant YouTube is not doing the best at the minute."
"It just highlights everything, it highlights their feelings right now."
"I'm not amused by this weather at the moment."
"I'm quite happy now doing what I'm doing."
"It's just crazy to me that this is where we're at."
"The economy is so good right now."
"It's already happening for you. This is what your site looks like right now."
"It's all pretty positive at the moment."
"It's pretty smooth right now, we'll see how we get on, but right now, things are good."
"Feels like technology-wise, things are under control, at least for the time being."
"You are where you are, and now what are you going to do about it?"
"I'm excited to be where I am right now and hopefully I can just continue on."
"To really kind of say, take stock, evaluate your situation right now."
"I believe this is fairly recent, to the state of it."
"There's one word that describes their state at the moment and that is hope."
"I'm actually really satisfied with this right now."
"I'm just really happy with where I'm at right now."
"It's a testimony to where you are right now, the mentality you have right now in life."
"This is where I'm at right now, and the place I'm in right now is the best, most beautiful, peaceful place I've been in for years."
"I'm just straight vibing with everything that we have currently."
"It's only getting better right now."
"Don't ever measure your worth by where you are now."
"I'm pretty happy with it at the moment."
"I'm just super, super happy with where everything's at at the moment."
"This chart is not an ideal situation or something that I'm dreaming for in the future; this is a state of the industry address."
"We can't recommend games based on how they used to be because new players aren't playing through our memories, they're playing through the game's reality as it is now."
"So this is what your piece should look like right now."
"It's very rough right now but very interesting."
"So ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is where we are present day."
"This room is looking pretty good for now."
"He's a survivor, and he for now has survived."
"The US economy for now is strong."
"There is no right answer here; this is just state-of-the-art, this is where we are today."
"Where you're at today is a reflection of what you were doing last year."
"Everything's going pretty well at the moment."
"Sometimes we have to look big picture and say this is where we're at now, this is not where we're always going to be with this."
"I'm pretty pleased with the way that my skin is looking at the current moment."