
Groupthink Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"By having diversity, you avoid this idea of groupthink. You break away from groupthink, and you are able to innovate faster."
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; […] they go mad in herds, while they recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
"When everyone thinks something is a good idea, it's usually a bad idea."
"It's okay to break away from the hive mentality."
"You don't have real diversity when you just have a group of people who look different and think alike."
"Dictatorships are excellent at using groupthink against people, using groupthink to control."
"One person's groupthink is another person's expert consensus."
"Once someone says the sky is falling, people get on board with it."
"The more nonsensical the ideas are, the more they operate like a uniform. If they're everybody, you know you have somebody who's very committed to a cause."
"Literally everyone listening is nodding their heads in agreement and saying, 'Yep, that works out perfectly.' There are no flaws to this thinking."
"Tell me there's not hive mind, tell me there's not group think, tell me there's not social or uncritical conforming, tell me, tell me that there's no lemming mentality."
"There were elements of groupthink, British exceptionalism, fatalism, delays, and chaos."
"We either learn groupthink or start screaming bloody murder."
"There is a particular kind of groupthink that has afflicted Silicon Valley."
"There can be situations where everyone is pretending to believe something but no one really knows."
"You have no courage to push back against the hive mind, the group think."
"Cult-like behavior is you're not allowed to have a thought that goes against the group."
"Nobody got a memo, nobody was told what to say, what to do, and what to think."
"The groupthink has become so prevalent... in every area of life."
"They're collectively blinded and obsessed, talking of just being in an echo chamber repeating whatever other people say."
"When everybody's thinking alike, someone's not thinking."
"Groupthink: surrendering your mind to a group without using your own."
"Spending your way to prosperity is so blatantly idiotic yet when you get groupthink going and everybody starts to repeat what they're told."
"The globalization of groupthink is guileful."
"The internet has allowed people who are easily seduced by group think to cling to one another."
"There comes a point where group think begins to eat itself."
"Men think in herds and go mad in herds, but they only recover their senses one by one."
"We're the only ones... when your pastor starts saying we are the only ones, that's when you start getting into the shallow waters of cultism."
"I group think is dangerous like the mob mentality online or when people get together."
"Critics engage in group think. They feed off each other. You've heard the expression 'birds of a feather flock together.' So critical people find each other."
"Primitive minds create echo chambers."
"It's the totalitarianism, it's the groupthink, one way, that should be a red flag."
"You can quickly get lost in group think and lost in the hype in general."
"Humans are complicated. It's easy to get caught up in a group think situation."
"It just goes to show how cultish um the left really is when you can't follow people even."
"Groupthink stamps out free expression, and free expression is what sharpens arguments and policies."
"Everybody's thinking the same thing, that's what's going to get us in trouble."
"Mob mentality is just like such a scary thing."
"It's harsh when group think is controlling the process and you yourself are thinking more critically."
"Social media is a way of finding other people quickly who believe what you already believe and therefore encourages herding."
"Insanity in individuals is rare, but in groups, parties, and nations, it is the rule."
"After a while, they just become an echo chamber."
"One of the dangers of group think is just believing that you're always right."
"So that's why they can stay in these groups and just think everything's fine."
"They're looking around to say I don't necessarily know what decision I'm gonna make here until I know what decision the room would make collectively."
"Why do people fall into the type of groupthink that happens all too often? Because it's comfortable."