
Emotional Response Quotes

There are 3647 quotes

"I listened to 'Locked Out of Heaven' live. I cried."
"I had love and passion and excitement and wisdom inside of me, but I also had anger, resentment... When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out because that's what's inside. When you squeeze a human, what comes out is what's inside of the human."
"Mindfulness tends to give you more of a gap between the spark and the flame."
"A lot of psychiatric disorders is that people get upset about them, and the upset about the disorder is almost worse than the disorder."
"In chess, you have to evaluate positions with specific moves or ideas... You cannot just go, 'That's scary.' Scary is not an evaluation; it's a human emotion."
"Hearing the voice of a loved one actually produces the same physiological response as being hugged by them."
"Let's just keep it real, facts don't care how you feel."
"It was really, really overwhelming to the point that like, it almost became like shock therapy."
"Recognizing that when we get hurt, we become protective, and when we're protective, we become fearful."
"I had always dreamed of what this place would be like, and I suddenly felt a bit emotional, like Charlie walking into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory for the first time but with less death traps."
"We believe it's the actual person or the actual event that's happened that's created our pain, but really it's a story we've attached to it."
"The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watching television – you don't feel anything."
"When a toddler throws a tantrum, it's not just a random outburst; it's their brain's threat detection system working overtime."
"It's so normalized to be like if someone says something to you, of course, you're going to be upset... Why do you have to be upset? You can choose how you want to respond to it and how you want to feel about it."
"An amygdala hijack occurs when we get an excessive amount of emotion, and the amygdala takes over, taking our executive function offline."
"It truly is gorgeous. Oh my God, stop. I can't cry again."
"Akka's body shook as he asked the boy if he was sure and if Akka could follow Earth around, to which Earth confirmed, causing the ogre to cry tears of joy at the kindness being shown to him."
"And I think just culminating in that final shot, that wide shot of her hanging in the tree there, like that is so creepy and it'll always disturb me."
"Every experience that you have with every person produces an emotion."
"That's why I don't use the word 'toxic masculinity' or 'male privilege' when I'm talking to especially red pillers because that word will immediately produce an emotional interaction that will shut down the rational part of their brain."
"We know how hard they work. Obviously, the sacrifices you make to make it happen, you know, but when they cross the line and all, and they are just killing it; you have some crazy emotions!"
"This is so cool. Bravery superhero. I'm gonna cry. This is so awesome."
"The emotion we can see on his face, brought to tears by his victory."
"Traumatic events that induce a strong emotional response... tend to be the ones we remember the best."
"If you hear a word and that word triggers an emotional response from you, that is the result of propaganda conditioning."
"I'm sure I don't keep calm all the time, and that's okay."
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, the ghost is coming!"
"This movie works overtime to make us absolutely loathe these men as much as humanly possible."
"This girl can sing my God, and I am not ashamed to admit, but I felt like a rush of emotions through the songs because she sang them so beautifully, almost a tear in my eye."
"Who of you know this feeling? Your heart starts to race, your knees are getting weak, you get this weight from your stomach, your hands start to sweat."
"It's not things that upset us, it's our opinions about those things."
"Depression is not the necessary outcome; the response to the death of a close one is not depression, it's grief."
"We all have been watching the military offensive in Ukraine with a sense of disbelief and horror."
"When you get rejected from something, it is so okay to be sad and to be disappointed and to cry because it shows you cared."
"When people are in a state of numbness, they have less empathy for other people and they cannot predict future emotional reactions reliably."
"And as soon as he heard a baby crying, Golden Lion's anger immediately subsided."
"I was not upset that he didn't like me back, rather I was upset that I ignored red flags and wasted five months of my life."
"When I had a million subs on YouTube, I cried because I never thought I'd hit it."
"Global warming fulfills almost an emotional need for many people much more than an environmental need."
"When you experience disappointments in your life, how do you respond?"
"Emotional crying stimulates empathy and pro-social behavior in observers."
"I've had moments where I was really happy with it. That null-space scene flying back out into the city while 'Fist Bump' played, its earnest cheesiness was delightful."
"I love you, Rarity," she let out weakly. "I know," came a confident and tender reply.
"It was humbling because it was really a hard task. And honestly, the tears were because, mostly, the robots didn't do it."
"I never thought I'd be happy over poop, but when you struggle for half of your life, finally becoming regular literally makes me want to cry happy tears."
"The best financial decisions are not made out of panic or fear, but decisions that are made out of logical thinking."
"We really enjoy creating enemies, monsters, and demonic creatures that bring out an emotional response from our players."
"Walking out that courtroom is a feeling that I can never explain."
"It has received a reputation as ‘the very first game that made me have tears in my eyes’ from Japanese players. I was most pleased by that comment."
"I don't think an emotive response, a knee-jerk response, is conducive to productive legislation or even productive formation of opinions."
"All anger isn't bad; there's righteous anger that something bad happened to this person or there was an offense towards God."
"When he saw Viole's body, he was very sad and blamed himself for that incident by beating the wall until his hand was injured."
"Don't get upset at yourself, recognize the function it served and serves. Don't blame yourself, don't shame yourself."
"If you love this game and don't get goosebumps hearing that, you're in the wrong game."
"It was the happiest I'd ever been... I cried for like 30 minutes after."
"The nature of life is uncertainty, but right now we're in a heightened sense of it, and there's a lot of fear and anxiety as a result of the unknown."
"It is not what happens to you, but how you think about what happens to you that determines how you react and how you feel."
"It's one of those endings that makes you stay silent for a bit and spend a few minutes analyzing all the emotions it just stirred up in you."
"I'll never forget that face. I still see it when I close my eyes at night to go to sleep."
"If you've ever gotten actual chills listening to a song, you're not alone. It often happens with music you adore, and researchers think they can explain why."
"Scientists prefer the term 'frisson', which is French for shiver, and they happen when your body has a strong emotional response to something, like a powerful stretch of notes in a song."
"One of the wonderful things about this active listening is that sometimes you have the sublime experience of getting chills."
"Hello, my name is Mike McCloskey, owner and founder of Fair Oaks Farms. Watching this video broke my heart."
"The best art is usually provocative and it creates endless emotional feedback from the masses."
"Sports, like when a team makes the winning goal or the winning shot, and the way people react, I'm sure if any supernatural being or alien were to see that, it's like, 'What is that? We can't describe what they're shouting, which can be associated with anger, but this is not about anger, this is about unexplainable joy.'"
"It breaks my heart how he's just hugging that wall instead of hugging me. It's going to be okay."
"Art doesn't have to always make you feel cozy and comfortable and happy. It's okay to make something abrasive."
"That documentary is so good, it is so well done. They [expletive] me up for a while."
"I see data now that should give us all pause; it should make us frankly, many of us weep who love this country."
"Every time I see the documentary, it's emotional, and I always walk away with one thought: every time somebody sees this, somebody's going to do something."
"Gaining respect from being reasonable is such a gradual process because it doesn't rely on those immediate emotional reactions."
"Bitterness always brings out more bitterness."
"We respond emotionally because we relate in some way to the character or the predicament they’re in."
"It's a strange thing, but having those messages, it makes me weep because I feel so grateful."
"I'm not owned, I'm not owned, I don't care, I don't care, I'm so indifferent."
"If it's hysterical, it's historical. It's something that was passed down to you. It didn't start with you, but it can end with you."
"Grief is the natural response to bereavement."
"There is only one place to start: what have we just seen? I feel emotional, got goosebumps watching the celebrations."
"I was just so taken aback by how I was feeling and what happened and how quickly the story just gets started."
"When I say triggered, I mean that our inner child is up and running our present from a place of being activated, and our adult self, the adult part of us, is gone."
"Anger is a legitimate response in the face of injustice. The passive acceptance of evil is not a virtue."
"Is the diagnosis of Tourette's relieving or scary? Both."
"What a great thing to do. Holy shit, oh my God. I can't believe like how much of joy you'd feel and relief probably getting that thing back."
"Gohan watches his mentor slowly die and, while Piccolo confesses his true bond with Gohan, Gohan's emotions once again take over."
"Those changes need to be made based upon intelligent interpretation of actual facts, not people's jumping to conclusions or emotive responses."
"To reject it outright, that's not an honest searching for truth. That's an emotional reaction to hurt."
"All any of us could ever hope for each day is that death doesn't hit too close to home. This one feels really close to home on so many different fronts."
"I got a phone call from my other daughter, Christy, and she was hysterical over the phone... 'Ellie's been murdered overseas.'"
"Alexa, are you happy? I'm happy when I'm helping you."
"If anything I just talked about upset you, or made you sad, or mad, then do something about it. Call your local leaders and demand change. Chip in and help those in need."
"Everyone cry. It's a beautiful anime."
"It's amazing how addicting and intoxicating—If you can get just a dose of confidence, it is the most beautiful thing in the world."
"It's not necessarily the emotion that is good or bad, it's what you do about it."
"Justice has prevailed. We can now grieve in peace for Farah."
"It breaks everybody's heart. But, you know, it's kind of mixed emotions. We're very sad and certainly I give my condolences to the families who are suffering a great deal right now, but it also just makes you angry."
"To me, anger is a reaction to what somebody else said to you. It creates an emotion. The dark side turns your anger into controlled rage. Now you're in control."
"When you're scared, and you're afraid, and you're jealous, and you're overwhelmed with emotion, it is so much easier to point the finger at other people."
"That scene [with Cyborg helping the waitress] made my heart smile, and it just made me empathize with Cyborg much more as a human being."
"I love anything where I'm like, 'I can't decide if I'm afraid of you or I want to hug you.'"
"Hatred is a cover emotion for feeling pain, hurt, and fear."
"The natives were overcome with emotion at the suffering that the settlers had gone through and were actually like crying and sobbing as they treated them."
"You can fail and feel bad about it by all means feel shitty about failing because failing should make you feel bad because that drive you feel when you feel bad to do better is what makes amazing things."
"When our needs aren't being met within a relationship, our tendency is to close off, shut down, and become less communicative instead of more communicative. This is the death warrant to a relationship."
"It seems like the normal human brain can't process or handle info on children being attacked. That's so awful."
"To lose someone so young and so vital is a tragedy in and of itself, but to have it happen in this way with the senseless act of violence is unimaginable."
"Lin felt a surge of Happiness coursing through him knowing that he had gained a more formidable ability."
"They were panicking, nervous, they needed a huge distraction and they're pushing this distraction."
"I'm emotional because I'm about to lose my job guys."
"You're a liar wait are you telling me that a guy lied to you about what he actually likes and women to make you feel better yeah shocking yeah seriously like how dare you."
"And a lot of those fears still give me the heebie-jeebies."
"Isn't it interesting like when Chadwick Boseman passed away oh that wrecked me man it wrecked me because of when the the stories where he was doing interviews while he had cancer."
"These people aren't crazy. They are scared for good reason."
"In every situation between the situation and your response, there is a space."
"Once you feel a little twinge, you're like, 'Oh [__], whatever feeling I have now is not gonna last.'"
"Guilty as charged, my heart is pounding with gladness."
"Read more facts, be less emotional, think about it."
"There we go, look all good, they're happy. Alright, so I'm apparently feeling sad because I devoured an object, but you know I feel pretty good about it. I'm not too worried about that."
"The love and support I'm receiving right now is so beyond, and I don't know how to express my gratitude."
"These are incidents that should fill us with absolute rage and disgust."
"Petty Petty is a compliment Petty means you're like you are pissed and you are saying something about it."
"The absence of appropriate emotion and the overselling of the inappropriate emotion."
"It's both depressing and heartwarming in equal measure really."
"This was one of the best scenes I've seen in this season both of them in tears for oddly similar reasons this one that hit me hard man."
"Without a known motive, a family and community has left heartbroken and confused."
"Tink breathlessly informed us that he had bad news and good news."
"Fumbles practically collapsed in relief when we turned the first corner."
"I genuinely do not blame anyone for being angry or fearful or confused or disappointed."
"It's overwhelming the way this property makes you feel, like, in a good way."
"When people bring out this casually throw around the word racism, it makes me angry."
"Training is emotional for you, yeah, yeah I am less like that now."
"Michael Ryder was the chief of the Palm Beach Police Department. He completely exploded. He called this the greatest miscarriage of Justice in recent history."
"Can you smell the fear? I can smell it... you can smell it all the way across the street on CNN." - Observations on perceived panic over Trump indictment.
"Panic is terrifying, like why do you guys do extra?"
"Tom is weirdly giddy and maybe a little bit uncomfortable."
"Reggie's emotions welled up and he began to cry openly."
"It's emotionally disturbing and uncomfortable."
"Shame on her for doing this. I know I don't usually swear but Jesus Christ this deserves it."
"There's no way you don't cry. Becoming a world champion sounds epic, sounds impossible, and I really want to become one."
"Oh, my god. Wow. Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you so much, Mark."
"That was just lovely in a wholesome and happy, but it also maybe sad."
"If the sight of a baby monkey petting a brood of fluffy yellow ducklings doesn't make you all gooey inside, then I have to break it to you, you may be a psychopath."
"Compassion. There is no anger, just compassion."
"Nobody's actually encouraging any self-harm, what people are talking about is this over emotional crybaby mentality."
"It's never as great as it looks, it's never as good it feels, it's never as terrible as it feels."
"Why am I crying? I'm crying because I'm mad, I'm crying because he died, he's dead."
"Everything suddenly feels like it's either the best or worst thing in the moment, but if you give it an hour, a day, a week, suddenly you're able to get a better sense of perspective."
"Listen, Liz, okay? I'm getting a little heated, a little petty, just a quick moment, but I'm pretty sure that pissing off and insulting like the whole general public... this is just silly."
"It's just beautiful, it's just absolutely freaking beautiful."
"Every time someone comes up to me and says, 'Thank you. It's like every time that happens, it's overwhelming."
"You get those fireworks, those feelings down your spine, that excitement, you have butterflies in your stomach."
"Michael cried when he was talking about Kobe."
"They're very upset about this, of course they are, it shows you what priority is though."
"But what we haven’t lost is the fear—and the freedom—in the human capacity for dramatic change."
"Once you've created a piece of art, you've lost your right to tell people what they should feel about that piece of art."
"This shocked everyone and they cheered her to accept his proposal."
"Heart's over here, and I just got emotional and I hugged her and I hugged Wayne and I said what, and you know we talked and I, I had a line of people to sign and I stopped. I said I need to take this moment."
"Stop being so bitter, stop being so angry, stop attacking us."
"A tough day for everyone here in Nashville." - Unknown speaker
"Man, it's been a long time since somebody took me to that place where I feel that I might have to do something to you or that I just have to show you I ain't playing with you."
"Watching that video just brings me to reality, it's cold."
"I'm just pissed the fuck off about the shooting in Texas."
"Watching the RNC was powerful. It was powerful."
"You can laugh or cry, but getting upset about something that you saw on the internet isn't going to change the conditions in the world."
"Go with the flow... something's changing... feeling rocky... a sudden change... refreshing."
"Preaching like Peter might not serve you tea but you'll cut them to the heart."
"The more layers you peel away, the more you want to cry."
"Anytime you see an act of Injustice, you should be enraged."
"It's a vibe, and I didn't want to say that because, you know, it gets overused, but this made me feel a way."
"I remember when it hit 50 yeah and I was just I was laughing I was in the Sputnik office and everyone there started like people were starting to cry."
"I just settled in, I really wanted it to be real, I wanted to beat him to death with that gun."
"Someone else's opinion shouldn't make you angry, especially when it's not very good."
"Avengers Assemble gives me chills just thinking about it."
"The amount of serotonin I get from watching baby videos on TikTok... is truly out of this world—it's kind of embarrassing."
"The best character in 'Overwatch' is the one that you, the player, have an immediate emotional response to."
"I cried the first time I saw it. It's so good."
"This is the tier list, read it and weep, weep y'all."
"She makes several mistakes along the way and her frustration prompts her to run outside crying."
"If I had a bad set, it just makes me mad and I want to get back up right away."
"I feel guilt and I feel shame, and the only thing that I've thought about since all this has popped off was hit something as hard as I can."
"I cried more for a dragon's death than for any person."
"There it is. That's for all the great whites you guys have killed. Beautiful."
"One of the biggest things that makes me angry... is the deception."
"Making me want to puke." - "Now, just throwing around the term anti-vaxxer now is making me want to puke."
"I mean all this to say if you feel overwhelmed by the news in America right now it's okay."
"It's hard to put into words what we feel when we rescue a missing child."
"It's not okay to do that to a 14 year old. To anyone who's been triggered by this 14 year old girl, if you're too emotional to ignore her or too mentally incapacitated to refute her, then you've pretty much failed as a person."
"Teaching people's history can elicit great emotion about oppression and injustice and may inspire people to move to action."
"It didn't just end, so I think it's so beautiful."
"I looked at myself in the mirror and I actually started crying because what I saw... I had put my own soul through quite a journey."
"I'm gonna knock him right out I'm gonna knock him out if I don't knock him out I'm just gonna beat him and make him say I'm sorry for saying you're gonna probably I'm gonna make him cry."
"The second you hear that music... you're in."
"That sense of relief that that anxiety, that pressure is over."
"It was vindication, it was revenge, there was that screw you boss I'm coming back at you attitude that the mask had."
"He shares the meal with GB kitchi, who eats happily with tears in his eyes."
"I'm just soggy and sad man, and so why, if I fail this challenge, I'm gonna be supremely pissed."
"Just a little bit heartbroken of course, it's never easy when these things happen, but that's racing."
"If a movie bothered you that much, you might want to unpack that."
"This morning I was really mad. I said I wanted to curse because this whole thing brought down Bitcoin in a big way. Should have never happened."
"It's been a long time since I felt that way and I thought they brought back to a real menacing scary imposing point again."
"He's a piece of [__]. He's not sorry, he meant what he said."