
Weddings Quotes

There are 571 quotes

"I cried for other brides; I may as well cry for her. She looks beautiful."
"This is like the easiest project. How pretty could these be at like a wedding reception?"
"It's so sad. It also though highlights to me what I think weddings are to a lot of people, which is just all about the perception."
"I'd much rather be telling my grandkids stories about like, 'Oh yeah, like you can see these wedding photos. Like, this crazy thing happened.'"
"It's your wedding. You don't gotta invite anybody you didn't pay for them to be there."
"It's probably best to not have a wedding party. Like, you can have all bridesmaids, but to say, 'You're my first best friend, and you're my second best friend,' it's so high school."
"There's nothing uglier than an immodest bride who leaves nothing to the imagination."
"Weddings are a beautiful celebration of love, but some cultures have unique rituals and traditions that are outright bizarre."
"We'd be way better off with the norm of cheaper weddings and the money repurposed for family vacations down the road."
"Highlight tone priority is designed for wedding photographers to pull detail back into overexposed highlights."
"The worst thing you can do for a wedding dance is do something that is genuinely not you."
"It's my wedding; I get to do whatever I want."
"I am so for anybody on their wedding spending barely any money. You know, like who [__] cares at all."
"From 'I do' to 'happily ever after': printable wedding essentials for every bride."
"Of all the weddings, this one touches my heart the most."
"But I have talked to many Disney Brides who say they wouldn't change anything and they're so glad they spent the money on their big day."
"Her impact on Las Vegas weddings... made her Chapel a global symbol."
"Your wedding is a big party where you are celebrating the union of your two families."
"Well, if I were the kind of person who was like I just want 20 of my closest friends and my immediate family there, you can't pull that off without pissing off your third cousin."
"What's better than one bride and groom? Four."
"Weddings are like this thing where you can see faces that you haven't seen in a really long time."
"Pranks are a massive part of an Asian wedding."
"Weddings are beautiful, special moments that should be celebrated by everyone."
"My only requirement for our wedding is that the food was amazing."
"So some people love it, which is why I don't have an issue with people requesting that for their wedding."
"Women are feeling pressured to have that splashy, amazing wedding because fking Susie next door, she had a chocolate fountain at her wedding. That dumb bch."
"And going into debt for your wedding has only gotten worse."
"I feel like the more low-key the wedding is the happier the couple are."
"Weddings are at the top... people will spend money on their kids grandkids pets except weddings are at the top."
"We had this big rule of anything that we bought for the wedding, you could not wear before the wedding."
"If you wanna do weddings, or any kind of live events, I highly recommend getting a monopod; it's totally worth the investment."
"I am going to Noah's wedding yeah I'm excited man like really genuinely excited it is so nice of Noah to invite me cuz like I mean I'm tight with Noah but it's like it's different being like a like a youtuber."
"It is impossible to upstage a bride at her own wedding. That day is about you, baby girl."
"If looks could kill, she would have planted me within seconds of the ceremony ending."
"Weddings are a huge waste of money, too. It's just not for me."
"I love weddings... I love the fantasy behind them, I love all of it. It's cute, it's for a day, it's the best, you know, it's a lot of fun."
"Weddings are the last bastion of a certain old school of feminism because, basically, it's the one time in a life when a woman gets to have her own way and dictate everything that happens."
"When Darren got to his wife Mia in 2019, he even paid tribute to his Filipino Roots by wearing the national attire of the Philippines called 'barong' for their wedding reception. That's so beautiful, bro."
"I loved her first as a song about the struggle of a father to hand off his daughter to her new husband at their wedding."
"He endured his hate for weddings for his best friend, giving a pretty touching speech before everything went horribly wrong."
"We just want to post the wedding video, some pictures maybe a few more pictures later on and then the wedding dress video where I go through the wedding dresses I didn't pick."
"I told her hey you just do what you can and don't kill yourself over it."
"It was just perfect. You know, there are big, grand, spectacular weddings, and then there are beautiful, small, intimate weddings, and this is what this was."
"Everyone loves a wedding, don't they? Especially a royal wedding."
"A wedding video for me at least is like as important if not more important than wedding photos."
"The people standing next to you on your special day should be the people you feel supported by."
"I don't want to lose her as a friend, but at the same time, if she was really my friend, then she would care about my wedding at least a little bit."
"It's almost like you would design a room in a house, you treat your wedding, yeah exactly."
"The fascination with Western weddings got started in the ‘80s, when millions of Japanese citizens watched celebrities like Princess Diana and singer Momoe Yamaguchi take their vows on TV."
"Weddings are a beautiful thing... I think they should be sacrosanct... It's incredibly discourteous of anybody who wants to blight or otherwise ruin somebody's big day."
"I'm fired up. February 25th, during the open, today, yeah, I'm gonna do the open workout and then I'm gonna get married, it's gonna be great."
"Hope these best practices help you in your post-wedding post-production process."
"I always knew that I wanted to be engaged before we had a baby. And we had always said to each other that it would be lovely to have a baby of ours at our wedding."
"If your bridesmaids are spending thousands of dollars for you to get married, that's a problem."
"Consumerism when it comes to baby products and weddings, it's insane."
"You spend the whole day on your wedding talking to everyone."
"You don't have to wear a tux to every wedding."
"We're gonna plan your wedding and then we're gonna forgive people, okay? Let's do it."
"We're hiring an elephant for the wedding. It's a cool thing."
"Let's get married though, that's a wedding Anthem."
"Weddings man I swear to God this doesn't have to be stressful."
"Famed for its wedding industry, Tartosa is rich with beautiful venue options!"
"There isn't a stat that you can use to justify it as a fact, but Longer is arguably one of the most popular wedding songs of all time."
"May you have all the light and shine on your wedding day."
"Wow, this is the thing that dream weddings are made of."
"If I were to do it again, I would have a very small intimate wedding focusing on the vows."
"The most expensive wedding dress cost twelve million dollars."
"Weddings pay very nicely and they're not going anywhere."
"Disappear for just 15 minutes at some point in your wedding day and just sit with your partner and watch people at your own wedding."
"Am I the a-hole for wearing all white to my best friend's wedding and refusing to apologize?"
"A wedding is an opportunity to bring a certain personal style or sense of styling to the forefront."
"This could be great for anniversary gifts or wedding favors."
"I agree with the simplicity, though. I think a lot of people spend too much on a wedding."
"No weddings are basically funerals with cake."
"Reputation is everything in the wedding game."
"Just make it a party, and the vows should be quick."
"Many guests are choosing to attend the alternative reception instead of my daughter's reception."
"If you love the dress, you know it's your day, not mine."
"I just love the mountains and I couldn't think of a more perfect place to get married."
"My lovelies, are you ready for another step into the bizarre world of wedding reality TV shows?"
"To me weddings aren't as important like the wedding event itself I do understand like spending some money especially if you have a special dream and this is a really important day you know like someone like Monica it's an understandable expense."
"The more specific you can be in these wedding contracts, the better."
"Weddings sure, they're lovely. You can celebrate your love and life or if you're a strange turf on Twitter, your hatred for Trans people."
"There'll be a couple of weddings in the house before the year comes to an end, I'll be bound."
"This is the dress from my wedding guest outfit haul. It is so dreamy."
"I've been doing a lot of Vlogs recently because I've been in the middle of wedding season."
"I'm like entering the phase of my life where I'm going to more and more weddings which I love."
"This is wedding time this is celebration time this is the time for joy."
"I love how that just paralleled her with her bridesmaids wow this is amazing."
"It's okay to opt out of being in someone else's wedding if you do not have the budget, means, or interest."
"Weddings aren't really in the card for me anytime soon. If you're someone of the age of 25 to 35, welcome to the Thunderdome—it is wedding season."
"Children are a blessing, happy for them, hope they have a nice wedding. I feel like Ashanti deserves, you know, yeah, good for them."
"Weddings where there's an open bar are way more fun and everybody enjoys it way more."
"Weddings are stressful. Zola makes it easier."
"This would be a really great dress to wear to a wedding... it really is very pretty."
"...this is such a cool way to save money on your wedding cake."
"If I was rich, a micro wedding wouldn't make sense because I have the extra funds to afford a lavish wedding."
"What gives me the most pleasure I know I'm a crybaby I cry weddings I really do is watching someone who's very much in love declaring their love in front of their friends so the sun's coming out."
"It's like a woman who wants to look her best at her wedding."
"I have to say, just knowing that you were willing to wear a wedding dress yourself to a wedding, I do." Dave: "Awesome dude, this is going to drop Wednesday."
"My definition of success is like, you know, people using my music for their first dance at their wedding."
"Weddings are expensive, stressful, and they only last one day."
"Every time I put this dress on I'm like, no, this is what I should wear for every bridal occasion."
"Should I just wear this for every bridal occasion and call it a day? Let me know."
"October is like the month that you want to get married in Alabama when it's not like miserably hot."
"Weddings don't have to be super flashy or expensive in order for you to have the perfect wedding."
"I never realized how much people like to ask questions about weddings until I got engaged."
"DIY wedding are all the rage but now some couples are diving into AI for their big day."
"Every few months you attend a wedding and you see a beautiful committed love and you go but I want that."
"All weddings are beautiful, regardless of where you go, what venue."
"This really is an amazing sort of photojournalism or wedding sort of combo."
"It's their wedding day, the newlyweds should be the center of attention. They explicitly said they don't like this, why would you do something the grooms disapprove of at their wedding?"
"It reminds me of my wedding bouquet lily of the valley is my favorite flower."
"Nothing says nuptials more than that."
"He's just some guy who really likes weddings and asked if he could crash yours, to our great relief he did not show up at the ceremony."
"You saved the bride from having a miserable wedding and reception with wedding photos of her mother competing with her in a white dress. Queen of not the a-hole."
"I've been to some really low-key weddings that honestly end up being way more beautiful."
"If anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace. I do, I object!"
"...we basically discovered that all of the fluff in movies and in TV shows, they say in their vows, that's not the legally binding stuff."
"...we associate weddings with being like quite boozy and ours was boozy and Dan and I also like made a point of, we wanted to have an open bar. We didn't want our guests to pay for drinks so yeah, that was like a priority for us in terms of like where we spent our money."
"Most of the weddings I've been to would have been improved if the bride and groom had to hit each other with a bat."
"Part of that, my choice. I prefer funerals over weddings. People are serious and ready to hear eternal things at funerals."
"Weddings were not always like this."
"I've been to a lot of weddings but this is the first one that made me really want to get married."
"While weddings are an enormous financial burden for many, they don't have to be."
"What do you think about the whole cultural obsession we have with spending money on weddings?"
"There is always a weird atmosphere in the chapel, for instance, we hold wedding ceremonies here and I'm not sure if it's thanks to the Paranormal forces but I have seen several people faint here."
"Wedding ceremonies are really special and all, but why do they even have the 'if you have any objections, please let it be known now' and so on and so forth? So many weddings ruined at that moment."
"People spend a lot of money on weddings."
"I always fall in love at weddings."
"We put in our weddings and she called me one day and she was like, 'Hey, like this is the date we're having our wedding,' and I was like, 'Oh, well perfect because this is the day we're having our wedding.'"
"Thank you, it was a beautiful wedding."
"Yeah, 'cause the older couples know, nobody gives a shit about the appetizers at your wedding. People only care about one thing at a wedding, and it's not your love, it's the open bar."
"Plan early, especially for things like the wedding dress. Time flies, and some things take months."
"For the Radfords, this wedding is likely to be the first of many. Eight daughters, yeah, that's a lot of money on weddings, isn't it?"
"I love weddings too. They're beautiful events, but I always cry. I always whimper, and if there's like a father-daughter dance, I am out, I'm done."
"You don't ask someone to be a bridesmaid for your wedding and then they pay for their own dresses."
"You know what? [Expletive] it. You're getting married, let's go."
"Wear lighter colors and breathable fabrics like linen for summer weddings."
"Weddings are a moment to take someone's hand."
"You're at a gay friend's wedding when they kiss and you say, 'Boss.'"
"An adult wedding is not the most expensive one to be in. An adult wedding is the one where you do it for the price you can afford for the things that matter to you."
"A wedding's a wedding. Folk have to spread themselves sometimes."
"Weddings bring out the worst in people."
"Looking sharp all wedding season long."
"It's nice to be invited to a wedding, but you always look at that invitation like, 'Ah, this is gonna cost me.'"
"You shouldn't look this beautiful. It's unfair to the bride."
"I love weddings, if you invite me, I'm gonna be there."
"You must really love your dog too if they're in your wedding photos like on your wedding day."
"Robots are getting into the wedding industry, apparently. Party robots are cropping up around the country, performers on stilts who wear tricked out blocky suits dotted with LED lights."
"I don't want to be like every other bride."
"Weddings are love that needs no proof."
"Weddings are the few events where you actually have to dress up. Usually, if it says cocktail attire, it means they want you to dress up. And it's disrespectful to show up in like a t-shirt and jeans."
"When it comes to your wedding day, it's time to count your blessings, not your bills."
"Do you want some man to go and pick your wedding dress and then expect him to do a good job?"
"NASA humorously muses that the emotional outpourings during weddings might very well stem from the overwhelming financial implications."
"Jane attends Dana's wedding alone, the happy couple walks down the aisle."
"The tragedy began yesterday, when it was my wedding day."
"Let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace."
"The fact that they came to your wedding and blatantly broke the rules set in place is entirely inappropriate."
"Everyone sucks here. Your allergies are yours to manage, but obviously, the bride is completely unreasonable calling you attention-seeking for an allergic reaction."
"Weddings are fun no matter whose wedding it is."
"Another little information about the culture and the wedding ceremonies."
"The young couple's romance first started when John made his intentions clear in the car park at his sister Josie's wedding."
"...I've never heard someone who's done a destination wedding say like, 'Oh, I regret a destination.' I've yet to hear it."
"The first rule of weddings, by the way, is to never wear white."
"What kind of person gets married in an arcade? The coolest kind."
"Something big is coming: our weddings."
"The ruler of the feast called the bridegroom and saith unto him, every man at the beginning that set forth good wine and when he ha well drunk than that which is worse but here's the key but you have kept the good wine until now."
"I swear, that's me when I go to a wedding. I only care about the booze."
"It's like one of the only weddings I'm gonna go to where I'm gonna know like everyone."
"Weddings are meant to be joyful. They’re meant to be beautiful. And indeed, the marriage of the Lamb is going to be such an event when we meet the Lord Jesus Christ at the Rapture and we’re caught up to meet him in the air."
"Weddings are incredibly important, the things that they symbolize are incredibly important, and we ought to treat them like they're incredibly important for the reasons that they're incredibly important."
"Weddings are on the rise, but marriages are on the decline."
"Weddings are incredibly important, but I believe that because of the way that we've misunderstood the importance of weddings, we've turned them into idols."
"Most people suck, and wedding invitees are no exception. It's just a strange collection of people to have Under One Roof."
"I've been to those type of weddings that they're like, 'We're not having no booze, we're not.' We're gonna play the music, no Drake, none of that."
"Half of the brides wanted to sleep with me if they were beautiful."
"Congratulations, Sarah and Maria."
"You can have an amazing, memorable, beautiful wedding without paying a ton."
"Chelsea pulls out her book of vows, looks like one of the Harry Potter, she goes in, tells all this nice things..."
"Kwame's vows are off the top of the Dome and I ain't gonna lie, they were still pretty good..."
"Your wedding or fashion Pinterest is a fantastic place to get inspiration."
"Weddings are so fun, I'm like obsessed with this era of Our Lives where all of our friends are getting married and getting to be a part of that and seeing everything."
"These Lake Como weddings are just different, woke up at 11."
"Those kind of weddings are the ones that I would see and I'd be like oh my God like that's such a fairy tale."
"It was a great two weekends of weddings, two of the best weddings I've ever been to."
"It's sure nice to know a wedding can gain a snazzy color-based nickname without having a horrific atrocity involved."
"I love the weddings where each tier is different like a lemon tier, chocolate tier, vanilla tier, ginger tier. Amazing, a lot of good cake."
"I think wedding is like, 'This is the people you [ __ ] with for Life coming together in one occasion.'"
"Weddings are really for girls. I kind of agree."
"Every bride deserves to be a princess."
"Let's start doing these bridal party photos."
"Indian weddings are the best weddings."
"I love weddings. Drinks all around!"
"Clearly, there's only one thing that's going to resolve this: a dramatic wedding interruption."
"Destination weddings... more couples are starting to realize that the money spent on a destination wedding is money better spent."
"DIY your wedding photography. You can still use a professional but scale back what those offerings look like."
"Things they don't tell you about weddings: I feel like weddings are really romanticized."
"Non-traditional bridesmaids outfits... texture eye candy is everything for 2024 weddings."