
Economic Cycles Quotes

There are 348 quotes

"Recessions are necessary as sleep to human beings."
"This Market's just been on this sugar high and 2020 was the biggest sugar high and 2021 is the sugar crash."
"The biggest companies in the world were developed during a recession or a depression."
"Every bear market in the history of the United States has led to a bull market."
"We have developed this allergy to recessions, but like seasons, economic abundance followed by a bust clears out dead wood and is a healthy cycle."
"More millionaires are made out of crashes and recessions than at any other time."
"Booms and busts are a part of our economic system; they've been happening for centuries, and they will continue to happen."
"Crashes happen but then each time they happen, our economy is stronger, rebounds, the market moves higher."
"From wealth accumulation to wealth distribution is as old as history."
"The more we try to smooth out cycles, the more we often exacerbate the very kinds of cycles we're trying to solve."
"Demographics had a part to play not only in the disinflationary cycle but also in the fact that this generational change, this fourth turning that's coming, was probably going to change the system we operated in."
"Our hedge fund uses economic cycle indicators with a quant overlay... We're going to pour profits back into projects like the Humanity Project."
"The three things that I've seen happen over and over again and have profound implications are the long-term debt cycle and the effectiveness of monetary policy, the gaps (political, economic, and wealth gaps) and what they follow through in the way of redistributions of wealth, and then the external gaps in terms of the economic wars."
"Capitalism is an untenable system due to boom and bust cycles, environmental impact, the senseless pursuit of never-ending profit."
"Housing crashes historically last five years."
"Every single one of them was preceded by a debt bubble."
"This cycle is different and will be less volatile."
"Recessions aren't unicorns; they're actually attached to expansions."
"Short answer: no. Long answer: I think people don't realize that traditionally in the past, Bitcoin follows this thing called a four-year cycle."
"Nearly every five to seven years, a fresh crisis has intervened, always with the greatest hardship for workers and always accompanied by general revolutionary stirrings and the direct peril to the whole existing order of things."
"I think there's a higher chance than not that this cycle will ultimately extend further out than the last cycle."
"Every 30 to 50 years jobs are going to be replaced."
"Markets are predictable cycles but with that being said we're 11 years into a bull market and typically we have pretty major setbacks every 7 years so we are well overdue."
"Great companies are created during times when we're not in a bubble."
"Credit cycles always end and they always end badly."
"Recessions are a part of our economic cycle period. They have happened in the past and they will continue to happen."
"Every time we see a shoot up higher in optimism that we're about to get out of the bear Market territory back into bull market what happens we see a reversal in the sentiment sours again the equities Market subsequently moves down the."
"It's also important to remember that recessions are a very normal part of the economic cycle."
"Only when the tide goes out do you see who's been swimming naked."
"I still do think we will see higher prices later on this cycle without having to wait for the next having."
"Every cycle had a mid-cycle correction, and each correction plays out differently."
"It's a 14-year boom so a six quarter recession seems like yeah that may that might actually bounce out."
"The next cycle needs to be there will be something like that and for that reason, I think we will get through that prior cycle high level and go off to a big top."
"Bitcoin will serve that purpose... it will go over short periods of growth and get back to sort of an inflation rate."
"This was like the red pill realizing, oh my gosh what Bitcoin has just done over months and months, this whole roller coaster that we were on is a known schematic that smart money uses to get as much money from the public as they possibly can."
"But there is a way to beat this kind of boom-bust cycle of investments."
"We've never gone through one of these cycles with fiat currency before."
"This is the time where the real money is made when it is darkest and when things are the lowest."
"I'm positive about the future... things go in cycles... we're doing that."
"If we return to the bull run right now, the macro for crypto has never been better."
"No other time can you find recession and then house prices go down."
"The biggest deleveraging in history has just begun and it can't be stopped."
"One thing is certain about leverage, it is always followed by deleveraging."
"Markets are cyclical, they go up and they go down."
"The multiple, the stock multiple, has been adjusted so far... that is typically the first phase of the bear market."
"The Fed's gonna hike... and we're just going to rinse repeat the cycles."
"There are three stages to every bear market: the first leg down, the reflexive rebound, and then the long and drawn-out decline to the lows."
"At the end of all bull markets we have a lot of new people coming into the markets." - Jim Rogers
"I think we see a million dollar Bitcoin in 12 years, three cycles from now."
"The cycle bottom tends to correspond well before the having... every single prior having has occurred at the price where bitcoin hit the fair value."
"We might not be creating a frugal decade; we might be creating a 1929-style depressionary decade."
"Every time that happens everybody says capitalism is ending our economic system is coming down we're going to enter another War all these things have happened in the past all these stories have come up before."
"Ordinary people starting to realize that we have a stock market that goes up in good times and bad times."
"I think it might be good that we're having a market crash. I think it's healthy."
"We've seen these things come and go, just because the technology is new, it doesn't mean the dynamic isn't old."
"We're at the beginning stages of a commodity super cycle."
"We're on the downward trend, but maybe everything is cyclical. Hopefully, we'll shift back towards what we want."
"We're all going to see probably two negative quarters in a row of GDP."
"When a bubble forms and eventually pops, you want to know who suffers the most? Workers, employees."
"Don't be afraid to seek help and don't feel weak because you are not alone."
"As long as humans make financial decisions in the market, then we will always have cycles."
"Now we are currently at the longest economic cycle that lasted for more than 10 years since the housing bubble."
"Don't fear the cycles, it's part of the game."
"Even if we buy now and god forbid there is a crash, that crash at some points will rebound."
"Bitcoin is the first time it's possible to stop the cycle of monopolies, corruption, and taxation."
"No asset class including the real estate market can go in just one direction forever."
"Every recession is different... it's really hard to read the tea leaves in this market."
"The story of the post-war era has been real household disposable income going up with occasional dips."
"Crypto has always returned from every crash it's ever had."
"I think whether the algos have picked it up, or whether psychologically, the crowd now knows that once the blackout periods end, corporations will be back because they have to be. We're late in the cycle."
"This is what you live for, these next three, four, five, six months, however long the cycle goes. We're gonna see supply and demand tested, and that could really, really make things explode."
"We're entering the end phase of this post-World War II debt super cycle... The value of gold exploded."
"None of them have survived none of them have lasted more than 100 150 years or so I'm delighted that the US dollar has been on top for many decades but history would indicate that it's going to come to an end."
"There's also a viable lesson... you always make more money in the drought."
"I believe that we are in a broader trend downward, but the bright side is that when markets factor in the recession and it's obvious, well, equities have typically troughed six to nine months before earnings reach their lows."
"Bitcoin forms higher lows and higher highs every single cycle. It's history."
"There will be a bear market and history has shown that bear market will be very bad."
"The great thing about recessions is they always happen, and the great thing about them is that they always end."
"Every four to seven years capitalism crashes. We've had three in this new century in its 20 years, yup, right on schedule."
"Detroit actually might be the beginning of it again because it's come full circle."
"Buy gold in troubled times and collect antiques in good times."
"Silver offers a hedge against the vagaries of economic cycles."
"However, the same psychological factors that hurled America into a state of financial chaos before are growing once again only larger beneath the surface."
"No economy in the history of the world has ever sustained a constant rate of growth. Recessions, depressions, and complete economic collapse is inevitable in even the most advanced societies."
"The cycle is likely to be shortened, likely not to see 500 days of bull run after the halving event."
"Some of the largest rallies actually come in Bear Market phases."
"Don't get carried away by the flavor of the day. Every 10 years, our country goes through a new flavor. Typically, most people end up losing their shirts..."
"Booms and busts are part of the stock market and every asset class has it."
"Devil Take the Hindmost will walk you through the major cycles of boom and bust in recent history."
"Bubbles will defeat themselves but here thank God we have the perfect trigger the virus."
"These cycles are so predictable, it blows your mind. It makes you feel like you're in this crypto matrix."
"Liquidity was going to become the really important driver... it'll be the thing people talk about for this cycle."
"It's really getting surreal here thinking we're kind of probably close to the end of this thing here in a few months."
"We live in an era of unbroken prosperity... until it isn't."
"No housing market stays in one place forever; the economy moves in cycles."
"Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria."
"Every market goes through a bubble, crypto is no different."
"Bear markets are good for building and talking about the fundamental stuff."
"In every hyperinflation or economic reset, there's a period of gradually then suddenly."
"The only way that the bull runs can continue in their current form is if every four years there's more attention on Bitcoin than on the previous four years."
"Every 30 to 40 years the world has a new monetary system... it's absolutely coming."
"2017 will come back and come back in a huge way."
"Almost all economists agree that recessions are a part of the long cycle that economies go through in order to grow organically."
"A recession is not always catastrophically damaging and it doesn't always leave you with nothing left over by the time we've recovered."
"Recessions don't happen when people expect them to happen. They happen when very few people expect them to happen." - Economic Analysis
"Super bubbles are formed when investors get greedy and buy over-inflated assets at crazy valuations."
"When the Fed eventually gets to the end of its hiking cycle, I think you could see a local peak, at least in the dollar compared to other sensible currencies."
"I'll never miss another recession I would never miss another opportunity."
"Asset prices go up, and then eventually the real economy kicks in, and then ultimately inflation comes and starts taking it all away." - Steve Hanke
"This cold is going to flush out weak companies and only the strong will remain."
"We're entering into a critical period... Financial collapse is coming... there is always a recovery period."
"By printing money governments can create an artificial boom but this must inevitably be followed by a bust."
"There is no sense getting emotional about it. It's just part of the cycle."
"The enclosure of rent creates the cycle, but credit creation determines how high it will go."
"The first cycle the internet has been a part of from the beginning."
"It's becoming a buyer's market. Yeah, all right about time that pendulum, that pendulum always swings."
"We are at the end of a long-term debt super cycle."
"Even the best stock market in the world reached new highs before a reset."
"In times of adversity, collective societies do better. Our ingenuity thrives in times of abundance, which is coming to a close."
"Our moment is coming and there's zero doubt in my mind, there shouldn't be in yours, trust the people that have been through the last cycle as we know what's about to come next."
"We fought during the bear times and now we are winning."
"I don't think conditions are crazy but I do think that we're in the advanced stages of a very positive cycle."
"With Bitcoin, the last three bull runs have started six months after the Bitcoin halvings."
"More wealthy people are made during bad times than during Good Times."
"The millionaires are made in the bear Market. This is the opportunity, this is the gift horse. You don't look a gift horse in the mouth."
"The recession is definitely taking hold in the very early parts of the cycle."
"The longer something goes up, the more it's due for a correction."
"Nothing ever changes. He was right. That was true in 1929 right before the crash and every market top since that time..."
"Every single time a market crashes, two things happen."
"Debt cycles provide great opportunities and real problems."
"There ain't going to be another cycle like this and if there is it'll be a bonus."
"Stocks did come back. I think crypto will come back, but the losing ventures, the frauds, the bubbles - right now is the moment of their comeuppance."
"Hard times create capitalists, capitalists create good times, good times create socialists, and socialists create hard times."
"If you can survive through the bear market, eventually you'll see better times."
"It's not just always an expansion, there are reversals too."
"Bear markets allow investing in great projects at a fraction of their value."
"A big dip is very, very good for us as traders and very, very good for the market to take a damn breath."
"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail for sure for sure, I mean y'all got to get ready because this is happening, it's coming, and if it catches you off guard just because you don't know about the economy, this [__] happens every 10 years."
"In a 20-year Horizon even if you get a lost decade... the Bull Run that's going to come in later after this last decade is going to be so powerful."
"Every cycle has been longer than the last, longer. So it wouldn't be too crazy to see a cycle go out into, you know, May of 2022, even summer 2022."
"We may be getting very close to the late stages of this crazy market mania."
"Diminishing returns and lengthening cycles are evident, suggesting flexibility is key."
"Forewarned is forearmed, and this is a year to take out the umbrella and read 'Manias, Panics, and Crashes.'"
"Once every six years the market falls 25 percent more, that's what we call a bear market."
"The psychology of a bubble: from stealth mode to awareness to mania to blow off a blow off top."
"The conclusion: if we hadn't engaged in the inflation in the first place, then we wouldn't have had to deal with this cyclical problem."
"I want the party to keep on going... I'd prefer lengthening cycles... but the data suggests the cycles will lengthen and the cycles will diminish."
"The big money isn't on any one play or one pattern it's can you stick around for multiple cycles."
"If you've been following this channel, then you actually have better insight into the four-year cycle than almost anyone else, period."
"Most of us have never experienced a full Market cycle."
"In every hiking cycle from the Fed there has never been a single case, Andreas, where the Fed stopped hiking before nominal fed funds rate were higher than the prevailing year-on-year inflation rate."
"Legends and heroes are technically born in the bear market, remember that."
"Congrats to them for finally recognizing that each time these things have happened, this is when the bottoms have come in."
"I think the miners will be to the next cycle what the dot-com stocks were of the '90s."
"The configuration of our positioning in the cycle today is really identical to what happened in the previous bull cycle."
"Even if we go back down to those levels we can bounce back off of them just like we did in 2019 just like we did in 2020."
"If you live in a cyclical market and you've thought about selling prior to the survey so sickness you should definitely sell now."
"It happens every single cycle over and over and over and over and over and over again."
"The pendulum starts over here and then it swings all the way over here and then it swings all the way back and then we'll start over again from some sound money structure."
"All bubbles pop okay the music always comes to an end."
"What goes up must come down, it's a buyer's market."
"Every cycle needs to have a narrative, every cycle needs to have a catalyst."
"Are we still on a four-year cycle or are we going in a multi-year bear market?"
"Recessions happen and then they end. Just like sometimes it rains and then it stops."
"We can have all this great progress that we've done and it would still be a bear market."
"At the end of the day... all markets ebb and flow."
"We're in a cool down period, and this is where you're able to find those deals."
"It's just a cycle and it's because interest rates in a credit driven economy matter."
"This cycle, post-COVID, is really an over-easing and over-tightening cycle that's on steroids."
"Every cycle is generally smoother sailing, but even a 70% downturn still stings."
"Each bull market we go through this paradigm shift in the valuation of bitcoin."
"The heroes of the boom are the villains of the bust."
"Every single time in every cycle, they always say that this time is going to be different."
"Human nature is human nature. We go through bubbles all the time because it's human beings that make bubbles."
"A contraction that leads to steady expansion in the future."
"It's not just Elon borrowing money to fund his lifestyle; it's everybody wanting to hook their cart to those Tesla shares."
"Show me any article that says 'this time is different' and I will go back to every cycle in history."
"Stocks are sad but that's okay because they create a buying opportunity."
"Our economy moves in cycles...there's nothing for you to be surprised about."
"After three or four bubbles, you have to start realizing that it's not just a fad."
"These crashes are part of the boom-bust nature of crypto."
"We're in that right now and then about every 80 years the financial system gets reset and so we're there as well."
"The bitcoin dominance chart is a beautiful chart demonstrating how market cycles work in recent years."
"The value creation happens during the bear market... when no one is watching... people start establishing real Partnerships real value creation."
"As long as you are in an emerging economy... then it means that we have inconsistencies and we have cycles of five years."
"If this cycle is nearing its top, just look at the Wall Street Cheat Sheet psychology of a market cycle. What could we possibly expect to the downside?"
"Every time there's a dip, we get past it. We always get through it. We ended up going and made a new high. So this is something definitely we're going to beat. We'll get through it, right? So again, not time to panic."
"I think we're in a larger accumulation cycle. I think what we're witnessing is not only that they're accumulating a lot but they're able to push the markets down and try to shake out as many of the weak hands as possible."
"Hindsight's 2020. Everybody's a genius in a bull market. In a bear market, that's where you see where the real cockroaches are."
"Don't let depressions and recessions scare you. That is automatic. Some of the biggest entrepreneurs ever started at the worst time."
"Every cycle has produced at least a 20x return."
"It's always just like any other sell-off it creates a buying opportunity for after that sell-off period."
"At some point, silver and gold will have their day."
"Nothing stays down forever, nothing goes up forever, and that's exactly where we're at today."
"Innovation fuels bear markets; bear markets fuel innovation."
"The boom bust cycle: this is something that is very rarely understood in its proper form."
"Every bubble throughout history ends in collapse."
"When the boom is happening, you have malinvestment take place."
"So to summarize the video and end the video here, I 100% believe we're in a new market cycle."
"History shows that the grand majority, upwards of 90 percent, of the big super performance movers come from corrections."