
Market Research Quotes

There are 418 quotes

"You have to test, test, test. You don't know what the consumer wants, and they don't even know what they want until it gets tested."
"The richest people in the world don't use social media for fun; they use it for market research."
"Market research doesn't turn up the value of new devices. The big companies weren't in touch with the real needs of people."
"The key to success is a deep understanding of your customer. Market research is how you get there."
"What really differentiates one company from another is how well they know their customer, and market research is the key."
"Investing in understanding the market and the needs of your clients will pay off in the long run by enabling you to create more impactful and valuable work."
"It's crazy what artificial intelligence has done to shake up the product research space."
"The last thing you want to do is start a business for a service that there's absolutely no demand for in your area."
"Understand that group extremely well, get extremely close to them, listen to them."
"MGM was actively trying to determine how big the fan base was."
"Cast a wide net initially, then go deep diving."
"Follow trending narratives and do your research to find potential 100 to 1,000x altcoin gems."
"It's what we can extrapolate from the data and it's what we can get from the data to understand about our target market their needs etc that's where the real wind comes from keyword research."
"We focused on the competing people using competing products."
"Know your market, study your potential customer base, and know how you're going to appeal to them."
"It's all about understanding who the users are and what are their needs."
"Welcome back Airbnb family! Today we are going to do a slightly extended video on how to conduct free market research on Airbnb so that way you don't have to pay for air DNA."
"Research your target demographic for a better UX."
"Marketing is in the best position to detect business opportunities, calibrate their size, and estimate their likely profitability."
"Look at how many other puzzle books are currently selling on Amazon every single day."
"Win-win, we've already done your research for you."
"Don't write off small cap companies as pure speculation without doing additional digging into the actual company."
"Forget entirely about your old product research methods... this new tool is gonna blow all of those completely out of the water!"
"Product discovery by viral launch... helps you find successful products super super quickly in under five minutes."
"The polls are the marketing companies are wrong... get woke go broke isn't a universal truth."
"There's no shortcut to it, you will go into charts, you will study, you will look at old data, you will back test."
"This seems to be the sweet spot of the market right now." - Finding the perfect balance in product design and market demand.
"How would you feel if you could no longer use [the product]? Very disappointed, somewhat disappointed, not disappointed."
"In order to know whose interest this first time in 145 year nickel trading halt decision is in favor of all one has to do is a few minutes of research."
"You find products that are in the sweet spot...then you reap the benefits."
"Sometimes difficult things lead you to where you need to be."
"Google Trends is a really powerful way to see if your product is currently trending."
"What you're looking for is a product that has high demand or sales and low competition or reviews."
"Try to capitalize on the current trends and you can use the google trends website to help you determine whether something is trending."
"Maybe go around and look for some undervalued companies."
"We can learn more than just people's preferences for individual products."
"Validate your product before you create any product. Make sure that it's actually on demand and therefore guarantees that it's going to sell."
"Get paid for just sharing what you think about something."
"Instead of building something nobody wants, go find out what people want and go build that."
"Validate demand for your product before making a large investment in inventory."
"The success of this one tells us that there's definitely a market."
"You don't want to waste your time creating something that there's just no market for."
"Alibaba shares them with the companies that operate through their markets... so that they can launch new products or... know their consumers’ preferences better."
"In business, we always research the market before we go into it."
"Understand what your competitor is doing that is working really well for them."
"The recipe for success: finding profitable, low-competition niches."
"You want to be researching projects like this that are based on working concepts that people already enjoy but are essentially bringing them into crypto."
"Avoidable reasons for failure: not knowing your customer or your audience."
"Most of these tools out there are using Google search data. However, for print-on-demand, we really need a tool that's using t-shirt print-on-demand data specifically."
"Charles's story quite fascinating several things stuck out while he had very little experience investing in the stock market he has compensated for it by using his research and presentation skills to quickly learn and analyze companies."
"If you can see that people are willing to spend money advertising in this niche then there's almost certainly money to be made in it."
"When seeking success on Amazon, remember: Low competition, solid margins, and steady demand are key."
"So a solid pro to Google Trends is that you can do market research on a niche, product, or topic and get an understanding if it’s worth your time and effort to pursue."
"The best business models in the world are the ones where you ask people what they want and they tell you."
"What we're trying to do here is give you guys some data, give you guys some research and some study and then our own analysis of what things are doing in terms of the market but not financial advice."
"It's funny you say that because there has been like a couple things of like market research coming out that say that Sony is still dominating when it comes to audience interest."
"Trends they come, they go, they're in, they're out, but guess what? Today we are investigating the wavy trends for 2020."
"Right now, it's the time to start preparing for that next cycle, to start looking for the plays that are going to lead the next bull market, doing your due diligence and your research now more than ever is so important."
"The best way to collect these different product ideas are inside of the product tracker."
"You gotta do market research, but we did not do."
"You want to design the t-shirts or whatever it is that you're selling you want to create designs that you know people are actually going to buy."
"Reselling is not just about finding stuff, it's about detailed information."
"Let's at least see what Google has before it write them off"
"The more you research potential stocks, cryptos, real estate funds, etc., the more you know, the less risk because you have more knowledge about that topic."
"Convince other human beings of your own humanity."
"We do it geographically so you can go in and look at and see what's the best selling book in--what are the best selling books in Massachusetts."
"Looking at these reviews is a great way to reveal concerns that people have and point you to interesting things that you can make videos about."
"Be careful do your research shop around don't go to one and let them sell you because they're bigger criminals probably and I was then you go."
"Jungle Scout is the number one tool for sellers on Amazon."
"Find products that have a high demand and a low supply on Amazon."
"I reached out to around 10 people some of these being sellers themselves whether that's current or previous I named it some who are making over 10 to $15,000 per month"
"Whoever goes deepest down the rabbit hole of product research, wins."
"You have to know your numbers. How big is the market, how fast it's growing, what are the gross margins, what's the break-even analysis? You have to be able to answer those questions."
"The idea is you want to have both a high search volume and low competition."
"Before you spend hundreds of dollars on a microphone, you need to know what these sins are."
"Businesses have always been listening because they have to understand who their target market is, who their customers are, know your audience."
"The best way to quantify which boat we think is best for us at the moment, whether it's new or old, is just to see what's on offer on the market."
"I want you to go into the charts and back test and look at that stuff because you will see it."
"I do a little bit of research, I kind of get an idea of what I want to do, take it home, list it, if it sells, I go get more. That's what I do."
"Are EVs at the dealership generating a lot of customer interest? 55% customers are not interested in buying." - Statistic on EV customer interest at dealerships.
"Spy on super popular winning t-shirt designs."
"Research your customer before you design your t-shirts."
"We went to the fans and we asked them and the answer was pretty compelling."
"When you're looking at a product like this, I think there's two main questions that people wanna ask."
"We would like to know if a difference exists in secret shopper ratings among the cities."
"Research, do your research there could be a niche in YouTube that has gone untapped."
"Find a best seller category within the children's book category that you like, look at the top sellers and emulate, and never copy but emulate and design after that."
"If she had just focused on who are our customers, what do our customers really want, how can we make more of these customers, how can we support these customers..." - Adam Post
"Market research is happening everywhere, and people are so used to it they don't even stop to think about what they're saying when they just give their data up without a thought."
"Steam Spy is decent at this, so you could look into what's growing, how games are changing, what people are playing now versus what people were playing last year."
"This is the best evidence as to where the audience is and what they're interested in."
"The surprising part of this is one, we only had two years of data but it produced around 56 trades in just two years."
"The Horizon task force surveyed potential customers."
"Research, analysis, and sentiment tools are crucial for navigating the crypto market."
"The scanner is like a Google search engine for the market."
"You've got to know who your ideal customer is and you got to go deep enough to understand what are their desires, what are their goals, and what are their needs."
"Instead of experimenting with thousands of videos, just open your eyes and see what works for other brands. It's a really good way to access a larger audience and learn as fast as possible."
"I sold it via the mobile phone at first because I could hear on the phone why people wanted to buy and why they didn't."
"You need to understand what are your customers looking for and what are you offering to them."
"So hopefully this helps what you really want to do is find your top competitors first, look for keyword gaps, look for some quick wins."
"Listen to your audience; they will tell you what they like."
"Do your market research. What's trending matters."
"Think about what people are in need of in their home."
"You can do market research without the market using large language models."
"If you want to better understand your market rate, you can call other competitors and see what they're charging."
"Using an Etsy research tool like Allura will give you a major advantage over your competitors because you'll understand the market by analyzing what shoppers are looking for and what types of products are in demand."
"No amount of market testing, no amount of focus groups, no amount of anything will tell you what a movie is gonna be a hit with the American."
"Samples are a great way to also gauge demand of your products."
"Get really clear on what your audience wants."
"You can ask around if you know someone who you think falls within your desired audience. Ask them how they interact with social media, ask them what their pain points are, ask them about their likes and their dislikes."
"...you should be obsessed with your target market if you want to win"
"I'm not trying to be creative, I'm looking for data that shows something is already selling."
"If you can find five customers who have exactly the same need, that to me is a great segment."
"Instead of trying to guess what the consumer wants and hoping that it sells."
"It's really important to get out and meet your customers and see what they like, see what pricing you can set things at, and then kind of go from there."
"Continually do your market research, continually try and change and grow."
"You guys need to do market research to deliver to the actual demand of the market."
"They said that those are not what they want to buy and we said well what do you want to buy if you don't want to buy batteries and so they sent us a great big long checklist."
"I think a better business strategy is to find a hungry customer base that's already looking for something and just provide what it is that they're looking for."
"We just listen to the consumer and ask them what they want. People will tell you in two seconds what they want if you ask them."
"It's so important to validate your product idea before you ever even create a listing to ensure that you're offering something that's in demand."
"Talk to more potential customers and learn what are they paying for today that they're unsatisfied with."
"I watch it very carefully to know where are people, what are they asking for, what are people interested in."
"The first step is to get on Amazon and browse around, looking at different categories and niches."
"Before you make a book, confirm the topic is actually selling."
"In terms of getting ideas uh when it comes to what kind of books you know should you create because obviously if something is selling well then you want to model that you know get ideas from it and go and create something similar if you can right."
"Ultimately what you want to do is just find some of the things that people are looking for."
"Think backwards, find a market, find where you're going to sell and who you're going to sell to. Watch what they're buying already and think of how you can make it better or think of how you can make it more unique or palatable."
"...use multiple data sources to really triangulate what's happening in your markets."
"It is crucial that you study your audience and the types of designs that are currently selling and trending and then just repeat that process with continued products and styles."
"The metrics and the data is a very important part of picking a market."
"Market research is a whole topic of its own and really depends on what business you're going into."
"Ideas are only as good as their implementation and the work you do to ensure the market is big enough to build a profitable business."
"Audi understands their customers more than anyone else in this market."
"Audience research is one of the most important things to understand. Who is your target audience? What do they really want?"
"Find a product or a niche that you are passionate about and that there's market interest in, and create and sell that product."
"But because I took an extra week and actually talked to people and asked them what they wanted and what would be valuable to them, it changed the entire trajectory of what I built and it made me sure that I had a winning product essentially."
"I was standing in a movie theater for four years with the world's greatest focus group."
"Ensure that your product is relevant and specifically designed for a particular market."
"The way to test the market is to create something of value and get value in exchange like money."
"So now you have your total price and next it's time to do a little bit of market research."
"Chat GPT is an incredible tool for idea generation, market research, product definition, solution design, and more."
"Find where people are searching for something and there's no supply there, and that's a really good place to focus."
"Give them a name, a career, industry, budget, hobbies, and interests."
"Everything you learn about this ideal client will help guide you."
"If you're not on it or you haven't started yet then this is probably a moment to really consider selling your own digital patterns."
"Always do market research. Always figure out what competitors are doing and also what they're not doing and you can apply that to your own designs and make it unique for yourself."
"It's like doing market research. You can't be successful selling anything unless you understand where your audience is or your customer base is located and how to reach them with your sales message."
"Automakers have literally been bringing you people to them and polling you and asking you what do you want in a vehicle."
"...know who your ideal customer is and build it around them."
"Let me know in the comments below would you guys consider this if you're in the market for a minivan."
"Look internally to your employees to obtain market feedback as well."
"The most important element is the market's needs and desires, and really serving those."
"This is like a microcosm of market research, they're effectively doing polling and sentiment analysis allowing the desires of the people to inform a lot of their decisions."
"I've discovered the most important data that you could ever find to do market research."
"Do your basic market research. Who are your competitors? What are they doing? What's going to make you unique?"
"You're not only to figure out what your customers actually want, it's to look at the intersection of customer needs and business opportunity."
"The best time to know who your customers are is before you even get the idea for your business."
"The question your first question you ask when you build a business plan or a marketing plan who are the customers you begin with people."
"What do people want? What's good for people? What's needed? What's unique about this product or this thing?"
"These sold like instantaneously when I had them on Amazon merchant fulfilled, so I know I'm gonna be able to sell these really well."
"Don't be afraid to ask them if they're drawn to something like are they looking for something in particular a lot of people have a certain kind of palette for fragrances that they like."
"You're not just saying, 'Hey, I want to sell a water bottle because I like water bottles.' You're actually going to be doing market research."
"Estimating the maternity clothing Market in London is a good candidate."
"For every product and service, customers vary on their desires and needs."
"Understanding your customer is mostly about understanding the customer need."
"Spying on brands similar to yours can save you time and spark new ideas."
"Know your market and know your customers, not from a feature function perspective, but to live and breathe the world of so what, who cares, and why."
"You want to make sure you're prioritizing which ones you are launching in your business because the name of the game is search volume."
"...make sure it is based on market research and not your preference and you will be 10 steps ahead of your competition."
"The reason why having such a strong market research process is important is because it takes just as much time to launch a product design that does not sell as it does to launch a design that does sell."
"We didn't just compile all the information from one shop, a small sample size of one shop. We found 10 shops that are all doing well, we compiled all of their listings into one list, compared them against each other, and this is the one that's doing the best."
"I wanted to be very specific and I wanted to know what varieties were selling best."
"Give people what they want, not what they say they want."
"Researching your local demand really lets you know what everybody else is doing and really puts your mind on the path to what you can do to differentiate yourself from other growers."
"I always tell people, test the market. The market will let you know when to upgrade."
"These are the ones we assume most people are looking at when considering should I buy a fishing subscription box in 2024."
"Understanding what young mods and professionals are about and what they want will help us succeed in this market."
"If you don't understand your consumers, consumers are your members. If you don't understand how they live, what they breathe, what is it that we are doing that is wrong that people want us to quickly correct?"
"...study your competitors first. If you don't know what is currently selling in your space, how are you going to know to create similar products?"
"...don't sell in saturated niches. If all of your competitors that you saw that have been making sales are selling the exact same niches, avoid those niches."
"I'm releasing this content for free to see how much interest there would be in a full networking fundamentals course taught in the same practical networking style."
"Know your competitors well. Make sure you buy and use their products, record and compare their claims with the types of claims you're making, and also compare their key ingredient claims and the price they're charging."
"Not only do you wanna be paying close attention to what they like about the product, but you also wanna focus on the language that they use when talking about their problems, challenges, frustrations, or whatever it is that you're helping resolve with your product."
"Don't be afraid to call competitors and ask them what their prices are."
"You have to know what they want. Otherwise, if you're just putting out a product and hoping someone buys it, you don't know who's going to buy it."
"...before you leave, I would love to hear from you. Comment below this video and let me know number one, what kind of business do you run, and number two, what kind of content are you creating to market that business?"
"I saw a few Instagram pages selling these really unique custom G-Shock watches."
"After seeing these cool customized G-Shocks on Instagram, I started researching that market."
"When you don't have an audience yet, you don't know what they want."
"What they did right is they tested their market."
"According to our poll, most people are still going to go with vinyl plank flooring."
"Market research is one of the most important elements of any marketing campaign."
"It is very important for you to figure out what's the problem you're trying to solve for, even if it's at a high level, right? You don't have to be perfect. Your market research process is going to do a deeper dive into the areas of the problem that you are trying to solve for."
"Market research is really critical because for you, it is in order for us to understand without asking the customers what they want, we as product managers, we need to understand the problems that customers are facing."
"Finding trending products can be done completely for free using social media."
"Keywords will help you find a niche with a high success potential."
"If you're running a business and you don't know who your market is and you don't know what their problem is and you don't see how your product or service fits in as a solution to that then you really should sort that out."
"Sometimes you have to hit a market a few times to really learn it."
"Find out what your people want and then give it to them. Ask a lot of questions. Supply the market with what it wants."