
Gaming Industry Quotes

There are 3220 quotes

"We're at a peak, and there's about to be a massive crash in the game development industry."
"Exclusive games, games that are exclusive to one piece of hardware, are going to be a smaller and smaller part of the game industry."
"The whole entire business decisions of just throw money at all of these games until something works was not the way to go."
"Greed is a hell of a drug, and Payday was knee-deep in it."
"These game companies, they're not your friends."
"If Sony could launch a Steam Deck competitor, that would be a pretty compelling product."
"It's interesting because Microsoft recently reported that their gaming sector is actually making a little more money than even their Windows stuff is."
"Bethesda and Xbox teaming up... it fits just right and I think they'll produce their best content."
"Blizzard did not take kindly to someone speaking out against China in an official tournament."
"It's hard to think that just 6 years ago, Overwatch was capturing the hearts of many, was showered in Awards and accolades, and even won Game of the Year."
"Don't you want CD Projekt RED to be able to release high-caliber games like Witcher 3 or exciting new titles like Cyberpunk 2077 with more frequency, more efficiency, more finesse, and in a more timely manner?"
"It now has over 2,400 employees, making MiHoyo quite possibly the fastest-growing gaming developer in the world."
"Rocksteady in my eyes is still the titan of the superhero genre in gaming."
"The day before was one of the worst-rated games in Steam history, not just because they lied or misrepresented, but because it was a bad game full stop."
"The Switch has dominated and it doesn't even really feel like it; it just felt like a constant in everybody's life."
"The boogeyman of gaming has finally been exposed, and unlike the fictional mythical creature adults use to scare kids, Sweet Baby Inc is real."
"The usual stage of absolute and utter bewilderment at why these game companies keep doing this to themselves."
"Paralives will never have paid DLC, only free expansions."
"Blizzard delivered their highest operating income ever for a year with no major game releases."
"King returned to growth with the Candy Crush franchise stronger than ever."
"If the DS succeeds, we will rise to heaven, but if it fails we will sink to hell."
"Elden Ring was the kind of game that I think the gaming industry needed right now... It was polished, it was a good product, it has a fun gameplay loop and mechanic for people who like a challenge."
"Accessibility to games and how gaming is now built around me as the player."
"The effect it had on the Sonic franchise can still be felt to this day."
"A lot of people do seem to agree that the gaming industry is slowly dying."
"Jensen was absolutely right when he said that Nvidia is not a gaming company anymore."
"It's insane to think that this was basically a largely gaming company up until more recent years."
"Death Stranding may not have been your cup of tea, but we should at least recognize that in an industry that is flooded with similar gameplay concepts and mechanics, Death Stranding was trying to be different."
"Adult women are now the largest demographic in gaming."
"Movies are gonna just be what they're gonna be, but gaming, that's where we're actually going to continue to become more obsessed, and that industry is what's going to take over entertainment."
"I'm pretty proud of that the game awards is not perfect, obviously, but I like that there's a big shindig where we all get together as an industry and celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of game makers."
"The gaming industry is now bigger than film, music, the NFL, the NBA, and the MLB combined."
"Having the truth be spoken by a games journalist these days is next to impossible, it seems."
"This is a really human industry, and we're really bad sometimes at showing that, showing developers what they're worth and showing the players at home that we care about them."
"FromSoftware, like any company, isn’t perfect, and like every company, FromSoftware isn’t your friend."
"Game companies are not your friends. Most of them treat their own employees, who they insultingly call their families, like total fucking shit."
"RE5, because of the success of 4, ended up being one of Capcom's best-selling games."
"Disney has put together a $1.5 billion stake in Epic Games, clearly the powerhouses of the video game industry."
"The minute that I don't get excited about E3 is the minute that I shouldn't be in this profession anymore."
"I didn't want Spiders to be the next Bioware; I wanted them to be the first and most fascinating Spiders."
"Rockstar Games is still selling Grand Theft Auto V like hotcakes."
"It's fair to say that Trip had become one of the biggest names in gaming."
"If Xbox can't outsell Sony in terms of hardware, it would make sense to try to beat them with software, which let's not forget is where the actual money is."
"Games are being made not to be enjoyed, but to make money."
"The expectations that they think are unrealistic for us to have as like a standard are: AAA games releasing on time, releasing finished, actually being fun and enjoyable, not milking you for money around every single corner, and not cutting content from the game to sell back to you."
"When did the gaming industry become so afraid of like actually challenging themselves to be better?"
"Blizzard are betraying their legacy. They are engaging in psychologically manipulative practices that are not aligned with delivering user value."
"Cyberpunk 2077 might be one of the worst AAA releases in recent memory."
"I still do not support CD Projekt Red straight up lying to us and releasing a game clearly unfinished only for them to start fixing it a year plus down the road."
"You're kind of starting to see a lot of those things come back; the Nintendo Switch revitalized dedicated handheld gaming."
"Cooperative games exist now because of Pandemic."
"What I think about what I want to do in the future is, I mean listen, if an opportunity comes down the line to work on another Half-Life, anything in any context - like of course, I would take that."
"I have nothing wrong with any monetization that's an upfront cost."
"One of my favorite trends in gaming over the last decade is how many genres once considered dead have been given new life by the growth of the indie scene."
"It's crazy, that's just absolute craziness, the state of 2024 gaming."
"We're going to have ourselves a grown-up discussion about the Epic Games Store, a subject that's gotten very touchy, a little bit emotional, and some might say just a touch ridiculous."
"The revenue split is unquestionably generous, with Epic only taking 12% of the cut as opposed to Steam's 33%."
"Steam needs competition but under ca-triple-apitalism, this is what competition looks like."
"It is in an unacceptable state; it shouldn't even be allowed to be sold in the state that it's in on PC."
"It's hypocritical for PlayStation to say things like, 'Oh, they're not taking into account the impact this has on our gamers,' considering the various maneuvers that Sony and PlayStation have pulled that are not quite consumer-friendly."
"Nintendo's just kind of on the sidelines, just kind of watching all this unfold, unaffected."
"We are committed to making the same game available on the same day on both Xbox and PlayStation."
"For the cost of $5, this game puts a lot of modern $70 AAA releases to shame."
"Epic Game Store exclusivity remains among the most hotly debated topics amongst games industry enthusiasts."
"Until the bottom line gets hurt, and until Activision actually starts hurting from all their monetization crap, nothing is going to change."
"FromSoft is fine with letting the fire fade. Between Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring, the studio made it clear that the Dark Souls era is over."
"You weren't only making a bet on consumers wanting games with 3D graphics; you were also making a bet on gaming becoming a lucrative industry."
"The passion for polished, finished games is gone."
"Exclusives are not good for the community. They are a thing that happens, though."
"It's a difficult and competitive industry to enter... But it can be a very rewarding career: you won't just be playing games, you'll be helping make the experiences that the next generation of players will be obsessing over."
"Nintendo loves the big family thing; they love aiming stuff at kids, but we see that the vast majority of players are in their 20s and 30s."
"This is going to be a really powerful combination, putting together Fortnite's 70 million monthly active users with the power of the Unreal Editor and a new Creator Economy."
"Bungie's focus is perhaps not on a complete overhaul but something to sustain Destiny and Bungie for years to come."
"When the gaming industry screws up, it screws up hard."
"Sam Lake, you hack (affectionate), thank you for what you and your team do and thank you, Remedy, for making this kind of game."
"The gaming industry is not a safe place for women."
"I boycotted Blizzard games... whenever they revealed themselves to be tools for the CCP censorship."
"PlayStation boss Jim Ryan slammed Activision Blizzard... writing in an email to staff that he was disheartened and frankly stunned by this week's news."
"Xbox boss Phil Spencer... telling staff in an email obtained by Bloomberg that Xbox is evaluating all aspects of our relationship with the embattled publisher."
"I just want to talk about my experience with everybody I've met at Blizzard, which is all Overwatch specific. In my opinion, all of them I've met have been really great people."
"There were a lot of great women working on Overwatch, and I'm actually trying to do something where I can highlight what these women are doing."
"This comes from IGN: Xbox has announced a deal to buy Activision Blizzard, the company behind Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and many other gaming franchises, coming in at a stupefying 68.7 billion dollars."
"If you thought back in the 90s... and then if you said, 'Hey, in 2022, Microsoft... they're going to own Crash Bandicoot,' you would be like, stop."
"Rainbow Six Siege is the Ubisoft comeback as far as live services go."
"Cyberpunk taught me a lot about hype, about trusting companies, about how to approach shady review embargoes, and about how to separate the work of developers from the decisions of management."
"How crazy is it that we're seeing one of the best years in gaming ever, 2023 has just been insane when it comes to the cadence of high-quality titles."
"The notion that properly marketed, properly budgeted, and properly developed AAA games, particularly single-player ones, must include microtransactions for major game companies to thrive is one of the greatest lies that the gaming industry managed to sell."
"The gaming space has never been more diversely creative than it is right now."
"Rockstar is the prime example of why backwards compatibility is so useful as it stops companies from re-releasing a 10-year-old game without major improvements and charge a premium."
"If you stop buying games that you hate, you stop pre-ordering games from this company that has disappointed you for seven years, you might see a change. But if not, it's just the way gaming is now."
"Let this be a lesson to you: Games as a service, live service games where that is taking priority over the concept itself, is not what people want to see."
"Gamers are really appreciative of a fully complete product with no microtransactions. It's the mystical word, the forgotten language of years past: 'feature complete.'"
"The rise of CD Projekt Red was unprecedented."
"Fast forward to mid 2020, and they became Europe’s most valuable video game company, having surpassed even industry heavyweight Ubisoft."
"Their journey from a small Polish PC game distributor, who struggled to find funding to create a single low-budget role-playing game, to one of the largest gaming companies in the world, off the back of only a few actually released games, wasn’t just unusual. It was literally something that had never happened before or since."
"The groundbreaking success of Half-Life: Alyx and the way it repositions story elements in the franchise suggests that Half-Life as a franchise will continue to be less associated with regular releases than to be synonymous with breakthroughs and thresholds in first-person action storytelling."
"For a fighting game to sell more than 2 million copies that is not a Smash Bros or an NRS game, that is huge."
"We won a green game Studio of the year. It's really about anything with due to the core values that the company in Xbox brings to reduce your carbon footprint."
"We are renowned for doing beautiful, hand-crafted games."
"What was more important was how much money those copies had generated, marking a significant success for Square."
"Games don't exist in a vacuum; they're made and then released into the wild to fend for themselves, and the climate they're sent into impacts the game's success just as much as the game's design does."
"Our goal is to continue to improve the experience for everyone working at Bungie and do our part to make the gaming industry as a whole more welcoming."
"With the majority of sales for big games now outside Japan, everything from slang words to characters' costumes must be carefully considered for a global audience."
"Even with these limitations, engineers and programmers came up with ingenious methods to create games that have not only stood the test of time but launched some of the most valuable franchises in the history of the entertainment industry."
"The system's 3D capabilities, as showcased by Mario 64, were a revelation, a benchmark for what the third dimension could be for an industry still working out the kinks."
"This is a space dominated by only a couple of mainstream games franchises and, in fact, developers, so hopefully this will ensure they can't quite rest on their laurels."
"Triple-A games are getting worse... games have been explicitly designed to be less fun on purpose to contrive a reason to sell time savers and boosters."
"The core thing to take away from this is how are you solving the problem of people not playing your game? You're solving it with marketing strategies, not product strategies."
"These game executives could care less about their employees, the products they release, or the consumers; it's always going to be about the money."
"It's simply astonishing how time and time again they've been able to create so many experiences that are considered genre defining and consistently at that."
"Why are you so fucking hostile towards women? How amazing would it be if 50% of the population that is currently not interested in gaming suddenly became hardcore gamers?"
"If you doubled your audience size, that would mean double the prize pool, double the sponsors... don't you want to jump into game after game and have half the people be women? That would be sick as fuck."
"How did a small family-run business turn into one of the bestselling gaming companies of all time?"
"Valve should take more responsibility for consumer protection."
"This game is called Pro Gamer Manager and what I read on Steam basically you own a gamer house, yeah, you try to find all these gamers to fill your gamer house and you try to win like Call of Duty championships and League of Legends championships and try to become the richest, most famous gamer house in the world."
"The real issue is developer entitlement, as a seemingly growing number of creative professionals in the industry lose sight of the fact that financial infrastructure, as well as physically motivated monetization techniques, are being used in such a detrimental way that it subtracts from a gamer's ability to enjoy the product or participate within the full scope of their desires."
"There are ways of making money without being utterly shitty about it, without annihilating a game's integrity."
"Now, the label 'triple-A' has become nothing but a stigma that's synonymous with feelings of paranoia on gamers' part."
"Throughout this year, horror game developers and YouTubers seemingly worked together... with Felix becoming super popular from his gameplay of Slender."
"Here's something you don't see too often: a game so bad that it actually was taken down from all online stores."
"RNG loot crates became an unstoppable virus infecting the entire industry."
"But hopefully, this is all in the past as I firmly believe the game industry is headed for a bright and noble future."
"Rockstar makes $75 million per month and it shows with their unique attention to detail."
"If you ask me, one of the most important aspects of any game company worth scrutinizing nowadays is their refund policy."
"The deceitful proclivities of greedy game companies make it more important than ever that customers are given reasonable means to get their money back."
"An MMORPG is built on longevity, so the game doing well the first month is important but not as important as doing well in a year, etc."
"2017 soars this high on the strength of both [great games and new hardware]."
"The industry had hit $42 billion in revenue the previous year, but thanks to the video game crash of 1983, revenue wouldn’t hit the same amount again until 1993."
"The PlayStation made its Japanese debut at the end of the previous year, but 1995 was the year in which Sony made it very, very clear that they weren’t just entering the console market out of curiosity; they were coming out swinging."
"It moved a positively insane 155 million units, making it the best-selling console ever and putting it 53 million units ahead of the second-best selling."
"The core of the game industry are these 300 million hardcore gamers across high-end PC and console, but there are billions of gamers worldwide."
"The gaming industry needs to remember that its foundation is us, the gamers."
"I do expect the Switch eShop to close and there are thousands of games on that system and so I'm really worried about what's going to happen from a preservation standpoint at that point."
"Imagine wanted to project the image of a film studio for games, and really, they were ahead of their time."
"Pokemon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara stated in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that the NX was trying to change the concept of what it means to be a home console device or a handheld device."
"The game has sold over 1 million copies and was nominated for multiple accolades and awards."
"The thing selling the Switch right now is the Nintendo games. That's why people are buying it."
"We have power as consumers to vote with our wallets... that's likely the only way to see NASCAR gaming improve or even come remotely close to where it was at its peak."
"Electronic Gaming Monthly reported that Capcom stated that instead of making the game a Sega exclusive, the game would have PlayStation and Saturn versions of X-Men vs. Street Fighter that would now be released simultaneously and would both be arcade perfect."
"It's reported that 10 percent of published games generate ninety percent of the revenue."
"With that much time comes some really excellent ideas, and this absolutely shines in the game design we've seen so far."
"What these figures show, if they're accurate, and honestly, who knows about that, is a game in very rude health indeed."
"But if you ship a game that is missing a massive feature, people aren't going to play it."
"Live service games with battle passes and content roadmaps make a lot more money after launch day thanks to microtransactions."
"Indie games that have come out are so incredible."
"We live in the golden age of indie games...there's basically something for everybody."
"Wow, holy [__], Microsoft just bought Activision Blizzard for 68.7 billion dollars."
"Microtransactions have evolved, morphed, and ballooned out to a now unbelievable extreme."
"Seeing Activision Blizzard just essentially being bombarded on all fronts over their negligence, over the way they've run their business, over the way they failed to protect their employees, this is some satisfying karma to witness and behold."
"Metacritic... has such control now over gaming reviews... it's an evil that must be wiped off the face of the games industry."
"Minecraft, considered triple-A now, was born as indie."
"The corporatization of gaming is sucking the life and soul out of it."
"We're always looking at how our games evolve."
"Gaming is a really exciting category for us... it is the largest entertainment category in the world."
"I don't think removing people and like firing people was necessarily a bad thing but the way Blizzard won about it was kind of bad."
"This feels like backlash that will have enough of an impact that Wizards cannot just kind of co-spy and say it'll blow over."
"Wizards of the Coast, you have lost; you tried to scheme and failed."
"Triple-A game studios might face consequences for their actions. Companies like EA and Activision might just start buying up all the indie devs and then ruining them."
"Loot boxes are vile, they should be eradicated, the game industry has a clear gambling problem and it cannot be trusted to regulate itself."
"Rockstar Games have kind of been the South Park of the video game industry."
"Nintendo is at their best when they have no reason to be."
"No one can deny the impact Satoru Iwata had on the gaming industry."
"So far all their implementation and ideas have been to give companies an extra source of revenue, an additional means to monetize players and nickel and dime them."
"I don't think it necessitates that every NFT game is exploitative, I just think we're kind of in that journey of people figuring it out."
"This is a test for why the AAA games industry is in the state that it is in right now."
"Ubisoft is not fooling anyone, not players and consumers and customers and communities, and certainly not game developers who actually know what they're talking about."
"FarmVille maker to sell for 11 billion dollars."
"If you weren't already convinced that NFTs stand to prove incredibly detrimental for the future of video games, then listen to the developers themselves."
"Mafia has continuously pushed the boundaries for the video game industry."
"The push for NFTs will force developers to design their games around trying to push NFTs, thereby compromising design even more."
"Ubisoft's NFT scheme: useless, costly, and ecologically mortifying."
"Enthusiasts are very much against the exploitation of NFTs in video games."
"New content is always king on the Clash of Clans team."
"That thing is the Neopets metaverse or basically Neopets NFTs."
"Ubisoft workers and developers are well aware of the company's reputation of releasing stagnant entries of compelling series that have the potential to be so much more."
"We have a vision to be the world's greatest games company. If we're honest with ourselves, we're not there right now." - Andrew Wilson
"I don't expect some ordinary gamers to get to where it is now but I'm glad it is."
"Fortunately, we can't rely on mainstream games media."
"Fortnite has completely taken over the gaming landscape and has become that mythical money-making dragon that tons of other franchises are forever chasing. You don't ever catch the dragon."
"Sega's bonehead decisions really aren't that different from other game companies."
"Generally, I'm happy to hear that 'Throne and Liberty' is actually a good game with some disappointing monetization attached to it."
"There's no single reason to buy an Xbox anymore, but my God is Game Pass awesome."
"LucasArts had many problems but they also inspired a generation."
"We need a cultural revolution within the gaming developers."
"After New Vegas, the bar has been raised so high that they should probably just stop making video games now."
"Thank you so much, so here's to the games we've made and to the games we'll make tomorrow."
"There were a lot more of them at Sony than there were at Microsoft or Nintendo."
"That's what I'm going to focus on. I'd imagine she's probably done some of this research herself and thought, look, I've had enough of raid, I love Eternal Evolution, and I feel like it's actually a game that's gaining a lot of traction."
"CD Projekt RED is considering expansions in the vein of Witcher 3 for Cyberpunk 2077."
"A single-player story driven experience with no macro transactions or loot boxes or really any nonsense at all."
"The accusations surrounding this game's studio are, in a word, enormous."
"If they did more listening to the quote angry gamers, I bet their sales would increase."
"This is something very, very few game companies ever accomplish."
"Epic open world games like Cyberpunk or The Witcher are a pillar of the industry."
"Halo was redefining the gaming industry, and Xbox really needed a home run if their console was going to be able to succeed."
"Square's position as a company of note within the video games industry was solidified."
"Our values held strongly over a great period of time had such an influence over the world of games."
"Jon was the beneficiary of the mmrpg kickstarter craze of the early to mid 2010s and identity turned out much like the rest existing only in the imaginations of those who dared to dream of their perfect game."
"I also lament us not living in the world where Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft got the same treatment that the Zelda, Metal Gear, and Souls franchises have gotten over the years."
"For Pelloni, this would both be a way of getting back in Nintendo for rejecting him."