
Technology Evolution Quotes

There are 316 quotes

"We couldn't be more optimistic about how these new technologies are evolving and the reason they're evolving more quickly than we anticipated is because we have many more problems than we anticipated."
"Comparing a Nintendo and a PS5, Nintendo was what we had then, but the game has evolved."
"Generative AI is taking over the dialogue, and it's moving at a pace that none of us have ever seen in the technology industry."
"The world was desktop first and then moved to mobile first. Imagine the point where you're able to consume the whole internet by listening."
"It's hard to believe this is from over 40 years ago, a time where there was no Nintendo Wii, there was no Xbox, there was no PlayStation."
"Blockchain technology is probably going to replace the Internet as we know it."
"This technology... may very well be needed as our CPUs continue to evolve and become faster."
"For the past 10 years, we have been treated to one of the last great leaps forward in PC technology: the move from hard drives to solid-state drives."
"The metaverse will be the successor to the mobile internet."
"Vint at this trade show and he's seeing how much money is being thrown at it and he realizes that if the general public could get access, the internet could be a self-sustaining entity."
"Playing games that I would traditionally only think of being able to play on a big game console or on a gaming laptop or desktop, I have in the power of my hands."
"Handwriting on a digital screen was not a common thing 10 years ago, but now it has become a common experience."
"12 years in the internet is a million years in real time."
"This is the 1st version of a new era of Windows. We're building for the next decade and beyond."
"Young people, once upon a time, we used to have what were called radio stations... Sometimes you'd go a whole day, maybe two days, maybe three, before you would hear your favorite song."
"All new technologies, when they first start, can be clunky, can be slow, can have problems and might not be anywhere near as close to the technology that they're trying to replace. But what we have to remember is that technology is not a static thing; it is constantly changing and evolving."
"Even when technology advances, the core principles of good design and user experience remain the same."
"Maybe one day we'll look back at the last 10 years as like the real Wild Wild West of the internet."
"The creation of farming, the domestication of animals, the invention of the wheel, the harnessing of electricity, and the splitting of the atom... the 60-year development of computers, the internet, and this new technology will be looked upon as a single event, a turning point that will change the course of human history."
"We are approaching it boldly, with a sense of excitement, because as we look ahead, Google's deep understanding of information, combined with the capabilities of generative AI, can transform Search and all of our products yet again."
"Every shift from desktop to the web, to mobile, to wearables, and ambient computing has made knowledge more useful in our daily lives."
"In the futuristic year 2000, we got the PlayStation 2. You know what? Fair trade."
"A few years after the Macintosh SE came out, Apple released the SE/30, which was basically the same computer, but the motherboard was redesigned with a Motorola 68030 and a math coprocessor, and it really flies."
"The internet's changed so much in the past 20 years."
"If you want new features, if you want evolution, if you want to be able to adapt with the times, then you need your .NET version to change over time."
"These facial recognition filters are evolving so fast, it's wild. At some point, the CIA is going to get involved when they need to catch someone catfishing as another race."
"So neither Hood nor the Iowa class fall into the first generation of battle cruisers by definition."
"It's a bad time to do away with the AI ethics team, especially as AI technology rapidly evolves."
"We are shifting from web 2.0 to the internet of persons to web 3.0, the internet of things."
"One day, it’ll be like 'wow 4KTVs, like, they’ll just read about those in the history books,' you know?"
"This isn't the next chapter in the story of the smartphone, this is a new beginning."
"So what we're part of now is the very early stages... of the greatest infrastructure inversion the world has ever seen."
"The internet used to be ugly, used to be slow, no one knew what it was for, and that was not that long ago."
"We're getting to see the evolution of decentralized systems and decentralized infrastructure in my opinion."
"YouTube was invented in what, 2006? It's a completely new way of watching things."
"Of course here in 2020 we know the point at which it is no longer okay to hit robots with your car for fun has now been and gone."
"Section 230 needs updating, as internet has evolved."
"Online gaming was far less convenient than it is today."
"Pixels haven't always been the only way. In the early days of the arcade, there were two principal paradigms for rendering an image on the screen."
"It's an evolution from ten years ago when the X58 chipset launched with the first i7 920 then replaced with the Z68 on Sandy Bridge than Z77 Z87 and so on it is a gradual refinement over ten years."
"The future of gaming was in 3D, not 2D, and the hunger to bring home titles like Virtual Fighter and Daytona USA was profound."
"The reason we're iterating on applications and data so rapidly these days is because the human is a moving target."
"The speed of this transition is going to be mesmerizingly fast."
"The second wave is where we go beyond ranking to actually generating that content."
"You know these young hipsters, they don't know what they're talking about. This technology comes and goes but you know what doesn't come and go? Me."
"It's crazy how gear has gotten so good and like the most basic camera makes everything you do look interesting."
"If it weren't for him and other people who were agitating for free software, we would still be living in a time where we didn't have a choice."
"Let me just say, I still question how this game came out over 10 years ago and looks this good."
"It's fascinating to watch from a marketing perspective rolling out with the best of the best is essentially laying a statement for the future graphics technology."
"Artificial intelligence is the new electric."
"I can't imagine what this is reminding me of in terms of a modern rifle; it's almost like in 1903 they'd already figured out what is considered very modern today."
"But it did have most of the features already so they caught up a pretty good amount uh by you know late 2008 where they were really starting to add a lot of things that people really enjoy about gaming to the PS3."
"Money is still in pigeon land right now, and Bitcoin and Lightning is going to allow for this open network renaissance."
"So, in an interesting way, we're moving from the autopilot era of AI to co-pilot era of AI."
"M.2 is the past, present, and the future now."
"Nobody knew there was a demand for cars until cars were mass-produced. Nobody knew, like, in 1950, there was no demand for iPhones. Now there's a high demand for iPhones because entrepreneurs created new and better products."
"Virtual reality once the far-off dream of tech geeks envisioning a theoretical wedgie-free dimension."
"These blocky characters made of thousands of triangles might look clunky and primitive to us now, but at the time, they were revolutionary."
"Computers will become more immersive. They will be there when you need them to be."
"I cannot wait to see how they nail it because y'all may know not a really big fan of I used to call it the face booking of VR but now I call it the metastasis of VR."
"We're finally hitting the sci-fi future that they all thought we were going to have."
"Large and bulky in comparison to the sleek and thin screens of today, most people think of CRTs as useless unwanted space-wasters that you couldn’t pay someone to take away."
"It's like the birth of the internet and we will not be living without blockchain in years to come."
"So as you can see, the Tam was important. Heck, you can see inklings of today's iMac in its design."
"Smartphones were cool back in the day especially when they were more of a luxury rather than a necessity."
"My conviction couldn't be higher that the innovation that has been evolving and was accelerated coming out of the coronavirus crisis is unstoppable."
"It's evolution of Technology, you cannot shut down evolution of Technology."
"Of course, pocket size computers have been around for a while."
"Emulation has emerged from the shadows of video game culture."
"Questions like 'what is blockchain' and 'why we would want to use it,' will eventually transform into questions like, 'why isn’t blockchain being used in this case or that case?'"
"Bitcoin is evolving too. It's just evolving. And it takes decades. It'll take two decades."
"If I can take you back to '99 before Facebook, MySpace, Tinder, Bumble..."
"Google+ ended up providing the blueprint for what a Google account is nowadays."
"How long until we get to the multiple chips stage... like in the late 90s with Voodoo 4 or Voodoo 5?"
"Web 3.0 is the next step in the evolution of the internet allowing it to process data with near human intelligence through the use of artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies."
"This generation of consoles is more like PCs than anything we've ever seen."
"We went from horse and buggy mainstream to landing on the moon in 69 years."
"Materials for brake pads have evolved past hazardous asbestos to organic-based friction materials."
"It feels like a bit of you know a web 1.0 feature... but it's really nice to get that feeling."
"From mailing DVDs to getting video games on your mobile device, what a glow up Netflix has had!"
"The motives are at least as strong if not stronger given the fact that this new technology could become even more Universal."
"You kids think that the original Super Mario Brothers looks primitive? These kinds of things were coming out 10 years after that game."
"It seems that Sony and Microsoft are firmly committed to the idea of an evolving platform."
"Safety features will continue to adapt beyond what we know today."
"The promise of virtual reality, this was there in that cyber culture in the '90s."
"Don't like it? Come back in a month, and it's evolved quite a bit."
"The console structure we've known and relied upon for some 40 years... all that is about to be radically upended."
"The history of technology is yes there will be displacement but the history is that it will create many more jobs then it will destroy."
"Remember back in the day when Tamagochi was the most advanced mobile game out there?"
"Before these machines led us to space, we lived in a time we could more easily understand even share." - Charles Lindbergh
"Bitcoin was the first currency that essentially over the course of the last 10 plus years it proved to the world that digital currencies cryptocurrencies and blockchains they are actually possible."
"Ray tracing will eventually become as important as the polygon triangle."
"The metaverse and Web 3.0 are just the next evolution of the internet."
"Cryptocurrencies are like the early internet, evolving and becoming more accessible."
"As people come in and they say, 'Ah, cryptos, they're nothing,' just remember, there's the same type of people out there that predicted that the internet would come to nothing." - Rob
"My conviction on blockchain technology, on cryptocurrency broadly, on bitcoin specifically, on DeFi, all those convictions just keeps getting stronger every day."
"The personal computer, originally designed to raise the intellect of humanity, has been transformed into smart devices designed to raise the intellect of artificial intelligence instead."
"Myspace represents the road untaken, the path social media could have gone before Facebook crossed the competition."
"The transition has been made to an almost purely digital medium, even so far as an open acknowledgment that the physical world of distribution for video games will probably die out completely."
"Current security camera tech is absolutely crazy compared to 10 years ago."
"The rules are changing; the nature of console design is radically evolving."
"They're playing for the social aspect of it and ultimately it's people like me and you and genuinely the people that are watching that want high-quality gaming experiences that genuinely get better each generation."
"We're slowly replacing bits, creating something completely brand new."
"The game streaming scene is constantly changing and improving."
"Mobile gaming, there's going to be a day when your smartphone is your portable device. It's going to become everything one day."
"The point of this video isn't only to talk about ports, but also Nintendo's decision to leave the Wii U behind."
"Incredibly ancient in video game launch terms."
"The decentralization of the ways that humans communicate and transfer values throughout the whole entire world is coming with Internet 3.0."
"New technology makes old technologies obsolete. What if that old technology is your memory?"
"From Jaguar to Zen, a true generational leap."
"It's kind of like when the web browser came around it was very static and you could just have text and then people said well no we need a programming language we need javascript."
"It is the first time which GPU became a common acronym to describe 3d accelerated cars."
"You can give your body everything it needs to feel and perform its best."
"It's pretty incredible, and this is just chat GPT 3.5. In future iterations, when they make improvements, I probably will be making more videos."
"This voyage into the future of gaming technology might only just be beginning."
"NFTs are not just for art as technology matures more uses will emerge."
"At this point, picking up a Wii U gamepad is like dusting off an ancient tablet: old, crusty, and forgotten, but like ancient texts, it has interesting stories to tell."
"The beginning of the end of the Java programming language."
"It's either adapt or die. AI will be part of the next decade, and AI replacing our jobs is something we should be afraid of."
"Should Airwolf come back? I think it could be done and done well today with the technology available."
"Realistically, by the time we were old enough to kind of game, like the PlayStation was already out."
"Would you rather them focus less on older games or more on newer ones?"
"Tricky technology moves fast, it does, it really does."
"Crypto is the future that contains fads, much like the internet was the future and the internet contained fads."
"Understanding where Web 3.0 and Web 2.0 diverge is key to grasping the current tech landscape."
"Every attempt to replace VHS pretty much failed."
"Nowadays if you were offered a car that produced 15 horsepower you'd probably think it was a joke."
"Even in 2020, we have new devices coming out that still have micro USB. Can we please leave Micro USB behind in the last decade?"
"But yeah, that's where DLC started taking off, and here we are."
"Technology as an industry is moving so fast that there's people that are going to school and graduating after four years and the job that they went to school for no longer exists."
"Come the mid-2000s there was a major rise in core counts... but the latter of which faded into obscurity."
"It's the era where technology was booming, evoking trust and quality in design."
"If you hand somebody the old Prime and you hand them this one, they're going to say wow."
"Quality level like a triple-a title for that generation."
"Pokemon will never return to pixel art and will instead march onwards into the 3D space."
"There's a shot in the trailer where he notices everyone looking down at their phones because in 99 we were using pay phones and now we are literally plugged into the matrix."
"This Alder Lake is kind of the biggest departure from their architectures and I mean ever forever I mean since yeah for a very very long time maybe."
"This really is a continuation of the Kaby Lake CPUs, but it has to be said, compounding the issue is Intel's crazy decision to remove backwards compatibility."
"This probably doesn’t look like much of anything in 2023 considering this is now 18 years old, but for the time this type of action happening in the palm of your hand was AWESOME."
"Streaming has come a long way in the past couple years, a lot of gear companies are starting to see the value in making products for the streaming market."
"The experience of using one of these fresh out of the box six months from now could be a very different experience from what people are trying and messing with right now."
"Technology is consistently changing, and we migrate safely with zero downtime."
"Create has so much more to offer us... move away from water wheels or windmills."
"Like it was 97.98 quite a long time ago, you've got to bear in mind when Pro Tools was around then it was the only game in town for doing the kinds of things that I loved and I needed..."
"Zen 4 is a bridge architecture for this platform they're launching now."
"The entertainment industry didn't defeat peer-to-peer file sharing by regulation or enforcement, they just offered better services."
"I find the game much better than the vintage PC version from 2007."
"The 2000s saw the rise of a groundbreaking technology motion capture."
"Expect the DeFi is far from over, because DeFi is a developing space."
"I think these things are coming faster than people realize and they're happening by technology companies and by open source communities not necessarily from central banks and large commercial banks."
"Every tier of processor has gained more cores in recent years."
"I always say that as technology advances, manufacturers are able to make certain components smaller, but I think it's important to strike a balance between performance, ergonomics, and portability."
"The 4.8-inch Super AMOLED display on the S3 was really darn big for the time period."
"The idea of a traditional 'DevRel' is dead, replaced by a new era where developers are respected for their engineering progress and contributions."
"It's a brave new world out there, the next-gen consoles." - Jonathan Dornbush
"Our societies become intertwined with machines. From humble beginnings, now we have built computers, vast machines that can be programmed to complete any number of tasks. Who knows where we might go with this?"
"Welcome to Animus Omega... super cool how the animus tech has developed over the game."
"Minecraft Earth will be banished to the history book, vanished to the YouTube videos, and most importantly, banished to your memories."
"It's not like there's a new era and we don't need bicycles anymore because cars have been invented. We're going to need metals 5, 10, 20 years from now."
"Shortwave's decline is inevitable, but there are bright spots. Some stations are making comebacks."
"This isn't a solution looking for a problem but an evolution looking for an audience."
"Sometimes, if you're pining after a palette that's really old, the quality leaps and bounds, like iPhones."
"Byte magazine also singled out Windows/386... Windows was no longer the laughingstock it had been just four years prior."
"It wasn't too long ago that the internet sounded crazy in 1994."
"Carbon language: An experimental successor to C++."
"If there's a game that's 20 years old that you've never played before, it's new to you right?"
"Every manufacturer had their own format, in fact, some CP/Ms like the IMSAI 8080 such as the one seen in WarGames, uses 8 inch floppies, while most machines used the 5 and a quarter inch floppies."
"The iMac wasn’t just a utilitarian office machine; it was also your friend!"
"When you find something different, that's what makes it."
"This modern take on handhelds was definitely kicked off by the switch many years ago."
"Bitcoin is cybernetic life released into the wild."
"Stadia has slowly evolved since its inception... starting to feel much more stable than at any time."
"Voice acting... earlier versions of Pom used digitized voices... it's pretty cool to see."
"Read George Gilder's book 'Life After Google.'"
"We thought it'd be cool to take a look at something from history that basically got us to where we are today."
"It's not the Atari you might have remembered from the '80s or even '90s."
"Smart watches were still in their infancy then while similar devices did pop up in mediums like spy movies."
"This grade of support has now made its way to the PC/home server-grade stuff."
"Fast charging has gone from being a kind of oh by the way we have fast charging feature a few years ago to a major significant almost deal breaker feature of modern smartphones."
"Bitcoin is still a new technology, even though people think it's like an old dinosaur."
"This is just making it even more accessible than it was back then for so many more people."
"The age of the home computer was over and the age of the personal computer had truly begun."
"Atari walked so Nintendo could run... Atari walked so PlayStation could run... Atari walked so Xbox could run."
"Over time, everything from iOS to the amount of power and thermal envelope, Apples' chipsets needed outgrew that old SE size."
"Continuous improvement in AMD technology means it's dangerous to rely on teraflops as an absolute indicator of performance."
"Nikon and Canon need to get their heads out of their asses and start moving into the mirrorless world for professional photographers to take them seriously."
"Applications change and the whole worry around AI taking your jobs, the thing is only this structure needs to be defined by a human."
"The iMac has a storied history... it revitalized a failing product line... it crystallized the concept of the all-in-one."
"Just imagine your parents' generation, they didn't even know what phones were."
"This may sound crazy, but before having broadband internet and YouTube..."
"The more gaming integrates with blockchain and crypto the better."
"Just a couple decades ago, if I took your picture walking down the street, I'd have to run to the photo mat..."
"We're on the brink of a revolution... WebAssembly is going to completely change how we think of web apps."
"The Super NES controller laid down by the Super NES continues to serve as the baseline for console controllers."
"Seiko became as much of a technology company as they were a watchmaker."
"Everyone wants RGB now and who's surprised? Even if you did play games over composite back in the day, it's pretty impressive to see them again with sharp pixels and fully saturated colors."
"It seems that games like this, that were state-of-the-art at the time, are usually the ones to hold up the worst."
"Tetris, but in colour? And they said it couldn’t be done."
"It really is one of the only subjects... where you really have to change your lecture every month because of the extraordinary advances."
"Wrong, um, I don't know why, uh, YouTube started, uh, the whole thing of the vertical, it's like that's default."