
Santa Claus Quotes

There are 298 quotes

"Santa Claus really knows that you like cars, doesn't he?"
"Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus Lane."
"Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, St. Nick, Kris Kringle... is said to bring gifts during the late evening and overnight hours on Christmas Eve."
"But I’m meant to be Santa Claus! And Santa Claus is all about giving second chances!"
"I think like every kid should go through thinking that there's a Santa for a while. Like why not?"
"There's nothing wrong with believing in Santa to this day."
"Sure, Santa isn't like a real person or real creature, but he's this spirit, the embodiment of Christmas."
"I don't care how old you are, you're never too old to meet Santa."
"If you say I'm entitled to and I really need my Santa to be white, why don't black Americans get to have a black Santa?"
"In many ways, Santa exhibits supernatural qualities that provide a kind of surrogate deity."
"Our modern day Santa is also an incarnation of a Christian saint from the fourth century, a guy named Saint Nicholas of Myra."
"Santa still knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!"
"Santa was probably my favorite character. He was so awesome. I mean, come on, this has got to be one of the best on-screen Santa Clauses ever of all time."
"Santa Claus is a perfect example of folklore that continues to evolve to this day."
"The value of [Santa's] character has always come from his actions."
"If you really want to normalize it just call them both Santa and leave it at that."
"Santa is a jolly guy all he wants to do is spread Christmas spirit."
"We need a Santa Claus get your resumes in now because Darlene and I want a Santa Claus for the kids in Otter Creek and the kids in Levy County."
"I want people to know they're gonna get Santa Claus."
"That was actually Santa. Who wouldn't believe in him?"
"Well, Santa Claus is a little creepy when you think about it."
"It's important that Santa looks like he replicates somebody that you can look at and say okay, yeah, that's realistic."
"Damn, that's a good looking Santa. I don't mind telling you, I reckon. Do you agree? It's all right."
"Wow, damn! That's a good looking Santa. I don't mind telling you, I reckon."
"The modern conception of Santa is only about 100 and maybe 150 years old at most."
"Santa will be motoring down Hollywood Boulevard."
"Santa actually is real your parents giving you the truth when you were about 10 years old that was a lie they were just testing your faith and you failed."
"Santa Claus isn't about Santa. He's a surrogate for God in a secular world."
"Santa Claus doesn't have to give us gifts, he just does 'cause he's a nice guy."
"Because, come on, who can be more good than Santa himself?"
"Santa gives everything he has... this isn't to line our pockets."
"By 1840 virtually all Americans knew about Santa Claus."
"Santa Claus would ride a caboose throwing gifts out the back, it was amazing."
"He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf."
"Being a six-year-old marked the first time that he really started to understand the whole Santa thing."
"We're so excited, we're writing our letters to Santa tonight!"
"Why is Santa Claus scared of getting stuck in the chimney? Because he's claustrophobic."
"How many of y'all kids still believe in Santa Claus let me know in the comment section actually better question what age did you stop believing in Santa Claus I think I was probably like uh seven or eight"
"Santa Claus must be worth a fortune, then we sue him for all that money."
"Santa always tries his best to bring good little girls and boys what they ask for on Christmas."
"Look at this little Santa, is he cute?"
"Santa and what a space Santa he is he looks great I love his eye patch I love his weird space gun that looks like it's made out of kitchen utensils"
"Santa came last night. He ate some of his cookies."
"This is proof that Santa came. Ate some cookies, drank some milk."
"Should Santa invest in some security?"
"He's got the speed and he has the weight of his hand."
"You've been a good boy, Ryan. You think Santa's gonna bring you presents this year?"
"That's the Santa Claus, I'll Reign there."
"Just when it looks like the end for Santa, he tears his hand free before grabbing a hold of Scrooge and touching his nose in a burst of Christmas magic."
"If Santa keeps track of naughty kids every year and the year doesn't start until January 1st that leaves 6 days after Christmas and New Year's left undocumented, so nothing you do can be held against you. Seasons's greetings."
"The original Santa Claus was a wild gray bear who would mark his territory by pooing on it and then squirting it with scent. The Santa droppings were distinctive brightly colored cubes which came to be known as presents."
"Santa has more mail than any other fictional or Divine entity."
"They even have a stocked library, a museum, and their own version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame."
"There's something to be said for Santa Claus too. He does go around filling stockings."
"Hugh Jackman was awesome as well as Alec Baldwin as North (Santa Claus)."
"Odds are you won't get to sit on Santa Claus's lap this Christmas season, but I'll bet if you did get to talk to Santa, you probably would ask him for something having to do with your computer."
"You might once again start to believe in Santa."
"When Santa Claus fails you, there's always Tony Stark to come to the rescue."
"Santa is a ghost that haunts the world in the best way possible."
"Here's an idea for Christmas: What if Santa was like only pick two or three houses a day?"
"And if I was Santa Claus, I'd fight for the cause, wouldn't expect nothing in return"
"It's the only Christmas movie that gives you a logical reason why the man is Santa Claus."
"In that case," said P, smiling, "I have an idea that Santa Claus will bring us all a fine team of horses."
"In that case," said Pa smiling, "I have an idea that Santa Claus will bring us all a fine team of horses."
"I hope they don't wake up and see him. Instead of Santa Claus, talk about having nightmares."
"Dude I believed in Santa heavy bro, I'm that type of guy."
"I've done it a few times I'm speaking of Santa um but you know that's cuz I'm I'm I'm commander-in-chief you know I command command I know I've talked to the elves and stuff and you know they have to do sometimes things for you when Mrs Claus isn't around."
"Canonically Santa's real. Santa is real."
"I never stopped believing in Santa and you don't have to stop either."
"Santa: Ho ho hold on here, are you the woman who yelled at a little boy? Silence."
"Santa's fake. Let me know when you snap a picture with him and he don't got a removable beard. Shut up, Santa's fake."
"What a different take on Santa Claus and like kind of a really cool origin story to Santa Claus too."
"Santa doesn't have a budget that's one of the nice things about being Santa if you're if you're a good Santa and a nice Santa you don't have to worry about budgets"
"In those days it was not easy to disbelieve fully in Santa Claus."
"Bow down before the power of Santa or be crushed."
"Santa's Got a Brand New Bag of pain give it up for the spirit of Christmas."
"Santa Claus, he's like I grabbed the wrong bag."
"Santa Claus is pretty OP, I won't lie to you."
"Santa Claus is registered as the most powerful mutant in the Marvel world."
"Guess who's coming to town? Santa Claus!"
"Looks like Santa brought you a lot of gifts this year."
"Santa would be the perfect person in battle cuz you just know who's good and who's bad, you don't have to like think about it."
"Santa Claus is real, dude. Dude, I'm telling you, don't bring that [__] to me trying to tell me he isn't."
"The modern representation of Santa comes from a satirical work by Washington Irving."
"If you remember the actual reason for Christmas, you focus on the Jesus part, not the Santa part."
"It's Christmas okay, it's Christmas, and I'm Santa Claus at this point."
"Santa Claus needs our help this year to deliver all the presents to the boys and girls."
"We're helping out old Santa Claus around the world, around the world."
"Sure, just keep yourself on the nice list and not that naughty one, then you'll see me again next year."
"The story of Saint Nick comes from Amanita muscaria."
"Santa Claus has a long white beard."
"This is straight Santa Claus approved."
"Santa in Australia has vastly different taste."
"I will never forget that moment every time I hear the name Santa Claus come up."
"I'm most thankful for Santa, or not, I'm not that ad but something that's in that ad."
"I think this is what Santa sees when he drops off all the presents to all the bad children because I'm convinced that the bad children get the best presents."
"Santa's out here working extra jobs to afford y'all's presence."
"Santa knows you're being naughty. He ain't gonna leave you presents faster than the speed of light."
"I call them sugar daddies, y'all call them Santa Claus."
"What's your best idea for a new woke Santa?"
"You're sitting next to freaking Santa Claus."
"This year was the first year they didn't ask to see Santa. None of them. Last year when we took them to see Santa, that was the last time. And we didn't know it."
"Is Santa a real person? There's one in Finland!"
"I hope Santa has been nice to you all."
"Just because every time doesn't get his wish, that doesn't mean there isn't a Santa Claus."
"Looks like this is what Santa and the frost fairy were so busy with tonight, making fresh snow for everyone."
"I love that Santa's like well yeah but I take care of the kids that need that do believe and and need me and do believe and stuff like that"
"Mess with Santa and you will regret it."
"St Nicholas's real face right here that's how I pictured him it's how you pictured him that's it."
"Santa, goodbye, now up the chimney I go."
"Enjoy torchlight caroling and a visit to Santa in Colonial Williamsburg."
"Santa's famous 'Ho ho ho' echoed down the chimney as Evan watched in delight."
"Santa's got a lot going on in his life; he has to make all these presents and deliver them on time."
"Everyone loves you, Santa, and all over the world, everyone is hoping you'll fly tonight."
"Dear Editor, I am 8 years old, some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus."
"Is there a Santa Claus? Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."
"It is obvious that Santa Claus exists."
"Operation Santa Claus is coming to town. That is beautiful."
"...I saw a Santa in his sleigh with reindeer in the air flying across the sky like miles away right across the moon so I could see the perfect silhouette."
"What does Santa want his takeaway? Kebab!"
About the mystery man at Nashville Needlework Market: "I am so glad to tell you that the Jolly Holly man of the holidays himself Santa Claus will be joining us."
"Santa is a modern counterpart of the shaman who consumed mind-altering plants and fungi to commune with the spirit world."
"The first similarity between the Amanita muscaria and Santa that immediately stands out is the coloration of the mushroom itself which sports a bright red cap with white dots, and these colors are of course the same as Santa suit."
"I love this patriotic Santa, is he not awesome?"
"I hope Santa Claus is still real because he gave me some cool stuff."
"The most familiar avatar of that gift giving is Santa Claus."
"Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say, 'With your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?'"
"Oh Santa, you're the best, thank you very much."
"I don't know why I'm getting emotional about meeting Santa."
"I am overwhelmed. Who knew that meeting Santa would actually feel that special?"
"Santa takes his time with people, which I think is worth it; it's really special."
"Wow, now look at all that, this one thing happened with the guys with Santa Claus."
"Everyone loves Santa, but let's face it, Santa's a very busy guy; he can't be everywhere at once."
"So up to the housetop the coursers they flew, with the sleigh full of toys, and Saint Nicholas too."
"Santa Claus was a very articulate storyteller."
"Santa represents the joy that one brings during this time of year."
"Father Christmas knows me well, he knows me well."
"It's Santa's big night; he flies no matter what."
"Santa Claus has powers that you don't know about."
"Here comes Santa Claus with a little Santa in the center and some sparkles."
"Our papas all believe in Santa Claus, so why should we tell them any different if it makes them happy?"
"From now on, Santa is going to have to share Christmas with Cupid."
"Santa's been here, they used their skis to make sleigh marks in the snow."
"This very well may be run by the real Santa Claus. This guy loves Christmas so much."
"Yes, Santa likes a good mince pie."
"You have to understand that Santa is keeping the spirit of your birthday alive by bringing happiness and joy."
"Christmas Eve we saw a guy that looked just like Santa at Home Depot working."
"You don't ever divulge the information about Santa."
"Dear Santa, please bring world peace and please help those in need."
"Everything Santa ever did for you was us."
"Can she stop Jack from ruining Christmas and save Santa Claus?"
"Do you really believe in Santa Claus? Right now, here, I think I do."
"The Santa Claus parade in Toronto is one of the oldest and largest Santa parades in the world."
"In honor of your behavior all year round, I, Santa Claus, place you on the nice list. Well done, signed Santa."
"Everybody saw Santa Claus; it's the best Christmas ever."
"With a big smile, Santa gave out his cheese, knowing he'd put Skyrim's troubles at ease."
"We stay up waiting for Santa tonight, he climbs down the chimney at the speed of light."
"Christmas is here, we got Santa Claus next to me."
"Santa would have consideration with him for being a kid of Christmas, so he feels magical and special."
"Look, the snow is falling down; it's covering the town, and kids are all waiting for Santa Claus."
"Santa Claus, ladies and gentlemen!"
"Somebody should have told you that the real Santa Claus gives; he doesn't take."
"You could believe in Santa Claus, but how you live your life is how you live your life."
"Here Comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus Lane."
"To say that Santa Claus doesn't exist is absurd because Santa obviously exists."
"Santa just does a fantastic job at putting wonderful goodies in there."
"Imagine Santa Claus, my brother, he's a kickboxing champion."
"The first mention of Santa Claus with reindeer is from the 1820s."
"Santa should be wearing clothes, I'll tell you."
"The term 'Kris Kringle' as an alternative name for Santa comes from the German word 'Christkindle' which literally means 'Christ Child'."
"It's that time of year again, it's getting colder outside, the Christmas lights are going up, the nights are getting longer, and children are eagerly writing their wish lists for Santa Claus."
"Dear Santa, I've been not as bad as some."
"There's something kind of cool with him in the Santa hat."
"Santa's global sojourn is fueled on cookies and milk, so we cannot let him down."
"If you're watching, just know, Santa is real, okay? He's real."
"We start, of course, with the baseboard, and with this being a Christmas-themed layout, I decided to follow in Santa's footsteps."
"I personally have been Santa Claus in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade."
"You're looking a little bit scarier than I remember you, but honestly, Santa would be a badass."
"Chimney or no chimney, Santa's still gonna leave you presents."
"I'm still Santa, I just happen to be a Santa of color."
"It's not about the physical of Santa... it's what he stands for."
"It's about doing the right things, being generous, giving like hope and just the whole magic of Santa Claus."
"I think Santa's gonna come and join us in this celebration."
"Santa came, and it's just the best feeling."
"Santa Claus is coming to see you tomorrow."
"Santa Claus is bringing you some presents. Do you hear 'Ho ho'?"
"We want to make sure that they are in bed so Santa can come and visit."
"Do you really go all around the world on Christmas night?"
"I love Mr. Santa, he makes me so happy."
"Four days until Santa comes to bring you all the gifts."
"They're like little placemats for your mug and cookies. How cool would these be to put out like cookies and milk for Santa or something?"
"Santa Claus is back in the presence, making sure you've been behaving."
"We're going to make some cookies, decorate them, we're gonna eat some, then we're going to set some out for Santa Claus."
"Santa operates on a completely different level than us mortals."
"Santa is indeed real, so stop with all your conspiracy theories."
"Going to see Santa Claus at the mall is part of America."
"I'm not gonna logically explain to you how he gets to every hungry person in the world. He just does."
"You better watch out, you better not pout, I'm telling you why: Santa Claus is coming to town."
"You're the real Santa Claus, aren't you? The one and only."
"Santa begins appearing in numerous TV shows and commercials, further spreading his standardized image."