
Business Challenges Quotes

There are 442 quotes

"Being the biggest in the market right now is not fun, because the attention, the pressure, the paranoia is just insane."
"Passion matters a lot because business is hard, and you have to stick with it through the downs."
"Extreme resilience required. The most profitable, but takes the most amount of skill to run."
"Business is not easy. It requires focus, discipline, and years of work with barely any results before you build a solid foundation."
"Ford is in big trouble; they just stopped the shipment of what was supposed to be their high demand trucks."
"At the end of the day, gentlemen, starting a business is not easy. It is quite hard, but the reward is very, very high if you do a good job on it."
"I don't think that Coinbase is dead. They are in trouble though."
"Business is not a game... it's not something everybody can do... you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get what it is you're trying to create."
"Do you want him to go to child jail too like what?"
"The reality is is that I think that it's arguably harder to run a successful Drop Shipping Store than it is to build a legitimate brand."
"Our biggest challenge right now is still a lot of people don't know that we exist."
"Nobody wants to turn away business; it's frustrating because we have the space but not the manpower."
"When his patrons get canned, they're gonna get angry."
"The issue becomes when you can no longer actually do your work or run your business."
"Being a small business owner is [ __ ] hard, it feels really close to your heart."
"That's the challenge, I guess, in terms of this type of business. Once you're known for a niche, to switch that niche is pretty tricky to do."
"Game Oven's income wasn't the main reason we closed the studio but rather the pressure of our monthly burn rate on the creativity for that next project."
"If you're in the wrong type of business, you're just gonna kill yourself trying."
"There's an awful lot of companies out there that aren't suffering liquidity issues, it's solvency they actually think they're going under."
"It's such a fragile environment, the music industry."
"Startup failures: a high-risk, high-reward industry."
"Businesses are scrambling to catch up with consumption."
"All of a sudden Tesla wasn't so useful to the Chinese government anymore."
"If it was super easy and nothing went wrong, people with more money than you would have already stepped in and taken all the opportunity."
"Fear, lack of education and ideology, all three bad ideas when it comes to business."
"Starting a business is not easy, but it's possible with dedication and effort."
"Starting a business is hard and most people don't understand that."
"Don't take it lightly... it's something a lot of people struggle with that's really hurting their businesses."
"It's kind of, yeah, everybody that walks in here pretty much turns around and walks right back out because it's, it's honestly got kind of a creepy vibe in here."
"The mental lifestyle aspect of understanding I'm human, I'm far from perfect, I have good intent, I have to be patient, I like people, I'm in business which means a lot of times it's not gonna be good."
"The profit motive for a magazine that was already in serious trouble."
"They've now made sure you have to jump through a lot of hoops to be a seller."
"Being in business is hard enough without having people be negative around you."
"For those companies today who are not producing high volumes of compelling, profitable electric vehicles that consumers are willing to wait three, six, nine plus months to take delivery of, doesn't end well."
"I'm hoping that by hiring on a bunch of people that they'll be able to go and right this ship. They've shown signs of being able to do that but they've also shown an equal amount of signs that they have no fucking clue what they're doing."
"For other launch providers it will turn into the mandatory effort of trying to keep up with SpaceX."
"We was winning, we got one turn in the market, we flatline. What we gonna do?"
"With the SEC and the DOJ now both reportedly looking into Nikola and the company's deal with GM uncertain, what does the future hold for the one-time Wall Street darling?"
"If the GM partnership falls apart, dark days ahead."
"When Nespresso started out, they were so close to going bankrupt. Why? It's exactly the same product, same technology, because their business model didn't work."
"Using the same gold strategy could have been able to make nearly 50 times their initial investment."
"Returns are by far the largest challenge to e-commerce, and I think to commerce in general for both retailers and manufacturers."
"If you don't pick a niche, it's gonna be a lot harder."
"Without doubt, the non-payment of salaries is almost an impossible task to keep things going."
"The dressmaker is going to have quite a challenge. She's got to attract women into her shop."
"When your business partner gets financially body slammed, that's gonna change a lot of things."
"This is a developer running out of chances and playing with EA's patience."
"Healthcare is repeatedly raised as one of the largest costs for small business owners when they start a new business."
"Small businesses cost more to operate than a household... if they're gonna do something right they should at least try to keep these small businesses going."
"I don't know if this is going to work a picture I was gonna make a billion dollars in a year because like we did that one then you made like 250 Grand."
"Running a company is hard, and no matter how big and successful a business becomes, there will always be challenges that are unexpected and outside of the capabilities of anybody within the firm."
"They're forcing companies in some instances to fail and they're targeting key industries and trying to tear down key industries."
"I think it will probably still continue to do well. There were so many opportunities for Tesla to do poorly based off of like issues they had and challenges they had but they continue to do really well."
"I don't think that the entrepreneur gets enough credit."
"You can't have continuity when you're going to be working on your third president in four years."
"They're at that point where they're like, 'Yeah, we're heavy in Seattle, and guess what, we can't really make a go of it.'"
"I am done living in a city that treats businesses like criminals and criminals like business owners."
"They're jumping from platform to platform, searching for capital to keep their company afloat."
"Omega Omega is facing a structural shift in market demand."
"When your business is struggling, do you still feel rich? That would be another example of that."
"Airbnb should never have worked. The CEO knew nothing about business, the idea had been done before and was actually illegal in many cities, and even the company's founders didn't think it would work."
"Eighteen thousand dollars for a goddamn Popeyes! I am a business failure."
"Stories work on both low-budget and high-budget clients."
"In the world of business, you're going to have to slay a lot of dragons."
"China is going to get more difficult to do business with."
"I personally believe it's gonna be tough to compete with the days for Amazon when COVID was at its peak."
"A good strategy makes some customers unhappy. If every customer is happy, you're in trouble."
"Every business has all kinds of problems, but those problems are necessary because they will make you sharper and more thorough."
"Demand wasn't an issue but production was the limiting factor."
"Our costs have grown to the point where they're unsustainable, and we've left ourselves with no room for experimentation or failure."
"Owning a restaurant is hard work. However, with proper management, skilled employees, a delicious menu, and a little plasma sweat and tears, your restaurant MOT just might succeed."
"Everybody can open a lemonade stand but very few get rich."
"Running a business and a blog is hard enough, why make it more difficult with fussy web design?"
"The corporate world is extremely dependent on complex and aging Enterprise management software." - Elon Musk
"Most businesses imprison the person who creates it."
"That's what Caronia business is, a pandemic which means it's a national and international negative crisis."
"Production with positive cash flows extremely hard." - Elon Musk
"Solving these issues are extremely important for Tesla's prosperity."
"Several large Burger King franchisees have filed for bankruptcy."
"Pizza Hut's stagnant Revenue has caused significantly worse problems."
"Entrepreneurship is such a buzz...it's freaking emotional."
"It's easy to make PowerPoint slides. It's hard to do mass-produced high-quality reliable cars."
"The hardest part of business is not creating your dream product, it's marketing it."
"Success was great, and then things kind of got a little fishy."
"Whenever you run into FUD... that means you're in the right direction."
"Starting a business is not easy... you have to be obsessed."
"I don't see any particular reasons that we couldn't be at the bottom... It's been an extremely messy last month."
"You're turning your back on a number of people that are trying to use your service for its intent..."
"It's hard to change the wheels on the bus when it's going 80 miles per hour down the highway." - Elon Musk
"Everybody not my customer, I might get 99 no's and one yes."
"Even though these delays look bad to investors, they're very common."
"It's really hard to keep a 100 million dollar beast afloat and it's even harder to take it to the next level."
"Making delicious food is the number one... that gets lost in opening a restaurant."
"EA must consistently show growth that's the only thing investors care about and if that does not happen there's going to be real chaos."
"In business you're going to learn you're going to have to Zig you're going to have to zag things are going to happen you may make a mistake but you don't want one monkey to stop the entire show."
"The only way to free up more cash flow in the business is doing something you do not want to do."
"They spent all this time trying to build an audience but weren't able to monetize those eyeballs."
"Business is not always linear, and sometimes things outside your control happen."
"The lack of commitment to honor the financial obligations soon turned into ongoing pressure."
"It's common for people to have to deal with bribes and threats when seeking contracts."
"Hawken might not have had the best management, the most marketing, and certainly it had a problematic business model...but what it lacked it made up for in spunk."
"Twitter wasn't good before... cutting almost half the staff makes everything even more challenging." - Rashad Robinson
"Has gone through a rough couple of years, to put it lightly."
"Sometimes you don't have a problem with a company, you have problems with people."
"It's impossible. Perfectionism is a killer in everything. It's a killer in life, and it's definitely a killer in business."
"Issues like shoplifting, supply chain disruptions, mergers and acquisitions, or antitrust complaints can drive an entire chain out of business."
"The website's struggling under the unbearable weight of success. Unbearable weight is unbearable weight of success, I like that better."
"Leadership is probably the biggest struggle for businesses."
"A difficult environment for retailers is expected to continue."
"Customers told Jane that they weren't actually losing any weight, and Jane had to spend $200 each month on boxes just to stay active since she could no longer sell any herself."
"I just wasn't in a place to run it. I didn't have help, I wasn't open enough."
"If you build a team that has value, you can't grow that way." - Daryl Freeman Sr.
"Companies that have been come lax in the whole this is how it is and suck it I think they're about to have a rude awakening in the market."
"Business is about problems, and overcoming them is the test of a successful entrepreneur."
"That VC money is drying up left and right and the problem with VC money drying up left and right is that so many of these Silicon Valley companies and companies in general are funded through VC."
"Imagine that, all the Independent Grocers working with razor-thin margins already are probably just going to call it quits and file for a wave of bankruptcies."
"When you introduce a large amount of money and a business partnership into a friendship, small things tend to blow up."
"Many successful companies have had to take L's along the way."
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"The life of an entrepreneur: I'm winning, everything's collapsing, I'm winning again, it all falls apart again."
"Success for Tesla was never a foregone conclusion, and they've had to overcome numerous challenges along the way."
"Isn't it interesting that at a time when we hear Mark Zuckerberg talking about the metaverse heavily investing in this virtual world airlines are struggling?"
"There's a massive chasm between an idea and an implementation."
"That's part of business, sometimes you're gonna have to fail multiple times."
"She knows how to get hit hard, make a lot of bad business judgments, but I don't really care about them because I know she's going to come back up."
"Make sure you're doing something that you like. Business is very hard."
"We have to manage through it, which to me meant that we have to do things at a significantly lower growth."
"In true Jack Owoc fashion, he seems to blame anyone but himself for the financial crisis his business finds itself in."
"Bruh, some of your prices may be too high. Here they go again telling me my prices are too high. Why can't I just set my prices and they accept that?"
"Do we have any risk of innovator's dilemma, and is this the CEO who can lead us through what is likely to be a tricky moment?"
"Every single business that has ever existed goes through financial mistakes, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it."
"The partners weren't given very much time by Nvidia is the real takeaway here and it sounds like they didn't have enough time to put the cards together."
"They're going to use this as a wedge to make their legitimate sellers' lives much more difficult."
"It's really hard to be in the catering business. This is really a disaster."
"I think the other problem facing the guitar Market this is not specific to these instruments but it does affect guitars like this more and more small mom and pop shops are independent dealers like us are closing."
"YouTube can quite literally make you rich... but the problem is getting a company to be able to make a profit on YouTube."
"If you own a business, the past few years have been a very bumpy ride. You could probably use a break." - Advertiser
"Understand their problems. Know what the biggest challenges are in this position or that this company is facing."
"It's a profit and loss economy, and the loss part is if anything more important than the profit part."
"Generating leads is one of the hardest things in any business, you all know that."
"Nobody likes dealing with clients that they aren't having a good time with."
"If you're a mid-tier organization, you don't get the sponsors, you don't have a business plan, you don't sell merch."
"You're spending a lot of time trying to build a business that you don't know for sure if there's really demand in the market for."
"Restaurants would be empowered if they're doing takeout food right now but it seems like not because these delivery companies have crazy contracts."
"Now people actually expect quality. It's just so damn terrible when you have to give it to them."
"Entrepreneurship is not easy, it's simple but it's not easy."
"You're gonna be sitting there with your new beer company that's failing, realizing that you pissed your life away drinking at the end of the bottle." - Jake Paul
"The tech industry in general had a really bad week with layoffs."
"Despite the loss of growth, we have not slowed down in one specific area: the physical attributes, specifically the pace."
"What happened to SoftBank Group is that we are in the middle of a blizzard. It's a big storm. It's the first cold blast of winter."
"All the work that we done, man, and come up with a half of an order?"
"This could be the hardest turnaround we've had yet."
"Small businesses cannot catch a break in this country anymore."
"If commercial banks and thrifts cannot get up and running with these new systems, they are not going to survive."
"It's a lot of work and it's a lot of overhead."
"Creating new franchises and breaking into the market is harder than ever, and I mean, he pretty much is spot on there."
"Sega and bandai's failed attempt at a Fusion dance since by both companies were starting to fall upon hard times they felt combining their resources and Brands would net them never before seen profits."
"Business is not for babies, this is the grown-up play."
"It's really rare. It affects entrepreneurs once they start to climb too high."
"Hiring is hard, it's one of the hardest things you're going to do as a leader."
"If you disappear in these countries you ain't coming back."
"It's very difficult for any company or individual in Russia to be able to do business with the west."
"This isn't a merch store. This is a business that people spend their entire lives trying to get right."
"He's in industries that no one else could go into."
"It's really easy to get to about a million five hundred thousand dollars per year... but getting past that is really hard because you need a lot of momentum."
"Not every brand deal that comes along is going to work out."
"Tesla's biggest constraint on growth is batteries."
"A mass extinction event for startups is underway."
"It's difficult to get new customers if you're just selling from a farm store."
"What problem have you solved? Who is coming on your chain right now to solve a problem?"
"Tesla's essentially had the same models since inception."
"This is just a company that has too much capacity versus demand. I think they've reached saturation and the competition is coming and coming heavy."
"The core of our thesis is competition is going to crush Tesla."
"Being a leader and owning a company takes more time than I've recently been giving it."
"We're kind of running out of opportunities here because we have too many opportunities but not enough cash."
"For two months we've been shut down... it's going to take time to heal."
"Despite these crazy headwinds with the SEC and frankly losing some customers because of the SEC lawsuit, we grew very quickly and we feel like we're starting 2022 in a great position of strength." - Brad Garlinghouse
"Why are people not coming here, do you reckon?"
"If I get up and I fail at something, it doesn't mean that the business model was bad."
"It's the most important thing, that's my choke point."
"It's the going down which is going to squeeze out all the weak players."
"GameStop is different. We inherited a bunch of Legacy everything and under investment across the entire business."
"They don't care about my business... They didn't protect our people. We were all on our own." - Chris Wierebeck, President and Owner of Seven Sigma Inc.
"Once again, this customer challenged us, and I think we stepped up and won the challenge."
"No, I didn't know. But what I think we're doing something films like 'Oh, we'll find someone else.' But I think he'll create problems for us. And this is our 9 billion dollars investment."
"But I think he underestimated how hard it actually is to start a business."
"In a coordinated effort to make Tesla sink, because you have to keep in mind that despite being up almost four billion dollars this year, they still haven't recuperated their losses."
"If owning my own business doesn't pan out I can always become a store clerk."
"Most entrepreneurs can't handle a major setback...you can handle a whole bunch of little setbacks."
"Nothing as bad as that has happened in Donald Trump's business life."
"Ideas are plentiful; the execution of ideas is really hard."
"If all of you are working together then you can't survive together."
"The companies that cater to lower income individuals are going to get whacked the most."
"The Milan-based company faced unprecedented competition..."
"Day one we made a profit of one dollar and eleven cents and at this point I'm like did we make a big mistake is it gonna take like four years to get rid of this stock but then day two came and we did a little bit better we got 10 orders."
"There really is a path to execution... we have to be real about the hardships."
"Success in business brings its own set of problems, and if you don't plan for success, you could be doomed."
"The real problem, Ari, is the smallest companies didn't have an equal shot because particularly the bigger banks controlling most of the applications controlled over who got the money and who didn't."
"Regulations: a massive barrier to entry for entrepreneurs."
"What are we going to do? A toy store with no toys on the holidays, that's definitely a big deal."