
Economic Predictions Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"We're at a peak, and there's about to be a massive crash in the game development industry."
"If you have the fundamental belief that Bitcoin will become the global currency of the world, then one Bitcoin will make you more wealthy than a lot of the millionaires that are around today."
"Millennials might be going from the poorest generation in recent history to the richest generation of all time."
"Bank of America is telling us that the CPI inflation for the year should end up continuing to moderate."
"The punishment this time is going to be horrific because the same thing is going on all over the world."
"Now let's go through when specifically the probabilities will be the highest that we will see this economic crash that a lot of these indicators are pointing towards."
"I know we're making-- in a few months maybe, we're going to look back and say that in 2015, 2016, 2017, gold made its bottom."
"The probability of the next downturn being even more severe is greater in my opinion."
"We're expecting a lot more analysts to revise down their Q1 forecasts."
"As fast as it could go up it could also go down and at the end of the day at some point in the future another stock market crash is going to be inevitable."
"Unless Bitcoin does something that it's never done before the bull market isn't over."
"Southeast Asia and India will be the best parts of the world just like China did, even better than the United States."
"And the catastrophic kind of scenario with all this is that real yields could start to explode higher."
"I think dead ahead you're going to see a sudden drop in the purchase. It's and I think it's going to be slowly then suddenly."
"This election is a choice between a Biden depression or a Trump super boom."
"But that's all going to change as evictions roll out, as mortgage delinquencies turn into foreclosures, and people move into rental housing and the inventory jumps up and the pandemic's over."
"Crypto is a [__] black hole that is going to absorb every Market in the world."
"In the next 10 years, I can see bitcoin going to a million dollars a coin."
"The winning strategy may be to be prepared to lose money... your goal is just to lose a lot less than everybody else."
"It's quite likely that we could see this trigger a global financial crisis."
"The United States will get crushed and it will not make it back to the highs that we've seen."
"Interest rates have come down further, but they should reverse sometime between 2021 and 2023."
"I personally think that's going to set bitcoin to the moon because people are going to lose it and they're going to go, 'Oh my god, inflation is here to stay and bitcoin's just going to skyrocket.' It's going to be nuts."
"But my point is is we're still a year away and people are beginning to call BS on these numbers right so it may not hold up um as the smoke screen that they're hoping it will."
"Gold might regain its value back of par within three four months of a correction."
"I didn't think that the monetary authorities could keep the plates spinning for another five or six years. I thought it would come down much sooner than that. I was wrong."
"They're gonna blow this bubble up so goddamn big, it's in everyone's interest."
"The pace of change, the rise of the BRICS, the collapse of the dollar, the rise of China, the outcome so far of the Ukraine war - these are powerful messages and measures of a fast-changing global economy."
"There certainly is a case to be made that... perhaps we will only go to the very top part of the lower regression band."
"I hope that Nvidia and AMD decide not to go with, um, I expect you to less demand. There's certainly going to be less demand and there will be more competition than ever like the GPU wars should be peaking for this generation."
"The market is going to continue to front run everyone."
"It is Uranus right now in the sign of Taurus that has that sense of making money to it as well because Taurus is a sign that speaks to banking and it speaks to money and currency as well."
"Don't discount a social breaking point being a contender." - Stephanie Pomboy
"I am fairly gosh darn certain that we have seen the local bottom for now."
"This election is a choice between safe vaccines versus more lockdowns, a Trump recovery at the highest end or Biden depression."
"Market cap over 2 trillion, can we go to 10 trillion? Unlikely, but can we get to 4 or 5 million? Yes, conservatively I believe."
"Prices are going to go down; they might be a little bit more stable than the last bear market, but I still think we're going to have pretty significant price recession and sideways for a long period of time in a bear market."
"If the bears get proved wrong and stocks are back off to the races... then in theory, especially if that's being caused by a central bank pivot, then rates should start coming down."
"I think there's a real opportunity for oil prices to climb, at least back to a hundred dollars a barrel if not more."
"Imagine if the S&P dropped, you know, 54% in two months. You think anybody would believe, 'Oh well, they'll just print money again, it'll come back?'" - Harry Dent
"This is the next big thing, but they have a baby bubble, the most extreme crash, then they have the daddy bubble, okay?" - Harry Dent
"I'm almost hoping for a higher than expected inflation number because I'm really interested to see whether or not the stock market takes that as bullishness."
"Expectations 25 basis point hike. I tend to agree with that otherwise you're crappy as a central bank and you break my trust."
"Eventually Bitcoin is going to get a retrace, we're never going to go just straight down."
"Greatest bubble of all time has started to burst and it's not done yet." - Michael Burry
"Inflation will remain higher until people's savings are spent."
"Rates are going to go up. So the fact that you see the market determining a yield curve that's upward-sloping-- that's telling you that people expect that rates are going to go up."
"I think if we... you know, you would expect a significant, a really strong set of set of jobs numbers coming up beginning in the next month."
"There will be at some stage some type of reset."
"Bitcoin is nothing short of explosive, pushing onward and upward above 40,000 due to the frothy expectation of QE infinity coming in 2021."
"We've seen this rotation in the markets now over the course of the last several weeks in particular... that's kind of what you would expect to occur before."
"One of two things can happen... either the government and the FED find yet another way to Kick the Can down the road again or the economy is in for a bloodbath."
"A study dating back 70 years has a new suggestion as to what we can expect in this year's economy."
"The people who own the crypto will be the wealthiest."
"Everything about this car is wondrous—the balance, the feel of it going around corners."
"Bitcoin someday is going to keep going up short of something catastrophic occurring."
"Inflation will be persistent, I just don't think it will be endemic over the next year or two."
"I think for the stock market, it's not so much whether it gets to three, it's how fast it gets there."
"We should expect wages to actually grow more than they would have had it not been for the pandemic."
"The nice thing about calling a bubble is that you can always if it doesn't burst you can always say well it's just going to burst later."
"I think that if you look at the 500 trillion dollar monetary planet and the one trillion dollar crypto asset fire burning in the core, you can expect that that will continue to expand." - Michael Saylor
"The so-called fed pivot is the most ominous sign."
"The cycle is likely to be shortened, likely not to see 500 days of bull run after the halving event."
"Markets were betting that this Supply shock lack of credit growth lack of money growth would end in exactly the way it appears to be ending as 2023 begins."
"Nobody's going to be stupid enough to buy bonds from a set of governments that have proven that they can't manage the currency correctly."
"There are even some real bitcoin bulls who think that bitcoin might one day replace the US dollar."
"If Bitcoin goes up, ethereum is going to continue to go up and the whole Market is going to be going up."
"My expectation is that most companies are going to be reporting healthy to very healthy quarters from Q4 of 2021."
"Some people think it's four and we've seen we've tipped four on the tenure to four to third year a couple of times but I have a view that is probably going much higher than that."
"At some point, the prices will come back down, but you can bet your ass if Joe Biden is still the president when that happens, it won't."
"The risk of the proverbial Black Swan event... it triggers a panic and the panic soon descends into some kind of doom loop."
"We're seemingly at odds with China and Russia, setting the stage for ending dollar dominance."
"Projections indicate bricks could account for nearly 50% of global GDP by 2050."
"The nerd that Humongous Entertainment beat up all the jocks at EA. They went over to their lunch table and they flipped over their milk. Hell yeah!"
"Each character is easily identifiable by their personality traits and silhouette, making it really easy to pick a favorite."
"Jim's call: inflation is coming lower bond yields probably he thinks still go a bit higher before they finally start to fall and we can start seeing a bit more of an opportunistic time in markets again."
"Let's hope the Roni Rona doesn't take back off, but if it does, that is definitely something that could cause the stock market to go down."
"Each individual small case of Venezuela or Argentina or Turkey or Greece or Cyprus is the flapping wings of a butterfly the hurricane when it comes how it comes and even on what continent it begins is unknowable but that it will occur is knowable."
"Some indicators suggest we're near a bottom, some suggest we have further to fall."
"Well, it's a small Berkshire and it'll double like rabbits, you know. And of course, it's not a small Berkshire." - Charlie Munger
"The probability for recession is increasing higher and higher by the day."
"I believe that the benchmarks in 2023 to 2024 are going to get reamed the most the benchmarks are your classic Vanguard index funds the ones with a heavy allocation to Staples defensives Health cares basically the things that have boomed in 2022."
"Just because we have extremely high rates of inflation or the Fed lets inflation run hot doesn't mean that stock prices and housing prices won't go down even in nominal terms."
"Where do you land like do you line to a point where you know the economy grows at half a percent one percent no recession inflation is back to two and a half to three percent right?"
"The soft landing theory has supporting evidence right now."
"What will be really fascinating is if an increase of inventory will happen."
"We have been seeing that, it's just that we're still tugging along but eventually the time will come."
"So really Michael burry here is fighting history by arguing that we're gonna have a second massive Spike of inflation."
"Market participants are now placing a lot of bets... we will go from shock and awe to just destroy."
"If Nancy Pelosi thinks that the American economy can survive with no stimulus... I gotta tell you, the vast majority of Wall Street analysts say you will see an economy that will not rebound for over a half a decade."
"Do you think this crash is gonna happen in 2020 which is an election year or do you think'll happen later or sooner let me know what you think or is it not gonna happen at all let me know why or why not in the comments below."
"The realistic outcome here is that we are going to see a bailout."
"When you look at $300 trillion in debt worldwide, you can't see a good end to that. That is the problem."
"I think the surprise will be that China will abide the deflation of its credit bubble."
"The welfare state is going to end, it's either gonna be a soft landing or it's gonna be a hard landing."
"It's not a question of if we will have demand destruction because we will; it's a question of when it'll kick in."
"Janet Yellen: Inflation is likely to be with us until the second half of next year."
"That could lead to five to ten percent inflation."
"Relation to the 200-week moving average is going to be one of the big separators of the current technical picture of the bear market versus the last one."
"The bearish argument for the VIX, the bullish for the market is the predominant one."
"Whether you believe that Michael Burry might be right and it could go out of control... I see clear evidence of inflation."
"Ultimately I think what's going to happen is the dollar is going to lose its status as the reserve currency and the world is going to return to gold being the primary monetary reserve."
"The spending on Goods will bring back inflation."
"This collapse is going to be worse than 1929 because it's global."
"Within 20 years, the idea of national currencies as the only option will seem absurd."
"The next downturn will be very different than 2008."
"The bubble will eventually burst; it's just a question of when and what is going to cause it."
"I personally think there's going to be at least a single stimulus check."
"Expectations aren't really pricing in big inflation expectations. It's almost kind of like the bond market is starting to listen to Jerome Powell when he goes, 'We ain't raising rates anytime soon.'"
"The final chapter of this economy is going to be epic, it's going to be biblical."
"Eventually the fiat will fail, it's just mathematics."
"Over the long term I expect it to flip gold."
"As soon as the U.S. dollar loses its reserve status, then the price of gold will explode."
"We're going to see a reset in the global monetary system sometime soon."
"I believe the FED will most likely begin cutting rates for fear of actually underachieving two percent average headline PCE inflation."
"I'm betting on the consumer for 2021 and technology is like where else are you gonna go right now."
"Oil can rally despite potential expectations of lower demand."
"Conditions are Dynamic right and whatever I think is going to happen next if I could be totally right on a credit event it's not going to matter if the if treasuries don't respond off of it."
"It remains to be seen whether this will have very serious effects on the hegemony of the U.S. dollar."
"I think it's going to happen a lot faster as soon as gasoline gets to the real price."
"If you're betting against space flight and getting cheaper and more economical, more reusable and more accessible. You deserve to lose your money."
"We talk about supply chains and what he expects to happen."
"If the dollar falls in value, gold is going to increase, not just gold but other precious metals and potentially other commodities."
"The vast majority of altcoins are not going to work out."
"The dollar is going to outlast any of these negative predictions."
"What the president did gain is the fact he’ll take a hit as our economy fails to recover this fall."
"Despite all the dire prophecies of economists, gas prices have fallen as the U.S. produces more oil than any country in history, including Saudi Arabia."
"The market thinks that the probability of a recession is greater than what the Fed basically perceives to be right now."
"I think rates are going to have to go to 3.50 or even four percent."
"How much do they have to fall? I think this is going to eventually happen, the shoe is going to have to drop."
"I think initially you're going to see a 2,000 price point on the 4090, but then it's going to drop after that."
"They know it's eventually going to collapse with deglobalization."
"Tesla isn't trying to destroy Automotive companies but there's going to be a lot of bankruptcies in the automotive industry throughout this decade."
"This idea of this well suddenly the data is bad enough the FED's gonna just suddenly turn on a dime here and start giving the market more sugar doesn't bear out in the data right."
"As high as cryptocurrencies are now or some of them are now, they're only front running what gold and silver are about to do."
"What I've learnt is typically bond markets and macro markets are right. It's sometimes as a big lag between what they indicate."
"Is Bitcoin still going to be the earthquake that will shake all markets or is that moniker now going to be shifted to gold?"
"But I think it could be a currency based on crypto technology or it could be a currency based on gold."
"I think gold can get to $10,000 plus and silver $300 plus, so you know, do you really want to get cute with these? If you're a trader, certainly you can. If you're an investor, you can hold these through the bust."
"Gold is going higher, rates going lower. Safe Haven demand. It does not sound like a soft Landing or at all like a no Landing scenario."
"You may have a significant new source of income coming through as a result of the station direct."
"I think commodities are going to really start to shine here uh through the rest of this year and and into the rest of the decades."
"History doesn't always repeat, but it often rhymes."
"What's gonna happen when Bitcoin's at 250? The monetary fire alarm's going off now."
"I don't think all areas in America... are going to be equally impacted by this impending increase in unemployment."
"This is typically how you expect Market bottoms to form."
"Every time I bring up the pivot it's important to remember the famous words 'this time is different,' the most famous dangerous forewords in investing."
"It's going to continue downwards now." - Forecasting future trends
"It's entirely possible that after the Fed talks and companies smash earnings, we see the highest stock market we have ever seen before."
"If we get that inflation with negative real interest rates... I think five thousand dollar gold in the next five years, hundred thousand dollar bitcoin in the next five years, I think they're very much on the cards."
"Imagine what could happen to the market if bitcoin goes to 10 or 8,000 again and touches that as a bottom." - Brad Kimes
"We're going to go into a trillion dollar economy by 2030 not 800 billion."
"Could the Bitcoin price be ready to moon in 2020 and could it be due to an absolutely bizarre catalyst that nobody's talking about? Let's dive in and analyze what is going on, ladies and gentlemen."
"What does this mean? Is it truly that Bitcoin is the reserve currency? We do believe it is."
"I have basically zero doubt that that's the same cycle we will see again this time."
"We're going into a bad recession... What happened to people's predictions of doom and gloom?"
"I think Bitcoin is going to be the narrative for the next bull market."
"The only winner is going to be gold, silver and crypto holders when this is all over."
"Bitcoin seems to be telling a story that we're going to be okay."
"But bitcoin seems to be telling a story that we're going to be okay."
"Typically those last hurrah or melt-up rallies tend to be parabolic. That's why I call it melt-up. It's not just an ordinary rally, it will be something parabolic."
"I do think 2024 will likely be a relatively good year for returns."
"We are stumbling toward an energy crisis... likely to be far more severe and long-lasting."
"The price of gold, silver, and Bitcoin is going to be dramatically higher."
"To make money by calling a recession, you need to be good on the timing and good on the magnitude."
"Ripple and Stellar are involved, Swift is going to be just interconnected."
"Why am I so confident that my position worth around 1 million plus dollars right now is going to be worth over $10 million here in the near future? That's what this video is for."
"Do you think this is going to be addressed by a giant massive crash of asset prices?"
"These things don't normally hold, and we have indeed seen a big breakout."
"Last year's consensus was that the US economy was headed for recession, but that didn't happen."