
Heaven Quotes

There are 2313 quotes

"Imagine Heaven as an upward moving spiral where everything is as already as good as you could imagine it, but it's getting better."
"Your one purpose is to make sure that heaven touches the hazardous."
"I'm anchored in something that started in heaven and my one assignment, you want to know what your purpose is, your one purpose is to make sure that heaven touches the hazardous."
"True heaven is absolutely formless, infinite metaphysical love forever."
"I'd rather you limp into heaven than strut into hell."
"In spite of the fact that the world is gripped in a pandemic, heaven is still open for business."
"Only God gives us peace that surpasses all understanding... Circumstances are always going to be there. Some things may not ever get better, and that's why I think it's so important to be heavenly minded."
"Be glad rather that your names are written in heaven."
"Allah is describing that this is an experience unlike anything we can imagine in this world. This makes us understand what the prophet said, 'Heaven has never been imagined by a soul.'"
"Kindness, love, grace allow heaven to become embodiment, much more than a place."
"Jannah is our term for heaven...the perfection of a garden is called Jannah."
"In Jannah, the anticipation which is impossible to retain in this life is made permanent by Allah."
"The perfection of Jannah is such that every time they see their spouse, it's like they're seeing their spouse for the first time."
"Allah has taken Jannah all of it as just the introductory gift for believers."
"Infinite love, how great it is. God made the world to enlarge Heaven. He desired a larger family of created intelligence."
"Getting us into heaven is not near as great a challenge as it is to get heaven into us."
"And a full cup, no ill speech would they hear therein, nor any falsehood."
"Earth is actually heaven. It's where we come to create and fulfill desires and dreams and imagination."
"We want to bring as many people to heaven as we can. That's why we preach the gospel of Jesus."
"Does simply having our sins forgiven really qualify us to enter the kingdom of heaven?"
"The Bible says clearly, 'Only those who do the will of my Father can enter the kingdom of heaven.'"
"It's going to be a prepared place...a personal place...a painless place...a pure place...a prosperous place."
"Our citizenship is in heaven, which means heaven is our home."
"God wants to bring us all into the deepest bliss of the highest heavens, but part of God’s love for us is a deep and abiding respect for our freedom."
"Through His merciful heart, as through an open gate, we pass through to heaven."
"I think you can still believe in God, be a good person, still live your life to the fullest potential, and still ultimately achieve heaven in the end."
"Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven."
"Then a beautiful angel came down to bring me to the Gates of Heaven."
"Everything you need to know about heaven is found in the Bible. If God wanted you to know more, He would have recorded more."
"In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?"
"I believe that heaven is a better place than what we're dealing with here."
"The idea of just wanting to make hell an easier place to live in, rather than... still trying to get the Sinners into heaven."
"People go to heaven because they want to be there; they want to submit to God. People go to hell because they don't want somebody telling them how to live their life."
"We're going to a city where the roses never fade, where the word goodbye has never been spoken."
"In heaven, God will wipe every tear from our eyes; there'll be no more death or mourning or crying or pain."
"The greatest treasures that you can build are saving souls, serving people, and taking them to heaven."
"Heaven is so beautiful, everything is just exalting the name of the Lord."
"Go ahead and take a look at what heaven looks like."
"When you walk through the gates of heaven, the angels will take off their starry crowns and bow their head with respect."
"If there is such a thing as heaven, I hope it's filled with dogs."
"The happiness of heaven consists in the enjoyment of God's love."
"Someday, we will spend eternity in heaven, where there is no suffering, no pain, no sorrow, no shame, and no sadness."
"Angels love everyone, want nothing more than to be helpful to us, teach us, and take us up to heaven. That is their highest pleasure."
"The greatest reward that God can ever give me in heaven is not mansions, it's not crowns. It's closeness to Jesus."
"In heaven there will be no law, and the lion will lie down with the lamb, but in Hell there will be nothing but law and due process will be rigorously observed."
"This world is temporary and that more than anything what matters is storing up treasures in heaven which also means bringing other people to heaven with us."
"This place looks like most people imagine heaven to look like."
"When we get to heaven, we're going to say we're home for the first time. And it goes on forever and ever."
"Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign that you are going to heaven."
"God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."
"In the glory of heaven, the blessed continue joyfully to fulfill God's will in relation to other men and all creation."
"Heaven is principally a state of utter and absolute fulfillment in the possession of God in the beatific vision."
"Heaven is not a place where you get bored; it will always be new, gushing forth happiness for all creatures."
"Look in God's Word and you'll find a glimpse into heaven: streets brighter than gold, God's radiant throne, and the eternal home of Jesus Christ."
"Heaven's not a default; it's not an automatic default for us according to the Bible. The exact opposite's true."
"You're getting messages straight from heaven."
"I believe that when I die, no matter what the circumstances, I believe that I will go to heaven."
"It's not an easy road we are traveling to heaven."
"We can take heaven and the model in heaven which is perfection and transfer that to the way that we live in this world."
"Heaven is a place where all your dreams come true, where you'll be in eternal glory with all the holy angels."
"If heaven is not better than what we have here, there wouldn't have been any reason to strive to get in there."
"The rewards will be shocking, amazing, beautiful, exciting that he gives in heaven."
"There's a place for you in heaven, and it's going to cost you nothing but acceptance of a free gift."
"Those are drawing near to heaven who find they need men less and love men more."
"The promise of No More Death is effectively a promise of no more sin."
"In heaven, our senses will be heightened. We'll experience the beauty in a way we can't fully know here."
"I am willing to offend you into heaven but I will not love you into hell."
"I knew it was heaven, whatever word you want to put on it."
"This connection literally makes them remember Heaven."
"Our citizenship is in heaven, we're just pilgrims, and one day we're gonna shed off this earthly body."
"Hell is real, friend. Heaven is real, and you get to choose."
"I hope this is what death is really like - we just wake up in heaven immediately."
"Doing good things for others is what gets you into heaven."
"Heaven is a real place for real people where we will do real things."
"The Rapture is anticipated to happen in the last days when believers will be swiftly transported to Heaven."
"I prefer to see him in heaven...totally transformed."
"He says relationships that were godly relationships on earth are going to be even better in heaven."
"Heaven just must be all the more like that where you look upon someone like I had no idea you were no this is fantastic."
"Thank God I'm going to heaven, for Jesus said..."
"I would rather offend someone into heaven than comfort them into hell."
"Unless you become like this little child, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."
"Wouldn't it be nice when you finally enter Heaven to bump into a thousand people that you helped move from purgatory into Heavenly Glory?"
"God offers the true Promised Land heaven to those who have faith."
"What makes heaven heaven is the infinite wonders of the glories of God in the person of Jesus Christ."
"There's an intimacy in heaven that goes far beyond anything on Earth."
"In heaven, when all those are gone and you can just open up and you can be 100% yourself and it's all in Christ, it's an amazing thing."
"Heaven is where God dwells amongst his people."
"The best that is yet to come is the hope of heaven, it's the resolution of everything."
"The Jesus we never knew is the Jesus who came to fulfill this ancient hope but to do so in a way nobody had seen coming."
"Heaven is all that the all-beneficent loving heart of God would desire for you."
"Everything that is near and dear to you and to me is in heaven."
"The souls in heaven are not resting in peace, they are impatiently waiting for this world."
"No soul is ever lost or abandoned, every soul ends up back in heaven."
"I'm believing God that before I die, we'll look just like heaven."
"Even though they can't have it forever, they can be young forever in heaven."
"I like to imagine a heaven where animals are in charge and humans are the pets."
"What if every wrong is righted... What if Heaven is much more beautiful, much more loud, much more colorful, much more populated, much more fulfilling than you've ever imagined?"
"Heaven will be great because a few things won't be there: sin, death, and sorrow."
"God is the sole source of truth about heaven."
"A billion years will go by in heaven and we will still have so much to learn about God."
"The number one best reason why we preach on heaven is because God dwells in heaven."
"God wants us to set our mind on the realities of heaven not the realities of earth."
"God wants to open up your eyes to the spiritual reality of heaven."
"Heaven is a magnificent place created by the greatest creator."
"Heaven is a city four square fifteen hundred miles wide, long, and high."
"There's only two possible destinations: with God in heaven or without God in hell."
"You're going to heaven if you have faith in Jesus. That is, if you have faith in Jesus."
"If we were to catch just a glimpse of Heaven, we would see countless angels exalting and worshiping the Lord God Almighty."
"Your connection feels like heaven on earth, a blissful union of oneness and joy."
"It must be even more difficult for a rich person to go to Christian heaven."
"We should be heaven's problem solvers on the earth."
"Heaven is an incredible place, no way to describe it."
"We're to transfer our Treasures not our necessities are Treasures that which we've laid up we're to transfer those Treasures from Earth to Heaven."
"Leap for joy... Great is your reward in heaven."
"Each person's version of heaven may vary based on their experiences and connections."
"The joy in heaven is going to be beyond measure."
"Reinhard Bonnke is not a loss, he's a gain for heaven."
"Close your eyes if that's what heaven is like."
"The final scene in the Bible is not saved souls going up to heaven, it's God's heavenly life coming finally to birth on earth."
"In heaven, even suffering and death exist, so be prepared for anything."
"If the rapture doesn't happen today...I'm gonna make it...straight to heaven."
"Maybe heaven wasn't a great place as it was chalked up to be."
"God wants to give us the blueprints of heaven."
"I don't think there really is a heaven, you've got to make your own heaven with the people you love and the things you enjoy doing."
"You don't have to be lost, you don't have to miss heaven."
"Heaven is nice, really nice, comfortable, enjoyable, safe, holy. Still not better."
"The quickest way to heaven is to take the stairway."
"A perfect world forever sounds like heaven right?"
"Maybe it's only like the best people that get to be like ghosts and get to hang out and mess with people like, you know that's like the ultimate heaven."
"Hark how your glorified parents and your immortalized relatives cry saved hear you not the echo as it echoes from the blue sky of heaven saved."
"With God's daily grace and strength, I choose to believe that heaven is real."
"We are citizens of heaven, citizens of heaven."
"If your grandma died went to heaven she could look down on what's going on here on earth and knowing how much she worried about you, when she was alive now she's up in heaven she can enjoy heaven looking at all the troubles you got right."
"This is setting you up for a beautiful place here on earth that allows you to experience heaven."
"Not everyone who says to him 'Lord, Lord' will be allowed to enter his kingdom in heaven."
"They suffered loss and they got to heaven empty-handed."
"Heaven is going to be a lot stranger and frankly a lot more exciting than Church usually tells us."
"In Heaven, there is true peace, true freedom, and limitless possibilities for all eternity."
"It's sort of like going to heaven without the inconvenience of having to die first."
"Can you imagine how beautiful Heaven is going to be? The Lord Jesus spent six days creating the Earth as we see it now. He's been working on Heaven for how many years? It's going to be quite a fantastic place."
"God is using what's happening now, and heaven is being opened up with believers."
"Can I go to heaven if I celebrate my sin and refuse to be sorry?"
"You're gonna be extra glad when you get to heaven because you never lived in the days of Heaven on Earth the way God intended."
"It is precisely those who are most focused on the things of heaven that do most good here below."
"Heaven will be so amazing, all the unfair things don't exist there."
"There are no dogs in heaven, I like this quote."
"Heaven is the final destination that everybody's goal should be God so I pray right now heavenly father that you break through those barriers."
"I believe I'm good and I'm going to heaven, but not because of that merit, but more because Jesus died for my sins."
"In heaven, you will look the way you look now but without any imperfections."
"Heaven and earth are very much similar except where heaven is perfect."
"There will be peace in heaven, to be in an atmosphere where that is not present."
"God loves variety, so he wants a heaven with different aspects to it."
"Heaven is the ultimate gift from God, and I would love wherever that is, as long as I'm with Jesus."
"What if he's wiping out every tear from their eyes by bringing them into heaven because they're in heaven there is no longer mourning nor outcry nor pain?"
"Follow me and you'll go to the Kingdom of Heaven... bring yourself back to that original realm."
"Heaven is a place that restores us back to our true self."
"We create our own heaven on earth by how we choose to think, how we choose to live."
"I know I'm saved and I know I'm on my way to heaven."
"This is what I think heaven is, beings of white light and just like no problems, everything is perfect and it's just like love all the time."
"The attitude of Heaven is not serious, there is lightness and therefore a kind of frivolity."
"I was - I beheld the very Heaven of God, the very Heaven of Heavens, if you will. It was surrounded with the Glory of God, with the very presence of God. I entered into the very Throne Room of God."
"Investing in heaven... lay up treasure in heaven."
"Every day there are more voices around Christ's throne in heaven, there are more saints who kneel raising the fragrant worship of praise to God."
"The unity of Heaven and the unity of Eternity is love."
"Prayer is the ladder to heaven; it's the process by which we're getting closer and closer to what heaven is actually going to be like."
"Heaven must be your destination, Heaven must be your destiny."
"The heads that have the shade of love, heaven will be under their feet."
"In heaven you get to experience all three parts of God with no distractions."
"Heaven opens and Jesus ascended into heaven seated at the right hand of the Father."
"We should not regard the earth as everything but open our eyes wide to the kingdom of heaven."
"Rejoice that your names are written in Heaven."
"That was my ticket to heaven right there, good and crunchy."
"The kingdom of heaven is inside of you."
"Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven."
"Heaven could be here, Heaven could be now."
"We love and miss you boo-boo and Gigi, may you both rest in peace and have fun in heaven until we meet again one day."
"Somebody feels like they walked out of Heaven."
"In heaven, you enjoy God. It's the beatific vision."
"I want to be surrounded by, I'm not kidding, like 200 puppies. That's my idea of heaven."
"We throw parties to practice for heaven."
"Heaven is the presence of all that is good and the absence of all that is bad."
"Heaven is a dimension on earth we're all born with access to."
"We cannot enter heaven until we are cleansed and changed."
"Don't you think two loving parents deserve to go to heaven?"
"Heaven is for people that love God not people who are afraid of hell."
"God cares about how He can use you to get the most people possible into heaven."
"The only thing that will matter a hundred years from now is how many people are in heaven because of your influence."
"It's starting to turn into heaven in a pot."
"Heaven on earth, and people, that's where we're going to live for all eternity."
"Do you have any proof that you are not already in heaven and making a mess out of it."
"The biggest misconception about heaven is that it's for tomorrow and I won't see it until I die."
"There is no panic in heaven; God has no problems, only plans."
"We're going to Bawa Reserve... it looks like heaven, absolute heaven."
"In heaven, evil does not exist; all the souls I speak to in heaven are at peace, loving, positive beings."
"Heaven is something far better than we can dream."
"The sacraments are the way to help us get to heaven."
"It gives a sense of the joys of Heaven even if we don't feel joyful ourselves."
"When we worship, we are actually joining ourselves to that which is already happening all the time in heaven."
"I'm sorry, my heaven does not involve hiking."
"This is my heaven, this is a life I will proudly defend against hate and intolerance and bigotry."