
User Focus Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"The Galaxy S20 is built for a new generation of users, for a new decade."
"The wonderful thing about our company is that we're not just doing this for fun or because we want to look cool as startup founders, we really care about our users."
"We continue to approach that mission with a singular goal, building a more helpful Google for everyone."
"Our goal at Google has always been to bring timely information to our users."
"The user experience, user experience, user experience."
"We focus on the user and all else will follow."
"Creating truly helpful products for people starts with empathy."
"We've always believed that technology should adapt to people, not the other way around."
"The reason we're iterating on applications and data so rapidly these days is because the human is a moving target."
"Design thinking is a way to create solutions that address a real user's problem."
"We're building this with you, not just for you."
"The gas gas mc125 is tailored with better suspension for vet and novice riders."
"All I'm feeling is wasted potential. This framework could be so good if you moved it away from a grand epic scale world and focused on the small personal experience of the player."
"Focus on the users. Just get the users in, make sure that people are using your product."
"And while there's nothing wrong with mentioning your products, if you want to create content that's better than your competitors', then you're going to have to keep the user's best interests at the forefront of your content creation efforts."
"Most people don't care about the app's origin; they just want to enjoy the content."
"Because we want to be close to the users that we're serving."
"Long-term and user-centric metrics versus short-term, operational, and more transactional metrics. You probably want to optimize on the first one more than anything else."
"It's about making things that your end-users will enjoy, not what you want them to enjoy."
"You can focus on developing the features you want to focus on to share photos, videos, audios, documents, whatever files you have."
"Our aim is to tell stories about a user's goals and only then figure out how to meet those goals."
"User stories describe what a user wants the software to do."
"Focus on fundamental things that we know work for people, take maybe a little bit less design risk."
"Our goal is to put the player at the heart of the gaming experience." - PlayStation 5 Blog Post
"Accessibility is extremely important for anything when you're designing anything for people to play or use. The end user must always come first."
"I will always side on the consumer side. If it's bad for gamers, I don't like it."
"You need users more than you need throughput."
"It's a people conversation, not a technology conversation."
"It's all about customer centricity, but it's redefining who the customer is. Before, the customer was an Enterprise buyer, now the customer is a user."
"A strong website layout can lead your visitors' focus in the right direction."
"...this part of having a new direction it shows them that I was really thinking about who the user was..."
"Focus on the user. What does your user want? And more important from my point of view, what does your user need?"
"Let's focus on what matters most: building helpful products that deserve our users' trust."
"The Mac OS experience is more polished and intuitive, which makes focusing on the tasks at hand easier."
"It automatically default puts your focus inside the input, which is just a great accessibility feature."
"It's going to save us a ton of time on the grunt work so we can actually focus on how do I make this better to the end user."
"We built this product with people like Jason in mind; we don't assume you've got lots of time and lots of staff."
"Product analytics is user-focused... you're looking at a specific person and what they're doing with your app."
"Making sure that what you're building, you're building as a way to serve them because they're the people that are really taking a bet on you."
"The helpful content update is all about trying to get back to content that was written for people."
"We've spent the last two years perfecting this design with one goal in mind: to maximize the value to our end user."
"Valuable software in the hands of users... let's optimize for that."
"Our job as software developers is to solve problems for people with software, not to write code."
"Our fundamental first principle is to build incredible user product."
"We focused on what we thought people would want and what they would need."
"There's also never been a better opportunity for users to be at the center of design and of everything that you build for them."
"It's not about the lavish, we've got this massive company, it's all about putting everything into the company, everything into the business, and everything for the user."
"We're trying to uncover what are the things that are going to give them the most value."
"The main priority of mine is to think about what this product can actually be and how it can actually work to benefit the end user."
"How can I provide value to the end user?"
"I have a lot of respect for them; I just am looking out for my user at the end of the day."
"Make them relevant and helpful for the user; the user is the key here."
"Remember your research, remember your users, and do more if necessary."
"TPE 331's power management: simple, effective, designed with you in mind."
"It's very important to kind of nail down why you're doing what and how does that help users."
"It's not about you, it is about the user."
"What you're actually building is useful for your users."
"Craft your messaging to focus on user needs and benefits."
"About pages are never about you; they are about the website."
"Our goal is to enable that all the product teams could focus more on the user needs and to reach that new level of quality and consistency within our products and user interface patterns."
"You've got to remind yourself why you are building these products; it's usually for the user."
"Privacy is an area where we think it's sacrosanct and we have done a lot for users over the years."
"It really matters to you, so it matters to me."
"Put in what your users are going to be searching for."
"We don't want to waste their time."
"I should focus on my users and your opinions because I think you're living and behaving with more intention, which is great."
"Keep the end-user as comfortable as possible."
"We have a limited amount of energy that we can put into things, and we'd like to put energy into things that help the greatest number of QLab users."
"Now I want to solve that end user's problem and you can spend all your time solving that problem rather than just making databases and those kinds of things."
"If we subtract shift from the technocentric or innovation-driven model into a user-based model, then the landscape opens out."
"We're not doing these things for us or our product owners; we're doing it for our users."
"Focus on the user and all else will follow."
"By focusing on what the user wants to achieve, this builds trust and loyalty."
"The number one thing you should focus on is what's good for the user."
"If our users aren't talking about Stripe, then we should make Stripe more awesome until they do."
"A user-driven culture isn't something you can add later."
"It's really important to get focused on users early."
"I really wanted this to feel very simple and minimal and just focus on the flow between you and Felix."
"With being a big company comes big responsibility toward your users."
"IA CPP is a good example of Unity taking on something crazy and perhaps a little bit risky because we think it's the best thing for our users."
"It's about really having an eye for design and an eye for the user need."
"We want to make sure that we're building these phenomenal experiences for you."
"We don't want anything to ever get in the way of having 100% alignment between our incentives and our users' incentives."
"We want to keep the user on their train of thought."
"The people who run the site care more about making sure that real users see their content."
"If you do something really good for the user, you will earn money on it in the end."
"Create content for the user, not for search engines."
"Keep it concise, clear, and focused on the benefits to the user."
"Every day there's an example where we make a trade-off in favor of a user and against revenue."
"Think about what the users need, what your core audience is looking for."
"Fundamentally, we build our websites for users."
"We're sharing this link, I just want to view it. My intention is to just view the things, just show it to me, whatever device I'm at."
"We cared and it's stuff we still do, but users what they cared about was the feel."
"Simplify your app and solve one very specific problem that's important to your audience."