
Gender Perspectives Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Men tend to operate 'I'll believe it when I see it,' while women might consider 'When I believe it, I will see it.'"
"The most precious thing on the planet to a man is a woman."
"The people who are actually coming out now and talking about these things are immigrant men and women."
"Women are human, we can be both irrational and rational."
"Women have a wisdom that men need to seek out."
"I just can't view American women as subordinate. I think it's a complicated mix of benefits and burdens. I don't think women are oppressed as women."
"I feel that men cannot have that emotional connection but I feel as though when women have a sexual interaction with someone else or at least from my experience it's always um emotional."
"Illustrating the value of a female perspective."
"Women love [__] okay that's just the way it is."
"I think women operate from the emotional side and men tend to operate from the logical side."
"The best thing I've ever read about the kind of men who inhabit those positions is that the reason why they like Boris Johnson is because he's capable of speaking to women."
"I love having clear space inside of myself with absolutely nothing on my mind which gives me the freedom to be as much me as I can be wherever I show up and whatever I'm doing."
"Men do not care about the career accomplishments of women when we're trying to choose our girlfriend or a wife."
"Beautiful women are everywhere, but high-quality men are very rare."
"I wanted women for a number of reasons. First of all, I thought men in general would be far more judgmental of Michael Jackson than women."
"If there were nine women on the court, you think that case would have come out differently."
"No one has a problem with boys being obsessed with the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Hollywood, please, give someone who understands that gender is a crock of shit a tonne of money to make movies instead."
"Loyalty is the number one trait men treasure above all things in a girl."
"Women naturally have an abundance mindset; men have to earn their abundance mindset. Women get their abundance mindset from being on their phones."
"I like who I am, but it seems most guys don't."
"Women are objectively more beautiful than men."
"You know actually a lot of men are surprised to hear this but women, they love a good booty just as much as we do fellas."
"A woman is way more valuable to society at large than she could ever be to you in a relationship."
"Democrats should find a viable likable candidate instead of focusing on Trump."
"I think Jordan Peterson is a lunatic, and I think his perspective on women is just twisted."
"I think if everybody kind of just came to terms with the fact that everything is not so binary, then a lot of people would be happier."
"The way we value women in society is changing."
"A woman's value comes from outside of the bedroom."
"How can female filmmakers begin to construct a real female gaze?"
"It encourages players of all genders not to view those characters as sexual objects but to be invested in them as people."
"But we don't really feel the same way about like boys or men."
"Marx understood the difference that's the reason why he wrote Capital and he wrote the Communist Manifesto and they're written very differently."
"I think it's a good message for women actually cuz women don't understand that about us."
"In the film, both written and directed by women, treats the female characters differently, in part because we're somewhat free from the prison of Bateman's perspective."
"From the male perspective, it is so sexy a girl that has independence."
"Men love women so much they gave us the right to vote."
"I wish women could see yourselves the way men see you. Men don't hate women, we love women. Desperately want women to be women."
"Male validation is easy and everywhere and is worthless."
"I'm okay with being wrong because I'm a woman and I'm confident."
"One of the greatest lessons that I've learned in life at 36 years of age, that a lot of women are not getting, which I learned from a man, is to be accountable for our choices and to have conviction with the things that we say."
"Black women want happiness, it's a difference."
"The female gaze sees men as people, not objects."
"Feminine women still exist... there are women who will look at these men who are interested in providing for their families... and they will see that as an asset."
"I feel like a lot of women watching that want to know that you exist because the number of women out there that are completely jaded by the male species is pretty alarming."
"Girls do want to have sex with you probably as much or more than you wanna have sex with them."
"Unlike the naked girls, they were able to showcase their talent and passion for music."
"Guys cheat, all of us girls want to know because it's like is there any good men out there?"
"All men expect of you women, all men expect, is for you to not be wildly unhealthy. Yes, that's it."
"Power of women traders: more rational, disciplined, measured."
"A lot of men feel that the deep core of their being, if they are unhappy, too bad. That's their issue."
"Women are actually relieved when you take control."
"Women invest more in something. They just get more in-depth into the job, take more responsibility, take it home with them, and it pays off."
"It's like listening to men talk about basketball statistics. The ballet, it's baseball for men." - Fran Lebowitz
"I actually empathize. I would argue that in a lot of ways, men are victims."
"They understand the impact. See the feminine inside the lightbulb, this is who they're thinking about."
"Men going their own way is the female version of I'm buying cats and rather Dilo."
"Men, they are human beings too. They have standards too, they have things that they are looking for women to do for them as well. Just like we have our standards and things that we look for men to do. They have those too."
"Women never want to settle, they never want to lower their price to match what they are."
"No female fantasy ends with 'we just became friends.'"
"Most men don't want to deal with a deeply attached woman."
"Women tend to be attracted to men who build things, who are upwardly mobile."
"Everybody, to a certain degree, is slighted in some way, but no, you are not a massive oppressed class. Women in America are some of the most privileged people on the planet."
"It was the feminine element missing in the sense they had of the divine."
"Women aren't stupid. They know how to play this game against you."
"Both the feminine and the masculine are divine... the essence of God's beauty and artistry."
"Men on the other hand, equate love with respect."
"The moment you give a guy sex, you've given them everything already."
"I think the world would be a better place if more women were in charge because unlike the presidency, Emmys go to the winner of the popular vote."
"95% of all women prefer confidence over looks... we've got to remember this."
"Don't let a few rotten apples spoil the bunch... we forget that women are like a protected class."
"Men don't like confrontation; we don't like drama. We can deal with confident, real men can deal with confrontation, but we don't want drama."
"Listening to you, listening to Risi, and so many other powerful women that come on this panel, because y'all tell a story that men just need to listen to."
"If a man cheats, yes, yes, yes, yes, just like a handshake. Women act like this is the most unforgivable thing, that he is the ultimate bad guy, the ultimate demon if he does this."
"It's only a matter of time before we do have a woman in charge and get to see the whole thing from an entirely New Perspective."
"Hookup Culture: Women's Misery, Men's Misconceptions."
"Couples Therapy: The Unfair Advantage of Women's Communication."
"Valkyrie realizing she had these abilities came to the belief that men everywhere were bad."
"If you think that there are toxic men, you have to also believe that there are toxic women."
"In today's society, many modern women ardently advocate for open and honest communication and relationships, insisting that it's the Cornerstone of trust and understanding."
"Exploring the femininity of God, challenging traditional concepts."
"There's definitely a different way of approaching problem solving between men and women."
"Women are [ __ ] with feelings, so you put more towards it."
"I've never heard a man say you know she's not that cute in the face but i'ma give her a try."
"I see people online who say men and then refer to women as females, and I think it's an effort to dehumanize women."
"Clearly if he's only following women for how they look he doesn't really view us as people he views us as objects he doesn't care about anything we have to say and that's a fault in him not in us."
"Men don't have time for games under the matriarchy because we all on security Duty it's just that simple."
"Women are better off focusing on what they're good at and what brings the most value to their lives rather than trying to chase and pursue something that is actually impossible to attain."
"The world where women do not feel controlled, they feel protected."
"There's guys that you fuck and there's guys that you marry. And pretty much every girl in Western culture will pretty much agree with that."
"A woman is more better managers of money than men, truth be told."
"Every man of basically all ages is universally agreeing that women in the early 20s are at their most beautiful."
"Love of self creates an acceptance of female nature."
"There comes a point in your life where you live so much life and learn so much that you can never in good conscience say men and women are equal."
"TV today is really for women even the Super Bowl is kind of for women right now there's always the female sensibilities that are always taken into consideration before we create anything."
"Women are not dumb, ladies I'll be on your side most of the time."
"Attraction is actually a pretty weird thing. Like, if you think about it, us men, we're attracted to women's body parts..."
"The only leverage you have as a man sometimes."
"I don't think that there were a whole lot of women feeling like they had the worst deal."
"That's just a depiction of the female experience that is."
"It's really just a space for us to see where women, the men forgot to, and finally the perspective of women are thinking about how they're feeling."
"Women, you're way better investors than men because you have less ego."
"Their outlet for their narcissism is identical to a man's outlet for his narcissism: genitalia is equipment. It's not who you are."
"Violence happens because we've objectified the female body."
"I think men can be awesome and men can be great"
"Women love deeper than men because look how these women kept holding on to this man, but he was able to just dust them off like they was dirty trash."
"A successful woman won't be threatening to you, she'll be attractive to you, she'll be sexy to you."
"Gender is a social construct and of course I would fight back."
"Girls see things that guys can't. And sometimes, if they are given the space, they have the intellectual capacity and an open heart to be able to see something that men are not able to."
"I think it's easier being a woman to go out on the street and approach people."
"What a disgusting message to send to your male progeny."
"A sudden, when it comes to women, investing more means you lose."
"Women aren't just bodies, sometimes they're, well, people."
"Honestly, I think the women are stronger than men."
"Why their voices determine elections, they are a major part of the future of every country yet we never hear their point of view." - "Housewives determine elections."
"The problem is girls hold on to every word because we're emotionally invested."
"Women are like, 'Oh my God, Disney World, it's so like magical!' But here's the thing, men hear that, they're like, 'Oh, she's crazy!'"
"I became so hyper aware of what the male gaze was and how I was actually performing for the male gaze without even realizing it."
"Women haven't experienced it so we don't know that men do, and men don't realize that for women it's different."
"Men oftentimes will think about things before they do them and many women and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say most women act on emotions."
"So, caring about how somebody feels is pointless when they can change their feelings. But you care more about the feelings of black women in general than you care about black men."
"Most women have never sat down to analyze these types of things and put proper thought into it."
"I never see the world in terms of gender because I think there's bigger differences between individuals than there are between genders."
"Honestly, most women are funnier than men."
"Success means different things to men and to women, and that's absolutely fine."
"The evolution of the way I thought of women came when I actually encountered them in real life scenarios."
"Barbie is pro-men because it appreciates and understands the plight without coddling the sufferer."
"The arrogance of men never ceases to amaze me."
"I think women are better money managers."
"When women cheat, it's a whole compassionate deal. When men cheat, he's just a dirty dog."
"I found out that women are really smart."
"Learn about the world, and not just about men on the other side of it, okay?"
"Ocampo experiments, she definitely goes, she steps outside, right, she's not afraid to write from the perspective of both genders."
"Men desire marriage the same way women do, just in general."
"I do believe the majority of women are good women, the majority of men are good men, it's just we always just want the biggest and the baddest."
"Men and women see the world a little bit differently; it may not be politically correct, but it's biologically correct."
"I think women have more confidence innately than men do."
"Women love harder in their relationships."
"It's precisely the different ways women see reality and men see reality that bring us together in a wholeness."
"There's a positive way to look at this, in this age where they just constantly trash men."
"Men and women think differently, we see the world differently, we experience the world differently."
"For many men, it may not seem like a big deal, but like for all the women watching, if you can wash your hair in a place like that, I think you will understand the feeling."
"Women are smarter than men; we're better teachers and we got more management skills."
"Locking doors at all times, men didn't think it was quite as important as women but both gave it a high safety rating."
"Supposing that truth is a woman, what then? All philosophers have failed to understand women."
"A compliment from a man means literally nothing, but a compliment from a woman, now that's something."