
Demographics Quotes

There are 1457 quotes

"In the African continent, the population is by and large much younger than the western world, and new technologies are adopted far more quickly."
"Sports gambling is at an all-time high, revenues and interest. Sports gambling has exploded among men ages 18 to 34."
"Ethnicity is not destiny; demography is not destiny."
"Black women are the most enrolled in institutions of higher education."
"Immigration brings young workers who help offset the large-scale retirement of baby boomers."
"Every country on the planet is facing some form of demographic collapse, and that's really bad because if you don't have a working population, you can't have any social programs."
"Anime, a style of Japanese animation, is typically aimed for both adults and children."
"The projections are right now that 45% of women are projected to be single between the ages of 22 and 45."
"As people become more wealthy and have access to more institutions, they tend to have less children."
"Shares of adults in the US middle class has decreased considerably since 1971."
"This is one of those that really lands for all ages and demographics."
"Affirmative action benefited more white women than it did black people."
"It was predictable that the obese, the South Asian ethnic people, black African ethnic people, the poor people, and the elderly... would succumb to COVID-19 in a big way, and they did."
"Aging populations always have lower growth, fact."
"We've got the two largest demographic bulges in all recorded history in the labor force at the same time, and technology is exploding."
"This is the fourth turning, the transition of power from one demographic to the other."
"Demographics rule the world. The exact combination of young and old workers and retirees can determine a country's economic future."
"India is in the early parts of a demographic sweet spot where the majority of their population is now of working age. This really helps support growth."
"The demographic trends are changing our world. For Stephen Chan, these offer a unique insight into global economics and politics."
"The majority of every voting demographic in the U.S., including Hispanics, opposes illegal immigration."
"The primary driver of U.S. sovereign debt is, we are getting old; it's demographics and demographics isn't Republican or Democrat, it's math."
"It's the people working hourly jobs to make ends meet, it's seniors on fixed income and Social Security, it's everyone who gets their income from a paycheck each month, not an investment portfolio."
"The demographic catastrophe Ukraine has experienced over this war is potentially existential for Ukraine."
"The highest percentage of depressed people in the world is in North American cities; the lowest percentage of depressed people in the world are in rural communities in Africa."
"Demographics are important... the average Consumer Reports subscriber is more interested in reliability than the average person."
"It's almost comical, but it's sad because it's tragically a demographic time bomb."
"Demographics had a part to play not only in the disinflationary cycle but also in the fact that this generational change, this fourth turning that's coming, was probably going to change the system we operated in."
"If you were born in the 1990s in this country, you are down to a 50/50 shot [of being better off than your parents], and that is declining fast."
"The geography explains the 'why,' the 'why now' is demographics."
"Russia in two generations went from having seven children per family to now under two."
"This is kind of the last year that the Russians have a large enough cadre of people in their 20s to have a draft-based military."
"The idea that changing demographics is a threat to our society ignores the history and strength of our diversity."
"The white population is declining for the first time in history in America, while the number of multi-racial Americans have more than doubled."
"Demographics and cycles are how you predict the future."
"Africa's powerful demographics these countries are now willing to compete for influence."
"Families with children, the majority of these children under the age of six, are the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population."
"Because of all the immigration to the state from predominantly Catholic areas... Rhode Island is now the most Catholic state in the entire US."
"About 200,000 Americans under the age of 65 are living with early onset Alzheimer's disease."
"On any given day, 300 million people around the world are on their menstrual period."
"The Russians are in demographic collapse... and they're going to cease to have the ability to carry out offensive military operations within the decade."
"Millennials are the biggest generation, and we just didn't build any homes for them."
"We have to realize that Gaza was a place that had many struggles and we know that it's over half of its population are children."
"I live in Pensacola, Florida. I have three kids, one of each."
"More students from the top 1% than the bottom forty percent, there's a reason for that."
"Four out of ten viewers are female but that women make up for 2/3 of all commerce sales."
"Paris' population doubled between 1800 and 1850 as a result of easier and more widespread train travel."
"This year, Trump won a larger share of the non-white vote than any Republican since 1960."
"There are at least 12 million stateless people worldwide, with the actual figure thought to be significantly higher."
"Global data...showed that people younger than 60 generally have better outcomes if they catch the virus."
"Younger middle-aged men are the loneliest they've been in generations."
"What people usually don't think about is what you do in a world where the playgrounds are empty and the nursing homes are all full."
"Muslims make up 23.1 percent of the Earth's population. This is not a tiny cult in the Middle East; this is an international phenomenon."
"India boasts a large land mass and an abundance of labor due to its young population."
"The majority of people who get abortions are white... criminalize abortion, ensure a future majority white working class."
"There are not enough people. I can't emphasize this enough, low and rapidly declining birth rates are one of the biggest risks to civilization."
"We live in a country with aging demographics... people don't really care about the younger generation because you can't win an election just by catering to them."
"The population profile of a country is really important. A healthy economy will show lots of people at different stages of their life, with a large trunk of the population being of a working age, so that they can contribute to the growth of the economy."
"If you can distribute enough of these people all over the country, you can turn the so-called proverbial red States into blue States."
"Babies born to Muslims will begin to outnumber Christian births by 2035."
"The evolution of gangs from razor gangs to modern 'Neds' reflects changes in demographics and motivations."
"The real reason behind the rise of the Trad wife is the fact that the traditional family is growing, all the while liberal progressives are dying."
"Demographics is destiny, particularly when it comes to religion and politics."
"If you're all in with personal preference as guiding what is and what is not legitimate sex, you're demographically imploding."
"The Nintendo Wii made a huge inroad into the senior citizen market with its intuitive controllers."
"I'm sure those people exist but it's like parents of high schoolers like I would say on average are probably in their mid-40s."
"Even stats Canada says Canada is breaking along ethnic lines."
"The future of the Republican Party is based on a multi-ethnic, multi-racial working-class coalition."
"We literally live in the middle of Suburbia."
"After the last week, I don't wanna hear any crying about white flight from major cities."
"The changing demographics would exacerbate and shape responses to social trends."
"You get out of cities, big cities. We're seeing people do that, and that's important."
"The number four most popular name in Europe is Muhammad."
"The risk of dying from COVID-19 is near zero if you are young and healthy."
"We saw income levels rise among all demographic groups."
"It was damn near 600,000 missing people in 2022. 57 were white including Hispanic, 39 were minorities."
"The U.S.-led Western alliance network will collectively begin approaching the total number of citizens and available manpower that China has under its control."
"Your speed and dexterity is only furthered by the fact that holding a one-handed weapon with both hands increases swing speed."
"It's refreshing to study something that you want to learn at the time you want to learn it. That's relevant to you."
"Is that their fault? In another world, the humble Irish would be the ones making up such a disproportionate amount."
"The vaccine efficacy was consistent across ethnicity and age."
"More than 102 million people call Egypt their home today."
"People are fleeing California and New York and going to Florida and Texas."
"Only 45 percent or so of Democrats are excited to get out and vote."
"Where are we today? People over 50 now outnumber people under 25 with student loans, and they owe three times more."
"It's like every game, the target audience is like sensitive 14 year old girls."
"The very man I waited my whole life for I might lose because I can't get control of my issues."
"A population that is experiencing consistent growth will be seeing their quality of life improve year over year and will naturally be less inclined to rock the boat that is ferrying them to prosperity."
"All the rich white liberals are still getting married and having kids."
"Blacks in this country commit an insanely high amount of crime."
"We are a society that is demographically doomed to destruction."
"Religious Catholics are still having kids. Orthodox Jews are still having kids. Religious Muslims are still having kids."
"People are moving all over the place and there's all kinds of reasons and we can do a whole video on migration patterns, but if you want to really take a look, just go look and see where the moving trucks are going."
"You're not just a demographic, you're a person."
"How do you both keep the vote switchers to stay Democrat but also how do you harness that demographic change registering new voters and making sure they all turn out?"
"College-educated voters tend to be the highest propensity voters that turn out the most no matter what."
"This map shows where people are the most and least racially tolerant."
"Two percent of a huge population is still a huge number, 25 million Chinese Muslims."
"Research your target demographic for a better UX."
"But if it's going to continue to be like mostly boomers on facebook let's be honest the boomers aren't going to last very long."
"Around 80 percent of women had intended to have children and are left childless."
"One out of three men under 30 are either virgins or haven't had sex in a year."
"Women over the age of 45 that are single and childless have the lowest rates of happiness."
"Raleigh is one of America's fastest-growing cities... economic base led by banking and finance... pushed income levels into the upper third of America's largest metro areas."
"The average age at marriage has changed tremendously. In 1960, the median age at first marriage for women was 20, now it's 27."
"If every single blue state had their red portions break off to join their Red State neighbors, a Democrat would never win again."
"It's very rare... It's definitely a lot lower than the statistics of the United States, so."
"People who survived tended to be younger... children disproportionately survived."
"No majority nation has ever become a minority nation peacefully."
"As long as the country is reasonably stable and educates its women that country is a birth rate goes down it doesn't matter what the cultural religion is."
"If you go and you look at the median age of places that have conflicts they always have younger ages so as older ages you know as populations get older the ability to wage war but also the desire to wage worse tends to decline."
"There is no demographic, economic level, educational level, or national origin that you can predict that will give that will say this person is going to like closer to truth."
"Mermaids were a certifiable hit with younger demographics as evidenced by the sudden rise of mermaid dolls in the late 80s."
"Currently adults age 60 years and older account for the majority of the hospitalizations, critical care admissions, and deaths."
"Hunter College...a working class school...an amazing group of young people."
"The desire comes before all the other demographic qualities."
"Disproportionately impacted black and brown people."
"Gen Z is smart. I hate to break it to you guys, I know you think that you just need to pander to them because their attention span is zero."
"South Africa: significantly younger population compared to many Western nations."
"For the first time, most new hires of prime working age 25 to 54 are people of color."
"We're not going to win this fight in the courts. We're going to win it in the court of public opinion and with demographics."
"I'm a human being, I'm a middle-aged woman, and I'm a journalist."
"There are lots of reasons that a rational person from certain demographics is less likely to go into the sciences... it's not racism in the sciences."
"It makes me really uncomfortable, the stuff you promote on your channel to mostly young ladies."
"Hispanics, African-American black Americans, and Native Americans are greatly disproportionately represented."
"For many futurists, the primary challenge posed by declining population growth is economic."
"New Jersey: A state of diversity, with rich ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds."
"It's a great example of showrunners catering to a wide demographic."
"The anime market demographic is mainly kids who can't afford to use streaming services."
"America has the biggest population in the G7 and it is also the most diverse."
"If you orange build a significant percentage of boomers and they started going to the financial advisors and their pension funds... that's when the existing finance industry has to start taking this seriously."
"She's more likely to be single single moms used to carry an unfair stigma but a 2016 census revealed there were more single or unmarried moms than ever."
"He was literally crying and begging his people to start having babies."
"You are looking at two and three-quarter billion people in the world that we potentially have some direct connection with."
"Pennsylvania voter registration Trends are suggesting a massive shift over to the Republicans."
"If Republicans start cutting into the Democratic base to the tune of 20 of black voters and 50 of Hispanic voters Democrats do not have a coalition the Coalition simply does not exist."
"The day of reckoning will come... millions of baby boomers reached the age..."
"Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of the working-class voters."
"It's about the aspirations, not about the demographic. It's the mindset."
"Over the course of the last 12 months Russia has lost over 1.2 million people."
"The loss of the 1890 census was an irretrievable devastating loss for people who study things like demographics and genealogy."
"About half of American adults are single now, which is the highest rate through history."
"The greatest indicators of eviction are being black, being a woman, or having children."
"China’s economy has matured, and its workforce is shrinking."
"Who's more gullible than kids and teenagers?"
"Asians have the highest family income in the country."
"What is the biggest change of our time? Well, I think it's this: babies born per woman."
"Emotional abuse is generally the most common form of interpersonal violence reported by female perpetrators... it's regardless of age, ethnicity..."
"Demographics and look getting older is not republican or democrat but it is math it is going to happen."
"It's a population boom and no one talks about that."
"Fewer pregnancies maybe more responsible for the decline than state laws restricting abortion."
"If you live in an affluent suburb the overwhelming majority of the voters are there are going to be Democrats now and the big divide in American politics is no longer about ideology it's significantly about income and even more education."
"It's a real virus and it affects certain demographics very negatively."
"I get excited about the fact that people who are old right now, like the number of centenarians or whatever it is, super centenarians, the number of people living much longer in healthier lives is growing all the time."
"In Finland, per capita, the usage of Instagram and Facebook in comparison to how much marketing money is being put in there by the companies in Finland is one of the biggest opportunities in the world."
"A record number of 40-year-olds in the US have never been married."
"Millennials are the largest group in America they're now larger than baby boomers."
"The over-representation amongst the impoverished, the fractured families, the huge test score gaps, you know you could go down the list one after another after another social indicator of inequality."
"Hispanics and Latinos are more conservative than they are liberal, especially on issues of values, morals, pro-life, pro-marriage, anti-rioting."
"The left is obsessed with demographic replacement."
"It's one of the things you can predict with the most ease: demographics is Destiny."
"Two people have one kid, population goes down. Two people have two kids, population still goes down."
"For a robust market, you need the young adult segment to be able to participate."
"What is it going to do to retain and attract talented, motivated, entrepreneurial younger people to California?"
"He is going to each state where there is some minority population thickly populated area he's avoiding consciously."
"The fastest growing group of gun owners in America is specifically black women." - Notable demographic trend in gun ownership.
"It takes 20 years from conception to adult to reverse demographic trends."
"The demographic trend will have enormous political and economic consequences."
"Do you want to get a cross section of the Hispanic vote in the United States? Well... here we go..."
"U.S. birth rate fell by four percent in 2020, hitting another record low."
"The shift of demographics in voters in the United States in Canada in Europe and everywhere else... it can be a very very big paradigm shift in politics."
"His appeal spans over a lot of different demographics."
"There's an entire demographic of the population who are routinely denied life-saving medical care."
"Demographic change can overtake the best-laid plans of partisan map makers."
"For this movie to be being experienced by a giant swath of viewers that cuts way past his usual demographic... it's making it more of a talkable movie than I would have thought any of the last five Todd hannes movies have been."
"Millennials now outnumber every other generation."
"Cities themselves are more supportive of liberalism, affecting nearly half the world's population."
"The average black person cannot afford to have children anymore."
"Understanding population demographics is key to stability."
"Birth rate is by far their biggest problem in my opinion." - Elon Musk
"Most of DC's residents hold jobs or contracts with the federal government."
"Identical quadruplets are a miracle of nature out of 60 million million people in the whole of the UK."
"The biggest disproportionality comes in terms of protestants so 45 of americans are protestants but only 22 percent of the court is protestant."
"America is becoming less Christian every day."
"There are over 100 million Americans that want the world to end in their lifetime."
"Without new blood without new babies what is a society what is a city?"
"Japan will go from being the 11th most populous country to having less people than New Jersey."
"Life expectancy has changed, people are living much longer."
"Do they actually have the power? Ultimately, there are seven billion of us and only a few of them."
"When there's more adult diapers at Walmart than baby diapers, there's going to be a lot of issues." - Unknown
"The whole world has this big demographic time bomb facing him."
"What we were trying to create was a little loyal Jewish olster in a sea of hostile Arabs."
"Russia has more than three times Ukraine's population and intact economy."
"76% of adults under age 30 say intelligent life exists on other planets."
"The average American video gamer is 33 years old and plays first on their smartphone."
"Younger demographics love consuming content from their phone."
"Generational analysis is a good place to start to predict future spending habits."
"Population growth... best long-term indicator of Demand."
"White people will sit in their suburban homes and wonder."
"The Philippines is the world's largest supplier of nurses."
"The Philippines has a population of at least a hundred million people."