
Technology Adoption Quotes

There are 573 quotes

"In the African continent, the population is by and large much younger than the western world, and new technologies are adopted far more quickly."
"If anything, the turmoil that we're in right now economically and otherwise is going to hasten the adoption of these new technologies."
"China is embracing [facial recognition] in a big way... We can match every face with an ID card and trace all your movements back one week in time."
"The actual eventual adoption of this technology... is something that is extremely exciting and a story that continues to grow in a positive way."
"If he is saying 'We are at war against Bitcoin,' then I would say to him, 'No sir, you have lost the war against Bitcoin a long time ago.'"
"This is the fastest level of adoption of any technology in all recorded history."
"If Apple and Google roll out Bitcoin on their devices, that will be the single most important signal that we could have."
"There's no infrastructure for electric cars, yet they're pushing us to buy things that aren't supported."
"Don't sit on the sidelines. Don't miss out. It's an incredible technology, it's super fun, and to be honest, it can be super profitable and potentially change your life."
"You have to learn how to use these tools immediately."
"Crypto as it starts building out as an ecosystem, you start to realize that this is now the fastest adoption of any technology in all recorded human history."
"We will see mass adoption when people start using crypto without knowing that they're using cryptocurrency."
"By 2020, virtually every major manufacturer has some form of all-electric vehicle offering in their product line."
"I am genuinely finding that at this point in time, Linux would be easier to use."
"We came into it wanting to support mainstream adoption of Linux."
"Last month, we averaged nearly 45,000 telehealth visits a day, a major increase from the previous year."
"So it's great to have such a large list of companies that are actually making use of TensorFlow as well."
"I embrace the iPhone, and there was a bunch of apps for the iPhone."
"It took mainstream markets a long time to adopt the internet."
"Globally, it's expected that 4 billion people will buy their first air conditioner by 2050."
"Still at the top of the first inning regarding DeFi."
"This ain't going anywhere, this is going to be the future."
"Bitcoin is the fastest adopted technology in all of human history."
"For every day that Apple doesn't add RCS support to iMessage, they're sending a subtle hint."
"Users that have a smart speaker, more than 60% of those users say that that device itself has led them to buy another smart home device."
"Disneyland Mobile Order expands to include more restaurants and payment options!"
"You'll never catch up unless you think one to ten years in advance and create a market for the items you think the public will accept at that time." - Akio Morita
"How could anybody turn against this technology? This is a miracle technology."
"Resistance is the first reaction... the ones who succeed are the ones who continue."
"Insufficient knowledge about EVs is holding them back."
"40 million and counting: the incredible impact of the Raspberry Pi."
"At first, I think it's going to be... quite expensive but that price will very rapidly drop."
"I just really want to see DLSS on Switch and see games using it."
"I think the answer is a clear yes because it's happening quickly like you're quickly seeing so many games be supported very well faster than I expected."
"Amazon and Microsoft most certainly are committed to Rust."
"This is good for Linux, this is good for gamers."
"One of the main reasons people get an Apple watch is to use the health and fitness tracker."
"To be fair, we were quicker to embrace disc brakes, weren't we?"
"We want to bring that movie theater experience for folks that don't want to have to pull up a movie on the computer."
"Remote work technology, nothing new but increasing acceptance of digitally being somewhere makes it more common."
"Projects like this expand the user base of this new technology."
"Getting nerds moving and getting normies to wear goggles are the two major friction points."
"84% of employers are rapidly digitizing their working processes."
"The cell phone is being used by more people than any other invention in history."
"So you've recently made a switch to Linux or you're at least you're thinking about it. Good for you, it's a good jump to make."
"PWAs are set to become the standard in app development."
"5G is inevitable; it's just a question of when, not if."
"Apple's market share in the education field was over 50 percent."
"Just get familiar with the new Apple pencil 2 and how it works."
"Should I be getting into the Solana ecosystem? It's really fast, it's cheap to use."
"I do think Solana has gained significant adoption up to this point."
"You know if we go if we get into this metaverse thing if we get into this crypto thing we're going to attract the new generation."
"600 million if we continue to see the kind of adoption numbers."
"It's the same way the internet grew I think uh Bitcoin is gonna have the same adoption rate and in 10 years we're we're going to see the majority of people on earth using it."
"There's no chance that we're going to be banning Bitcoin or anything else that holds economic promise in terms of developing new technologies for financial services and payment systems."
"Tesla's full self-driving city streets beta has been out for some time now and recently began shipping to average customers achieving high safety scores."
"The adoption rate on this is coming quickly, guys. NFTs and crypto gaming will change the space."
"Sony was using the PS3 as a Blu-ray Trojan horse, sold as a new game console, but used as an HD video player too!"
"You are a tiny grain of sand on an infinite beach and most consumers will take convenience over security and privacy every single time."
"The crypto world is the fastest adoption of any technology in all recorded human history."
"These ‘print-to-order’ solar cells are starting to hit the market on a global scale."
"My switch to Android has been a very interesting one."
"Crypto has arrived and is not going to go away."
"Things are moving much quicker than people really believe because they're constantly looking at price and not looking at the fundamentals and the real adoption being used in real Industries and businesses."
"Do not run from AI, do not be afraid of it, embrace it."
"One of the things that really draws me to new technologies is the people around it."
"Once this technology is there... someone else is going to do that as well."
"We believe that the shift toward battery electric vehicle adoption is accelerating and will occur faster than our prior view."
"XRP joins the NFT boom with a $250 million creator fund."
"Digital adoption curves aren't slowing down, they're accelerating."
"This one is able to diffuse to the world at large faster than any other technology."
"If that is the way that the world is going I do think it's even more important that the West embraces decentralized cryptocurrencies."
"NFTs will be a common lexicon like mp3 started off funny."
"And if you get this, you are going to be so ahead of the curve."
"Ethereum's rise is actually backed by real usage."
"It's a big moment for electrification and will make a significant impact for the viability of owning any EV."
"Confidence is what slows technological adoption."
"Bitcoin is mathematically programmed to go up, it can't go anywhere else, and we're so early in adoption."
"But here’s the thing: We don’t need to blindly accept technology as an all or nothing."
"If you're really considering switching to Linux, let me go ahead and welcome you aboard."
"That's a great thing because we already use it."
"I start seeing these NFTs... I'm actually going to buy some NFTs and see what it's about."
"Let's start at the very beginning, if you haven't yet created a Google account, you need to do so first."
"The fact that you are watching this show means you know what crypto is, which means you're in the top two and a half percent of planet Earth."
"Dogecoin is coming to crypto platform Coinbase in two months, says CEO." - Market Watch
"The big value proposition here has more to do with the kind of generation that we're starting to see grow up that are very native to digital."
"It's not the best technology that wins, but it's the most adopted technology that wins."
"Self-checkout is here to stay despite the rise in crime, loss, and theft."
"I feel like eventually it will come over to the blockchain and everything will be verifiable on this trustless sort of network."
"It's super cool, it's something that once you get used to it, you want it in every system."
"500 million new crypto users: massive percent increase."
"The Americas would be just as advanced as the Old World... immune to European diseases... technology and the Native Americans would be able to adopt Old World technologies."
"Anyone arguing against digital collectibles and items are simply arguing against the future like someone who said the telephone will never replace face-to-face communication."
"Mass adoption is coming, it's here, but it's just beginning."
"I'm a baller I'm gonna get it anyway and then you see other people switch to PC even though they thought it was stupid."
"Don't be afraid of it, embrace it, go do something with it."
"Some entrenched users of proprietary systems feel threatened by Linux... Linux generally doesn't need it, doesn't want it. No thank you."
"I frankly will never switch back... I am a Linux user, I am a Linux main at this point."
"Indian farmers actively embraced BT cotton, leading to increased yields and income."
"People used to look at me like I was stupid when I talked about Bitcoin. Now my phone rings off the hook." - Mike Novogratz
"It became much more affordable for people to adopt these in mass."
"VR is a better place for non-gamers to start than traditional titles."
"Necessity is the mother of invention, and people have been forced to adopt technology."
"It's just crazy how quickly this thing picks up and accelerates."
"Typing instruction software was necessary for men who bought computers."
"Suddenly all these people who were like, 'why do I need a computer?' were like, 'oh I gotta get on the internet.'"
"Transitioning to Linux: a delightful journey of discovery."
"Get into new tech. Make yourself unsilenceable."
"This ain't stopping. This is the fastest adoption of any technology in all recorded history."
"From 130-140 million users now to 1 billion in 2024."
"The US is either going to embrace crypto and win or ban crypto and disintegrate."
"I was born in the '90s and this [__] started to become a thing."
"I think for the general industry, it's a huge driver of that technology."
"Imagine loading up an animation in 1515 and just having this guy go, 'Yeah, my dudes, we're all in on this printing press.'"
"Don't wait, go ahead and get the Wi-Fi 6 stuff."
"The simplicity and power efficiency made RISC chips the perfect choice for mobile phones and later smartphones."
"I've never used adblock but I can see the value in it because ads suck who likes that I don't."
"If you ever make something ten times better than one-tenth the cost everybody uses it."
"Android Pie grew at 2.5 times the rate of Oreo, and Android 10 is projected to grow at five to six times the rate of Oreo."
"It has full support for Windows, Macs, Linux, and also Chrome OS, with pro OS app usage growing four times in the last year."
"Old people are afraid of technology, that is not true at all, many of them love it and want to be a part of it."
"Living with a Model 3: I hate to say it, but I have seriously been converted to the electric car craze."
"Voice-based technologies are taking over the world."
"We've had close to six million smart delivery upgrades since launch and that's just really exciting to see."
"This feels right it's almost as if the F-150 has been needing a fully electric powertrain for years because I don't know if I could ever get back into a combustion one and it not feel the way this feels."
"Python makes a lot of sense. It's a really good language, high adoption, high movement in that space."
"Now that there's nation-state adoption, what's coming I think will surprise people because it will accelerate."
"It is liberating to say okay now something like streaming to any device streaming to an android phone right it makes complete sense because that's where the customers are."
"The internet isn't going away anytime soon you guys so if you're saying you know oh yeah this only works for some people you know change your mindset around because it works for people who work it Kay."
"It looks like the whole world is gonna have to take Palantir's products more and more serious over this next few years."
"By embracing this technology, you're not only preparing yourself... but you're actually be able to take advantage of AI to open up a lot of new opportunities for yourself."
"The Linux challenge like really revealed to me that it's not there but it's not that far, you know?"
"Questions like 'what is blockchain' and 'why we would want to use it,' will eventually transform into questions like, 'why isn’t blockchain being used in this case or that case?'"
"One of the primary reasons people are wearing the watch today is for fitness and health."
"The newer generation is going to want to use bitcoin."
"Chat GPT alone has already surpassed over a hundred million users after only two months of being available."
"The more you practice with interfaces and the more you try things out, the more comfortable you are with them."
"Once people feel comfortable, the electric vehicle becomes a no-brainer."
"The adoption of 16 gigabytes has really gone down in the last couple of months."
"Tech adoption has been incredibly fast and it's getting faster."
"The Federal Reserve will adopt the ISO 20022 message format for the Fedwire Fund Service."
"Support for new technologies like Ray tracing is only a positive."
"I'm very happy to see the Linux Gamers and obviously Steam Proton."
"When you are dealing with a new technology, you have to be patient. This is a new technology that is disrupting money, technology, the internet, and people are expecting it to disrupt all of that today."
"Number of new users coming on the Bitcoin network continues to reach new all-time highs."
"If anything, the biggest risk of innovation tends to be 'failing to embrace new technologies.'"
"ChatGPT reached almost 600 million visitors, making it the fastest growing user application ever."
"I put all the smart bulbs and all that stuff in my house last year... I got the hue and I got the puck."
"What made you start getting into virtual reality?... It was a combination of interest in video games and animation."
"Everyone's switching to Zoom, I mean everyone's on Zoom, Zoom's the hot thing right now."
"DP Review made digital photography understandable to people who wouldn't have accepted it."
"Start building a relationship with free and open source software."
"Most people could buy a 3080 and be extremely happy with it."
"I think this thing could explode if it gains any adoption like mana."
"27 percent of you are running the beta, this is up from just eight percent."
"Most people have no idea what they're doing with NFTs and Super Farm is going to be the community that welcomes them."
"Embrace or die, you can't deny this blockchain crypto whatever you want to call it technology."
"I want to ride companies that can really ride the AI wave and establish huge huge kind of product dominance right with AI."
"To categorize these different levels of smart home control, I would say using her or him as your hub is the easiest for a non-technical user."
"These systems have their place, and as they get better, we're going to go from an attitude of 'oh I don't need that' to 'wow, that's actually pretty useful.'"
"We're going to see major implementation of NFTs especially on e-commerce we need to be able to take advantage of that move."
"The next decade of crypto is going to be about people using crypto."
"Mass adoption is on the horizon, don't miss the opportunity."
"As people come in and they say, 'Ah, cryptos, they're nothing,' just remember, there's the same type of people out there that predicted that the internet would come to nothing." - Rob
"The technology, it's something that you'll just have to get used to especially being a first early adopter to this car, it's glitchy."
"For 90% of the users out there... probably not going to affect them too much if they don't want the new features."
"Roughly 160 million people have exposure to bitcoin today, but that doubles every year."
"It's revolutionizing everything and if you're not using it to your advantage, you're going to be like somebody in the early 20th century when cars were being mass-produced, looking at their horse and being like, 'No, I'm going to stick with this.'"
"NFT space pushing mass adoption into the blockchain."
"We're tiptoeing towards Mass adoption. Now it's starting to feel a little bit like a Sprint."
"More than 65% of handsets sold in Q4 2020 in China were 5G."
"Politicians are warming up to crypto, understanding its technology."
"I think this adoption of the metaverse is quite exciting in my opinion."
"This was one of my first Apple products and definitely my first smartphone and I absolutely loved it."
"Crypto's technology so it was easy for me to learn."
"Growth in cryptocurrency adoption is breathtaking, no matter which metric you look at."
"Stadia's long-term success depends on game support and user adoption."
"The adoption of bitcoin and cryptocurrency is pushing forward."
"Many analysts and researchers are continually underestimating the pace of EV adoption."
"I just take over in those spots but I'd say 98% of my driving now is all FSD."
"Now that EV adoption has hit an inflection point."
"Don't buy the iPhone 12 just for 5G. Depending on where you live in the world, 5G might not even have rolled out at all."
"NFTs are onboarding a massive amount of users, L2s and scaling Solutions are gaining traction."
"Society tends to adopt technology really quickly but it's very important that the developers of these things need to take security into account from the very beginning."
"The number one barrier to widespread adoption of machine learning and AI technologies is not about the technology, it's about social acceptance."
"It's the technology behind it that I can see replacing other technologies."
"Everybody have an iPhone now, everybody has an iPhone now."
"The amount of partners and projects adopting Chainlink as a way to get their data into blockchains is only accelerating."
"Explanation builds faith in AI recommendations, critical for adoption."
"Explanation is important for gaining faith in AI recommendations, even if not used day-to-day."
"Facebook wants to nudge people into trying its metaverse ideas."
"It's a game changer in adoption because I agree if you go around and people ask you about electric cars and you're like, 'You can charge at home,' they're like, 'Yeah, but what about when I'm out?'"
"I think people are going to finally adopt immutability as a kind of commonplace pattern now that records are there."
"Watch out for Chainlink, it's coming fast, heavy, and hard."
"Chinese president calls for greater blockchain adoption."
"Suddenly by using Akron they have instantly kind of jumped almost quite an important part."
"Bitcoin will surpass all competition from other payment systems such as Visa and MasterCard within 10 years if current growth continues."
"I'm fully integrated into VS Code now. Let me know what you think below of this new setup. I really like it."
"Global adoption is happening and it's really speeding up."
"Microservices is as much about a team organizational attitude as it is about a technological attitude."