
Modern Era Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"This is the 21st century, a century with the iPhone, the internet, where information moves instantaneously."
"We live in interesting times...it's amazing how rapidly the world is changing right now."
"It's never been an easier time in human history to stand out."
"It's the most extraordinary time ever to be alive."
"Be optimistic, now we're in the time of quantum biology and quantum physics."
"It's an amazing time to be an athlete and...an NBA player."
"We are in an unprecedented era of information overload."
"I think we're in an era of unprecedented access to technology, wealth, opportunity, education...I wouldn't say we're anywhere close to a fallen state."
"Charles II's reign is the birth of modern times."
"We're living in the most anointed day and age with the least amount of accountability."
"Luckily for us, in just the past few decades, some of the most astonishing machines have stepped out into the world stage."
"Never before in history has all of that not only been happening but been possible to happen."
"This new era seems to prioritize conversational and vulnerable presentations over melodrama."
"Modern is a relative term. 06, Unleashed, and Colors were part of that era in Generations, and those games are all over 10 years old now."
"The single greatest Batman story told in the modern era."
"Workers and Resources Soviet Republic is hands down my favorite modern era City Builder."
"Isn't it about time that someone tried to make a conscious effort into bettering, into transitioning into this PC-culture era that we now live in?"
"We live in amazing times folks—let's all go to space!"
"I believe we're living in a time of great revelation."
"It's time to move on, this is the era we in now, you're not the one."
"I think that we're in a time of unparalleled possibility."
"That for me is the civil rights issue of our time."
"It's the greatest time to be alive as creative individuals."
"This is the age of free money, I'm calling what it is folks."
"These are awesome times to live in, ladies and gentlemen."
"Guys, we live in the Golden Age of firearms."
"What is the biggest change of our time? Well, I think it's this: babies born per woman."
"An exciting time to be alive as I always say."
"We're in an era of hyper rapid technological change, the fastest in history."
"We're in a new age, the age of sustainable development."
"This is truly the latter day, our day, filled with great challenges as well as great opportunities."
"It's the Janus age, everything is two-faced."
"Copying others might be the best way to build a following quickly in the modern social media era."
"More Muslims coming to faith in Jesus than any other known time in history."
"We are living in the most intense season in modern history."
"This is arguably the best time in human history to be an atheist."
"This could very well be like the new age of serial killers being caught."
"There's more opportunity today than ever before."
"We live in a time where change is happening at a pace never seen before."
"We’re currently living in the golden era of the conspiracy theory."
"Humans have more access to information than at any other time in history."
"We're living the most extraordinary time ever."
"The ascent: a tale woven into the fabric of the modern era of the sport."
"We're living in a revolutionary time when it comes to acceptance and confirmation of whatever it is that's going on."
"It's the most exciting time to be alive that I've ever seen."
"We had the best economy... in modern American history possibly American history ever."
"When it comes to technology, we are living in an amazing time."
"That's a big step for you to say hey that's me and I don't want to be like this anymore. Good for you, man. You got my mad respect on that."
"Nothing is too extreme and nothing is impossible in the 21st century pursuit of remaking."
"We live in a strange time where Star Wars is omnipresent."
"What a fantastic time we live in with these dinosaurs."
"We're living in a very interesting new era of finances."
"Truly, it's a golden age, and not only are cat pictures better, but so are climate models."
"There's this cultural revolution that is occurring."
"There's a beauty in it... we're living in this technological adolescence."
"The shift that's happening in the culture is legendary right now."
"By leaning into some of those ideas and finding your Destiny is something that can enable us to retain our Humanity in what is truly an inhuman era."
"We live in an age of deep understanding about our universe."
"It really is an incredible time to be alive to see the advancement in all of this technology."
"The pace of scientific discovery is accelerating and it's an amazing time to be alive."
"We live in a time when more often than not, we're getting so much great stuff."
"We're very much in a post-constitutional era."
"It's a completely new era where every single day something seems to be happening."
"I'm so thankful for it, I'm so so thankful that we get to live in this time where exciting things are happening."
"Technology sure has made some crazy advances."
"We are living in the age of consequences, at the crossroads of massive technological innovation."
"We live in the most advanced era in human history. But why are digestive issues at the highest levels ever recorded?"
"Inequality being the big one, we're living in a new gilded age at least in part thanks to these massive efforts to avoid redistributive politics."
"This is the greatest era to be an entrepreneur in the history of the human race."
"And I truly think this is one of the coolest Mercedes-Benz models of all time and one of the very coolest vehicles of the modern era."
"You could have been born in the 17th century, but you're alive in the 21st century when the footsteps of the Messiah are drawing nearer."
"It's an exciting time to be alive, but it's also a terrifying time."
"What a time to be alive, we're swapping LS's into Lamborghinis."
"It's exciting times we live in you know these ufos are all of a sudden just not going to be they're going to be identified they're not going to be unidentified."
"We have recorded two crimes in this entire century."
"We're living in one of the most important historical times in modern ages."
"Stay involved folks because we do live in an interesting time of an awakening."
"We live in an amazing era. These machines are nuts."
"It's like we're living in sci-fi times or something. Definitely sci-fi times."
"We've never been at a more provocative time for innovation in history."
"Over the last 20 years, we've seen possibly the most progressive and mainstream-leaning era of Shonen yet."
"Never before in history has the public had such constant and immediate access to royalty."
"Technology has really advanced very quickly over the years."
"It's such an exciting time to be alive and to create."
"It could be said that the start of the modern world as we know it began on December 23, 1947."
"Naomi Harris possibly the best series Ambassador for the modern Bond era."
"For the modern NBA and the age we are in right now, it's excellent."
"This digital asset ownership era that we are in is game-breaking."
"Congratulations on living in the 21st century."
"TikTok is one of the biggest social media platforms in the current modern era."
"Giannis is just... we haven't seen it in our newer times. We haven't seen that before."
"We're really at this moment living in the best era to be a car guy."
"And they brand that popularity in this pomp and pageantry, and it's really, really worked in the era of mass media."
"We live in the Golden Age of firearms, there are so many different choices out there."
"I think it's one of the most exciting times to live in history."
"For the first time in human history, no church or state can stand in the way of human beings getting access to the actual history of things that happen to us."
"Compassion is defining cultural force of the 21st Century."
"We live in an era where clout is the new drug, attention is the newest form of currency."
"AI will be the most transformative technology of this era."
"1989 is quintessential modern Swift."
"We live in a time of unparalleled prosperity."
"They are positioning themselves for the era they are in, reclaiming something for themselves in a social media-saturated era."
"700,000 pay-per-view buys which is a lot for the modern era."
"Apart from possibly the automobile, the chair is the most designed, studied, written about, and celebrated artifact of the modern era."
"I love that we live in a day and age where there's so much opportunity for that as well."
"They had established themselves as one of the greatest teams of the modern era."
"It's 2020 and vampires stalk the land."
"In the modern day, in the Modern Age of football, this is the best rivalry we've got."
"It just changes even in the modern era."
"Just a great looking Iron Man. It's eye-catching, the candy look to it."
"But most of all, it evokes that classic look while being brought into kind of the modern era."
"We're not in the era where you used to sit in your house and wonder what Garth Brooks is doing right now."
"Is it still possible to find Mr. Right in 2024, or whoever is right for you?"
"Over time even the most powerful Heroes can be forgotten and some Heroes just struggle to fit in ultimately left abandoned and considered outdated in the more modern era."
"The scripture is our chief Authority but none of us read it in a vacuum. All contemporary views of the flood are responses to the discovery of the new world in the early modern era."
"We get so used to the modern era of endurance racing where the car is just bulletproof."
"It's hard. Dating in 2023 is hard."
"I'm literally never, ever, ever, ever, never, ever, ever, ever, [ __ ] ever going to pull a CD out and listen to it straight through or shuffled for listening to music. It's 2024. This... This is stupid. This is the stupidest [ __ ] thing I've ever seen."
"The film gave birth to the modern science fiction era."
"...we see it all the time people get cured frequently in this modern era..."
"The fact that these kind of videos were still getting made in 2017 blows my mind."
"You couldn't die, which was up until the very recent modern era not something you could count on."
"This isn't the 2000s anymore, dog."
"Women becoming more self-sufficient now and it's just a different era and I feel like guys are too insecure and they're also too picky when they don't even know what's real."
"Women don't like gentlemen like that anymore, that's right. You know so."
"In a world where truth is far more accessible than ever before."
"In this age of misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, Twitter, trolls, and deep fakes, gaslighting has emerged as a word for our time."
"We're living in the most amazing times in the world to be an entrepreneur."
"We're finally moving into an era that we can say is modern, that it is moved away from classical subject matter."
"Unlike many traitor Legions, they are still reasonably unified even in the modern era."
"Information is worth everything now."
"The hero is the true healer of the current era."
"That's pretty neat that an invention like that happened in our time period."
"Bluetooth, probably one of the greatest inventions in the modern era."
"It's a good way for us all as people living in the modern era to realize that social media does have a huge impact."
"It's the age of information, literally."
"We are now living in this golden age of artificial intelligence assisted spectral layer separation."
"We are in this age of like this big rejuvenation of Korean cinema and media."
"Robert Jackson is probably, at least in the modern era, the most eloquent craftsman."
"In this day and age, a lot of things can be achieved digitally."
"The modern Sonic fandom is honestly quite stable."
"The rise of the Paris clinic was said to mark a time of transition between the medical Middle Ages and the beginning of a modern era."
"It's interesting how technology forms the age of technology, how that forms how you create art."
"The most incredible musical partnership of the modern era."
"We live in the age of information."
"For me, Canelo has redefined what it means to be a Mexican fighter in the modern era."
"Knowledge and information in modern times is democratic."
"In this day and age, there are no gatekeepers."
"Ashton Steel is an end-to-end micro layout based in the modern era, showing small shunting operations for the loading and unloading of steel."
"The founding of the library in Alexandria has been called the beginning of modern history."
"Some people are even saying now that it's one of the best looking cars of the modern era."
"This is the age of wireless technology."
"21st century streaming, who would have thunk it?"
"It's just refreshing in this new era to see."
"I think there's never been a more remarkable time to be a woman in this society."
"We live in an age where we don't have trust in governments or centralized authorities."
"Kenny Omega is one of AEW's biggest assets and is one of, if not the greatest, wrestler of the modern era."
"He's one of just five to do so since the year 2000."
"He's personified what it means to be an artist in this day and age."
"We're in another age of exploration right now."
"We live in an age now where I can share stuff on a global scale."
"I am forever and truly thankful for the opportunities that we do have in this time, in this day and age."
"There has never been more content than there is today."
"It's the 21st century, we're all winners."
"We live in the age of the reveal."
"Data is becoming more important than ever."
"We have to take a minute to be grateful for the time that we live in because it is really incredible."
"The golden age for social entrepreneurship has dawned on us."
"Now is the best time in human history to make money online."
"Whoa, what a time to be alive, huh? 2022, the new age, the postmodern era."
"We're dealing in a different day and age now, man."
"It's a wonderful driving machine, you know, I love the weapons we've got today, we're in such an amazing era for cars."
"It's interesting that we're in this age where you can still take advantage of pockets and create lasting value."
"We're living the greatest time to be alive if you love what you do."
"We're now living in the age of celebrity."
"We're living in this time now where you can become anything."
"Science is the dominating philosophy on the planet."
"We live in the greatest time ever."
"We are living in an age of food protectionism."
"Just another exhibition of the brilliant athleticism of these players in the modern era."
"This card is a super iconic card, really marks the beginning of the modern Pokemon card era in terms of hype and appeal."
"It's amazing, what a time to be alive."
"Making a living on YouTube is amazing in this time."
"That's just the beginning of what the phrase post truth era really means."
"We live in an age when we no longer have to get past the gatekeepers; we can now run around them."
"We just live in an era where it's so easy to create your own opportunity."
"We're living in a time right now where human beings have never had this kind of access before to understand human nature."
"We have been blessed to live in a time where technology has made our work hugely productive."
"We live in a time of revolutionary change."
"We live in a weird time where we are able to interact with all our fans."
"Programming is the 21st Century's most valuable skill."
"There are more opportunities to launch a successful music career in 2022 than ever before."
"Most fans would agree that the turn of the century is where the modern era of hyper-skilled players began."
"I really like all these last five or six now that we're in the post-2000 era, I think they've really gotten the hang of making these in a style that I happen to appreciate."
"We live in the age of information. Teenagers making millions of dollars or being super famous."
"This is the age of the determined woman, you know."
"Welcome to the age of Efficiency."
"It's an incredibly exciting time purely to just be building technology."
"It's this geopolitical moment of the post-1990s... without that moment we would not have global history."
"The age we live in is a busy age; in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection."