
Data Privacy Quotes

There are 428 quotes

"European new law, General Data Protection Regulations, says you will have the right to have a decision about you made by an algorithm explained to you."
"Stockpiles of personal data serve only to enrich the companies that collect them."
"Fighting for ethical AI is not just an artist issue; it's a data acquisition conversation relevant to everybody."
"Americans need to ask themselves whether they want to give the Chinese government the ability to control access to their data."
"If, like me, you believe your data is your business, secure yourself with the number one rated VPN on the market."
"In a world where data is the new gold, your personal information is a treasure for data brokers."
"People should have complete control over their data and transparency of what that data is and how it's being used."
"The cell phone tracking data have been critical for ongoing response efforts such as hourly monitoring of activity in curfew zones or detailed counts of visits to participating pharmacies for vaccine monitoring."
"US officials say TikTok's Chinese ownership potentially gives Beijing a way to both collect data on Americans and influence public opinion."
"They capture our data, and that means we can't monetize it or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined."
"Cell providers actually have a long and notorious history of selling your location data to basically anyone who wants it."
"At Purism, we think data is uranium, so we treat it like a radioactive substance where we collect as little of it as humanly possible."
"I just resent the fact that I have to organize my life in such a way that the maximum amount of profitable data can be extracted from it."
"What happens to a small country somewhere when the entire personal records, medical records, whatever, of every politician, journalist, judge, and military officer is held by somebody in Silicon Valley or in China? Is it still an independent country or did it become a kind of data colony?"
"We need laws around personal data to be way more sophisticated."
"TikTok's actually bent over backwards to try to protect the data."
"Apple does the same and we can complain about it, but if you use an iPhone in China, your data goes to a government server."
"We are not the customers of Big Tech; we're its products."
"Data is the most valuable asset on earth. If that doesn't terrify you, it should."
"The right to be forgotten reflects the claim of an individual to have certain data deleted so that third persons can no longer trace them."
"Imagine this for a second: one man with total control of billions of people's stolen data, all their secrets, their lives, their futures."
"The Chinese government has tentacles in Tick Tock's data way more than you could have imagined."
"Apples like we are sick and tired of finding out that someone one of these data brokers has managed to find a back door."
"Companies like Facebook and Google are so big into AI and neural networks especially because they actually possess the required volumes of data to do some very interesting, albeit creepy, things."
"Why would you give [big tech companies] all of your data? Because that's the way they make their money."
"Many hidden scores are being generated... we're not aware of the scoring that is occurring even here in the US and the rest of the world."
"If they're making $200 billion a year off of your data, shouldn't we be getting some of that?"
"Think critically, study, understand you are a target demographic, and there are organizations who are working around the clock not only to build data on you but also to try and manipulate you in different ways."
"We believe that your private data should remain private, not because you've done something wrong or that you have something to hide but because there can be a lot of sensitive data on your devices, and we think you should be in control of who sees it."
"Your data is valuable. Hackers can make up to a thousand bucks per person selling personal information on the dark web."
"If too much power and too much data, and data now is deemed the raw material of power, is concentrated in few places, either in a few corporations or a few governments or a few countries, we need to, as much as possible, disperse power and data to more locations."
"The most important thing to know as human beings in the 21st century is that we are now hackable animals."
"We've allowed these companies to have access to our minds, our homes, our fingerprints, and now our DNA because we believed we were the customer when we were actually the product."
"One of the largest data privacy scandals in internet history was the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal of 2018."
"You should have access to your data. You bought the car, you spent 20 or 40 or 80,000 on this vehicle; you have paid for something that's collecting data on you."
"If you own a car, you should be able to have that data, the repair data on your car, you should have access to it, and you should have the ability to forward that data to the repair shop of your choice."
"If we have learned anything over the past few years, it is that you cannot trust the big tech bros with your information."
"That's why I'm also scared of it because they are in there, they know how we think better than we know how we think."
"Make it mandatory to educate people on where their data is flowing and how it can be used."
"That's a good example of like there's an instance where like that personal data of a lot of people is actually valuable to an adversarial State."
"The anonymized participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remains inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public. This is morally indefensible."
"But this explosion of data is also raising fundamental questions about democracy, about privacy. Your User Agreement sucks."
"TikTok is a data collection service thinly veiled as a social network."
"I think we believe that data and privacy around data is a human right and has to be protected."
"They, the two from Black Box, would regularly review the iPad's contacts, test messages, videos, personal data mirrored from her phone, photos, literally everything..."
"It turns out that despite our best efforts to hack Chipotle, it was Chipotle who hacked us."
"We are incredibly thoughtful about the data that we use, and our focus has always really been to use that data on behalf of the customer and to improve the services and the experiences that we know our customers enjoy on a daily basis."
"Constantly harvesting more and more behavioral surplus to keep the great data mill going will just be what the internet is."
"My data is my business and your data is your business."
"They're actually using your data to monetize all that nonsense. They're using your data and they're selling it to advertisers."
"Tracking users' data without their consent is sort of Facebook's bread and butter."
"Protecting your data and respecting your privacy are at the core of everything we do." - Osterloh
"Get the message out that while Meta Facebook is currently a punching bag, TikTok is the real threat, especially as a foreign-owned app that is number one in sharing data that young teens are using."
"Tick-Tock is run by a country that we wonder, do they care about the data? And then they literally pass the law."
"In four months, we will treat data from anyone watching kids content on YouTube as coming from a child."
"We feel a deep responsibility to our users to provide a helpful, personal Google experience while keeping their information secure and making sure they're in control of their digital well-being."
"We don't get to see what they look like, their abilities and stuff, it's quite small stuff but it is starting to get into that point where we could be seeing more data mine stuff."
"Crypto is the promise of every individual owning and being compensated for their data."
"Everybody wants your data. Hackers want your data, your ISPs want your data, the websites you visit — they want your data. Everybody wants your data. That's not their business. Your data is your business."
"Azure Key Vault encrypts at rest, encrypts during transmission and isn't even visible to your web server administrators. It's super locked down."
"Your data is definitely captured profiled and used against you in a mass way."
"Protonmail celebrates a swiss court victory exempting it from telco data retention laws."
"A business built on misleading users, data exploitation, on choices that are no choices at all, then it does not deserve our praise. It deserves reform." - Tim Cook
"Apple's annual developer conference. Data privacy and security are expected to be the focus of CEO Tim Cook's keynote address."
"Until it is either deemed safe or not safe, I think TikTok users need to be very vocal and question the way that their data is being used."
"Consider this a public service announcement if you've shopped at GameStop... your information could be leaked."
"You know those things are data mining here or dividing crypto right? No, I'm kidding for real."
"There was a recent study that was published in the year 2020 which found that 155 million Americans likely, including you and me, have suffered some form of data breach."
"Be careful with what you share online. Be careful with your personal data."
"Criminals will be watching, harvesting any sensitive data that you enter into the computer."
"Your data is used to manipulate the message for you as an individual."
"Apple plans to store its Chinese customers' data inside China and is handing over the keys to a state-owned company."
"We need to have a very high level of caution about entrusting really core and critical confidential national and personal data."
"Apps like TikTok, WeChat, and others are significant threats to personal data of American citizens, not to mention tools for CCP content censorship."
"Meta will finally be able to build a far more detailed profile on everyone."
"App Tracking Transparency: a simple new feature that puts your data back in your control."
"There's lots of reports already of people getting pregnancy ads or ads for infants sometimes before they know they're pregnant."
"A move that will go some way toward allaying data privacy concerns."
"Our identities are being sold by data Brokers with ease."
"It's actually your data and it's an asset class."
"You become the sole owner of your ID. You're in charge of your data."
"You can't use my data in any way without my permission. I own me, not them."
"The new money, the new currency of the world is data."
"You are not owning your data. They are profiting off of our data."
"No oversight, no transparency - it's a one-way street with our data."
"Mysteriously for booking.com reservation data is being used to scam customers."
"They're collecting this data. It's not stopping at the commercial level."
"But if that was recorded in a database, where you know, you say 'I think Donald Trump should be kicked off a cliff' and Donald Trump becomes President someday, and then everybody who said that ends up getting thrown off a cliff."
"They're trying to play these stupid narrative where they're like Trump is just mad because they pranked his rally. No, no. Trump is concerned that TikTok has been taking data and giving it to the Communist Party of China."
"We do not mine, purchase, resell, or in any way monetize data."
"A Chinese man has accidentally discovered a spy service on the back end of his Android TV. It can collect data from all devices using the same network every 10 minutes."
"Think medical records, not just financial records."
"You can't erase the behavior by erasing the mechanism."
"The narrative that some companies will try to get you to believe is I've got to take all of your data to make my service better. Well, don't believe them."
"Privacy means people know what they're signing up for in plain English and repeatedly."
"At present, no other automaker or insurer can even collect this data so for now, Tesla Insurance has no competition which means lower premiums for customers and higher margins for Tesla."
"Your data should belong to you and to no one else, and put this in law."
"Get your personal data off the market with Incogni."
"Policy Genius will never sell your information to other companies and they will never add on any hidden extra fees."
"They've weaponized the data made it public through WikiLeaks in order to do something with the American political process that's really interesting that's really new."
"It's exciting to me that seven years later after we built our business on this idea of data minimization effectively that the rest of the industry is starting to embrace that."
"Save a seven day summary of when apps access your data, like your location or microphone."
"YouTube's going to take the content that it deems as kids content and strip all that data away."
"Every email is encrypted and even if the recipients don't use encryption which means bigtech can't read scan analyze or sell your personal information ever."
"Ultimately, it's my data, it's my identity, and it's my imperity."
"Opt out of secondary bureaus to improve your credit report."
"Sending data over an unencrypted internet connection is kind of like sending a postcard."
"Strong data privacy protections will be necessary to shield the US from this new phenomenon."
"A mechanism meant to be a front-end for massive information gathering."
"It’s our personal data that allows companies like Facebook and Google to exist in today’s world, where data is king."
"So you know with all this I mean when you look at all the data sharing and the phones and all this sort of stuff eventually it's gonna be much more convenient to have a microchip."
"Your privacy and behavioral data is monetized and sold to governments, corporations, and advertising agencies."
"Loyalty equals royalty and I think that I'm not worried about the costs, I'm worried about the data."
"They're taking your data and there's some concerns behind it but I think they're poised to be a major player in the metaverse."
"Be careful what you store on your device... if yes I think you know what I'm going to say, get rid of them."
"It turned out that the capability to collect data, information and connections about basically any of us and all of us is exactly what we've been hearing through revelations and leaks about Western intelligence agencies."
"Your ultimate path to accomplishing this isn't by sharing data... but by having a loving, respectful relationship."
"Ripping off the Twitter database, demonetizing it, removing ads, and then selling our data to others isn't a winning solution."
"The more they know you, the more they can control you."
"Your phone knows not only where you live but also where you work, where your favorite supermarket is, and other places you visit frequently."
"The most striking feature of the entire pack package to me is Ora's automated opt-out requests."
"GDPR says you can't collect it without permission."
"Nobody has more unchecked power than Google does."
"Nordvpn is a virtual private Network and it just allows you to access content and data of any kind on the internet securely."
"An app can't get a user's contact list, say it's being used for one thing, and then use it again for something else, unless the developer gets consent again."
"Our data should be ours regardless of whether or not we loan it to a technology company."
"Your data should be your property... Imagine if the online world's rules applied to real life."
"I'm not a data privacy lawyer but I have to say when I heard you speaking on the trail about how data is more valuable than oil and how they're hoovering it up and monetizing it that caused me to go and actually take a deeper dive into this."
"Apple is doing so many things with our knowledge and probably even without our knowledge behind the scenes in order to keep us safe and secure, our information private."
"Our data is now worth more than oil. Our data is getting sold and resold over and over again and we're none the wiser."
"It's sociopathic, psychopathic in some regards to its approach to data."
"Elon has figured out a way to get us almost like Tom Sawyer did to beg to test the car for free, give him all our data, he didn't pay us."
"Your information is being given away and sold to the highest bidder."
"Avast's data collection practices under scrutiny."
"Transparency and user consent issues with data collection."
"If you don't pay for a service, you are the service."
"Cortana, if you look at the notebook, you know everything that she knows about you."
"We should not only own our information but control our information."
"When you're facing a video threat, more money won't stop the upload."
"533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data were leaked online."
"The NSA basically is looking at everything and if you don't want to have your government watching all of your data flows and information flows we're going to talk about some of the things that you could do."
"Apple whistleblower goes public over 'lack of action' in data collection."
"It's also really just ultimately about your privacy and it's about denying these companies the data they want to commodify you and to sell you more commodities."
"Sometimes things are uploaded without location, and so with that I'm just going to get to it."
"Centralized login providers are the worst of both worlds—they collect all your data, own it, and really don't help you if you reach a problem with your identity."
"Apple search: privacy is our number one priority."
"Are we destined for lives in the Matrix where our data is extracted so big companies can profit trillions of dollars and dictate everything we do with our time?"
"People are literally being put in danger. People are being exposed, their private information is being leaked. It's just an absolutely horrific situation."
"We believe that people should own their data."
"The scandal was because Facebook, in order to better help certain partners target ads to you, had given permission to apps like Spotify and Netflix to not only read your private messages, but see who else was in chat, and even delete them."
"So use this information ethically. Only use these scripts on your own photos or photos that you have permission to test them against."
"Every single thing that you do online is going to be collected and stored indefinitely."
"They are always selling the data and data brokers are they're there to collect it all."
"You're giving away your information and they're selling it to somebody else."
"In a world where so much personal information is so readily accessible online, the security and privacy of that information becomes so much more important."
"If we accept that data is constantly being collected about us... then what I think the interventions need to be are about public interest, labor-centric, health-centric policies to regulate these types of systems."
"The leak also revealed that around 15,000 users had registered using American government and military email addresses."
"Apple protected their customers. Good job Apple."
"Apple's reported that like upwards of 98% of users are like don't track me no thanks."
"There are some genuine concerns about like data privacy right."
"Transparent advertising: just how creepy and invasive these data collection methods truly are."
"It's just me, or have we been talking about actually quite a few data breaches in the last several months now?"
"I am deeply, deeply known and I am loved as I am."
"Public is all about transparency, which is why unlike other commission-free investment platforms, Public doesn't sell any of your data to third parties."
"Your privacy is essential to us, and we don't sell your personal data to advertisers."
"As you're using 5G, information is swept into a database... everybody is able to track where you are, what your heart rate is, how you're feeling, and what carriers you're on."
"We must prohibit the collection and amassment of data, or else we construct databases of ruin that can destroy any one of us."
"Everybody's siphoning off your information. You click 'agree, agree, agree,' scroll all the way to the bottom. 'Do you agree to 35,000 pages of terms and conditions?' Yeah, whatever man."
"I think the best and most relevant data point I have for you on that is that the US census this year is going to be protecting the census data 2020 census data using differential privacy."
"Canada got a law earlier this year that says that customers have a right to know what's going on with their data and how it's being used."
"Mark Zuckerberg knows me better than my own husband."
"I am coming to you right now from the internet so that means you're probably on the internet too. We all are and that means that our precious precious data are out there for big tech companies and hackers to just suck up."
"Your vehicle data definitely is in some supercomputer somewhere."
"Companies state that our data is the most valuable asset for them, but when there's a data breach nearly every week... it's like they don't even care."
"America excuse me promethium is an American Born bred and controlled company and basically no foreign influence or control over promethium is had to any of its systems its code its servers or its customers data"
"They have the capability now to reduce humanity to the sum total of the data collected on each human."
"Decentralization matters because now you're in charge of your identity and your data. That is super valuable."
"Privacy is going to be better protected because we are not like private companies."
"The era of data collection is over. Now it's time for courage, now it's time for the alchemy of the soul, now it's time for embodiment."
"Inner functions, or closures, can utilize variables and arguments from outer functions, but the reverse isn't true. This encapsulation mechanism enhances modularity and data privacy in JavaScript."
"Does Tic Tac offer a unique threat to our nation, or is even trying to protect ourselves from data collection a fool's errand at this point?"
"It's just so empowering not to have fed your hard-earned data into the black box."
"You didn't disclose the fact you have that private server you didn't tell us anything about it."
"They know more about us than we know about ourselves, and they can actually predict what we'll do in the future."
"GDPR, mark my words, will have a material impact on how companies manage consumer data."
"The big reason TVs are so cheap right now... is because they scrape an unbelievable amount of data from you."
"Sharing that public data on Twitter is equivalent to posting 'basically assassination coordinates'..."
"You have the right to request data brokers to delete whatever information they have about you."
"It's almost like nothing ever really gets deleted once it's online."
"Market research is happening everywhere, and people are so used to it they don't even stop to think about what they're saying when they just give their data up without a thought."
"Don't let hackers, companies, or even governments track your data without your consent."
"I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I don't want companies that I don't use holding onto my data for no reason."
"Some of these things are so invasive in the process they can basically just be between you and your data like the fucking wet dream of the CIA."
"Long before Facebook data collection, it was the public school sharing data and test scores."
"There's no point in having it active... there's no use in letting it send data."
"Switzerland has the strictest data privacy laws in the world."
"Your body will become a currency, producing data and behavioral patterns, ultimately determining your worth."
"Your data isn't yours if you use loyalty programs, social media, e-commerce retail, and other solutions that base your business on selling your data."
"This is one of the largest privacy related payouts in history."
"We need real alternatives with end-to-end encryption level privacy baked into the code itself."