
Gaming Community Quotes

There are 2485 quotes

"A game doesn't die because people quit; it dies because more people are quitting than starting."
"Healthy player community, healthy creator community, and healthy business."
"It's been an incredible 20 years. No matter when you joined us as a Monster Hunter fan, thank you so much."
"Three million women have been turned away and given up gaming because of online sexual harassment."
"The vast majority of people are not doing that; they are sitting at home enjoying games and not bothering anybody."
"Technoblade was obviously way more respected."
"Modding is so important to City Skylines; I think it's going to be what keeps this game relevant in the future and it's going to be what brings people to City Skylines right now."
"Tonight we celebrate more than just a creator; we celebrate a visionary who has worked tirelessly to ensure the games and community they love thrive and evolve."
"It really cements in my mind that whether it's the Xbox cabal or the PlayStation crazy cabal, there's a subset of people that are so dedicated to the brand itself over the actual medium."
"What if Nintendo announced that the next Zelda was an extraction shooter with live service elements? The outcry would be gigantic."
"My dream this year for Warframe would be that the people that play this game and genuinely have fun continue to do so in ways that we can surprise and delight them with."
"We've logged 1.3 million unique players. Really, that represents a pretty awesome achievement for the team that made DayZ possible."
"The content team is on it. They have heard the community. They know where the game is, and they are delivering some incredible content so far."
"I think that there's a quiet majority of players of Fallout, and every game franchise, that you don't see on Reddit, you don't see them on image boards."
"Beautiful. Well, happy Crusader Kings 3 day everybody. Cheers."
"Fans celebrating the success of Bungie and even more players from all around gaming checking out Destiny 2."
"Over 63% of female gamers are harassed, threatened, and verbally abused in-game."
"The community has quickly decided that this is the best looking armor the game has ever seen."
"Destiny has won best community support at the Game Awards, very well deserved."
"Counter-Strike, it's not only a game, it's a family."
"One of the most requested things that I've ever had on the channel, as far as DLC goes, is the Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare DLC."
"You're the reason we're able to make, create the best damn space sim ever."
"Developers and gamers are pushing back, affirming that the kind of diversity these people rail against is here to stay."
"No game lasts forever, but even if games drop off in popularity, the fans are still there."
"There's a very loud community around gaming, which is great... but passion can be directed in some pretty bad ways."
"The long wait is finally over for Guard players."
"The Casual player base keeps this game alive."
"When we specifically pulled a Blastoise and an Alakazam, we got what we or somebody in the chat called a 'God pack'."
"All of us really, really want to see our own mobs in the game, like we're going to kind of dream."
"And in no time flat, you guys have made the Destiny community one of the most engaged, one of the most passionate, and one of the most positive gaming communities, maybe ever."
"This server is made up of a ton of really talented Minecraft players."
"Lack of diversity and representation in gaming can communicate to some people that this is not for them."
"It's hard to gauge exactly how excited I am in regards to all of it, but I think this is gonna be a good e3."
"At the end of the day, these are plastic boxes, and if you're a gamer, you shouldn't really care if one of your exclusive games is available for everyone."
"It feels like girls have a lot more to prove in the gaming space."
"Is there merit to the idea that some gamers can be too toxic? Well, yeah, absolutely."
"As a community... we were all able to help raise over three hundred thousand dollars for Saint Jude's Children's Hospital."
"It's like somebody being like, 'Ha, here's a beehive, let me punch it. Why are all these bees stinging me? Ugh, angry gamer bees are stinging me.'"
"The game today is remembered for its player-driven economy, its intricate crafting and player housing systems, and it's passionate, if not fervent, community."
"PSA to all Simmers, the last community survey was awesome. We got a TON of great feedback, and I appreciate everyone who spent the time to complete it."
"Individual players are sending us the same signal: they're playing more frequently and for longer, which is our best indication that we're providing lots of fun."
"Speedrun community is so amazing and all those charities speedruns, that's a great thing."
"We were fooled is an understatement, even more of an understatement is the quality of this dungeon and the sheer amount of community love for this dungeon."
"Necron will include one of the most requested features in ESO, a new playable class called The Arcanist."
"We're committed to making it just as special for all players worldwide as the showdown with the witness approaches."
"The global community of gamers can be a force for good."
"The modding scene continues to thrive despite the fact that many developers have moved against it by making their games harder to mod."
"Street Fighter 6 has done so much to elevate the fighting game community. It's massive and includes all kinds of super sexual stuff."
"Together we can make gaming better; together we will make gaming better."
"This is very exciting, and it's really cool to see someone playing a character that we don't often see be so successful."
"And as always, a huge thank you to both The Cutting Room Floor and the Hidden Palace for sharing these awesome prototypes with all of us."
"The public doesn't appreciate liars and people who try to fake gaming accomplishments for clout."
"The defining feature of a Let's Play really is... the community."
"Earth 2 Discord users frequently dismiss any criticism... because we are gamers and our 'gamer brains' simply can't understand the complexities of Earth 2 as an investment platform."
"The crossover was said to be a nod of respect to the Sonic fan community as Sega sought to best realize the fans' wishes."
"Bring on the future, whatever it means for Dota 2. No matter what happens, we will face that future together."
"Gamers are striking back, and I really hope this will change our industry for the better."
"We as gamers need to unite, no matter what platform you play on."
"Blizzard reportedly banning users on Warcraft forum for helping people with refunds."
"This isn't the Blizzard that we grew up with."
"The Trials player base would erupt overnight if you had this, especially as post-game rewards."
"This is what is now happening on a weekly basis: gamers get vocal, gamers put their feedback out there, and companies respond."
"Gamers are also feeling demoralized and anxious about how games we care deeply about seem to be prioritizing monetization over fun."
"The 2b2t playerbase, the FitMC fans, and all the players that have quit 2b2t deserve to know the truth about this place."
"This kid is too good to be true. He's good at the game, he's wholesome as hell, he's like the nicest guy that I've ever met in Fortnite."
"If you're obviously trying to learn the game, 99% of players are gonna be absolutely forgiving."
"Thank you for tuning in. We'll be back in September to showcase more NHL 23 gameplay, presentation, game modes, and hockey ultimate team."
"It's very important that we distribute accurate information."
"The hate that women receive within gaming has become so normalized, but we need to make it clear to our communities and platforms that it is absolutely not okay."
"World of Warcraft, the rotting corpse of a once great Monarch. But no king rules forever; only death is eternal."
"GDQ's are always a highlight. Love to everyone involved. Thank you so much, and never forget: trans rights are human rights."
"Overwatch should be an inclusive game space. It's an inclusive, aspirational universe, and the gameplay experience should match what Overwatch is hoping to achieve."
"Amazing work by Yoshifan on F-Zero, truly an inspiration."
"We're all in it together, and I'm really proud of the way that gaming is showing up to play such an important part of so many people's lives right now."
"Does somebody want to log on to relax after a long day that is stressful at work and be called the n-word by a 15-year-old for three hours? No, no they don't."
"It's easier for people to forget about the game and wander away, so I think this will be quite healthy for World of Warcraft."
"I want WoW to be good. Like, I have a vested interest in WoW being good. I love the game, and so I would hate to see the game come out and it'd be a bad product."
"The eShops may be over, but their legacy will forever be remembered. And if Nintendo isn't going to preserve it, we sure as hell will."
"College student donates GameStop gains to buy video games for sick kids."
"Having the actual core rules for Warhammer 40K free and online would be a really big boost."
"Guild experience caps... may be adjusted so that smaller guilds can participate in that and unlock some of the perks on a more equal playing field."
"Every gamer sees Steam as the destination for gaming."
"Every time you do this, you're actively making the game less fun for the people you're playing against."
"If you enjoy this mod, please subscribe to the channel because we're going to keep coming out with some more amazing content."
"If you are a noob then enjoy it, train hard and you'll do things which are going to be considered magic for the rest of us."
"GTA 6 people have been waiting for this game for years now the hype for this is going to be nuclear."
"Everyone's experiencing the story for the same time. It makes the world feel like it's evolving to players."
"It's not too late to start a gaming channel on YouTube."
"New skins drop in 13 minutes, everyone asking where the skin at."
"I kind of feel like people think that this current issue is like a war between the players and developers that is not the case all of us just want the same thing we just want brawlstars to be the best game it can be."
"New skins drop tonight, guys. Let's get hyped!"
"This map is absolutely insane. Everywhere I look, there's something new to see."
"Sakuro is masterful at kicking players out: anyone who calls this game easy is probably getting a little too defensive."
"Guardian Games Cup, a new way to win. With Guardian Games on the horizon, we're excited to see the three classes battle out once more."
"The recent confirmations by the Tesla family have caused waves across the world stirring a riveting narrative that brings a more rounded and profound understanding of Tesla's life."
"Most people do not like having their time wasted inside of the limited time frame that they can play."
"People don't want to admit the casuals keep the game alive whether sweats like it or not."
"What's the best part about being a Magic the Gathering player and a Magic the Gathering YouTuber? The community, absolutely the community, and I really mean it."
"Down with NFTs, I say, and kudos to influential figures like Joseph Ferris and Phil Spencer for speaking out."
"Another week boys and another TWAB. This week in Destiny, we start preparing for the next battle. We have a bunch of very exciting news to share with you all."
"Now, Guardian Games Allstars enters its second week. Shout out to all the Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans for making the class proud this past week and a half."
"Events are huge... the otk games Expo... charity soccer match... 2.6 million concurrent viewers... events are massive."
"The fact that companies can expect backlash if they announce NFTs is a positive sign."
"I made this post in order to ease some tension off the player base."
"People being so anxious to jump on that 'this game is dead' bandwagon, people have been saying that about Siege for its entire life cycle."
"So I'd like to welcome everybody to High Isle, the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls Online."
"This is one of the most important factors of Final Fantasy 4 for a lot of people."
"Good morning everybody and welcome to the release day for the new runecrafting mini game Guardians of the Rift!"
"Dark Souls emerged as a truly gamer's game, it became a rite of passage to prove your gamer cred with its mottos of 'get good' and 'you will die'."
"Putting the creators first and putting the islands at the top is a critical part of it."
"Hope you guys are excited as I am about the future of WoW."
"All aesthetic complaints aside, though, the Invocations have grown on the playerbase and on me over time in spite of the initial backlash."
"Far Harbor is a fantastic example of DLC done right."
"How to be the cool kid at school when you go, and someone's like 'Hey, I want to build a commander deck,' and you're like 'I got exactly what you need and more.'"
"I'm all in favor of bringing in a huge new batch of decks." - Jimmy, Mystic Studies
"Regardless of what your opinion is, there's one thing that is very clear: a big portion of the player base is not really satisfied with the current implementation of these masks."
"Despite terrible mechanics, boring raid fights, you know, unbalanced PvP, everything else didn't really matter because people well, done and they play with their friends."
"I do believe that despite terrible mechanics, boring raid fights, you know, unbalanced PvP, everything else didn't really matter because people well, done and they play with their friends."
"New players can now experience the memories of the old players for themselves."
"We're trying to save the beating heart of the RPG genre."
"2K20 was one of the best 2Ks for the community, and it literally changed my life."
"NBA 2K18, probably one of the most over-hated 2Ks of all time."
"Remember cree craft, it's not girl gamer, it's just gamer."
"Final Fantasy 14 has the nicest Community out of any MMO I've played."
"Noobs always think they are smart when they are dumb."
"The world would be a better place if everyone ran this in solo queue."
"Neon White is one of the best introductions to speedrunning."
"Speedrunning can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be."
"There is a section of the speedrunning community that contains some of the smartest people you will ever meet."
"Well, you know it's coming to III MP on the floor for us that's the first time such a Miriam Isabel to bring it to fans."
"A day that would change speedrunning forever."
"We were just riding a wave of positivity and feedback, and just people enjoying this game."
"Speedrunning content on YouTube is now receiving millions of views every single day and two new people are always becoming aware of just how fascinating it can be."
"Every time I've seen this game mentioned people always say how much they miss it."
"We did it guys! So if you want to play alongside us remember to join our sponsored server jerome.fadecloud.com, I'll see you online."
"I just have huge respect for Darbian for making this video discussing depression and anxiety, something which I don’t feel like is discussed enough especially in gaming circles and is even stigmatized at points."
"The Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC is the Michael Jordan of adorable fan service DLC." - Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC
"The giveaways are hard AF to win, but it's not impossible."
"We are going to have the pre-game rule zero conversation. Oh great, our rule zero conversation is sponsored by moxfield."
"Let's see what everyone's saying, Lone Echo is gold, you got it man you got it."
"If you enjoyed this video, go ahead and leave a like, subscribe for more Warframe content."
"It's feeling good to be a gamer today. Thank you."
"You've created memes for us celebrating League's 10-year anniversary."
"Advocating for more reprints because it shuts down access to the game for new and returning players."
"The likes really show so like we're almost at 23 K likes let's go for 23 K guys and then let's go for 24 and if we hit 25 will do another free skin."
"Everyone drop a like right now and comment liked if you haven't already liked."
"The power of memes and possibly getting banned by Fortnite."
"Blankos Block Party is more than just a game, it's a place for gamers, content creators, and collectors to come together."
"Don't ever have this self-esteem bullshit where 'oh I'm not good enough for that guild' – fuck that, just apply to the guild."
"We're really going to try... we have an update dedicated to the stalker that we're hoping to come soon."
"Cyberpunk 2077 on both OpenCritic and Metacritic was receiving quite a few perfect scores."
"There's no better PR than a happy gamer recommending your title to their friends."
"This is not just a game, this is a community. It means the absolute world to me."
"Congratulations to our Minecraft 2022 mob vote winner: the camel!"
"Jagex celebrated RuneScape's 10-year anniversary by giving out ten thousand dollars to one lucky player every single month of the year."
"Every single character in this game is viable. The lowest tier is A+ - it's not low at all."
"By widening access to Call of Duty, the merger will have the added benefit of increasing the pool of Gamers able to play the game, improving the cross play functionality of the game, and enabling more Gamers to play with their friends."
"Best new game guys, Block C. But anyways, so yeah guys, thank you so much for all the love and support on the stream."
"There were a lot of people playing it, there were a lot of people who said, 'I actually want this, I want it to be good.'"
"The hostility towards free-to-play players doesn't make any sense."
"Not only is Symphony in the 100 Thieves content house while he's a part of NRG, he's actually using the bedroom where all the furniture was bought by Cloakzy."
"Game tonight now the Game Awards is a show about celebrating all of gaming more than just the winners."
"Halo 2 LASSO: The hardest challenge of all time."
"There's been so many Assassin's Creed games for the 15-year anniversary of Assassin's Creed we want to truly celebrate with you our community."
"Did it ruin the original game? No, of course not. However, did it ruin how people understand the original? Oh yeah, it did that."
"It was just the worst kind of language you want from a quote unquote open game license."
"I'd love to see a map veto system in this game."
"Draw Monster cardo is still an omnipresent phrase in the community."
"Rarely does the gaming community unanimously agree on something, because we're all supposed to hate each other. Remember, your subjective opinions are objectively incorrect."
"We're dedicated to Genshin Impact: builds, guides, tips, news, and event updates."
"Support players get flamed because they just don't understand a single thing about the game."
"If no Nintendogs, we get no internet. We rise up among the regime of our oppressive Nintendo folk, for we shall become Nintendogs!"
"If they can do a good ranked playlist that favours high-level competitive play that is balanced this game has the potential of actually keeping my attention and I'll come back to multiplayer and I'll grind that ranked playlist."
"It's frustrating that having all these issues in the game, we all know we love this game."
"We as consumers have a much bigger voice than this vocal SJW minority that DICE seems to be pandering to."
"You always remember your first Pokémon, that's a sentiment shared by almost every fan of the series."
"This game is shaping up really, really nicely."
"As long as I get on the leaderboard, I'll be happy. You know, it's like 'Hey, Creek's on the leaderboard, he's one of the fastest in the world.' I'll be happy with that."
"There is some toxicity in the gaming community."
"You do it, but obviously between the naruto run between the fact that it was used by the worst ttv in name people of all time wraith mains have a huge stigma of being toxic as [ __ ] and it is entirely not like not that false."
"Do not be a sore loser I really hate seeing those type of comments where everyone's saying like this is fake don't I didn't win I've never won this is fake like bro just say congrats someone out there just won a thousand V bucks"
"Discussion surrounding review scores are ongoing and one specific reviewer is right now dealing with some very bizarre reactions to his negative review of the game."
"Ken looks short and sort of looks super stumpy with all of his moves. There's a weird proportional thing that they got going on with his legs and his body that I just do not like."
"Boosting communities have made it seamless: boosters get their rewards, boostees get to play without stress, and communities get a cut. It's a win-win-win."
"Trans people have been more and more represented in the cards and in the story of Magic: the Gathering."
"The Smash Brothers Community has got to be some of the most patient in the world."
"Gamers are actually a pretty easy lot to appease you just you just give them what they want look at Hell divers too they did it."
"Video games are supposed to bring people together, but organizations like this manufacture division."
"It's too big of a franchise, you know what I mean, like why would you not?"
"If you love career mode like me, make sure you leave a like on this video."
"SBI detected is but one more avenue that would allow people to better speak with their wallets and that is something that the ideologically driven cannot abide."
"If this is to be gamergate 2.0, I stand with the gamers and I stand against DEI."
"I would rather play with a good dude with a 95 track rate of success of with carius than play with a 100 success rate of carries with a guy who is going to put you down if you make the wrong play."
"I could make this video 10 hours long... the destiny 2 community is filled with excellent people."
"Let's stand together and really commit to gaming for everyone."
"6 million players is huge, absolutely gigantic."
"Gamers hate politics, and yet we can see with our own eyes gamers love politics."
"I think looking back years from now there will be so many people who got into the Hobby with this essentials kit because it was so easy to get into because of the low player requirement."
"Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous has an amazing build community, suited for all sorts of difficulties."
"I'm actually really curious to see what this looks like when multiplayer kind of gets off the ground."