
Monetization Quotes

There are 1795 quotes

"The money doesn't come from playing the game; it comes from creating the entertainment around it."
"The pricing and monetization is without a doubt greedy and predatory."
"Probably what's been slightly missold is this idea that you're going to have a big passion, something you love, it's going to be monetizable, and you're never going to hate it or burn out."
"All the money this video makes from monetization will go to Safe From Online Sexual Exploitation organization."
"Live services are the new normal, and people would pay real money for, say, bullets in an FPS every time you need a reload."
"The metaverse was designed for corporations as a way to monetize every aspect of our lives on the internet. I mean, seriously, virtual land? You mean to tell me that the internet now requires you to buy land? Give me a break."
"Everyone has to make money, but at the end of the day, where is that balance between the needs of the creator and the needs of the audience?"
"When we finally got our YouTube check, we felt like, 'Oh my God, bro, we made it.'"
"Sadly, a lot of pro sports nowadays are developing for the sake of generating more money and operating as business instead of bettering the sport."
"If this monetization idea is actually true, it completely contradicts the idea that Bitcoin is a waste of the world's resources."
"Now is like one of the best times that you have ever to really monetize from your gifts, your talents, your hobbies, things that you like."
"Knowledge stacks. Knowledge has utility, utility means you can do something other people can't do, and now you're able to monetize that utility."
"Most people worth hiring are people who have proven with a portfolio of their work and have already found ways of monetizing it."
"Games are being made not to be enjoyed, but to make money."
"Fanbase gives the ability for people to own their celebrity and monetize their celebrity."
"I predict long-term support for this game... some characters will be free... the brand new characters, the newcomers, they will cost money."
"The problem with pay for convenience in games is that they then create a financial incentive for developers to make it inconvenient to not pay."
"Ultimately, the decision is up to you...I have still not opened up my wallet not once to pay for a single thing, and I'm still just as in love with the game as I was the first time I fired it up."
"If you don't believe social media followers can be monetized, you are going to be obsolete in the next 18 months to five years."
"It deserves to make money, but not like this; it deserves praise for the good parts, but you cannot ignore its anti-player design."
"I think people should own their data and make money off of it."
"Facebook has a real bonus program that they are paying people up to $35,000 a month to create these type of short form videos."
"If everyone else can make money off of me, why can't I make money off of me?"
"I love the money, but I also love my subscribers. I have fun doing tarot."
"They capture our data, and that means we can't monetize it or use it to better manage our lives. Our privacy is being undermined."
"Passion should outweigh any desire to make money. That way, if you do get money on YouTube, it's like, 'What? This is amazing!'"
"Ethical monetization is simply game monetization which is not deceptive, is clear in what you get for paying money, doesn't involve misleading tactics like permanent fake sales, and most importantly, does not involve real money pay to win gambling in any way, shape, or form."
"The moment when Linus Tech Tips learns you can turn Roblox into real money."
"TikTok was a huge success in 2018 and 19, so obviously they wanted to start paying their creators."
"When people try to monetize their hobby, it stops being a hobby and becomes a job."
"What started as a way for families to share their daily lives has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry."
"Many will agree that Diablo Immortal's monetization is among the worst ever seen."
"Congratulations, your account is now enabled for monetization. Start monetizing videos."
"Your knowledge can be monetized; your knowledge can be productized."
"It's actually funny so our channel had gotten demonetized."
"You're rewarded by your viewers. I find that model really appealing because the people that love your content, they'll donate, they'll give money to you, they'll support you."
"If you want to make a hundred thousand dollars a year doing YouTube, how do I give a hundred thousand dollars worth of value? That's it. Ask yourself that."
"But don't see monetization as an entitlement, see it as a privilege. Work for it, earn it, respect it."
"The real issue is developer entitlement, as a seemingly growing number of creative professionals in the industry lose sight of the fact that financial infrastructure, as well as physically motivated monetization techniques, are being used in such a detrimental way that it subtracts from a gamer's ability to enjoy the product or participate within the full scope of their desires."
"Gamers are also feeling demoralized and anxious about how games we care deeply about seem to be prioritizing monetization over fun."
"RNG loot crates became an unstoppable virus infecting the entire industry."
"To understand the rise and fall of the loot box, we have to understand the evolution of video game monetization."
"How long are you going to sell yourself for money?"
"Monetizing your passions can actually be really fun."
"We as Google do not believe that taking away the ability of the open source community to monetize is good for customers, for the developer community, or for software innovation."
"Your creative hobby, talents, passion becomes a career. You monetize it."
"Social tokens potentially present a new way to monetize content on the Internet."
"It is never going to be possible to share truth fully, effectively, and personally through social media. Social media is organized for the purpose of creating conflict and monetizing that conflict so that the social media companies can make money."
"It seems so bold to me that we're in an era where it's okay for companies and other people in the public space to just be like, 'Do you want to get tits out for money? You can make so much money, dude.'"
"Our monetization team is focused on helping streamers of all sizes earn income doing what they love."
"Trying to convince him how to monetize his YouTube channel, he just said, 'I don't care.'"
"This is how I can turn my passion into profit."
"Every single feature in the entire application is a funnel for you to either get or buy tiles and earn real money with those tiles. That's the entire game."
"Would anybody pay you for any one of those things? Would they pay you for this? What dollar amount would they put on that?"
"It's great to monetize it, it's great to be able to harness it and change it into opportunities to earn from."
"Booktube is pretty much a formidable source of income."
"You put up content, we find, we put the ads in there and we pay you."
"Don't charge for information, charge for access."
"...nothing changed at all, not a single thing about the monetization for Call of Duty changed for the better..."
"Playing games is the best way to make money, obviously."
"The worst thing that you can do to a game like The Sims is take content out of the game that used to be there or should logically be there for free and then put it behind a paywall."
"Do a paid meet and greet where it's 20 quid and every single fan before they touch you go, let me see that 20."
"The monetization of Final Fantasy 14 is one of the best of any MMO right now."
"You gotta find something you passionate about and then you have to monetize that [ __ ] that's what your purpose should be."
"More and more AAA games are dropping loot boxes... transitioning to battle passes and in-game currency."
"They're actually using your data to monetize all that nonsense. They're using your data and they're selling it to advertisers."
"YouTube has now been permanently demonetized because of the truth that we tell here."
"You begin to make money with as little as 10,000 Facebook followers."
"Views and monetization are in no way bad, but there's no doubt it's changed the landscape of content."
"Developing some type of skill and then being able to monetize that skill in a variety of different ways."
"This video has mad value whether it makes any money or not, but still please do pay me."
"Red Dead Online introduced something Rockstar has never done before: a secondary premium currency similar to what the free-to-play mobile games use."
"Chat GPT4 can help you make money with content, not just basic answers."
"Rumble is coming for them and they're aggressive and they're great. I can't wait till they lock down monetization fully because it's going to be a blast."
"OverWatch 2 dilutes the spirit of its interlocking hero battles, unlocks its most impressive skins and cosmetics behind playing the way the battle pass suggests for hours a day."
"YouTube shorts: the gateway to monetizing your content."
"Making money through selling" - Monetizing your creative content.
"Monetize your YouTube shorts and make over $1000 with just one video!"
"These are some of the best ways, guys, to make money with the travel Niche, but more importantly to make money with YouTube shorts."
"It's the first hit of cash, of influx of money from content, you know, when you start making money from content creation, it is a drug."
"It's the only platform that doesn't actually provide monetization to its most engaged and highest follower account users."
"To become a successful content creator in 2022... some form of monetization strategy going on here."
"Everyone is trying to get paid, everyone is trying to make bank."
"The sad part is that it worked; limited monetization was lifted, I paid my rent, and the video went on to be acclaimed by my critics and contemporaries."
"There's a lot of problems, and they're bringing up the monetization issue, and that is the number one problem."
"Early on Diablo, the devs said you wouldn't have to spend money...that was clearly not the truth."
"Dinesh D'Souza has found other ways to turn Campaign lies into Cold Hard Cash."
"He didn't have any aura, it's just more of electricity."
"Storage space in games are problems that are created to be monetized."
"Publishers appear to be far less interested in making video games as they are hubs of monetization."
"I'll take what I can get. If people want to tune in just for the F2P, then they'll leave me one day when I swipe for skins."
"YouTube changed monetization policies to address the issue."
"In-app purchases were the first major step in taking a space that had started as a promising platform to spotlight small projects from small teams into a perpetual money printing machine."
"Insane monetization of Star Wars Battlefront 2 caused a titanic backlash."
"OverWatch 2 is a buggy, unfinished, terribly designed mess that prioritizes extracting every last penny from its player base over rebuilding goodwill in its community."
"Blizzard desperately needed a win with the launch of OverWatch 2, but all we got was a buggy, clearly unfinished product with egregious monetization."
"I mean, it's no different than any dating app, really. With Rent-A-Friend and also with the website called Showaround, people will pay you when they arrive in a new city. It's kind of cool 'cause you make a new friend and you get paid for it."
"Watch it on our YouTube channel because that way those views help us generate money."
"Now I can look always and remember what he's gifted me, and also money from the video, that's always good."
"Every single in-game system and every single, like, even the PvP system, is just another avenue for them to monetize."
"Just the way that he's talking about monetizing things and untapped opportunity oh it's just it really has me worried y'all it really really has me worried."
"A completely free way to directly support the channel."
"We've discovered the latest microtransaction, the humble like button."
"There's such an opportunity for a land grab, cash grab, and you have seen people with large audiences come out with commissioned digital artists, put their name on it, and have extracted a lot of dollars from their fan base."
"You can get paid to help turn one's followers into fans in this tight-knit brand loyal community."
"If you become a YouTube star and get a million subscribers you're making a lot of money."
"The game is now simply a life support system for as many of these systems as you can design into it."
"I have a gift and I was given that gift so I can monetize it."
"Be respectful with monetization to both your audience and yourself."
"Big improvements to monetization... very cool."
"There's a whole group of YouTubers that have made a living on giant franchises."
"It would be nice to have somewhere to go like Twitch that I could monetize easily."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the 10-step process for how to make money blogging."
"Google AdSense will allow you to set up an account, and it's pretty simple to get set up with Google AdSense."
"Be the happiest person in the world and monetize your passion."
"Games are designed around the monetization model."
"Post-launch micro-transactions turn video games into a fucking honey trap."
"Literally just happened, all right well guys, that's gonna wrap it up for me."
"You can still monetize your videos with this stuff."
"What you're amazing at is already within you just ain't figured out how to get it out and monetize it."
"Just make sure you sit through the ads too. I appreciate it. That's how I'm making my coin."
"The solution in the crypto space is basically like well if you have these protocols that do end up having some of some kind of ability to monetize."
"Think of the things that you really really love and figure out how to make money doing that."
"This is my way of genuinely apologizing if any time on my channel you felt like nothing but a viewer for money."
"Everything that is free is making money somehow, because somehow that thing needs to be supported."
"I feel like today, and when it comes to the bottom line, the monetization, and like just the ownership and like just the say you have, I feel like it's harder than ever for the artist."
"In range TV had good luck with Patreon, showing it's possible to monetize outside of YouTube."
"I really don't think the game should be played with money. I think the game should be played and not paid."
"When you're providing value, that's when you need to start charging."
"Our core monetization thesis was to let people earn their card collection and pay for cosmetics."
"Imagine being an artist and monetizing your audience through NFTs. This is huge."
"It's hard to believe that Chris is managing to monetize his own Insanity in real time, and there's absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it."
"Teach your skills, sell your knowledge. Turn expertise into a self-sustaining income."
"Even if you aren't able to monetize, you can still make a ridiculous amount of money in affiliate commissions."
"I want to give you your entire audience so that the more people that have eyes on you, the more people you convert into subscribers and actually earn revenue."
"Do you want to make over 50,000 coins per hour in FIFA 22? Smash the like button and let's get into it."
"Social media monetization is very important, even if you don't want to be famous."
"If Martin Luther King had a YouTube channel, he would be demonetised."
"The thing about Crowder is, and this is a well-known secret in the industry, he monetizes his own videos to sell more mugs."
"It's not that we thought that the Stadia controller was bad or that the service was bad, it was they monetized it in the worst possible way and it failed. The market spoke and you [ __ ] up."
"The first rule of making money on YouTube is this: if you have something to sell, you are allowed to put links in your videos."
"If you feel like I feel, that if you got a story, would you like to earn money with your story?"
"Don't be ashamed to grow your channel, make money, or network. It's essential for growth."
"Even people that are not with us anymore have an opportunity, especially their estates, to make money. Audrey Hepburn's back..."
"I wish they would allow for affiliates of some sort, like anytime we link to a game in one of our videos we get like 10 cents off of a sale or something, that would be cool."
"When a game is free-to-play, it's designed to hook you and grasp your wallet."
"Football isn't just a game; it's a reminder of why we love this game."
"We will both basically be monetizing primarily in the cosmetic space. No pay for power, no pay to win. It'll all be just through cosmetics, personalization of your experience, your expression."
"I believe that no matter your age or interest you can find a way to make money on social media."
"If you know something valuable then you can now monetize your knowledge like never before."
"The problem with MMORPGs is that there's too much monetization in the game... it conflicts with the integrity of the game."
"If you let YouTube place ads on your videos they pay you each time someone watches one."
"Become an influencer like me and get paid to show products to your audience."
"Thank y'all for supporting the channel. You guys are holding this channel together even when they demonetize us."
"His YouTube channel is not monetized let's keep that real."
"Harry and Megan have sold their Royal souls for a life as reality stars, trading every private cough and splutter for cash."
"If you make a video now and this video goes viral you're gonna get paid for that video for years into the future."
"Time is money and a lot of games want to monetize that idea."
"Financial Revolution will be televised and monetized, it's our turn next time."
"Imagine that while you're out with your family enjoying a nice day of shopping, the local police blow up your house, reducing your sanctuary to rubble."
"Because the only thing scarier than getting your house blown up by the police is getting demonetized."
"This isn't some pay-to-play gotcha or a predatory MMO where you need to trick the players into wasting real-world money."
"Animal Crossing has this nasty habit of everything being hidden behind a paywall... literally everything in the game at some point passes through the bottleneck of bells."
"Unlike this video, my rent is not free, so we're going to do the ad now. Shut up and pay attention."
"I don't care about the monetization anymore. I don't give a [__]."
"Live streaming has shown itself to be probably the best way to monetize traffic."
"One video away: 55,000 subscribers, $38,612 earned. It's real."
"You can find all of the inks down there and links to everything, and those links help support me too!"
"Do you want your chat revenue to get to a thousand? Oh, that's a thousand bucks! It's awesome, I don't really care though."
"When's the last time you charge money to talk and think?"
"That was a good call, especially with the monetization algorithm Gods being what they are."
"We're specifically trying to help people who want to get into it learn how to actually figure out how to make money on YouTube."
"Figure out what you love to do and then figure out how to get paid for it."
"If you just want to buy this game and play it, you don't have a monthly fee, and thankfully it's not pay to win."
"For example, this YouTube channel called Sockey Tech has gone over a million subscribers and gets 2.4 million views per month. That could be as much as $10,000 to $20,000 per month."
"Players spent 87 billion dollars on in-game items. Players received zero dollars."
"There's seemingly a lot to love about this game, the core mechanics are super solid but as usual companies are obsessed enough with monetization that they'll go out of their way to mar overall design just to make a quick buck."
"Massive payouts that make for great two-minute clips on YouTube."
"Brand deals and sponsorships are now accessible once you hit 250K followers."
"I'm sorry, but the most important thing about being an e-girl is that you monetize."
"You can monetize your passion by creating content around it."
"You marry the two and you can get paid for that, and that's fantastic."
"Maybe that's why people chase rage for money... it's so easy to get people angry and then they agree with you and then they ad revenue."
"They attempt to nickel-and-dime their free-to-play player base to make more money."
"You're addicted to clicks, you're addicted to tweets, you're addicted... and then you see the money coming in."
"You download free apps, try them out for a couple of minutes, then you can delete them."
"It allows you to make money off of your traffic from your Facebook page."
"Is it reasonable that orgs take control of that again? That becomes part of how they make their money."
"You can get paid to write: if you like writing and know a lot about a certain topic, you can make money."
"Who needs uploads when you have the sellout timer?"
"Activision's recent adventures in monetization... really did poison the series's name."
"Activision's part to cooperate with the developers of the game and importantly the community on the topic of monetization."
"They've burned everyone before what is to stop them from doing the exact same damn thing here again."
"Most successful YouTubers started making videos for fun, not because they thought it made them millions of dollars."
"The next and maybe most important thing I'm going to show you is how to embed ads into your blog."
"Get paid for just sharing what you think about something."
"I want to make the players into a more bigger brand... there's so much money to be made here." - Todd Burling
"Keeping integrity with your audience is invaluable compared to any amount of money."
"The advertising platform is brilliant. So to monetize and have all of that's the new living room."
"WoW is one of the most fairly monetized MMOs."