
Artistry Quotes

There are 13525 quotes

"It's not the materials that make the artist. It's rather the creativity that the artist has in their head that makes the artist."
"Kendrick made 'To Pimp a Butterfly.' That was like his statement."
"When I'm asked how long a picture takes, I reply, thirty years and one half-hour. It took many years to get to that level and a half hour to paint it."
"Authenticity is so important that some artists will go as far as to fake it."
"Watch in awe as these epic bakers perform a seemingly choreographed dance of dough."
"I'm just an artist that wants to make the world more beautiful and expand our consciousnesses in a productive way."
"So, it's gonna be a while, but I think that the artistry that goes into these films is gonna get harder and harder to deny."
"I've done metal textures, I've done armor, never have I ever had to use blue steel to get my point across."
"Kendrick has one of the coolest live shows that's out. So intricate, artistic, and he really cares about not only the album he's putting out but the live show experience."
"The real Disney style isn't in design but in technique."
"He is talented. He tells a story in his music."
"The painting and sculpting on this thing is insane. A departure from the beautiful initial concept art but, boy, did the final product turn out epic."
"You guys are meant to be performers, you're meant to be actors, you're meant to be people who create art that moves many."
"Weird Al Yankovic is one of the great unappreciated artists of our time... All of his songs are better than the originals."
"Stealing artistic ideas is the most artistic thing. We're all building on the shoulders of giants."
"It's easy to draw a really complicated page that just seems good on a technical level, but it's way harder to make something simple stand out."
"It's really taken from my experiences and brings the flaws to the surface."
"Real ones assume that a great artist is someone blessed by the gods."
"Awards cascade upon her like the gentle notes of a ballad."
"I'm not a politician. I'm an artist who can use music to unite people."
"If you're a true artist, you will create for yourself."
"No archaeologist who studies that period would describe hunter-gatherers as simple. They were incredible artists."
"This optical illusion obviously requires an incredible level of mastery and study to pull off correctly."
"It's not just about hitting the right notes; it's about expressing the right emotion and feel in your performance."
"The art of computer programming is about something that's not in nature. It's created by human beings and brings an element of fine art and beauty, indicating that it's done well."
"God of War is such artistry, not just visually but in how it navigates narrative and identity."
"It's not about the music that got you there; the money doesn't have anything to do with the artistry."
"The Bugatti Veyron Vivere by Mansory is more than just a car; it's a work of art that embodies high performance luxury."
"True artistry in hip-hop comes from being able to discuss different subjects, not just material possessions."
"It's very hard to be an artist, a true artist in this world today."
"The internet has ushered in a new era of artistry and independence."
"Artistry is your greatest weapon. Artistry, to me, is the ability to take a concept that's in your mind and put it out onto paper. It's essentially an artist's fingerprint. It's what makes you unique."
"I want to make a crystallin opal one that looks just completely transparent except for those color flashes inside. That is my ideal opal."
"A good new school tattoo simply cannot be made without good artistry behind it."
"I think that the artistry shows really, really strong."
"Everybody knows what football is: throwing, catching, running touchdowns, tackling, breaking tackles. But the greats do it as an art."
"I'm always trying to land above opinion. I'm chasing this timeless, unintrusive point of view."
"Movies aren't about logic; they're not equations, they're not proofs, they're not puzzles. Movies are not math."
"It's like a work of art that I got to make with one of my favorite artists based on a story that I conceived."
"If there's no stress, you can't develop yourself, so pressure has to be a must if you are an artist."
"As a photographer and an artist, I try to focus on finding out what makes us feel alive."
"The Oscars are a fantastic opportunity to spark a discussion about the artistry of filmmaking."
"Lonely artists have made their mark on the world because the lonely mind sees things in a different light."
"The mark of any truly masterful piece of art, no matter what medium, is a natural and thorough unification of structure, style, and purpose."
"I just respect art, man. Artistry and when artists take it visually, they try to make it a whole experience."
"She is a song that touches almost every genre... She has something for everybody."
"Whatever your craft is, it will come to a beautiful fruition."
"It carries not only the information that you have to offer but that intangible essence of your personality and who you are, which is part of the artistry and part of the magic."
"This has been the most beautiful synthesis of musical inclinations."
"Let critics say what they will, I will venture to affirm that punning, of all arts and sciences, is the most extraordinary."
"All the time when you're doing long exposures, thinking about the artistic side of things, it's not just a technical exercise."
"Kanye West has personified the meaning of limitless art, breaking the arbitrary boundaries of what we deem acceptable."
"I like to think of cinema projection in particular as something special, almost a lost art, except in certain revival theaters."
"The artist has been quoted as saying that he'll spend multiple days refining a single panel, making sure the image perfectly captures the terror of what he’s trying to convey."
"Learn the technicalities of drawing and painting so well that you can one day abandon the technicalities and start creating the real thing."
"Creating an interesting image is less about copying something that's already figured out and more about relying on that fundamental knowledge to create something unique."
"I've ordered a coffee at 8 AM before class and watched a sleep-deprived teenager turned into some kind of artist with whipped cream, transforming my macchiato into their canvas, a piece of art worthy of an award. Seriously, what they do has to be magic."
"Your job as an artist is to interpret reality through the lens of being human... aim to create something that connects emotionally to the viewer's core human instincts."
"The tale of the artist unrecognized in their era, one that tragically and dutifully toiled at works that were never offered respect, is nearly mythologized."
"If you ever hear my voice again, know that it is my soul calling out to all artists to never give up."
"Berserk overall is seen as the benchmark for how to create a genius work of art in literature."
"It's one thing to be a great storyteller and it's another thing to be a great artist, but to be both at the same time is mindblowing."
"True artists are maybe like divers diving down into the deepest parts of human emotion in search of treasure but where there is treasure, there can also be monsters."
"The idea that people are just good at things is a myth... every single artist I know draws constantly. That makes you better."
"It's not because it proves that the artistry is great, it's because the fact that it resonated with that many people...that says a lot about how much it impacted the culture."
"The underlying ink they're very finely and very carefully drawn out with someone who clearly has a very steady, very practiced hand."
"Art isn't some exclusive club, but it does take time and dedication to get better at it."
"Games aren't simply vehicles for pure competition and systemic mastery; they're works of art."
"Mars in Taurus: potential for great artists, painters, musicians, with practical edge and artistic ability."
"The nature of his imagery is so vast all we're doing is capturing what's already intrinsically cinematic."
"For me, gaming is art, and that's what is often forgotten by executives who don't care about the artistry of game making."
"Every frame is a canvas, and every review a journey."
"The craftsmanship here is absolutely amazing."
"It's an interesting story of time travel backed with breathtaking art."
"Music is the fastest art... Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross... great great artists..."
"Love the art in yourself and not yourself in the art."
"Courtney Hadwin is not just an artist, she's a force to be reckoned with."
"Sing the song of your life like a work of art, with balance and grace."
"Children paint like children much better than adults."
"Penmanship is a valuable art in and of itself as it will allow you to create something unique and beautiful."
"God enters his creation the way an artist enters his studio."
"I just want the world to see more of me, of who I truly am and the artist that I am, and my potential."
"Sonic's western cover art designed by Greg Martin is one of the most iconic of all time."
"He's now on a very personal journey. This is what great artists do."
"Armor is more than just fighting equipment, it's turning the wearer into this extraordinary work of visual art."
"But the true artists will continue to shine through all of this by virtue of their ability and willingness to innovate and stay true to themselves and their art."
"I knew I could tattoo, I just didn't know if I could draw it."
"The distorted soundscape and striking visuals create an uneasy feeling."
"Instead of seeing it as a prank or a hoax some people saw it as a work of art and a piece of editing genius."
"I think what stands out most about this game is simply the look. It's got almost this dreamy art style and setting."
"But I'm here to talk about one thing. The ship. And all the artistry that made it feel real."
"It clearly took incredible skill and patience to craft this."
"Captures the soul in a way no other instrument can."
"We should treasure them for that because this is what real artists and real creative forces do. They reinvent themselves."
"The unknown is the perfect place to create from."
"That's how I choose to move through my Artistry in this industry, so ownership is really important to me, and also creative freedom."
"I've gotten some packages where people are like 'I'm a professional knife maker' or something and I'm like 'oh yeah I can tell,' but this... this is beautiful."
"Inside is the performance of a lifetime for Bo Burnham."
"It's not what I'm saying, but I'm saying like real artists Don't Starve."
"Editing is like painting with colors that you made."
"Incredibly subtle changes to how you use line work can go a long way towards conveying character."
"Every single frame of this movie is decorated within an inch of its life."
"I'm going with Psychonauts 2, it's different, it's art."
"You don't have to be an amazing artist to start."
"The best artists out there understood the power of Simplicity."
"He's an artist man... it's all killer no filler."
"Each cake is a personalized work of art, a Sweet Symphony of flavors and creativity that leaves taste buds in awe."
"What's really amazing about the subscription service is that one of the things that's like the hardest about being an artist is that it's sometimes difficult to have like guaranteed income."
"There's a level of character and Artistry in his work that's exceptionally rare in political satire."
"Creative people, I think, as artists, our task is to get hooked. I love getting hooked." - Jeff Bridges
"Bioshock has earned the right to undeniably be referred to as a piece of art."
"Talk to other people in the community for sure, like I said it is a community and it's important to treat it that way and to communicate with your fellow artists." - James Charles
"The quality of your paintings depends entirely on your creativity and fundamental skills, not what medium you choose to work with."
"I'm really talented people just aren't ready for my work yet. No one understands that I am a true master."
"Metal Gear 5 was a masterpiece of game design."
"Style is the answer to everything. A fresh way to approach adult or dangerous thing. To do a dull thing with style is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it. To do a dangerous thing with style, is what I call art."
"He's like a good combination of flow, production, and lyricism. He's like... I still agree with what he's saying."
"John Lennon’s public life was dedicated to art and to the promotion of peace."
"It just feels impossible that human beings made this and they did it in five years...it is a technological and artistic Marvel."
"He was an incredible artist by all accounts, he was an amazing family man, just an incredible individual."
"It's incredibly disturbing but also a really beautifully done film."
"Video games, the pinnacle of human creativity."
"Nanite is a next-generation geometry Engine that empowers artists to deliver their vision."
"I'm sorry that you get all this hate. You are probably one of the true artists that I've seen in the rise."
"Sword and Fairy 7 is a rather beautiful looking game with a lot of quality in its visuals."
"Character modeling I think is one of this game's greater strengths."
"Games like Elden Ring can call us as players into the creation of art."
"Every song is something special, it's all killer no filler."
"To feel a giddy excitement at the idea of doing the hardest possible thing you can when it comes to your art, like that is greatness right there."
"It's so purposeful and I love the classical music during the tooth to earth scene."
"This is a masterpiece, I wanted to tell you that first and foremost."
"She's so poised, she's so controlling of her art in her space and everyone respects her when she walks in a room because she demands and earns that respect."
"The Invisible String is woven beautifully throughout time."
"Absolutely mind-blowing when it comes to detail and paintwork... truly an amazing piece."
"All I really want is for there to be substance in the music."
"Abstraction and big picture thematics are important, but the true greats know how to balance these things with grace."
"Innovation is something that artists are always striving for. The idea of doing something new, something fresh, something that hasn't been done before."
"Shadows of Evil is essentially Treyarch's Mona Lisa."
"Bright Eyes, just the composition, chord progression, and lyricism."
"Sampling is a new art form created out of necessity."
"Sampling is another reminder that music is fluid, and like any other art form, creators are constantly in conversation with and drawing upon one another."
"He's almost like an artist... he knows exactly what he's doing."
"Ron's ability to convey emotion through her singing is beautiful."
"Expression is in my DNA, that's the root of it."
"It's very sexy to have a full range of value. Don't be shy."
"I just love seeing how much of an integral part you take in your own creative direction with everything that you do."
"Don't overstep into the boundaries of an artist."
"Comics is vibrating on its own frequency and its own level of crackle."
"That's what you want to achieve as a writer, as any artist in general."
"I love Shadows of Evil more and more... Shadows of Evil is essentially Treyarch's Mona Lisa."
"True content creation is an artistic thing. You create because you want to see it in the world, regardless of the results."
"The more specific the character is, the better the art is."
"Specificity is universality, so the more specific the character is, the better the art is."
"His artistry is the reflection of his personality. Remarkable grace and exceptional literary talent."
"The Joker's movie is extraordinary. It is the best movie of the year."
"A game that thoroughly resists exists in the realm of art."
"This is artistry on steroids, bro. Like, that is crazy how they're able to link the cultural references in the past and in their presence into their lives."
"They are true artists they love their crafts it's been a pleasure to be able to collaborate with them and help bring this universe to life"
"Tyler arranges, produces, and writes all his music, crafting each piece with precision."
"Tyler's confidence in his artistry shines through 'Cherry Bomb.'"
"The most concrete and effective way of doing that is through the artists, through the stories we tell."
"This song displays everything I love about Suga. His flow, his rapping, and his singing. Oh my god."
"Order from chaos, beauty from raw materials, something from nothing."
"I'm still figuring this out, what type of artist I'm gonna be."
"It's not just the music or the product, it's you, the essence of who that person is."
"Ultimately, designing a Formula One car is an art."
"If you treat comedy like an art form which I believe it is, it really is much like music or writing or poetry. It's an exploration of who you are as a person and why you do what you do."
"You've got to have a little bit of edginess, a little bit of delicate brushwork."
"Artists who are authentic and who don't sugarcoat or sanitize some of the struggles that we go through."
"The Sopranos changed the way television was made and legitimized the medium as a serious art form." - The Sopranos
"That's dedication to your craft, that is true artistry."
"Janine was giving the personality, she had the technique, she had the flavor, she had everything."
"Just be who you are and then that's your artistry."
"If 24 karats is the most pure form of gold and me being an artist is the most pure form of golden, I should just be 24k golden."
"He splatters creativity all across his album."
"Hairstyling is a true art form and a real way to express yourself creatively."
"Lucas didn't hit anybody over the head with those themes... that's what good art does."
"More than a live recording; closer to a life recording."
"The mark of a timeless artist is someone who puts out music that only they could sing."
"The stop motion without question is some of the most beautiful animation that has been made in years."
"His fearless approach to everything from art and fashion to acting and sexual roleplay made him a rock and roll revolutionary."
"Last of Us two was destined to be a masterpiece."
"Whoa, that's perfect! You can barely tell which one's the pancake. What is this, man? How are they so good?"
"That's perfect, dude. You can barely tell which one's the pancake. How are they so good?"
"The only ability that we have truly as artists is to transcend time."
"Most or if not all tattoo artists will warn you against the complications that finger tattoos and single needle tattoos have."
"You have to make stuff that works, but if I want to be a good artist, I have to experiment."
"There’s really nothing wrong with using references, if you’re using them right."
"It's really special. And your work is special."
"I fell in love with the pen, started [__] with the ink. The hustle's an art; I painted what I would think."
"This is a technical and an artistic masterpiece."
"Show your true colors and create something beautiful."
"Sam Keith, one of the most self-deprecating, defacing, and insecure professional artists."
"There's levels to music, and then there's levels on top of levels."
"I personally love to draw very loose and very free, that way I can also do things really fast."
"They're musicians, they're writers, they have tremendous versatility in their thoughts."
"They write music in a way that no other really does."
"There's a real artistic Flair visible in the game's selected camera angles."
"Great lip sync draws no attention to itself and instead allows the focus to be in the narrative."
"We made art, we made like hills, we didn't even think about that."