
Success Measurement Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"As a society, we're conditioned to think people are successful off of their bank account and their follower count versus their happiness count and their love count."
"We measure success not by the position we've reached in life, but by the obstacles we've overcome while trying to succeed."
"The truth is in a healthy society the way you would measure a successful society would be how emotionally intelligent people are."
"How great you become in any given endeavor will always be assessed by the degree of difficulty of the barriers you have to overcome to get to the top."
"Success doesn't have to mean a company lasts forever. The impact is already there."
"We do not judge success by how many people go on government programs, but instead, by how many people go off into independence."
"The real metrics of whether you made it or not are not Facebook or YouTube comments; they are going to be the real-life implications and how they translate."
"Success is not judged based upon GDP and technology."
"Success for Transient is about smart contract creation within industry."
"Victory is not measured in the moment, victory is measured in the movement."
"People measure success relative to everyone else around them."
"You will measure your success in life by how many... really love you."
"Win, lose, or draw, there's more barometers for success other than just the result."
"What if the core metric of success is in your life, this life that you lead when you depart the planet: would you have created a better world for the next generation?"
"Our measure of success is really how real working families are doing."
"Success is about positive traction and movement, not just how it's received."
"Measure success by how many successful people you have next to you."
"Sometimes success isn't measured by the numbers it's measured by your own personal goals and abilities."
"Actions and results are really the only measures of your character and success."
"Maintaining views and attention is a sign of success, regardless of subscriber count."
"The mistake people make is judging success by vanity metrics."
"We measure our success in terms of our impact, not just in terms of our wallets."
"I don't measure my success based on how much money I made. I measure my success based on how many lives have changed for the positive."
"Success is measured by progress you've made."
"Nowadays you measure success by the amount of imitators you launch."
"The New York Stock Exchange is the measure for Trump of his success as a president."
"Happiness and success are measured by what your heart says at the end of the day."
"In the economy for the common good, a company can only be successful if at the same time, it makes society more successful."
"The classroom only measures a very small range of successfulness and just because you're struggling in a classroom environment does not mean that you're going to struggle forever."
"My only barometer of success is real-life impact."
"We've always determined our success by the comments."
"Success isn't measured by your accomplishments. Your success will be measured by what you overcome."
"Success equals longevity, but at the end of the day, it's are they happy?"
"Do not judge something's success based on how many people participate in it."
"Comparison is the thief of joy sweetie. That cannot be the only measure of success or determiner of when you should accomplish something."
"Views or subscribers are not the only metrics for success."
"It's still number one and well, it's eight weeks."
"Success can be quantified and measured in many different ways."
"Success to me is only a way to measure your connection to the public. If you're doing something right it connects."
"It's weird to know that your success is measured by the positive response you get from people."
"You're defined by the titles you win, not the titles you lose."
"I guess my final thoughts on all of this are social media is so unique because our success is quantified in a way that has never been before."
"I'd say that this tier is probably the only one where if you land here your comeback was successful for the most part."
"Regardless of its success or lack thereof... I know who I am."
"One thousand subs, you need to understand that you are like top 1% of people who make content on YouTube."
"If I can do that just once, then I've succeeded."
"Success is not a measure of how many times things didn't go wrong. Success is the amount of failure you have overcome."
"Ownership, not income, measures true success."
"Success is the credibility of a leader to lead."
"Success is measured by my inner state of peace and happiness."
"It's easy to scale once you begin to see some successes through monitoring and testing your trading ability."
"It's the little victories that really count."
"Success isn't just measured by money, fame, or prestige."
"Money is a great thing... money is the scorecard of reality."
"We should measure success by the fun that we had."
"Life's just not that exciting when that's your biggest success story for the week. Even if it was a good one."
"The most success in the shortest period of time doesn't equate to the most success in the long haul."
"No success can compensate for failure in the home."
"Performance over time is very important. If you're successful for 70 years, that beats somebody who's successful for seven years by a big factor."
"Success is measured by whether you are meeting the mark."
"Your success is measured by how you bounce back from those failures."
"Let's not measure the success ultimately about whether I completely came off or not because then essentially have set yourself up to not being flexible when you need to be flexible."
"The pig moves on its own timetable, measuring success on its own terms."
"The only way to measure you're successful or not is the day you become humble."
"What if you strive to meet someone else's level of success and you get there and then you realize didn't really make you that happy?"
"Success is measured by considering the levels of scrum teams."
"The best measure of sustainable success is the percentage of work that leaders change of their own work."
"Broad enough to achieve a larger goal, narrow enough to identify success."
"Success is measured not by the inputs or practices, but by the nutrient density and quality of the food produced."
"Make results or accomplishments the crucial test of your ability to use your imagination."
"Success looks like hitting those goals. Have that fixed in your mind so you know when you get there."
"It shifts the mindset so powerfully away from judging the success of a day from being green or red which is market dependent and often out of your control."
"Everybody has to have a different measurement on success, because if you're measuring it against social media, then you might as well go and jump off the building."
"If you don't have that day on a consistent basis, how successful are you actually?"
"If your goal is to do better, then you're winning."
"Our success is measured not by how much people know, but by what people are doing."
"Seeing money as a scoreboard has really helped me."
"You can pretty much know or scale how successful somebody is by how many awkward conversations they've been through."
"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year."
"We're not judging the success of this business purely in dollars and cents."
"Public opinion, bums on seats as we call it in the charity world, is a very good measure of what is successful and what isn't."
"Evaluate the success of your content with data."
"The most important thing is not the turnover; it's whether you're doing well or not well."
"Don't count the success of your business upon the amount of money that you have made, but count the success of your business and yourself on the number of lives that you have improved."
"Do we measure success one investor at a time."
"You gotta stop defining your successes on how much others fail!"
"Quantifying your success is extremely important."
"What you can do for people is what's successful."
"How do we decide then what success and failure is?"
"Decide on how you're going to measure success and set that cold hard minimum early so you don't bargain yourself into releasing rubbish."
"We first build out our strategy and then we use relevant data set to measure the success of that system."
"You do not have to simply accept the measure of success that is handed down to you."
"We need to have some understanding of how we'll measure success."
"Being the most polite and loving person to everyone I meet is my only measurement of success."
"The next calculated field I'll create is going to divide the Oscar wins by Oscar nominations to work out the success rate."
"You can't tell me how successful my year has been until the draft's over."
"The height of a person's success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment."
"Measure your success by how much you know Jesus and how much he knows you, and how much you love Jesus and how much he loves you."
"YouTube helps determine how successful your ads with advanced analytics."
"If this month goes really well for us, we'll know that this is worth it."
"How are we measuring our success as a society? Is it GDP or is it our well-being?"
"Your book being on the best seller list is not an accurate gauge of success when you're a literary artist."
"Measure your success off of what you create in the world, and then the women are a byproduct of that."
"Judge your success by how fast you fall asleep when your head hits the pillow."
"How we measure success really matters."
"I don't measure the success of a hunt with a tape measure. I measure the success of a hunt in memories made."
"The real measure of success will be how many people build lives in Rwanda successfully."
"The money is nice, of course, especially when you haven't had a lot before; the money buys freedom, if not necessarily happiness, and it is a barometer of success."
"What does smashing success look like a year from now?"
"Success is best measured by your ability to be true to yourself."
"This gives us a good overview of the success and health of the project."
"If the measure of our success is whether we reach back over and pull someone behind us up to where we are."
"How does one measure the success of a film whose central conceit is the mockery of both wealth and the mainstream?"
"The more we can understand which stage of the journey we are in, the more we can just measure our success."
"How many people you help not expecting anything in return is how you measure success."
"Success is just something you can measure by the amount of difficult things that you attempt."
"We don't measure our success in however much numbers we collected... we measure our success by the number of children positively impacted."
"The pinnacle of success is measured by how much you give back to where you come from."
"The prerequisite for success means that you must have a predefined goal against which to measure whether or not it's been achieved."
"Success that is measured not by financial returns but by the social impact that we create."
"You cannot measure your success by your past failures, only learn from them."
"Success can be measured in several different ways. I look at success as the ability of the Iraqi police forces to conduct law enforcement operations in accordance with the Iraqi rule of law."
"The metric that we use for whether something is successful is always numbers, but sometimes numbers can be the counter of whether something is successful."