
Consumer Activism Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Buying is voting. If you're not happy with the product that you buy... Speak up. Propose alternatives. Because if you don't say anything, nothing will change."
"Consumer activism absolutely means much... it drives an unbelievable amount of our market."
"We need to keep voting with our wallets, rejecting this poison and staying vigilant."
"The way to effect change is to use your purchasing power."
"Until the bottom line gets hurt, and until Activision actually starts hurting from all their monetization crap, nothing is going to change."
"It's time to stop giving your money to local corporations that hate your guts."
"The idea that people are going to like boycott the NFL or boycott MLB for the rest of time is probably a pipe dream but you don't have to, I think it's happening right now."
"What do you think about this situation? Have you made the choice to go cruelty free?"
"If WWE can't protect them during this time, it's worthy of not paying $10 a month to the WWE Network."
"Do what you feel is right, and if part of that is boycotting the game, it's not spending money, it's Pokémon No Day. Do it, man, you know what I'm saying, do it. That is your choice, and I fully support your choice."
"It's more important to support the brands that actually stand for the right thing than it is to cancel the brands that don't. It's that simple."
"The only way fans can properly boycott the new football system is to ditch modern football and support your local grassroots club."
"Either you push back or these folks are going to do whatever is most on their bottom line."
"At some point we'll have to fight back and stop buying their phones and switch to non-spy devices like computers."
"The takeaway I think you should have from this video is that you probably shouldn't buy Battlefront 2. You need to send a message to EA."
"The only way we can effectively voice our opinion to a company like Disney is refuse to do business with them."
"You're pumping your money into owners that don't care about the things that you support, you're making it worse because you're enabling that behavior."
"As consumers, our only solution is to stop buying their product."
"Whether you're a nationalist who loves America or a lefty who hates exploitation, there's no reason to support Nike."
"Stop buying EA games. Don't buy a single one for as long as they stay on the course of the money-grubbing monolith."
"You don't boycott sponsors; you just don't buy season tickets."
"I play on iOS and I'm really mad I cannot play free Fortnite, I understand my friend Slam Dunk, we have to make people aware of it 100."
"I believe that's consumer activism because that's really one of the few weapons that you have."
"It's pretty cool to be part of a world where consumer activism actually makes a difference."
"Hail Gary! Sorry I'm late, but have you heard about the latest edits for the re-release of Mass Effect? More lens flares and no more butt shots of women. It's time to hit them in their wallets."
"Make sure don't tweet advertisers and tell them to pull their ads out because you're an ass if you do that."
"The only way you actually get these companies to respond and do the right thing is by blowing it up in their face as some bad PR kind of having to expose them."
"Their customers revolt en masse to the growing disparity between reality and Ubisoft's rose-colored but bullshit-smelling version of events."
"I don't want to see them go out of business, but I want to see them change their practices."
"That's the boycott: if you don't like it, you don't have to see it."
"Niggas gotta start saying, 'Look, we not spending our money at Walmart because they don't want to give the employees a raise.'"
"Americans have had it. They are done supporting companies that rank in hundreds of millions and billions of dollars while trashing this country and the success that made all of it possible."
"Enough is enough. You will not spend another dime. You will not put us in hawk."
"Review bombing might look juvenile and inelegant, but to me, it seems like an ideal way to spread awareness about the current state of the game."
"I want more Spider-Verse so I will not be seeing The Little Mermaid, I will not be seeing the new Ant-Man."
"If you don't support loot boxes, don't buy loot boxes."
"The apology is not because they listened it's because they lost. If you hadn't shouted loud enough they wouldn't have heard you and they would have carried on."
"If you wish to get me to stop complaining about Valve, I highly recommend that you follow my example and stop giving them money and start complaining until Valve fixes their issues."
"We got to take power out of the corporations. You guys saw what went on with Tyson Foods. Okay, they don't care about you. They just want your money. As soon as we pull our money away, they're going to start caring."
"Voting with your dollars, that's why I don't eat Chick-fil-A, it's hate chicken."
"People are gonna hold Disney's feet to the fire."
"One of the best ways you can stand up to the black smoke and turning gears of industry... is to buy games like this."
"Boycotting has never been easier." - Buck French
"There's no reason why we need to spend our money with brands that want to quite literally erase us."
"The manufacturers have just made a decision and we need to force them to make a different decision."
"Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you."
"The way to fight the culture war is to stop buying products from the companies that hate you."
"If people do wake up and Chanel gets a slap in their face, and the only way you can slap Chanel is by not buying their new priced bags, that's the only way to give them a slap."
"Rather than waiting for governments to wade in and say okay this is bad this is allowed, consumers are taking it upon themselves."
"Start in your backyard. Don't buy products that harm the environment. Vote with your wallet."
"...if you keep hustling and if you keep consistently telling your favorite shops in your favorite fashion labels that this is a huge deal to you they'll have no choice but to listen to you because they don't want you to go elsewhere."
"Each and every one of us can vote with our wallet and make sure that we're not contributing to this problem but we're contributing to the solutions."
"Vote with your wallet. If you really want more Captain Marvel, buy more Captain Marvel."
"When you start demanding better products, they're listening. They're paying attention."
"That's how you cancel someone, you know, when you hurt their wallet."
"Why not protest with your wallet if you can as well?"