
Spiritual Enlightenment Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"To master this chakra is also to master how to manifest things in your life whether it's money relationships academic work or most importantly spiritual enlightenment."
"This is the state of Living Godhood ... This is the state of Self Actualization ... This is the state, of complete and total, Awareness and Awakening."
"Spirit wants to give you the gift of finally being able to see how beautiful you are, finally being able to see how your beauty and enchantment is more than just the makeup or the clothes that you wear."
"The illusion disappears forever; Atman is Brahman. You, the eternal self, is the whole self."
"Once you realize this as Brahman, you are the fearless; this world itself is the fearless."
"President Spencer W. Kimball, speaking of the literal gathering of Israel, stated: 'Now the gathering of Israel consists of joining the true church and ... coming to a knowledge of the true God.'"
"The Bible declares that the entrance of your word gives light and understanding unto the simple."
"Your light has come. Jesus is the light that enlightens every person that comes into the world."
"The end result of that is not neutrality. It's actually infinite love."
"You are a child of god. You're playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you."
"Until you know Jesus Christ, you don't know what joy in life is."
"You're going to have a breakthrough, the answers are within, angel of enlightenment."
"Salvation is not for beasts but Brethren. Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, come out of the darkness and into the light."
"If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."
"In the radiance of your light, your consciousness, in your radiance, millions of minds are floating around like motes of dust."
"Revelation equals Freedom into what God has ordained."
"Stay with the clarity of conviction until it becomes a living light."
"When we allow our happiness an enlightened bliss to permeate beyond the world of life, that happiness grows."
"It's time for you to come out of the darkness and into the light."
"Living heaven on earth as an enlightened empath full of light... we're really powerful and we need to remember that and we're contagious."
"If your eye be single, your whole body will be full of light."
"Blessed are all they who accept the words of wisdom and understand them."
"In the journey of life, patience and trust in Allah lead to enlightenment and growth."
"I am the light of the world invites you to recognize and follow your Inner Light."
"I am the embodiment of divine wisdom and Clarity guiding my every step with enlightened understanding."
"The truth sets us free and it just condemns the people that it condemns and Mary wants us to know the truth because the truth is her son Jesus."
"Achieved enlightenment, I am one with the universe."
"So when we give a voice to these woke politics, we're saying, well, the current way of business that you're beholden to your shareholders just doesn't work, so forget it. Don't do what Twitter wants."
"You have earned your position through sacrifice and enlightenment. Stand tall in your divine purpose and embrace your power."
"You will never reach spiritual enlightenment if you believe in any deity outside of yourself."
"Happiness from the world outside obscures our inherent bliss within."
"Spiritual enlightenment: the pursuit of realizing our true identity, experiencing God."
"When the relief comes, it will be beyond your imagination."
"Apparently it's not enough that women are already paid 20% less than."
"The truth is, you are divine. When you look at enlightened people of the past, even if you look at someone like Jesus or you look at someone like Buddha, they embodied their divine self."
"Let there be light! That light descends down into the third eye, into our material existence, and goes onwards making us conscious of our reality."
"You are the shining ones sent forth from the holy mind of God, at one with that mind always."
"The true principle of action: freedom and determinism. Let a man understand his identity with the divine, his spiritual oneness, his complete fusion, and his will remains absolutely free."
"The Divine Light Of Love is shining through you and your life right now."
"Recognize the Brahman behind the appearance, don't stay at the level of the appearance." - Swami
"We're going to evolve to a point where we get past that and nothing that anyone puts in writing is ever going to approach the level of revelatory Awakening that can occur."
"Allah's words are the light, we're just getting shed."
"The entrance of your words give light it gives understanding to the simple."
"May Allah help us take in that reminder and really illuminate our lives with it."
"There's no place that's too dark that His light can't shine."
"Your higher self sees you as perfect, it knows and it realizes that you are perfect."
"The knowledge of the truth shall set you free."
"And this is the story of the gospel: how Jesus opens our eyes."
"Jesus said you will know the truth, the truth will set you free."
"The physical and the spiritual are one and the same, and we must find the perfect balance between the two to ignite the divine spark and light the fire which will give us illumination."
"If the eye is single, the body is full of light."
"This new age, it's turning of enlightenment and people understanding our love path, our course, our life path purposes, all of these things."
"When I met Islam, I understood that this was inside me all the time."
"When you are truly helpful, you are moving toward the light. When you are truly helpful, you are recognizing the innocence of everyone."
"The light of the Lord will cause you to shine."
"What Jesus said - 'Am I now your enemy because I've told you the truth?' - sets you free."
"You've got to be lit up with the knowledge of God."
"David Hawkins identified 17 levels of consciousness, with enlightenment being the highest."
"If you feel really insecure, you still need to communicate."
"Mysticism means you blew your flashlight, it became a flare, you saw everything the way it is, and after that you are never the same again."
"When the seeker finds what it is searching for the seeker does not become a finder but sinks inside the source itself."
"During this eclipse, many of you are going to be receiving infusion of high vibration divine light."
"When we turn back to the light, everything becomes more glorious."
"Through Israel, the way was to be prepared for the diffusion of His light to the whole world."
"God does not tolerate any sin or darkness in our lives. Repentance is needed to experience the light of God."
"May the light of Our Father in heaven shine in your hearts."
"Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand and shine your Divine Inner Light?"
"Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth."
"Forgive the world and you will understand that everything that God created cannot have an end."
"The advanced civilization seeks to help humanity remember who they are."
"Enlightenment is the result of achieving unity within ourselves and expressing the nature of oneness."
"Four Noble Truths is essential, everybody should know. It's the real medicine, the Buddha's first teaching after his enlightenment."
"Enlightenment will reveal everything to you."
"When you know the truth it will set you free."
"Jesus is the one true light that reveals everything in the darkness."
"I personally think Jesus was an enlightened thinker; I don't think he was about this version of Christianity at all."
"One of our greatest experiences challenges to, while animated in human form, is to know that every experience that I'm experiencing is an opportunity for me to grow and to choose the light."
"You'll understand God better too, you're going to say oh that's why he does that."
"The Divine sees everything... they see your soul, realize your light."
"Getting rid of attachments is a perfectly delightful task if the instrument you use to rid yourself of them is not willpower or renunciation but sight."
"When you experience the truth, that is what will begin to set you free."
"The whole point of Buddhist teachings is to lessen suffering, to give more freedom as we grow closer and closer and closer to the pure freedom and bliss and ease of enlightenment."
"The world, a brilliant success. A time of joyful accomplishment and spiritual enlightenment."
"Compassion is the force that we can transform it with and if we can go into the light of silence you will see that in there there is a spirit and energy that wants to raise the vibration of the planet."
"Having tapped into it Jeff, it's the most amazing sense of Oneness that you can possibly fandom."
"I testified that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet in the latter days to restore Christianity back to its former glory."
"The eternal truth of who and what you are sets you free."
"If enlightenment is a reality... it was an awakening."
"All religious teachings and truths come from higher states of consciousness."
"Allah azza knew, and He inspires His Messenger with the basira to give these ayat at that moment, to call people back to Allah."
"The Quran itself is being described as light."
"Your light exposes the darkness in others, and not everyone can handle that. But your mastery over spiritual laws puts you ahead of any opposition."
"This is going to be a time of joyful accomplishments and spiritual enlightenment for you."
"True enlightenment encompasses taking right action in the world."
"He will testify of Christ, light our minds with Heaven's view."
"This energy of this light is actually about divine realization and embracing a new path."
"If people were aware of the reality described here, they would easily grasp their Essence and they would be like gods."
"The destruction of the mind is eternal, it is the supreme bliss."
"This September is going to bring enlightenment."
"I don't want people to be stumbling around in the darkness like a bunch of zombies; I want them to see the light and come to the light of the gospel."
"Throughout history, there have been rare individuals who experience a shift in consciousness and so realize within themselves the truth to which all religions point."
"When Jesus Christ comes in, he turns on the lights."
"I was just in the spiritual highest level I could be realizing that having nothing I had everything."
"Enlightenment can happen right now; you're part of everything and everything is a part of you."
"Move into your true self, rise above the darkness, the light is there."
"You're here to create a better Earth, to bring light to the darkness."
"Salvation brings the gift of spiritual sight."
"You're just allowing things to just be, and that ushers in great miracles."
"Enlightenment is not a learning, it's an unlearning."
"The real benefits of enlightenment are that you break free of your mental prison, stop being a slave to your thoughts and emotions, and experience deep, meaningful tranquility."
"Reawaken America has been a chance for people to come and not only hear the word of the Lord but also get necessary information they need."
"Step off the karmic round and allow the Karma of grace to manifest. Open yourself to receive enlightenment recognize this as a new beginning and fresh energy."
"During my study in the Bible was confirmed through your teachings, I was absolutely speechless and overjoyed, truly overjoyed."
"It was enlightening, and I thought from that moment everything I do needs to be centered on this experience."
"Nirvana only means the extinguishing of the flame, the flame of desire."
"Enlightenment looks a bit like apathy, but it is literally the opposite."
"God is light, and you can't escape it. He's not a hidden god, he's made himself known to you."
"For you are all children of the light, children of the day."
"The clarification today about dreams was truly a blessing."
"Love will shine that light within your soul."
"What if I told you that the devil has tricked you?"
"The light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them."
"Love emblazens the soul and brings light into what the native soul you have."
"Jesus said, 'I am the light of the world,' not Lucifer. Not Lucifer. So when you look at this world, you see the world's pretty dark. But with light, you can see it as it really is."
"Once they do come back, they are never again afraid to die."
"Light is the game changer and love is the checkmate Pam Gregory I just thought wow that hits it on the head that is the Ascension process that's the 5D that's the Great Awakening oh I love it I love it I love it."
"The real enlightenment, it comes to being able to be present in the moment."
"The baptism of water, without the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost attending it,"
"But when he raises himself to the level thereof, he not only comprehends this atom both inside and outside but also the whole creation."
"May the Holy Spirit open our spiritual eyes so that we can see the treasure that's in the Word."
"May Allah grant us a deep understanding."
"Knowledge through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the grand key that unlocks the glories and mysteries of the kingdom of heaven."
"The light given was that 'Thoughts on Daniel and Revelation,' 'The Great Controversy,' and 'Patriarchs and Prophets' would make their way. They contain the very message the people must have, the special light God had given his people."
"An enlightened person transcends fearlessness. That person has no fear in this universe. It's not dependent on the universe for anything."
"Until such time as you understand that there is a divine presence in the universe that demands justice and demands intelligence, and that's what I'm here to do, to help people to understand, to get back in tune with the divine nature of the universe."
"The true Secret of the ages: to magnetize the higher frequencies of light into this whirling field of Darkness."
"Put on earth to change it, here for Your glory, bearers of the light of God, knowers of the mysteries of God."
"My soul's light was fully present and fully luminescent and fully bright in that moment, completely Untouchable."
"They were in the midst of darkness, but their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word."
"I pray the eyes of your heart may be enlightened."
"Lord, it is in your light that we see light."
"The highest mountain is a clear and enlightened heart; here, there is no self, no hatred, no regrets, and no desires."
"The Holy Spirit is that light of heaven which shines brightly upon the darkness of our misunderstanding."
"If therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light."
"The enlightened person realizes 'I am the Atman'."
"Eventually, you will become completely awakened, and you will use your wonderful power not for good, but for life itself."
"The NLT Study Bible really shines."
"That ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light."
"Turn the light on in our hearts and minds that we might receive the revelation of truth that you desire to convey to us tonight."
"He prayed that the eyes of people's hearts would be enlightened."
"In your light, we discover light."
"Lord, you would Open the Eyes of people's hearts and that their hearts will be flooded with prophetic light."
"This conversation is to enlighten you, it's to empower you, it is to unravel things that you, up until now, perhaps did not know about how spirits operate."
"I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy."
"Humility is the dethronement of self and the enthronement of God."
"For the liberation of those who want spiritual enlightenment, the Mandukya alone is sufficient."
"The Spirit of God will open their eyes, and the veil that has been covering their eyes will be taken away."
"Most Christian preachers live under the Old Covenant; they don't have a clue about the New Covenant that God works in us to will and to do."
"The whole project of the Bhagavad-Gita is enlightenment, God realization, Moksha."
"Those who know this become immortal."
"Flood the eyes of my heart with light, flood my eyes, flood my soul, flood me, God."
"The truth is going to set men free."
"In the darkness a light has been lit, Sab Kal Udhree Ik Naam Dharam."
"We're going to be so filled with illumination, insight, the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The eyes of your heart being illumined."
"Guru has lit the brilliant light of spiritual wisdom and the darkness of ignorance has been dispelled."
"The end of suffering here and now means attains liberation, total liberation."
"When you realize that you are unlimited awareness, you are like the one sun which illumines the entire universe."
"Once I was in spiritual darkness, now I am in spiritual light."
"Unbroken peace is synonymous with the pure Jeevan Mukta, free of ego and delusion."
"He shall know the truth and the truth that is in Christ shall make you free."
"The knower of the never lasting is the everlasting complete Brahman."
"The darkness is past, and the True Light is already shining."
"It was the effect of a light which Allah Most High cast into my heart, and that light is the key to most knowledge."
"The one who cognizes this eternal awareness or faith of being as his or her true nature is ever immersed in the ocean of bliss."
"Someone who sees olive oil in a dream, expect the light of the Torah."
"When you get rid of that ego, that's all you see is one unified whole, that connection of everything in one's being is what is apparent when that ego has gone away."
"The one who has surrendered, the one to whom you have surrendered, and the process of surrendering was all one."
"We are so grateful to God for bringing us out of darkness into the marvelous light of the Gospel."
"Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
"People whose inner spiritual selves have opened to heaven and the Lord are in the light of heaven."
"The great spiritual light of the spiritual eye came with its inner dark center representing the Christ Consciousness within me."
"The divine has crowned you with enlightenment."
"Heavenly light opens my crown and brow chakra; I resonate with the eternal wisdom of my soul; I am divinely guided."
"The environmental energy is here, and your runner's soul lights up like a floodlight, drowning out ego completely."
"The word of God brings light to us, brings brightness to us."